one last birther poll for us (we) diehards...

do you have any doubts about authenticity of birth certificate at ??

  • yes

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • no

    Votes: 4 40.0%

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Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
we'll keep it short.. a five day poll... and simple... yes or no... comments if you think of anything else...
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I have to depend on "experts" to tell me the truth...because i'm definately not one! There's been too many that state it's fake. I still don't believe it's real yet......
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this is from yahoo, the question was: why is the president's birth certificate so important ??

Because his father is not a US citizen. His mother is one. So in order to be President, he has to be a natural born citizen, and the only way he could be one is to be born in the USA. He grew up in Honolulu but he wasn't born there. How do I know? I don't. But if one hides seals all of one's records, all of them, which can be use to shed light on one's identity, you have to think that the person has something to hide.

After 4 years of refusing to show his birth certificate, all of a sudden, he produced one because Donald Trump got on the wagon? I don't think so. He acted guilty. And he is guilty in my opinion. His Certificate of live birth has been declared a fake by many experts but the liberal media won't cover it. You've been fooled by Barry Soetoro if you think he's your president. Much research also had been done with the book by Jerome Corsi about the subject. I read it and I believe the book. Educate yourself with it.

to this i would add, the birth certificate at is highly suspicious. many professional and experts have looked at it, and they are troubled by many aspects of the "document". and a subsequent cover up may be troubling for the president. too many shadows, where sunlight should be the best disinfectant.
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this is from yahoo, the question was: why is the president's birth certificate so important ??

Because his father is not a US citizen. His mother is one. So in order to be President, he has to be a natural born citizen, and the only way he could be one is to be born in the USA. He grew up in Honolulu but he wasn't born there. How do I know? I don't. But if one hides seals all of one's records, all of them, which can be use to shed light on one's identity, you have to think that the person has something to hide.

After 4 years of refusing to show his birth certificate, all of a sudden, he produced one because Donald Trump got on the wagon? I don't think so. He acted guilty. And he is guilty in my opinion. His Certificate of live birth has been declared a fake by many experts but the liberal media won't cover it. You've been fooled by Barry Soetoro if you think he's your president. Much research also had been done with the book by Jerome Corsi about the subject. I read it and I believe the book. Educate yourself with it.

to this i would add, the birth certificate at is highly suspicious. many professional and experts have looked at it, and they are troubled by many aspects of the "document". and a subsequent cover up may be troubling for the president. too many shadows, where sunlight should be the best disinfectant.

Exactly....and if the ONLY issue going on about Obama was his BC, i probably would accept what we've been shown. But there are so many other problems with this man...20 years listening to hate talk in his "church", his books, no college records, his past associations, and since becoming president he's shown us how much he hates the US. I don't know exactly how he got into the white house, but i'm sure it wasn't legally.
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this is from yahoo, the question was: why is the president's birth certificate so important ??

Because his father is not a US citizen. His mother is one. So in order to be President, he has to be a natural born citizen, and the only way he could be one is to be born in the USA. He grew up in Honolulu but he wasn't born there. How do I know? I don't. But if one hides seals all of one's records, all of them, which can be use to shed light on one's identity, you have to think that the person has something to hide.

After 4 years of refusing to show his birth certificate, all of a sudden, he produced one because Donald Trump got on the wagon? I don't think so. He acted guilty. And he is guilty in my opinion. His Certificate of live birth has been declared a fake by many experts but the liberal media won't cover it. You've been fooled by Barry Soetoro if you think he's your president. Much research also had been done with the book by Jerome Corsi about the subject. I read it and I believe the book. Educate yourself with it.

to this i would add, the birth certificate at is highly suspicious. many professional and experts have looked at it, and they are troubled by many aspects of the "document". and a subsequent cover up may be troubling for the president. too many shadows, where sunlight should be the best disinfectant.

Exactly....and if the ONLY issue going on about Obama was his BC, i probably would accept what we've been shown. But there are so many other problems with this man...20 years listening to hate talk in his "church", his books, no college records, his past associations, and since becoming president he's shown us how much he hates the US. I don't know exactly how he got into the white house, but i'm sure it wasn't legally.

human nature and optimism got him to the peoples' whitehouse, he thinks it's his. great speeches and misdirection. if people knew then, what they know now, he may have been vetted differently. it's the best fake it till you make it i've ever seen. think about it, cosponsoring a senate bill to make it ok for john mccain to be eligible and run against him, that's audacious. we're talking about a powerful demoacrat machine. this story may take years to completely unfold, but one day it will. obama's corruption and lack of moral character run deep. and he is a smiling coyote, and let's others do his dirt, and i don't like it. it keeps me interested in the story. trust me there are high level democrats holding their breath about this one. but you are right, ayers, wright, rezko, and the long list, go along with the intense secrecy and sealed records of his most mysterious past.
none of that matters, because i think it's a cover up, not letting people examine the original makes him look as if he he's hiding something, which he is.
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Editor's note: This is another in a series of monthly "WND/WENZEL POLLS" conducted exclusively for WND by the public-opinion research and media consulting company Wenzel Strategies.

