One more great pick by Trump

What's your point, Edie? You don't like Trump? You have TDS....bad?
You're actually a fence sitter when it comes to Trump?

Can I use this pathetic excuse of a reply whenever you are critical of anyone but Trump?
So your bullshit Mueller Investigation "Report", that was supposed to investigate "Russian Interference" in the 2016 election, but somehow in their partisan effort, did not look into the Russian collusion with the Clinton campaign and the Steele Dossier.
It wasn't part of Mueller's mandate. There was no collusion with the Russia and the Clinton campaign. Fusion GPS did not make the campaign aware of who was conducting the investigation and Steele did not know who the client was.

No wonder you Trumpists get everything wrong. You have no idea what the facts are cuz you believe Trump's lies.
“The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary,” the judge said.

He also focused on Barr’s decision to issue the March 2019 summary letter weeks before the report itself was to be put out.

“The speed by which Attorney General Barr released to the public the summary of Special Counsel Mueller’s principal conclusions, coupled with the fact that Attorney General Barr failed to provide a thorough representation of the findings set forth in the Mueller Report, causes the Court to question whether Attorney General Barr’s intent was to create a one-sided narrative about the Mueller Report — a narrative that is clearly in some respects substantively at odds with the redacted version of the Mueller Report,” he said.
What's your point, Edie? You don't like Trump? You have TDS....bad?
You're actually a fence sitter when it comes to Trump?
truth be told Mr Meister I despise the ground that human poc walks on and those surrounding him too My problem lies in the fact that if Sanders wins my financial well being is going down hill That's why I've said I'll only vote for Biden whom I think is twice the human being than that slug Trump
Trump lets you know who he is....take it or leave it type of attitude.
Biden hides who he is, you'll get a smile and wink right before he slices your throat.
As far as I know and admit it's not a lot about Biden ,he has no past that refers to what you say about him Seems to me a man who has lost a wife and 2 children has become quite humble in his ways and how he treats others On the other hand yes you have some one who lets you know just who he is If that scum is OK with you and so many others here so be it ,give him 4 more and see how much more damage he can do
And now we have Chief Justice Roberts calling balls and strikes??? Just one more Republican POS Speaks out against Schumer but not the Trump AH
"Calling balls and strikes?" What the hell is that referring to?
What's your point, Edie? You don't like Trump? You have TDS....bad?
You're actually a fence sitter when it comes to Trump?
truth be told Mr Meister I despise the ground that human poc walks on and those surrounding him too My problem lies in the fact that if Sanders wins my financial well being is going down hill That's why I've said I'll only vote for Biden whom I think is twice the human being than that slug Trump
Trump lets you know who he is....take it or leave it type of attitude.
Biden hides who he is, you'll get a smile and wink right before he slices your throat.
As far as I know and admit it's not a lot about Biden ,he has no past that refers to what you say about him Seems to me a man who has lost a wife and 2 children has become quite humble in his ways and how he treats others On the other hand yes you have some one who lets you know just who he is If that scum is OK with you and so many others here so be it ,give him 4 more and see how much more damage he can do
What damage has he done?
What's your point, Edie? You don't like Trump? You have TDS....bad?
You're actually a fence sitter when it comes to Trump?
truth be told Mr Meister I despise the ground that human poc walks on and those surrounding him too My problem lies in the fact that if Sanders wins my financial well being is going down hill That's why I've said I'll only vote for Biden whom I think is twice the human being than that slug Trump
Trump lets you know who he is....take it or leave it type of attitude.
Biden hides who he is, you'll get a smile and wink right before he slices your throat.
As far as I know and admit it's not a lot about Biden ,he has no past that refers to what you say about him Seems to me a man who has lost a wife and 2 children has become quite humble in his ways and how he treats others On the other hand yes you have some one who lets you know just who he is If that scum is OK with you and so many others here so be it ,give him 4 more and see how much more damage he can do

I don't feel a bit damaged, ed. You?
Republicans can't face the truth that Barr is scum cut in the Trump mold They both deserve the same fate
And what fate is that, Eddie?
I'll let you use your warped imagination.......
No. Say it. Say it or be called a coward.
if you can call a guy who spent time in the service of our country a coward while supporting a real yellow belly like trump ,,,so be it

Joe Biden - Wikipedia

Biden received student draft deferments during this period, at the peak of the Vietnam War,[30] and in 1968, he was reclassified by the Selective Service System as not available for service due to having had asthma as a teenager.[30][31]
Republicans can't face the truth that Barr is scum cut in the Trump mold They both deserve the same fate

Barr released a summary of the Mueller report before its public release that mischaracterized the report’s findings in a manner that helped Trump. Mueller complained to Barr that his summary “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s full report, but the report shaped public opinion on the findings of the Mueller investigation for weeks.

