One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014


VIP Member
Feb 29, 2012
After the republicans got thrashed in the last election they set up a commission to evaluate why they lost and how to avoid losing in the future. The prime finding of the commission was that the demographics of America were changing (no surprise there) and that if the republicans wanted to remain relevant they needed to change also. The recommendation was that the republican party needs to actively work toward bringing Hispanics into the party.
They have a perfect chance to do that now but I fully expect that the republican party will once again shoot themselves in the foot. What the republicans need to do is to come out with a broad immigration plan that offers a way for Hispanics to become American citizens. But THAT is exactly what President Obama is preparing to do. This places the republicans in a bind. Should they strongly support a sweeping immigration plan (similar to what Obama is offering) OR should they dig in their heels and refuse to accept any plan Obama offers just as they have done throughout the last five years.
I am betting that the republicans will dig in their heels and refuse to offer a plan similar to Obama's. In other words, they will once again play the obstruction card and in the process slap the people who could help them win elections in the face. And then, after losing the Hispanic vote by a wide margin in 2014, they will once again scratch their heads and ask "Why did we lose? I don't understand."
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In regards to it too much to ask to close the border first, before going any further? I mean, it was supposed to be closed after the Reagan amnesty.....right????
I think that's the biggest hang up with immigration.

It's hard to deal with a party who's intent is to redistribute wealth in this country.....the takers will always vote for that. Hopefully there will be enough democrats who are beginning to feel the pinch of the redistribution of wealth regarding Obamacare. People tend to be lax regarding politics until it hits home with them, then they catch on quickly.
We need a plan that 1. Makes either hard working or education seeking hispanics a chance to become citizens. 2. One that enforces our borders and 3. that fines the shit out of businesses that hires them in the future.

The republicans need to do this before they lose as I want 2 and 3. Funding for education as education = less poverty and less poverty = less gangs.
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One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

Three reasons why the GOP will lose big in 2014:

1) The GOP is incredibly tone-deaf regarding the way they present themselves and their positons...

2) The media is generally quick to paint the GOP in an unfavorable light... and the GOP lately has given them plenty of ammunition...

3) A great majority of the American people are unfortunately unable or unwilling to sort through the bullshit to find the truth... which the GOP, in its pathetically inept way, has been trying to present with little success...
Securing the border and a workable entry/exit system is needed before anything else is considered. That will be the republican focus. Once the flood gates are closed then the rest can be addressed. The senate plan is dead because it is unconstitutional, it contains revenue raising aspects in fees and fines that must originate in the house.
Not at all, OKTexas, that won't pass the Senate.

All three components must be passed in the same bill.

If not the reactionaries will renege on the other two, if only a close the border bill is passed first.

The Dems and business are willing to have no bill pass because they will benefit, one at the ballot box and the other in the cash box.
Not at all, OKTexas, that won't pass the Senate.

All three components must be passed in the same bill.

If not the reactionaries will renege on the other two, if only a close the border bill is passed first.

The Dems and business are willing to have no bill pass because they will benefit, one at the ballot box and the other in the cash box.

You mean like the commies reneged on border security with Reagan? We can actually learn from history here and not make the same mistakes again. Security will be first with the house all else is dead until that is accomplished.
What commies in the GOP reneged on the bill, OK?

Doesn't matter what is first in the House if it is dead in the Senate on arrival.

Only the Dems and business win with no bill, not the GOP. Americans faith in our GOP is at historic lows.
What commies in the GOP reneged on the bill, OK?

Doesn't matter what is first in the House if it is dead in the Senate on arrival.

Only the Dems and business win with no bill, not the GOP. Americans faith in our GOP is at historic lows.

Jakey the dems lost all credibility on security when your dear leader refused to complete the fence that the law said, the secretary WILL build, not optional and the dem congress let him get away with it. Yes both houses were controlled by dems at that time. The republicans won't make that mistake again. I've told my congressman that criminal penalties should be incorporated in any new law for any administration official that fails to follow the law. It's way past time to hold these politicians and bureaucrats accountable, maybe the threat of jail will get their attention.
I'm for a comprehensive immigration program that involves securing the border first. Of course nothing is going to happen because Obamacare is sucking out all the oxygen from other debates. Perhaps immigration reform will be discussed seriously in a couple of years but not any time soon.
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Securing the border and a workable entry/exit system is needed before anything else is considered. That will be the republican focus. Once the flood gates are closed then the rest can be addressed. The senate plan is dead because it is unconstitutional, it contains revenue raising aspects in fees and fines that must originate in the house.
It is interesting to note that President Obama has deported more people to Mexico than any other president. Will you give him any praise for that? Of course not. The bottom line is Obama will push for an immigration plan. The gop, thanks to the tea party, will refuse to pass it. The Hispanics will see who is trying to help them and they will show their anger for the gop at the polls. In other words, THE GOP WILL SHOT THEMSELVES IN THE FOOT ONCE AGAIN.
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What commies in the GOP reneged on the bill, OK?

