One more great pick by Trump

Federal Judge Says AG Barr Can't Be Trusted, Orders DOJ To Turn Over Unredacted Mueller Report

He's demanding the unredacted report and noted the "lack of candor" by Barr

So an activist leftist judge ORDERED the AG to violate federal law? Why has the FBI not taken this scofflaw "judge" into custody yet.
An "activist leftist judge"

Appointed by BUSH you retard
You don't know what the fuck you are talking about, dumbass.

Commie Justice John Paul Stevens was a Republican appointed by Ford.

Commie Justice Burger was appointed by Nixon!!!

They hide their political shit until they know they have climb to the peak. Then the inner commie comes out. They are liars.

"inner commie"? Much like leftist and other words used as pejoratives, and not defined, are known in logic as Chameleon Words, a phrase defined as having no generally accepted conditions governing their use. There are no examples that will be generally accepted as paradigm cases of their use.
^dumbassed Stalinist
OK, here is a link to the (17) FBI errors that IG Horowitz uncovered, that Barr & Durham will turn into indictments. You don't need to prove any of my list "untrue". Like I said, Barr and Durham either issue indictments by summer or they don't. Mueller missed, Barr won't.
Given Barr's documented track record of distorting the truth in order to protect Trump............
Judge slams Barr, orders review of Mueller report deletions
................why would anyone believe his penchant for doing Don's bidding will stop him from once again going against the findings of his own agency as with his deceitful summary of Mueller's work?
Barr has already pointed out that this judge is a slanderer and a liar who put forward these scurrilous claims wholly without evidence.
... The IG found bias did not play a role in the decision the FBI made to conduct an investigation in to Trump's campaign nor did it compromise its execution.
That would be other than using the debunked Dossier, withholding evidence and the submission of a forged document to support the illegal spying on a Political campaign and the illegal attempt to drive a duly elected President from office?
... WASHINGTON — F.B.I. officials had sufficient reason to open the investigation...
Well, the Titanic had an excellent reason to start it's voyage too, but it still bit the big one when it got into the icebergs. You claimed the FBI did not "compromise it's execution" when every illegal FISA warranted was next of felonies.
...the inquiry was a rushed and dysfunctional process marked by serious errors in documents related to a wiretap....
Yet "flawless" in it's execution? That word, I do not think it means what you think it means!

The FBI's follow-on responses to the IG report's recommendations were so transparently deficient -- providing no meaningful reform, walking the path of least resistance, and largely serving to preserve the status quo -- as to be a slap in the face of the American people. Both FBI director Christopher Wray and former FISC Presiding Judge Rosemary Collier have proven to be useless, if not complicit, in this lame response.

As for McCabe, he didn't get charged because he would have been tried before a DC jury that is no more unbiased than you are. This is yet another reason why the Deep State has to be broken up and moved out of DC, this Court is a rubber stamp for the Deep State.

New FISC Presiding Judge James Boasberg rebuked the FBI's intransigence. Boasberg orders changes and improvements to the FBI's procedures that are meant to harden the FBI's diligence and ensure integrity throughout the FISA application process. But it's far from clear that the addition of more language, procedural steps, and checklists to the FISA application process will actually do anything to change behaviors.

Judge Boasberg's demands seem more and more like papering over a fatal, fundamental problem: It is now obvious that the FISC is hopelessly flawed as a nonadversarial court. It is not a forum for debate or truth. There is no opposing side. Why would the FBI or other any applicant seeking a FISA warrant want to undertake an honest, rigorous undermining of its own case? At bottom, there exists no meaningful incentive to do so; instead, the counter-incentives are permanent, inherent in the structure of the court.

The FISA court is not a Protector of Our Liberty but an enabler of creeping totalitarianism. The Patriot Act, with key provisions set to expire shortly, is another. Why so many in government fail to recognize the danger they represent is disturbing. It is time to abolish the FISA court.