Barack Obama

Half of Americans would like to see Congress investigate Barack Obama's eligibility for the presidency and nearly that many believe the definition of the constitutional term "natural born citizen" means both parents must be U.S. citizens, according to a new scientific poll.

"There's no marginalizing those who want this matter investigated by Congress," said Fritz Wenzel of Wenzel Strategies, who conducted the WND/Wenzel Poll telephone survey June 16-19. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.85 points.

"Even among Democrats, more than one in four – 28 percent – said they now want an inquiry, as do 43 percent of independents and 77 percent of Republicans. Interestingly, men are much more skeptical than are women about the question of eligibility – only 42 percent of men said they think Obama proved his eligibility by releasing the electronic birth certificate, compared to 59 percent of women."

Jerome Corsi’s new book, "Where’s the Birth Certificate?", is now available for immediate shipping, autographed by the author, only from the WND Superstore
Read more: Half of Americans want Congress to probe Obama's eligibility Stunning numbers want Congress to probe Obama's eligibility

so you were right caroljo... at least some people are suspicious about the president, his past, and apparently his future...
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It's almost impossible for me to believe that people can just ignore all the crap that's out there about this man, ignore the facts that so many people don't believe him and want to know the truth. Some will fight for this man tooth and nail without investigating things on their own...they believe everything the leftwing media tells them. Just wonder what their excuses will be when it all come out.....I almost feel sorry for them!!
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It's almost impossible for me to believe that people can just ignore all the crap that's out there about this man, ignore the facts that so many people don't believe him and want to know the truth. Some will fight for this man tooth and nail without investigating things on their own...they believe everything the leftwing media tells them. Just wonder what their excuses will be when it all come out.....I almost feel sorry for them!!

people don't usually think of crimes committed at such a high level. but it can happen. when you hear the phrase executive priviledge bandied about obama will leave office, he will receive clemency. blogo's guilty and he was a governor.
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“There’s a sucker born every minute.”
-P.T. Barnum(1810-1891)

When you crunch the numbers for the “Birthers”, one would think that P.T. Barnum’s estimate on the birthrate of suckers should be adjusted for inflation.
comments if you think of anything else...

Nothing except: ‘just keep it up,’ Obama will ride this idiocy right back into the WH.

Do you really think a few kooks will get big 0 re-elected?

Aside from HC, the left has no reason to support him. Aside from the partisan hacks that won't vote for anything else.

it's an impotent presidency... makes carter look like reagan. buchanan is the new washington
“There’s a sucker born every minute.”
-P.T. Barnum(1810-1891)

When you crunch the numbers for the “Birthers”, one would think that P.T. Barnum’s estimate on the birthrate of suckers should be adjusted for inflation.

this way to the egress... the number is growing as obama's corruption spillith over.
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It's almost impossible for me to believe that people can just ignore all the crap that's out there about this man, ignore the facts that so many people don't believe him and want to know the truth. Some will fight for this man tooth and nail without investigating things on their own...they believe everything the leftwing media tells them. Just wonder what their excuses will be when it all come out.....I almost feel sorry for them!!

people don't usually think of crimes committed at such a high level. but it can happen. when you hear the phrase executive priviledge bandied about obama will leave office, he will receive clemency. blogo's guilty and he was a governor.

I wasn't sure if i was going to say this, because i know how people are :)...but, i am a christian. And first off, i am NOT saying Obama is the antichrist. But the liberals of today sound just like the Bible told us many people will be like when the antichrist takes over. They will be so blinded by his lies, no matter what proof is given them they follow him like he's god. What's going on with these people i believe is VERY MUCH like it will be when the antichrist comes, this is just giving us a sample of what it's going to be like. If you think this is bad, just wait until then! I hope i'm not here!!!
Boils down to " I can't believe he got elected". some people will cling to whatever theory helps them understand how a black man could get elected to POTUS. Run that bullshit ticket again, cons, and we'll what happens. Palin/bachmann 2012.
i just heard on the tv that iran has missles that will reach u.s. bases, and they should have the bomb pretty soon now, that should make obama and supporters pretty happy, so you may be right about the religious affectation, and the point of obama's overall objective. netenyahu doesn't like obama either, that's a red flag for me.
I have to depend on "experts" to tell me the truth...because i'm definately not one! There's been too many that state it's fake. I still don't believe it's real yet......

prrof that so many people here are afraid of the truth that we have foreigner running the country.
I have to depend on "experts" to tell me the truth...because i'm definately not one! There's been too many that state it's fake. I still don't believe it's real yet......

prrof that so many people here are afraid of the truth that we have foreigner running the country.

how bizarre.. the name derek douglas may come up. congress has an interesting role in all of this. we are a country drowning in obama.

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