Doesn't matter what is first in the House if it is dead in the Senate on arrival.

Only the Dems and business win with no bill, not the GOP. Americans faith in our GOP is at historic lows.

Jakey the dems lost all credibility on security when your dear leader refused to complete the fence that the law said, the secretary WILL build, not optional and the dem congress let him get away with it. Yes both houses were controlled by dems at that time. The republicans won't make that mistake again. I've told my congressman that criminal penalties should be incorporated in any new law for any administration official that fails to follow the law. It's way past time to hold these politicians and bureaucrats accountable, maybe the threat of jail will get their attention.

(1) The public trusts neither party since dear leader Reagan.

(2) The Pubs made the mistake when they controlled all branches of the governments by not doing so

(3) The demographics are changing so that the growing Hispanic vote is more numerous and important than that of the far right anti-immigrant vote in America.

No bill will pass if all three components are not part of it.

The public will punish our GOP severely if that does not happen.
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Seems to me the first thing the party needs to do is get it through its head that IMAGE is -- rightly or wrongly -- the driving force in contemporary American politics.

The Democrats have long since figured this out and have tailored their messaging accordingly.

The Republicans, now effectively driven by the Tea Party -- are still stuck in echo chamber mode, talking only to each other using platitudes provided by the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin. And they just will not listen to anything else, nor will it make any sincere or humble effort to communicate outside its bubble.

It's just not a very attractive party right now, and worse, it appears to be proud of that fact.

Okay, good luck with that.

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After the republicans got thrashed in the last election they set up a commission to evaluate why they lost and how to avoid losing in the future. The prime finding of the commission was that the demographics of America were changing (no surprise there) and that if the republicans wanted to remain relevant they needed to change also. The recommendation was that the republican party needs to actively work toward bringing Hispanics into the party.
They have a perfect chance to do that now but I fully expect that the republican party will once again shoot themselves in the foot. What the republicans need to do is to come out with a broad immigration plan that offers a way for Hispanics to become American citizens. But THAT is exactly what President Obama is preparing to do. This places the republicans in a bind. Should they strongly support a sweeping immigration plan (similar to what Obama is offering) OR should they dig in their heels and refuse to accept any plan Obama offers just as they have done throughout the last five years.
I am betting that the republicans will dig in their heels and refuse to offer a plan similar to Obama's. In other words, they will once again play the obstruction card and in the process slap the people who could help them win elections in the face. And then, after losing the Hispanic vote by a wide margin in 2014, they will once again scratch their heads and ask "Why did we lose? I don't understand."

Doesn't the United States already have an immigration policy for Germans, Russians, Japanese, Candians, Chinese, Britons, Saudis, Greeks, Koreans, Brazilians, French, South Africans, Algerians, Italians, Hungarians, Turks, Irish, Sweedens, etc ... etc ... etc. Why are we looking to an exception that singles out one race? Should the government of the United States be placing itself in a position to encourage and enable others to break federal law?
After the republicans got thrashed in the last election they set up a commission to evaluate why they lost and how to avoid losing in the future. The prime finding of the commission was that the demographics of America were changing (no surprise there) and that if the republicans wanted to remain relevant they needed to change also. The recommendation was that the republican party needs to actively work toward bringing Hispanics into the party.
They have a perfect chance to do that now but I fully expect that the republican party will once again shoot themselves in the foot. What the republicans need to do is to come out with a broad immigration plan that offers a way for Hispanics to become American citizens. But THAT is exactly what President Obama is preparing to do. This places the republicans in a bind. Should they strongly support a sweeping immigration plan (similar to what Obama is offering) OR should they dig in their heels and refuse to accept any plan Obama offers just as they have done throughout the last five years.
I am betting that the republicans will dig in their heels and refuse to offer a plan similar to Obama's. In other words, they will once again play the obstruction card and in the process slap the people who could help them win elections in the face. And then, after losing the Hispanic vote by a wide margin in 2014, they will once again scratch their heads and ask "Why did we lose? I don't understand."

well how lovely, they break our countries laws and then Obama rewards them with amnesty
7% unemployment all five years of him and now he wants to dump 20MILLION more on top of that or on our taxpayers back with welfare

yeah that Obama is something else he wants to give things no matter what the frikken cost will be to us and our country

you would let that man lead you off a cliff

we already have immigration laws...the Dear Leader just be enforcing those

Seems to me the first thing the party needs to do is get it through its head that IMAGE is -- rightly or wrongly -- the driving force in contemporary American politics.