Get some lead for your hat, the aluminum foil isn't effective.
Federal Judge Says AG Barr Can't Be Trusted, Orders DOJ To Turn Over Unredacted Mueller Report

He's demanding the unredacted report and noted the "lack of candor" by Barr

So an activist leftist judge ORDERED the AG to violate federal law? Why has the FBI not taken this scofflaw "judge" into custody yet.
An "activist leftist judge"

Appointed by BUSH you retard
You don't know what the fuck you are talking about, dumbass.

Commie Justice John Paul Stevens was a Republican appointed by Ford.

Commie Justice Burger was appointed by Nixon!!!

They hide their political shit until they know they have climb to the peak. Then the inner commie comes out. They are liars.

"inner commie"? Much like leftist and other words used as pejoratives, and not defined, are known in logic as Chameleon Words, a phrase defined as having no generally accepted conditions governing their use. There are no examples that will be generally accepted as paradigm cases of their use.
^dumbassed Stalinist
The Judge hurled slander and lies, without support. That's all we need to know about that judge.
OK, here is a link to the (17) FBI errors that IG Horowitz uncovered, that Barr & Durham will turn into indictments. You don't need to prove any of my list "untrue". Like I said, Barr and Durham either issue indictments by summer or they don't. Mueller missed, Barr won't.
Given Barr's documented track record of distorting the truth in order to protect Trump............
Judge slams Barr, orders review of Mueller report deletions
................why would anyone believe his penchant for doing Don's bidding will stop him from once again going against the findings of his own agency as with his deceitful summary of Mueller's work?
Barr has already pointed out that this judge is a slanderer and a liar who put forward these scurrilous claims wholly without evidence.
... The IG found bias did not play a role in the decision the FBI made to conduct an investigation in to Trump's campaign nor did it compromise its execution.
That would be other than using the debunked Dossier, withholding evidence and the submission of a forged document to support the illegal spying on a Political campaign and the illegal attempt to drive a duly elected President from office?
... WASHINGTON — F.B.I. officials had sufficient reason to open the investigation...
Well, the Titanic had an excellent reason to start it's voyage too, but it still bit the big one when it got into the icebergs. You claimed the FBI did not "compromise it's execution" when every illegal FISA warranted was next of felonies.
...the inquiry was a rushed and dysfunctional process marked by serious errors in documents related to a wiretap....
Yet "flawless" in it's execution? That word, I do not think it means what you think it means!

The FBI's follow-on responses to the IG report's recommendations were so transparently deficient -- providing no meaningful reform, walking the path of least resistance, and largely serving to preserve the status quo -- as to be a slap in the face of the American people. Both FBI director Christopher Wray and former FISC Presiding Judge Rosemary Collier have proven to be useless, if not complicit, in this lame response.

As for McCabe, he didn't get charged because he would have been tried before a DC jury that is no more unbiased than you are. This is yet another reason why the Deep State has to be broken up and moved out of DC, this Court is a rubber stamp for the Deep State.

New FISC Presiding Judge James Boasberg rebuked the FBI's intransigence. Boasberg orders changes and improvements to the FBI's procedures that are meant to harden the FBI's diligence and ensure integrity throughout the FISA application process. But it's far from clear that the addition of more language, procedural steps, and checklists to the FISA application process will actually do anything to change behaviors.

Judge Boasberg's demands seem more and more like papering over a fatal, fundamental problem: It is now obvious that the FISC is hopelessly flawed as a nonadversarial court. It is not a forum for debate or truth. There is no opposing side. Why would the FBI or other any applicant seeking a FISA warrant want to undertake an honest, rigorous undermining of its own case? At bottom, there exists no meaningful incentive to do so; instead, the counter-incentives are permanent, inherent in the structure of the court.

The FISA court is not a Protector of Our Liberty but an enabler of creeping totalitarianism. The Patriot Act, with key provisions set to expire shortly, is another. Why so many in government fail to recognize the danger they represent is disturbing. It is time to abolish the FISA court.

Get some lead for your hat, the aluminum foil isn't effective.


