One might expect Obama to lead

OMG! they're attacking Obama for cheap energy prices!

How unsurprising.
Do we do anything when the price of corn drops below acceptable levels?

Three Katyushas awarded.

So you want to subsidize the oil boomers in places like the Dakotas now that the boom isn't so boomy?

OMG finally the retards have someone to point to and say, well, hey, at least I'm not that guy!
No stupid fuck...I want the industry better managed. It takes leadership to do that. The brown man on the yellow brick road has no clue.
OMG! they're attacking Obama for cheap energy prices!

How unsurprising.
Do we do anything when the price of corn drops below acceptable levels?

Three Katyushas awarded.

So you want to subsidize the oil boomers in places like the Dakotas now that the boom isn't so boomy?

OMG finally the retards have someone to point to and say, well, hey, at least I'm not that guy!
No stupid fuck...I want the industry better managed. It takes leadership to do that. The brown man on the yellow brick road has no clue.

You're wasting your time with these two....just saying
OMG! they're attacking Obama for cheap energy prices!

How unsurprising.
Do we do anything when the price of corn drops below acceptable levels?

Three Katyushas awarded.

So you want to subsidize the oil boomers in places like the Dakotas now that the boom isn't so boomy?

OMG finally the retards have someone to point to and say, well, hey, at least I'm not that guy!
No stupid fuck...I want the industry better managed. It takes leadership to do that. The brown man on the yellow brick road has no clue.

You're wasting your time with these two....just saying
The weather sucks...and I already took a what else do I have to do than make fools out of Libtards?
These people whining about low gas prices are the same "drill, baby, drill" goons right?

They're the ones who supported the Keystone Pipeline, right?

Positively schizophrenic.

Remember when the Gnu Right kept pointing out how low gas prices were when Bush left office (forgetting oil hit its highest prices in history under Bush)?

Some reminders:

Under Obama, Price of Gas Has Jumped 83 Percent, Ground Beef 24 Percent, Bacon 22 Percent.

Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20 Gas When Bush Left Office 1.78 -- Gas Today 3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif. 4.20

When Bush/Cheney left power, gas was $1.78 - the liberals cried fowl; claiming that it was so high, because of the two " oil men. " Now it is $3.64, and no blame on Obama; not a peep - liberals are full of shit!

And now a word from our schizophrenic topic starter:

Mr our balls...drill drill independence now!
These people whining about low gas prices are the same "drill, baby, drill" goons right?

They're the ones who supported the Keystone Pipeline, right?

Positively schizophrenic.

Remember when the Gnu Right kept pointing out how low gas prices were when Bush left office (forgetting oil hit its highest prices in history under Bush)?

Some reminders:

Under Obama, Price of Gas Has Jumped 83 Percent, Ground Beef 24 Percent, Bacon 22 Percent.

Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20 Gas When Bush Left Office 1.78 -- Gas Today 3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif. 4.20

When Bush/Cheney left power, gas was $1.78 - the liberals cried fowl; claiming that it was so high, because of the two " oil men. " Now it is $3.64, and no blame on Obama; not a peep - liberals are full of shit!

And now a word from our schizophrenic topic starter:

Mr our balls...drill drill independence now!
Yeah dumbshit...I distinctly recall Obabble objecting to the pipeline because it would cause overproduction. GFY.
OMG! they're attacking Obama for cheap energy prices!

How unsurprising.
Do we do anything when the price of corn drops below acceptable levels?

Three Katyushas awarded.

So you want to subsidize the oil boomers in places like the Dakotas now that the boom isn't so boomy?

OMG finally the retards have someone to point to and say, well, hey, at least I'm not that guy!
No stupid fuck...I want the industry better managed. It takes leadership to do that. The brown man on the yellow brick road has no clue.

Then pull your head out and lay out your plan of 'management'.
Hussein has completely flucked American oil producers. We were on the right track. But Hussein blew it and got the nation hooked on foreign oil again. Like many Presidents before him, he chose the Saudis over his own People. He kissed the Saudi royal ring. And we'll all pay for it at some point.
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If you grew 100 tomatoes last year but could only sell 45...would you grow 200 this year?


Supply and demand is haaaaard
You are seeing supply and demand, retard. And grandpa doesn't like it! He wants the gubmint to make it stop.
I'm seeing it mismanaged dumbfuck. What are leaders for? Don't try to'll only dig your hole deeper.
Sorry, dude. You've been busted as a raging hypocrite.
OMG! they're attacking Obama for cheap energy prices!

How unsurprising.
Do we do anything when the price of corn drops below acceptable levels?

Three Katyushas awarded.

So you want to subsidize the oil boomers in places like the Dakotas now that the boom isn't so boomy?

OMG finally the retards have someone to point to and say, well, hey, at least I'm not that guy!
No stupid fuck...I want the industry better managed. It takes leadership to do that. The brown man on the yellow brick road has no clue.

Then pull your head out and lay out your plan of 'management'.
Already did.
Hussein has comletely flucked American oil producers. We were on the right track. But Hussein blew it and got the nation hooked on foreign oil again. Like many Presidents before him, he chose the Saudis over his own People. He kissed the Saudi royal ring. And we'll all pay for it at some point.
Says the guy who whined:

Under Obama, Price of Gas Has Jumped 83 Percent, Ground Beef 24 Percent, Bacon 22 Percent.
I wonder how long it takes for the RW to understand the POTUS doesn't control the price of oil ?
OMG! they're attacking Obama for cheap energy prices!

How unsurprising.
Do we do anything when the price of corn drops below acceptable levels?

Three Katyushas awarded.

So you want to subsidize the oil boomers in places like the Dakotas now that the boom isn't so boomy?

OMG finally the retards have someone to point to and say, well, hey, at least I'm not that guy!
No stupid fuck...I want the industry better managed. It takes leadership to do that. The brown man on the yellow brick road has no clue.

Then pull your head out and lay out your plan of 'management'.
Already did.

G1000 is an imbecile, all you'll get is a headache arguing with the troll, what it knows about economics would fit in a thimble
So you see, boys and girls, when gas prices are high, the retards blame Obama. When gas prices are low, the retards blame Obama!

It would be one thing to blame him for high prices and not to give him credit when they are low, but this is hypocrisy squared!

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