Walton also criticized Barr for holding a press conference ahead of the report’s release last April, saying he could not “reconcile certain public representations made by Attorney General Barr with the findings” of the Mueller report:

The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary

give it about 10 minutes and all the Trumpians will be in here attacking the judge as if he is satan himself.
Why is anyone surprised, that is an establishment judge. The Bush family hates Trump.
so do over 60 million americans

Can you imagine the collective caterwauling, moaning, gnashing of teeth, and tears this coming November when Trump wins again?

That's 60 million people collectively loosing their bowels and wailing in unison. Gallons and gallons of beautiful salty tears flowing into the street of every city in this country.

The Schadenfreude will be awesome and the best part? We get four more years to laugh at all the stupid "I Hate Trump" threads on USMB.

Republicans can't face the truth that Barr is scum cut in the Trump mold They both deserve the same fate

Barr released a summary of the Mueller report before its public release that mischaracterized the report’s findings in a manner that helped Trump. Mueller complained to Barr that his summary “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s full report, but the report shaped public opinion on the findings of the Mueller investigation for weeks.

Walton also criticized Barr for holding a press conference ahead of the report’s release last April, saying he could not “reconcile certain public representations made by Attorney General Barr with the findings” of the Mueller report:

The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary

give it about 10 minutes and all the Trumpians will be in here attacking the judge as if he is satan himself.
Why is anyone surprised, that is an establishment judge. The Bush family hates Trump.
so do over 60 million americans

Can you imagine the collective caterwauling, moaning, gnashing of teeth, and tears this coming November when Trump wins again?

That's 60 million people collectively loosing their bowels and wailing in unison. Gallons and gallons of beautiful salty tears flowing into the street of every city in this country.

The Schadenfreude will be awesome and the best part? We get four more years to laugh at all the stupid "I Hate Trump" threads on USMB.


You should start a gofundme, tubby. In about a year you can buy one of those for yourself.
Republicans can't face the truth that Barr is scum cut in the Trump mold They both deserve the same fate

Barr released a summary of the Mueller report before its public release that mischaracterized the report’s findings in a manner that helped Trump. Mueller complained to Barr that his summary “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s full report, but the report shaped public opinion on the findings of the Mueller investigation for weeks.

Walton also criticized Barr for holding a press conference ahead of the report’s release last April, saying he could not “reconcile certain public representations made by Attorney General Barr with the findings” of the Mueller report:

The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary
So what? Deciding how the public should interpret Mueller's report is none of the judge's business.
What's your point, Edie? You don't like Trump? You have TDS....bad?
You're actually a fence sitter when it comes to Trump?
truth be told Mr Meister I despise the ground that human poc walks on and those surrounding him too My problem lies in the fact that if Sanders wins my financial well being is going down hill That's why I've said I'll only vote for Biden whom I think is twice the human being than that slug Trump
Trump lets you know who he is....take it or leave it type of attitude.
Biden hides who he is, you'll get a smile and wink right before he slices your throat.
As far as I know and admit it's not a lot about Biden ,he has no past that refers to what you say about him Seems to me a man who has lost a wife and 2 children has become quite humble in his ways and how he treats others On the other hand yes you have some one who lets you know just who he is If that scum is OK with you and so many others here so be it ,give him 4 more and see how much more damage he can do

I don't feel a bit damaged, ed. You?
Personally ,No But what of others around the country ? Those who have seen clean water clean air acts diminished by this ah in our WH who casts aspersions on science and our scientists? Who thinks he know more but knows less than those around him?
Republicans can't face the truth that Barr is scum cut in the Trump mold They both deserve the same fate

Barr released a summary of the Mueller report before its public release that mischaracterized the report’s findings in a manner that helped Trump. Mueller complained to Barr that his summary “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s full report, but the report shaped public opinion on the findings of the Mueller investigation for weeks.