You just don't go for that thinking shit. The party tells you what you believe...
Federal Judge Says AG Barr Can't Be Trusted, Orders DOJ To Turn Over Unredacted Mueller Report

He's demanding the unredacted report and noted the "lack of candor" by Barr

So an activist leftist judge ORDERED the AG to violate federal law? Why has the FBI not taken this scofflaw "judge" into custody yet.
An "activist leftist judge"

Appointed by BUSH you retard

Who cares. The scumbag is using his position on the federal bench to KNOWINGLY COERCE a felony. He has ordered the Attorney General to VIOLATE THE ESPIONAGE act. The JUDGE committed a federal felony and should be arrested.

You call anyone who doesn't support your far right ideology a scumbag. It's unfortunate that you lack the decorum, education and intelligence to post anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking.
Republicans can't face the truth that Barr is scum cut in the Trump mold They both deserve the same fate
And what fate is that, Eddie?

That's an outright LIE! If you read the law, a special counsel makes a confidential report to the AG, period, end of freaking story. What is released is left to the discretion of the AG. Read the damn law.

Let's assume for the moment that is true. Having the report submitted to him does not give Billy the Bagman the right to distort its content for the purpose of creating a false narrative that helped Individual 1.

View attachment 310702 <-These are the Mueller Report results. Do you see ANY Russian collusion or Obstruction?
View attachment 310703

Poor dear, you do understand that people are innocent until proven guilty, don't you?

What a hypocrite. The movement of, "lock her up" and the most dishonest and corrupt POTUS in our nation's history being called innocent & exonerated, and giving the AG absolute power too, is why we are no longer a great nation. We are ruled by a despot, liars, cheats and con men.

Perhaps if Hillary was subject to the law like everyone else in our country, people wouldn't chant lock her up. I'm sorry if you do not like having an AG that is not controlled by the media, but crying about his authority is pointless. Holder was obviously Obama's puppet, but the dems won the election. That is the way it works, especially now that everything from the justice department to the IRS is completely political. Someone else pointed out that most politicians on both sides are owned by somebody and lining their own pockets. I truly wish that were not so. The 4th estate is gone, owned by about six people right? There is nothing left to keep them honest. Democrat Politicians don''t even pretend to worry about breaking the law anymore. They brag about it. You guys want to give them more power, and hope it works out this time?

Wow, you've bought the entire Deep State Conspiracy Theory, something which never reached the definition of a theory.

Your first sentence is proof you have been brainwashed; your second sentence suggests you can read my brain (sorry, if you could I would be sanctioned by the mods for violating the rules with my opinion of you); Holder was Obama's puppet? The evidence you provided was underwhelming; Your next sentence to total bullshit, the worker bees in government (at all levels, local, state and federal) are no different than those who work in the private sector; Your claim that government employees are "owned by someone" is a fantasy; the press is all fake news, that's right out of Limbaugh's BIG LIE; how many Democrats in the Clinton and Obama Administration's were arrested and convicted and put in Prison? How many Republican's in the Nixon, Reagan and Trump Administration's have been arrested, convicted and put in prison?

Direct quote from Eric Holder. “ I am Obama’s wingman”. Game, set, and match.
Why A Judge’s Rebuke Of Barr’s Mueller Report Shenanigans Was So Remarkable
Why A Judge's Rebuke Of Barr's Mueller Report Shenanigans Was So Remarkable

"A federal judge’s assertions Thursday that Attorney General Bill Barr made “misleading” statements about special counsel Robert Mueller’s report sent shockwaves through the legal community.

The judge’s allegations that Barr “distorted” Mueller’s findings in a perhaps “calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump” was a remarkable scolding of a sitting attorney general, and one that comes as other actions Barr has taken related to Mueller’s probe have come under increased scrutiny.

Seasoned legal experts said they had never seen anything like the opinion that U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton of Washington, D.C., issued in a Freedom of Information Act case. In his stinging ruling, the judge ordered the Justice Department to produce for his own review an unredacted version of Mueller’s report because Walton couldn’t trust the government’s stated reasons for withholding redactions of the report.

