One Major American City Just Gave An Official Middle Finger To Donald Trump

It depends on what happens. If the feds want a detainer on a wanted illegal and the city lets him go, the police chief and mayor can be charged with harboring.
And in other news, President-Elect Trump and Mike Pence are taking a victory lap after saving 1000 jobs in Indiana. Some Carrier employees are thanking Trump for doing what the current administration has failed to do.

Imagine that, Trump isn't even sworn in yet and he's already saving AMERICAN jobs while Liberals try to find ways to take American jobs. And you guys wonder why you lost. LOL

Trump, Pence tour Carrier plant to tout job-saving deal
And in other news, President-Elect Trump and Mike Pence are taking a victory lap after saving 1000 jobs in Indiana. Some Carrier employees are thanking Trump for doing what the current administration has failed to do.

Imagine that, Trump isn't even sworn in yet and he's already saving AMERICAN jobs while Liberals try to find ways to take American jobs. And you guys wonder why you lost. LOL

Trump, Pence tour Carrier plant to tout job-saving deal

Except he saved 1,000 jobs while losing 1,300 and a plant getting shut down.

Maybe he should drive the victory parade in front of the houses of the 1,300 that lost their jobs to Mexico.
One Major American City Just Gave An Official Middle Finger To Donald Trump

San Francisco flipped the finger at Trump and, in effect, 'double dog dare you if you want to mess with us.'

This is going to be fun.

The Left expected us to respect Obama, the Right expects us to respect Trump.

They're both right.

It's a shame the crazies just can't get there from here.

You're insane. What respect has Trump ever given?? None,...He has shit on this country and the office. The guys a fool... Open your mind with thought as you seem to not have one.
The Left expected us to respect Obama, the Right expects us to respect Trump. They're both right. It's a shame the crazies just can't get there from here. .
You're insane. What respect has Trump ever given?? None,...He has shit on this country and the office. The guys a fool... Open your mind with thought as you seem to not have one.
"Open your mind"


I'm reading a headline that San Francisco is asking for 5 million bucks to keep illegals from being deported.


It's really CBS and not the Onion. Too funny!
The Left expected us to respect Obama, the Right expects us to respect Trump.

They're both right.

It's a shame the crazies just can't get there from here.

You're insane. What respect has Trump ever given?? None,...He has shit on this country and the office. The guys a fool... Open your mind with thought as you seem to not have one.
take it easy matthew.....calm down,we will still be here next year....
And instead of spending the money on the homeless SF is willing to spend a billion on illegals. Screw Americans in poverty over illegals. Amazing.

"He also vows to strip federal funding from sanctuary cities, so if San Francisco stands firm on its refusal to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, it could cost the city up to $1 billion – which doesn’t include the $5 million Campos hopes the board will approve before he leaves office later this month."

SF Officials Seek $5 Million To Protect Undocumented Immigrants From Deportation
Funny how when Arizona wanted to go their own way and protect their own borders, the left had a collective cow and screamed that this was the job for the feds.
Now suddenly it's fine for a city to violate federal law when it comes to illegal immigration.

And by the way, I'll remind SF that the Supreme Court did reaffirm that immigration is the job of the feds.

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