One more great pick by Trump

Republicans can't face the truth that Barr is scum cut in the Trump mold They both deserve the same fate

Barr released a summary of the Mueller report before its public release that mischaracterized the report’s findings in a manner that helped Trump. Mueller complained to Barr that his summary “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s full report, but the report shaped public opinion on the findings of the Mueller investigation for weeks.

Walton also criticized Barr for holding a press conference ahead of the report’s release last April, saying he could not “reconcile certain public representations made by Attorney General Barr with the findings” of the Mueller report:

The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary

give it about 10 minutes and all the Trumpians will be in here attacking the judge as if he is satan himself.
Why is anyone surprised, that is an establishment judge. The Bush family hates Trump.
so do over 60 million americans

Can you imagine the collective caterwauling, moaning, gnashing of teeth, and tears this coming November when Trump wins again?

That's 60 million people collectively loosing their bowels and wailing in unison. Gallons and gallons of beautiful salty tears flowing into the street of every city in this country.

The Schadenfreude will be awesome and the best part? We get four more years to laugh at all the stupid "I Hate Trump" threads on USMB.

Whats really funny Galt ol boy is you think that stinking piece of decaying flesh trump won'r affect you in the next 4 years He's a sick man appealing to sick people And now I bid you good nite
Republicans can't face the truth that Barr is scum cut in the Trump mold They both deserve the same fate

Barr released a summary of the Mueller report before its public release that mischaracterized the report’s findings in a manner that helped Trump. Mueller complained to Barr that his summary “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s full report, but the report shaped public opinion on the findings of the Mueller investigation for weeks.

Walton also criticized Barr for holding a press conference ahead of the report’s release last April, saying he could not “reconcile certain public representations made by Attorney General Barr with the findings” of the Mueller report:

The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary

give it about 10 minutes and all the Trumpians will be in here attacking the judge as if he is satan himself.
Why is anyone surprised, that is an establishment judge. The Bush family hates Trump.
so do over 60 million americans

Can you imagine the collective caterwauling, moaning, gnashing of teeth, and tears this coming November when Trump wins again?

That's 60 million people collectively loosing their bowels and wailing in unison. Gallons and gallons of beautiful salty tears flowing into the street of every city in this country.

The Schadenfreude will be awesome and the best part? We get four more years to laugh at all the stupid "I Hate Trump" threads on USMB.

Whats really funny Galt ol boy is you think that stinking piece of decaying flesh trump won'r affect you in the next 4 years He's a sick man appealing to sick people And now I bid you good nite

I can smell your hate from here. Too bad I can't bottle that up, it would make good deer repellent in the garden this summer.

Looks like we need an ancient history sub-forum.
C'mon now, Billy the Bagman's deceitful descreiption of Mueller's damning report wasn't that long ago. Besides, Trumpleton's still believe Barr's lies so just trying to set the record straight.
Looks like we need an ancient history sub-forum.
C'mon now, Billy the Bagman's deceitful descreiption of Mueller's damning report wasn't that long ago. Besides, Trumpleton's still believe Barr's lies so just trying to set the record straight.

The record is straight. NO collusion, NO obstruction, and Mule-er should have been in the home a long time ago. As well as disbarred and in prison for the crap he pulled on Senator Stevens and Enron.
Looks like we need an ancient history sub-forum.
C'mon now, Billy the Bagman's deceitful descreiption of Mueller's damning report wasn't that long ago. Besides, Trumpleton's still believe Barr's lies so just trying to set the record straight.
So "damning" that the HoR didn't bother to include any of its content in their absurd impeachment fan dance.

As He Orders Private Review Of Its Redactions
Judge Bashes Barr's Rollout Of Mueller Report As He Orders Private Review Of Its Redactions

A federal judge said Thursday that Attorney General Bill Barr’s “lack of candor” about special counsel Robert Mueller’s findings — in representations of Mueller’s report that “distorted” its conclusions — had prompted the judge to decide to review an unredacted version of the report behind closed doors.