What stood out to former federal prosecutors is that Walton called out Attorney General Bill Barr by name. The judge said that the way Barr rolled out the Mueller report called into question Barr’s “credibility” and thus the claims that the Justice Department now was making about the report’s redactions.

“I have never seen an attorney general called out this way before by a judge for making misrepresentations,” Harry Sandick, a former federal prosecutor, told TPM in an email."
Barr points out that, remarkably, this judge is a liar.

This is not a persuasive argument, by the poster or by the AG.

Justice Department Hits Back After Judge Slams Attorney General Barr, Orders DOJ to Turn Over Unredacted Weissmann Mueller Report

The DOJ hit back and said “the court’s assertions were contrary to the facts.”

“The original redactions in the public report were made by Department attorneys, in consultation with senior members of Special Counsel Mueller’s team, prosecutors in US Attorney’s Offices, and members of the Intelligence Community,” the DOJ said.

“In response to FOIA requests, the entire report was then reviewed by career attorneys, including different career attorneys with expertise in FOIA cases — a process in which the Attorney General played no role.”

This is not a persuasive argument, by the poster or by the AG.
Whether you are "persuaded" isn't particularly interesting. This loud mouthed grandstanding judge is a liar. Barr played no role in the original redactions in the public report.

What evidence do you have that Barr didn't influence or even direct phrases and even paragraphs to be redacted?

Maybe the fact that Mueller and Rosenstein aided in the redactions.
A republican appointed judge speaks the truth and some cannot handle the truth

So for those who cannot handle the truth

Mr. Barr put forward a “distorted” and “misleading” account of its findings and lacked credibility on the topic.

which was quite obvious to some but some like his jib because it support their guy

now they do not like this judges jib just because the judge jib is justice

some preferring justice to be defined by DT who needs to call home or be placed in a rocket and sent home
"Truth" and "justice" mean very different things to leftists as opposed to normal people.
Why A Judge’s Rebuke Of Barr’s Mueller Report Shenanigans Was So Remarkable
Why A Judge's Rebuke Of Barr's Mueller Report Shenanigans Was So Remarkable

"A federal judge’s assertions Thursday that Attorney General Bill Barr made “misleading” statements about special counsel Robert Mueller’s report sent shockwaves through the legal community.

The judge’s allegations that Barr “distorted” Mueller’s findings in a perhaps “calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump” was a remarkable scolding of a sitting attorney general, and one that comes as other actions Barr has taken related to Mueller’s probe have come under increased scrutiny.

Seasoned legal experts said they had never seen anything like the opinion that U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton of Washington, D.C., issued in a Freedom of Information Act case. In his stinging ruling, the judge ordered the Justice Department to produce for his own review an unredacted version of Mueller’s report because Walton couldn’t trust the government’s stated reasons for withholding redactions of the report.

What stood out to former federal prosecutors is that Walton called out Attorney General Bill Barr by name. The judge said that the way Barr rolled out the Mueller report called into question Barr’s “credibility” and thus the claims that the Justice Department now was making about the report’s redactions.

“I have never seen an attorney general called out this way before by a judge for making misrepresentations,” Harry Sandick, a former federal prosecutor, told TPM in an email."
Barr points out that, remarkably, this judge is a liar.

This is not a persuasive argument, by the poster or by the AG.

Justice Department Hits Back After Judge Slams Attorney General Barr, Orders DOJ to Turn Over Unredacted Weissmann Mueller Report

The DOJ hit back and said “the court’s assertions were contrary to the facts.”

“The original redactions in the public report were made by Department attorneys, in consultation with senior members of Special Counsel Mueller’s team, prosecutors in US Attorney’s Offices, and members of the Intelligence Community,” the DOJ said.

“In response to FOIA requests, the entire report was then reviewed by career attorneys, including different career attorneys with expertise in FOIA cases — a process in which the Attorney General played no role.”

This is not a persuasive argument, by the poster or by the AG.
Whether you are "persuaded" isn't particularly interesting. This loud mouthed grandstanding judge is a liar. Barr played no role in the original redactions in the public report.

