One-Month Old Child Among 32 Shot in Chicago - BLM Bro

But......but.....but dear leader that was selected for us claims all we need to fear are "white supremacists "

And meanwhile the reality is in this day and age, that a person has better odds of getting hit by lightning before being killed by a 'white supremacist'!

True story.
bravoactual BLM means black lives matter. In truth they haven't mattered much since they were slaves. Do you think slave owners would have put up with this shit?
CLM aka childrens lives matter. Where is that? Sadly they don't thats why drugs are flowing like rivers into this nation now and kids are being involved in the pandemic of crime from the wide open borders and the tons of drugs coming through them.
The liberals are killing out youth with drugs and other deadly lifestyles.
Chicago vs Afghanistan Casualties / homicides since 2001

Sounds like they need some more guns and ammo.
No, they have plenty. They need some intelligence, but this is a city that has Lori Lightfoot as mayor, so there you go.

They get what they vote in. 1 month olds with headshots, no problem as Dykefoot sez crime is going down!
No matter who is elected the shootings will continue.
So it's OK then. Jungle bunnies being jungle bunnies, right?
Your inability to see humans as humans is noted.
Those who shoot one-month olds are not human. Maybe that's just me.
It is you unless you can prove a space alien that is not human did shoot the one month old.
It was a baby you sick Leftist FUCK !!!!
BLM is a farce. It's just a ploy to reemphasize the victim mindset.
At least two of its three founders are Marxists.

‘Trained Marxists’

In a Facebook post labeling Black Lives Matter as a Marxist movement, PragerU included a video interview with Carol Swain, a Black conservative and former professor at Vanderbilt and Princeton universities. She said, "Now, the founders of Black Lives Matter, they’ve come out as Marxists."

Swain alluded to Black Lives Matter’s three co-founders, who are still featured prominently on the group’s website — Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi. Their primary backgrounds are as community organizers, artists and writers. Swain, though, was referring to a newly surfaced interview Cullors did in 2015, where she said:

"We do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia, in particular, are trained organizers; we are trained Marxists. We are superversed on, sort of, ideological theories. And I think what we really try to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many Black folks."

We didn’t find that Garza and Tometi have referred to themselves as Marxists. But the book publisher Penguin Random House has said Garza, an author, "describes herself as a queer social justice activist and Marxist."

Included on its list of beliefs is one that has drawn criticism as being consistent with Marxism:
"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

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BLM is a farce. It's just a ploy to reemphasize the victim mindset.
It's actually worse than a farce. It is being used as a tool make Black people the eternal victims and White people the eternal guilty aggressors no matter what the facts may be. One of my wife's professor/friends at her University was forced to step down from teaching a class in which she is an expert because a Black student claimed she treated her with disrespect. The University DID NOT ask the professor for her side, it was based just the word of the student.

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