The Democrats have long since figured this out and have tailored their messaging accordingly.

The Republicans, now effectively driven by the Tea Party -- are still stuck in echo chamber mode, talking only to each other using platitudes provided by the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin. And they just will not listen to anything else, nor will it make any sincere or humble effort to communicate outside its bubble.

It's just not a very attractive party right now, and worse, it appears to be proud of that fact.

Okay, good luck with that.


Well its hard for a child to understand and warm up to a parent who is the disciplinarian, when the other doesn't care and is willing to "spoil" the child in giving him or her whatever they want. That sort of behavior is counter productive, as well as distructive, whos end can only lead to raising a spoiled brat. Everyone knows a child HATES rules and having to be told they can't have, or are not allowed to DO something, by a parent who is trying to instill rules of accountability and personal responsibility. How is this reaction towards Republicans surprising at all?
Securing the border and a workable entry/exit system is needed before anything else is considered. That will be the republican focus. Once the flood gates are closed then the rest can be addressed. The senate plan is dead because it is unconstitutional, it contains revenue raising aspects in fees and fines that must originate in the house.
It is interesting to note that President Obama has deported more people to Mexico than any other president. Will you give him any praise for that? Of course not. The bottom line is Obama will push for an immigration plan. The gop, thanks to the tea party, will refuse to pass it. The Hispanics will see who is trying to help them and they will show their anger for the gop at the polls. In other words, THE GOP WILL SHOT THEMSELVES IN THE FOOT ONCE AGAIN.

lol, he's deported more people...
yeah sure ok whatever
as for the rest, you need to ask your crystal ball again
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Seems to me the first thing the party needs to do is get it through its head that IMAGE is -- rightly or wrongly -- the driving force in contemporary American politics.

The Democrats have long since figured this out and have tailored their messaging accordingly.

The Republicans, now effectively driven by the Tea Party -- are still stuck in echo chamber mode, talking only to each other using platitudes provided by the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin. And they just will not listen to anything else, nor will it make any sincere or humble effort to communicate outside its bubble.

It's just not a very attractive party right now, and worse, it appears to be proud of that fact.

Okay, good luck with that.


Well its hard for a child to understand and warm up to a parent who is the disciplinarian, when the other doesn't care and is willing to "spoil" the child in giving him or her whatever they want. That sort of behavior is counter productive, as well as distructive, whos end can only lead to raising a spoiled brat. Everyone knows a child HATES rules and having to be told they can't have, or are not allowed to DO something, by a parent who is trying to instill rules of accountability and personal responsibility. How is this reaction towards Republicans surprising at all?

Yup, that's a fair question, and let's continue on that line.

Let's say the child, over some period of time, has been allowed to develop poor habits regarding self-discipline and responsibility. I'd guess you and I would agree that this would be a fair metaphor for our society in general.

So, the parents decide need to deal with that. They can choose to, overnight, impose a strict, disciplinarian routine on the child, allowing no feedback from the child. Or perhaps they could do it gradually, demonstrating to the child the value of each increased step up in responsibility.

While neither strategy is guaranteed to work, the chances that a child would rebel have to be higher if complete and draconian measures are taken overnight.

The standard argument to this would be, "well, there's just not enough time for that. The country is about to go down the tubes and this has to happen RIGHT NOW." I disagree with that. It took us decades to arrive at this point, and it will take time, patience and hard work to reverse it. I really wouldn't listen to those who have a vested financial interest in convincing you that it has to happen right this very moment.

And here's another thing: The child can't vote the parents out of their job if he feels the parents are being too strict. The electorate can, and will.

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Republicans just can't help themselves. They really, really, really want to do the right thing. But there is an element in their party and a rightwing media that just won't let them. So they just go on saying offensive things and driving minority voters over to the democrats

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