What evidence do you have that Barr didn't influence or even direct phrases and even paragraphs to be redacted?
It's the lying judge's claim asserted without evidence. In our system we are presumed innocent until presented with convincing evidence otherwise.
Leftists hate that concept.
His only agenda is solving problems. He doesn't give a fig about the tug of war between the swampies.

Clearly trump is not a Democrat nor is he a Republican. He's is narcissist. D's support we the people, R's support special Interests and corporations, and N's support only themselves.

QUACK! Hitlery lined her pocket while Bill the rapist was President. Obama sold us out.

"QUACK"? A very foul comment, one with out any evidence to make these three claims credible.

So the people of Haiti weren't screwed by the Clinton Foundation?

Clinton Bush Haiti Fund - Wikipedia

FACT CHECK: Did the Clinton Foundation Pay for Chelsea's Wedding?

This one ^^^ is likely where you get your information from.

You and your leftist bullshit are dismissed.
Federal Judge Says AG Barr Can't Be Trusted, Orders DOJ To Turn Over Unredacted Mueller Report

He's demanding the unredacted report and noted the "lack of candor" by Barr

So an activist leftist judge ORDERED the AG to violate federal law? Why has the FBI not taken this scofflaw "judge" into custody yet.
An "activist leftist judge"

Appointed by BUSH you retard

Who cares. The scumbag is using his position on the federal bench to KNOWINGLY COERCE a felony. He has ordered the Attorney General to VIOLATE THE ESPIONAGE act. The JUDGE committed a federal felony and should be arrested.

You call anyone who doesn't support your far right ideology a scumbag. It's unfortunate that you lack the decorum, education and intelligence to post anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking.
The Judge is a liar. He included ZERO proof to support his slander. These bastards are wannabe Jacobins
Why A Judge’s Rebuke Of Barr’s Mueller Report Shenanigans Was So Remarkable
Why A Judge's Rebuke Of Barr's Mueller Report Shenanigans Was So Remarkable

"A federal judge’s assertions Thursday that Attorney General Bill Barr made “misleading” statements about special counsel Robert Mueller’s report sent shockwaves through the legal community.

The judge’s allegations that Barr “distorted” Mueller’s findings in a perhaps “calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump” was a remarkable scolding of a sitting attorney general, and one that comes as other actions Barr has taken related to Mueller’s probe have come under increased scrutiny.

Seasoned legal experts said they had never seen anything like the opinion that U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton of Washington, D.C., issued in a Freedom of Information Act case. In his stinging ruling, the judge ordered the Justice Department to produce for his own review an unredacted version of Mueller’s report because Walton couldn’t trust the government’s stated reasons for withholding redactions of the report.

What stood out to former federal prosecutors is that Walton called out Attorney General Bill Barr by name. The judge said that the way Barr rolled out the Mueller report called into question Barr’s “credibility” and thus the claims that the Justice Department now was making about the report’s redactions.

“I have never seen an attorney general called out this way before by a judge for making misrepresentations,” Harry Sandick, a former federal prosecutor, told TPM in an email."
Barr points out that, remarkably, this judge is a liar.

This is not a persuasive argument, by the poster or by the AG.

Justice Department Hits Back After Judge Slams Attorney General Barr, Orders DOJ to Turn Over Unredacted Weissmann Mueller Report

The DOJ hit back and said “the court’s assertions were contrary to the facts.”

“The original redactions in the public report were made by Department attorneys, in consultation with senior members of Special Counsel Mueller’s team, prosecutors in US Attorney’s Offices, and members of the Intelligence Community,” the DOJ said.

“In response to FOIA requests, the entire report was then reviewed by career attorneys, including different career attorneys with expertise in FOIA cases — a process in which the Attorney General played no role.”

This is not a persuasive argument, by the poster or by the AG.
Whether you are "persuaded" isn't particularly interesting. This loud mouthed grandstanding judge is a liar. Barr played no role in the original redactions in the public report.