Walton also criticized Barr for holding a press conference ahead of the report’s release last April, saying he could not “reconcile certain public representations made by Attorney General Barr with the findings” of the Mueller report:

The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary
So what? Deciding how the public should interpret Mueller's report is none of the judge's business.
Barr is nothing but a Trump kiss ass Trump says shit Barr asks what color
Republicans can't face the truth that Barr is scum cut in the Trump mold They both deserve the same fate

Barr released a summary of the Mueller report before its public release that mischaracterized the report’s findings in a manner that helped Trump. Mueller complained to Barr that his summary “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s full report, but the report shaped public opinion on the findings of the Mueller investigation for weeks.

Walton also criticized Barr for holding a press conference ahead of the report’s release last April, saying he could not “reconcile certain public representations made by Attorney General Barr with the findings” of the Mueller report:

The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary
So what? Deciding how the public should interpret Mueller's report is none of the judge's business.
And Barr proved what a trump toady he is The best I can say about him is he's FOS
Republicans can't face the truth that Barr is scum cut in the Trump mold They both deserve the same fate

Barr released a summary of the Mueller report before its public release that mischaracterized the report’s findings in a manner that helped Trump. Mueller complained to Barr that his summary “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s full report, but the report shaped public opinion on the findings of the Mueller investigation for weeks.

Walton also criticized Barr for holding a press conference ahead of the report’s release last April, saying he could not “reconcile certain public representations made by Attorney General Barr with the findings” of the Mueller report:

The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary
So what? Deciding how the public should interpret Mueller's report is none of the judge's business.

How so?
Republicans can't face the truth that Barr is scum cut in the Trump mold They both deserve the same fate

Barr released a summary of the Mueller report before its public release that mischaracterized the report’s findings in a manner that helped Trump. Mueller complained to Barr that his summary “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s full report, but the report shaped public opinion on the findings of the Mueller investigation for weeks.

Walton also criticized Barr for holding a press conference ahead of the report’s release last April, saying he could not “reconcile certain public representations made by Attorney General Barr with the findings” of the Mueller report:

The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary
So what? Deciding how the public should interpret Mueller's report is none of the judge's business.
Barr is nothing but a Trump kiss ass Trump says shit Barr asks what color
Your hatred of Barr is solely the result of him refusing to knuckle under to Dim intimidation.
Republicans can't face the truth that Barr is scum cut in the Trump mold They both deserve the same fate

Barr released a summary of the Mueller report before its public release that mischaracterized the report’s findings in a manner that helped Trump. Mueller complained to Barr that his summary “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s full report, but the report shaped public opinion on the findings of the Mueller investigation for weeks.

Walton also criticized Barr for holding a press conference ahead of the report’s release last April, saying he could not “reconcile certain public representations made by Attorney General Barr with the findings” of the Mueller report:

The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary
So what? Deciding how the public should interpret Mueller's report is none of the judge's business.

How so?
A judge's job is to interpret the law. It's not to decide whether speeches are correct.
What's your point, Edie? You don't like Trump? You have TDS....bad?
You're actually a fence sitter when it comes to Trump?
truth be told Mr Meister I despise the ground that human poc walks on and those surrounding him too My problem lies in the fact that if Sanders wins my financial well being is going down hill That's why I've said I'll only vote for Biden whom I think is twice the human being than that slug Trump
Trump lets you know who he is....take it or leave it type of attitude.
Biden hides who he is, you'll get a smile and wink right before he slices your throat.
As far as I know and admit it's not a lot about Biden ,he has no past that refers to what you say about him Seems to me a man who has lost a wife and 2 children has become quite humble in his ways and how he treats others On the other hand yes you have some one who lets you know just who he is If that scum is OK with you and so many others here so be it ,give him 4 more and see how much more damage he can do

I don't feel a bit damaged, ed. You?
Personally ,No But what of others around the country ? Those who have seen clean water clean air acts diminished by this ah in our WH who casts aspersions on science and our scientists? Who thinks he know more but knows less than those around him?

Where's all this "dirty" air and water the clean air act is supposed to protect you against? Last I heard, we're doing pretty good here in the US.

Of course there is California, where used syringes and garbage floats off shore, but that sounds like the state is dropping the ball. I supposed next you'll be blaming Trump for all the poop on the California sidewalks?

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