One might expect Obama to lead

If you grew 100 tomatoes last year but could only sell 45...would you grow 200 this year?


Supply and demand is haaaaard
You are seeing supply and demand, retard. And grandpa doesn't like it! He wants the gubmint to make it stop.
I'm seeing it mismanaged dumbfuck. What are leaders for? Don't try to'll only dig your hole deeper.
Sorry, dude. You've been busted as a raging hypocrite.
Not my fault if you can't read, dumbfuck.
These people whining about low gas prices are the same "drill, baby, drill" goons right?

They're the ones who supported the Keystone Pipeline, right?

Positively schizophrenic.

Remember when the Gnu Right kept pointing out how low gas prices were when Bush left office (forgetting oil hit its highest prices in history under Bush)?

Some reminders:

Under Obama, Price of Gas Has Jumped 83 Percent, Ground Beef 24 Percent, Bacon 22 Percent.

Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20 Gas When Bush Left Office 1.78 -- Gas Today 3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif. 4.20

When Bush/Cheney left power, gas was $1.78 - the liberals cried fowl; claiming that it was so high, because of the two " oil men. " Now it is $3.64, and no blame on Obama; not a peep - liberals are full of shit!

And now a word from our schizophrenic topic starter:

Mr our balls...drill drill independence now!
Yeah dumbshit...I distinctly recall Obabble objecting to the pipeline because it would cause overproduction. GFY.
If you grew 100 tomatoes last year but could only sell 45...would you grow 200 this year?


Supply and demand is haaaaard
You are seeing supply and demand, retard. And grandpa doesn't like it! He wants the gubmint to make it stop.

He doesn't want the government to make it stop he wants controls put in place. You're too fucking stupid to grasp it.

Explain how that would work.
Hussein has comletely flucked American oil producers. We were on the right track. But Hussein blew it and got the nation hooked on foreign oil again. Like many Presidents before him, he chose the Saudis over his own People. He kissed the Saudi royal ring. And we'll all pay for it at some point.

Domestic producers are cutting production because their production costs are above the price they can sell product at.

Something I tried to explain to you ineducable people years ago.
These people whining about low gas prices are the same "drill, baby, drill" goons right?

They're the ones who supported the Keystone Pipeline, right?

Positively schizophrenic.

Remember when the Gnu Right kept pointing out how low gas prices were when Bush left office (forgetting oil hit its highest prices in history under Bush)?

Some reminders:

Under Obama, Price of Gas Has Jumped 83 Percent, Ground Beef 24 Percent, Bacon 22 Percent.

Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20 Gas When Bush Left Office 1.78 -- Gas Today 3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif. 4.20

When Bush/Cheney left power, gas was $1.78 - the liberals cried fowl; claiming that it was so high, because of the two " oil men. " Now it is $3.64, and no blame on Obama; not a peep - liberals are full of shit!

And now a word from our schizophrenic topic starter:

Mr our balls...drill drill independence now!
Yeah dumbshit...I distinctly recall Obabble objecting to the pipeline because it would cause overproduction. GFY.
No, he opposed it for environmental reasons. Stop inventing history.

“If we’re gonna prevent large parts of this Earth from becoming not only inhospitable but uninhabitable in our lifetimes, we’re gonna have to keep some fossil fuels in the ground rather than burn them and release more dangerous pollution into the sky,” the president said.

Obama rejects Keystone XL pipeline and hails US as leader on climate change
Man, this is hilarious. After years of whinnig about high gas prices, the hacks are calling for government price controls.

an unprecedented coalition of oil producers to control production so the price is fair, the supply is maintained, the drillers and shippers and refiners are fairly compensated and jobs are stable. Is this too much to ask of a man so talented?

Oil rout deepens as glut pushes U.S. crude to new lows

No doubt if he did what you want you'd slate him for being a Communist.

Their heads are exploding because Obama isn't following THEIR script.
If you grew 100 tomatoes last year but could only sell 45...would you grow 200 this year?


Supply and demand is haaaaard
You are seeing supply and demand, retard. And grandpa doesn't like it! He wants the gubmint to make it stop.
I'm seeing it mismanaged dumbfuck. What are leaders for? Don't try to'll only dig your hole deeper.
Sorry, dude. You've been busted as a raging hypocrite.
Not my fault if you can't read, dumbfuck.
The problem for you is that I CAN read, hypocrite.
deltex has been screaming for the President to increase drilling.

Now he's mad at the President for not making it stop. :lol:


It just doesn't get more hypocritical, folks.

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