What evidence do you have that Barr didn't influence or even direct phrases and even paragraphs to be redacted?

Maybe the fact that Mueller and Rosenstein aided in the redactions.
Good for Barr for not mincing words. This slimy slandering son of a bitch will either cough of some proof or be forever known as a LIAR!
Barr points out that, remarkably, this judge is a liar.

This is not a persuasive argument, by the poster or by the AG.

Justice Department Hits Back After Judge Slams Attorney General Barr, Orders DOJ to Turn Over Unredacted Weissmann Mueller Report

The DOJ hit back and said “the court’s assertions were contrary to the facts.”

“The original redactions in the public report were made by Department attorneys, in consultation with senior members of Special Counsel Mueller’s team, prosecutors in US Attorney’s Offices, and members of the Intelligence Community,” the DOJ said.

“In response to FOIA requests, the entire report was then reviewed by career attorneys, including different career attorneys with expertise in FOIA cases — a process in which the Attorney General played no role.”

This is not a persuasive argument, by the poster or by the AG.
Whether you are "persuaded" isn't particularly interesting. This loud mouthed grandstanding judge is a liar. Barr played no role in the original redactions in the public report.

What evidence do you have that Barr didn't influence or even direct phrases and even paragraphs to be redacted?
It's the lying judge's claim asserted without evidence. In our system we are presumed innocent until presented with convincing evidence otherwise.
Leftists hate that concept.
They long for mob rule and the guillotine. There's a damn good reason why you'll never see that crap here. Apparently with the Left, the Commies are the "extremists" and the Jacobins are the "moderates"!

Trump's gonna open a big old can of whupass on both of them.
Federal Judge Says AG Barr Can't Be Trusted, Orders DOJ To Turn Over Unredacted Mueller Report

He's demanding the unredacted report and noted the "lack of candor" by Barr

So an activist leftist judge ORDERED the AG to violate federal law? Why has the FBI not taken this scofflaw "judge" into custody yet.
An "activist leftist judge"

Appointed by BUSH you retard

Who cares. The scumbag is using his position on the federal bench to KNOWINGLY COERCE a felony. He has ordered the Attorney General to VIOLATE THE ESPIONAGE act. The JUDGE committed a federal felony and should be arrested.

You call anyone who doesn't support your far right ideology a scumbag. It's unfortunate that you lack the decorum, education and intelligence to post anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking.

I call anyone who DOES support your far left, radical Stalinist ideology a scumbag.

Reggie Walton is a pile of shit. He covered up for Hillary during Whitewater, savaged scooted Libby even though he know Libby was innocent. This is a leftist whackjob who has utterly no respect for the law.
OK, here is a link to the (17) FBI errors that IG Horowitz uncovered, that Barr & Durham will turn into indictments. You don't need to prove any of my list "untrue". Like I said, Barr and Durham either issue indictments by summer or they don't. Mueller missed, Barr won't.
Given Barr's documented track record of distorting the truth in order to protect Trump............
Judge slams Barr, orders review of Mueller report deletions
................why would anyone believe his penchant for doing Don's bidding will stop him from once again going against the findings of his own agency as with his deceitful summary of Mueller's work?

The IG found bias did not play a role in the decision the FBI made to conduct an investigation in to Trump's campaign nor did it compromise its execution. That conclusion is unacceptable to Individual 1 because it directly contradicts his lies, and therefore is unacceptable to Billy the Bagman.

WASHINGTON — F.B.I. officials had sufficient reason to open the investigation into links between Russia and Trump campaign aides in 2016 and acted without political bias, a long-awaited report said on Monday, but it concluded that the inquiry was a rushed and dysfunctional process marked by serious errors in documents related to a wiretap.

Mr. Horowitz stressed that the standard for opening an F.B.I. investigation was low — echoing the sort of criticism that civil libertarians have made for years. He also exonerated former F.B.I. leaders, broadly rejecting Mr. Trump’s accusations that they engaged in a politicized conspiracy to sabotage him.

“We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced” officials’ decision to open the investigation, the report said.