The decision by U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton came in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by a Buzzfeed reporter and the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a civil liberties group. They’re seeking an unredacted version of Mueller’s report, and have pointed to Barr’s misleading statements about the report before it was released to raised doubts about what the Department had decided to redact.

Judge Walton said on Thursday that he agreed with the challengers’ assessment that the Department “dubious[ly] handl[ed] … the public release of the Mueller Report” and the judge said he had “grave concerns about the objectivity” of that process.
Everyone (but Trumpette's) knows Billy the Bagman "distorted" Mueller's findings.
So... tell us... is the Mueller report there in the room with you now?
give it about 10 minutes and all the Trumpians will be in here attacking the judge as if he is satan himself.
Why is anyone surprised, that is an establishment judge. The Bush family hates Trump.
so do over 60 million americans

Can you imagine the collective caterwauling, moaning, gnashing of teeth, and tears this coming November when Trump wins again?

That's 60 million people collectively loosing their bowels and wailing in unison. Gallons and gallons of beautiful salty tears flowing into the street of every city in this country.

The Schadenfreude will be awesome and the best part? We get four more years to laugh at all the stupid "I Hate Trump" threads on USMB.

Whats really funny Galt ol boy is you think that stinking piece of decaying flesh trump won'r affect you in the next 4 years He's a sick man appealing to sick people And now I bid you good nite

I can smell your hate from here. Too bad I can't bottle that up, it would make good deer repellent in the garden this summer.

Galt It is a shortcoming of mine ,,when I see shit and hear him on TV everyday I call it as shit
A district judge relatively unknown "Reggie Walton" undermines the decision of the Attorney General of the United States? Only in America and only during a republican administration.
As He Orders Private Review Of Its Redactions
Judge Bashes Barr's Rollout Of Mueller Report As He Orders Private Review Of Its Redactions

A federal judge said Thursday that Attorney General Bill Barr’s “lack of candor” about special counsel Robert Mueller’s findings — in representations of Mueller’s report that “distorted” its conclusions — had prompted the judge to decide to review an unredacted version of the report behind closed doors.

The decision by U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton came in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by a Buzzfeed reporter and the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a civil liberties group. They’re seeking an unredacted version of Mueller’s report, and have pointed to Barr’s misleading statements about the report before it was released to raised doubts about what the Department had decided to redact.

Judge Walton said on Thursday that he agreed with the challengers’ assessment that the Department “dubious[ly] handl[ed] … the public release of the Mueller Report” and the judge said he had “grave concerns about the objectivity” of that process.
Everyone (but Trumpette's) knows Billy the Bagman "distorted" Mueller's findings.

What a crock, even Mueller testified that Barr didn't misrepresent his report, he was upset how the media was portraying it. The DOJ should provide the judge with a copy of Mueller's testimony along with their appeal.

The full report confirmed the Barr summary.

No collusion. Get over it.

Hillary lost with it.
As He Orders Private Review Of Its Redactions
Judge Bashes Barr's Rollout Of Mueller Report As He Orders Private Review Of Its Redactions

A federal judge said Thursday that Attorney General Bill Barr’s “lack of candor” about special counsel Robert Mueller’s findings — in representations of Mueller’s report that “distorted” its conclusions — had prompted the judge to decide to review an unredacted version of the report behind closed doors.

The decision by U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton came in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by a Buzzfeed reporter and the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a civil liberties group. They’re seeking an unredacted version of Mueller’s report, and have pointed to Barr’s misleading statements about the report before it was released to raised doubts about what the Department had decided to redact.

Judge Walton said on Thursday that he agreed with the challengers’ assessment that the Department “dubious[ly] handl[ed] … the public release of the Mueller Report” and the judge said he had “grave concerns about the objectivity” of that process.
Everyone (but Trumpette's) knows Billy the Bagman "distorted" Mueller's findings.