Using a decision by Barr as to whether indictments are sought as a measure of actual illegality is just as disingenuous as believing the "no collusion, no obstruction" canard. As a reminder, we've been down this road before with McCabe. The rubes couldn't wait for that trial to begin and evidence of wrongdoing.

1. The DOJ already disproved the judges assertions.
DOJ responds after judge slams AG Barr over Mueller report

2. IG Horowitz couldn't say there was FBI bias after reading the Strzok/Page texts either?! Common sense says otherwise.

3. Agreed that Crossfire Hurricane was opened legitimately, that bar is very low. Then it went off the rails, Barr and Durham indictments should be coming.

4. IG Horowitz did not have the broad investigative powers Barr and Durham have, including subpoenas and a grand jury. We both know how that works, squeal now for a reduced sentence later....

5. Just because the DC grand juries are cut from the Kim Foxx cloth for McCabe, that doesn't mean that Barr and Durham can't get indictments on anyone.

So we're back where we started. Mueller got nothing on Trump. Barr and Durham either get indictments by summer or they don't. After that it's campaign season for November. You should worry more about Biden than Trump. Biden was not competent at 60, he's a basket case at 80.

The DOJ is owned by Barr who is owned by trump. Nothing official released by the DOJ should be trusted, since official releases come under the signature of Barr.
OK, here is a link to the (17) FBI errors that IG Horowitz uncovered, that Barr & Durham will turn into indictments. You don't need to prove any of my list "untrue". Like I said, Barr and Durham either issue indictments by summer or they don't. Mueller missed, Barr won't.
Given Barr's documented track record of distorting the truth in order to protect Trump............
Judge slams Barr, orders review of Mueller report deletions
................why would anyone believe his penchant for doing Don's bidding will stop him from once again going against the findings of his own agency as with his deceitful summary of Mueller's work?

The IG found bias did not play a role in the decision the FBI made to conduct an investigation in to Trump's campaign nor did it compromise its execution. That conclusion is unacceptable to Individual 1 because it directly contradicts his lies, and therefore is unacceptable to Billy the Bagman.

WASHINGTON — F.B.I. officials had sufficient reason to open the investigation into links between Russia and Trump campaign aides in 2016 and acted without political bias, a long-awaited report said on Monday, but it concluded that the inquiry was a rushed and dysfunctional process marked by serious errors in documents related to a wiretap.

Mr. Horowitz stressed that the standard for opening an F.B.I. investigation was low — echoing the sort of criticism that civil libertarians have made for years. He also exonerated former F.B.I. leaders, broadly rejecting Mr. Trump’s accusations that they engaged in a politicized conspiracy to sabotage him.

“We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced” officials’ decision to open the investigation, the report said.

Using a decision by Barr as to whether indictments are sought as a measure of actual illegality is just as disingenuous as believing the "no collusion, no obstruction" canard. As a reminder, we've been down this road before with McCabe. The rubes couldn't wait for that trial to begin and evidence of wrongdoing.

1. The DOJ already disproved the judges assertions.
DOJ responds after judge slams AG Barr over Mueller report

2. IG Horowitz couldn't say there was FBI bias after reading the Strzok/Page texts either?! Common sense says otherwise.

3. Agreed that Crossfire Hurricane was opened legitimately, that bar is very low. Then it went off the rails, Barr and Durham indictments should be coming.

4. IG Horowitz did not have the broad investigative powers Barr and Durham have, including subpoenas and a grand jury. We both know how that works, squeal now for a reduced sentence later....

5. Just because the DC grand juries are cut from the Kim Foxx cloth for McCabe, that doesn't mean that Barr and Durham can't get indictments on anyone.

So we're back where we started. Mueller got nothing on Trump. Barr and Durham either get indictments by summer or they don't. After that it's campaign season for November. You should worry more about Biden than Trump. Biden was not competent at 60, he's a basket case at 80.

The DOJ is owned by Barr who is owned by trump. Nothing official released by the DOJ should be trusted, since official releases come under the signature of Barr.
You're not going to trust any government official who's more loyal to the United States than he is the leftist agenda.
OK, here is a link to the (17) FBI errors that IG Horowitz uncovered, that Barr & Durham will turn into indictments. You don't need to prove any of my list "untrue". Like I said, Barr and Durham either issue indictments by summer or they don't. Mueller missed, Barr won't.
Given Barr's documented track record of distorting the truth in order to protect Trump............
Judge slams Barr, orders review of Mueller report deletions
................why would anyone believe his penchant for doing Don's bidding will stop him from once again going against the findings of his own agency as with his deceitful summary of Mueller's work?

The IG found bias did not play a role in the decision the FBI made to conduct an investigation in to Trump's campaign nor did it compromise its execution. That conclusion is unacceptable to Individual 1 because it directly contradicts his lies, and therefore is unacceptable to Billy the Bagman.

WASHINGTON — F.B.I. officials had sufficient reason to open the investigation into links between Russia and Trump campaign aides in 2016 and acted without political bias, a long-awaited report said on Monday, but it concluded that the inquiry was a rushed and dysfunctional process marked by serious errors in documents related to a wiretap.

Mr. Horowitz stressed that the standard for opening an F.B.I. investigation was low — echoing the sort of criticism that civil libertarians have made for years. He also exonerated former F.B.I. leaders, broadly rejecting Mr. Trump’s accusations that they engaged in a politicized conspiracy to sabotage him.

“We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced” officials’ decision to open the investigation, the report said.

Using a decision by Barr as to whether indictments are sought as a measure of actual illegality is just as disingenuous as believing the "no collusion, no obstruction" canard. As a reminder, we've been down this road before with McCabe. The rubes couldn't wait for that trial to begin and evidence of wrongdoing.

1. The DOJ already disproved the judges assertions.
DOJ responds after judge slams AG Barr over Mueller report

2. IG Horowitz couldn't say there was FBI bias after reading the Strzok/Page texts either?! Common sense says otherwise.

3. Agreed that Crossfire Hurricane was opened legitimately, that bar is very low. Then it went off the rails, Barr and Durham indictments should be coming.

4. IG Horowitz did not have the broad investigative powers Barr and Durham have, including subpoenas and a grand jury. We both know how that works, squeal now for a reduced sentence later....

5. Just because the DC grand juries are cut from the Kim Foxx cloth for McCabe, that doesn't mean that Barr and Durham can't get indictments on anyone.

So we're back where we started. Mueller got nothing on Trump. Barr and Durham either get indictments by summer or they don't. After that it's campaign season for November. You should worry more about Biden than Trump. Biden was not competent at 60, he's a basket case at 80.

The DOJ is owned by Barr who is owned by trump. Nothing official released by the DOJ should be trusted, since official releases come under the signature of Barr.

The MSM are all anti-Trump propaganda "fake news" outlets. (proven by Harvard Study)
There is nothing to trust from anyone, so what's your point?
A republican appointed judge speaks the truth and some cannot handle the truth

So for those who cannot handle the truth

Mr. Barr put forward a “distorted” and “misleading” account of its findings and lacked credibility on the topic.

which was quite obvious to some but some like his jib because it support their guy

now they do not like this judges jib just because the judge jib is justice

some preferring justice to be defined by DT who needs to call home or be placed in a rocket and sent home
"Truth" and "justice" mean very different things to leftists as opposed to normal people.
You call that trump pos normal???? You're about as normal as he is
A republican appointed judge speaks the truth and some cannot handle the truth

So for those who cannot handle the truth

Mr. Barr put forward a “distorted” and “misleading” account of its findings and lacked credibility on the topic.

which was quite obvious to some but some like his jib because it support their guy

now they do not like this judges jib just because the judge jib is justice

some preferring justice to be defined by DT who needs to call home or be placed in a rocket and sent home
"Truth" and "justice" mean very different things to leftists as opposed to normal people.
You call that trump pos normal???? You're about as normal as he is
Leftists are not normal. Crying about it won't change anything.

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