What a crock, even Mueller testified that Barr didn't misrepresent his report, he was upset how the media was portraying it. The DOJ should provide the judge with a copy of Mueller's testimony along with their appeal.

The record is straight. NO collusion, NO obstruction
That's the Trumpette mantra. But...........there was rampant obstruction as revealed by Mueller's report. 10 instances in fact. As for "collusion".......................

Stop Using the Word “Collusion”—How to Frame the Critical Question at the Heart of Trump-Russia
Stop Using the Word “Collusion”—How to Frame the Critical Question at the Heart of Trump-Russia - Just Security

Much of the discussion surrounding the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia in the months leading up to the 2016 election has been mystifying for the American public. As the country prepares for the Mueller probe to reach its final stage and for congressional investigations to ramp up, it’s important to develop a more accurate and effective vocabulary for assessing the information that these bodies produce.

A problem emerged over the past two years partly as a result of the unique combination of a counterintelligence and criminal investigation presented by the Mueller probe. This hybrid investigation has led to two linguistic extremes, neither of which accurately conveys the problematic national security issues raised by the Trump campaign’s actions. The lack of precision in the language used to report on the campaign’s activities has obscured their importance and even the magnitude of the threat they posed.

At one end of the spectrum is an overreliance on the word “collusion.” The word is a slippery one essentially without any legal or settled meaning outside of very specific contexts, like antitrust law. The general definition of collusion, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary, is a “secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal deceitful purpose.” But because this definition is not necessarily well-known or agreed upon, it allows some people to claim they have seen no direct evidence of Trump campaign “collusion” with Russia, and others to claim they have. Journalists still ask members of Congress, the White House, and witnesses in the Russia investigation about “collusion” or allow officials and others to invoke the term “collusion” without specifying what they mean.

On the other end of the spectrum is the more precise legal definition of “collusion,” which is “conspiracy.” But because conspiracy is a criminal law term, it may be too narrow: The legal definition of conspiracy requires specific behaviors and states of mind that may not be present in various forms of coordinated activity against the interests of the United States. Further, focusing only on the criminal aspect does not capture the policy and national security concerns at the heart of the Special Counsel’s counterintelligence investigation, concerns that remain whether or not crimes were committed.

We suggest a different way of asking and framing “the question of collusion” to obtain more analytic precision, and to get to the heart of Trump campaign associates’ possible relationships with Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.

To wit, we recommend the following five kinds of questions instead. These are stylized as questions a journalist might pose to an interviewee, such as a member of a congressional committee. We believe that these formulations better describe the problematic behavior, actions, and activities at the heart of Mueller’s investigation, and avoid both the ambiguity of the word “collusion” and the legalese associated with the word “conspiracy.” We also hope these five lines of inquiry may help commentators in analyzing and writing about these issues.

1. Are you aware of any direct or circumstantial evidence that Trump campaign associates coordinated with, cooperated with, encouraged, or gave support to Russia’s 2016 election interference activities?

2. Wikileaks

Are you aware of any direct or circumstantial evidence of Trump campaign associates’ coordinating with, cooperating with, encouraging, or giving support to Wikileaks’ election-related activities?

Relatedly, do you agree with the U.S. Intelligence Community’s report that Wikileaks was used by the Russian government as an arm of the Kremlin’s 2016 election interference activities?

3. Are you aware of any direct or circumstantial evidence that Trump campaign associates attempted to coordinate with, cooperate with, encourage, or give support to Russia’s 2016 election interference activities?

4. Are you aware of any direct or circumstantial evidence that Trump campaign associates were willing to coordinate with, cooperate with, encourage, or give support to Russia’s 2016 election interference activities, or were receptive to doing so?

5. What is your definition of “Trump campaign associates”?

Do you consider people like Roger Stone and Michael Cohen part of the Trump campaign? Do you consider people like Roger Stone and Michael Cohen to be Trump campaign associates?
Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

No worries for Barr, if he didn't misrepresent it, let the judge review it, in his office, so he can know if the lawsuit on redactions can be settled in court.

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