One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

You're an example of the public school system, an idiot.

You believe the failures of obamacare and its little website are to be blamed on the "GOP" because you're an....idiot.

You believe because Obama stole the last election by promising goodies and telling lies to dumbfucks like you that it is "really, really going to work this go around."

Get back to eating shit, idiot.

Sure dumbfuck...whatever. :eusa_whistle:

The Democraps lost big time in the last midterm election over "obamacare" and that was before it was actually fucking people's lives up like now. Nevermind the silly website can't work and people realize their "gods in DC" are really liars and idiots.

It is over for Obama and his fellow scum. Go fuck yourself.

And here we see an example of the stupidity, hate, and ignorance common among the right that will also contribute to the continued failure of the GOP.
One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

And republicans will lose future elections as long as they manifest their continued animus toward Hispanics and immigrants.

Whether conservatives like it or not American society is changing, it’s becoming more diverse and inclusive. Minority voters and younger voters overall are repulsed by the reactionary fear of conservatives to this change, and the right’s hateful, futile efforts to resist the inevitable.
as long as the those like 1776 have a voice, the dems are sure to win.
You're an example of the public school system, an idiot.

You believe the failures of obamacare and its little website are to be blamed on the "GOP" because you're an....idiot.

You believe because Obama stole the last election by promising goodies and telling lies to dumbfucks like you that it is "really, really going to work this go around."

Get back to eating shit, idiot.

Sure dumbfuck...whatever. :eusa_whistle:

The Democraps lost big time in the last midterm election over "obamacare" and that was before it was actually fucking people's lives up like now. Nevermind the silly website can't work and people realize their "gods in DC" are really liars and idiots.

It is over for Obama and his fellow scum. Go fuck yourself.

And here we see an example of the stupidity, hate, and ignorance common among the right that will also contribute to the continued failure of the GOP.

you have to understand Clay...He believes he is superior over Republicans/Conservatives
so you get his warped vision of how they are "AFRAID of DIVISERITY...I laughed my ass over that made up garbage
Plus he a full blown Democrat subject to the party and a partisan sheep
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Oh look...the piece of shit lets the cat out the bag...the Hispanic vote.

Yeah, just "legalize the illegals" is your claim to save the GOP and our economy,. :eusa_whistle:

We understand you scumbags will just give them goodies and lies to keep their votes. Afterall, the GOP is full of evil "white" people like Rubio, Cruz, etc.....oh wait.

One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

And republicans will lose future elections as long as they manifest their continued animus toward Hispanics and immigrants.

Whether conservatives like it or not American society is changing, it’s becoming more diverse and inclusive. Minority voters and younger voters overall are repulsed by the reactionary fear of conservatives to this change, and the right’s hateful, futile efforts to resist the inevitable.
Democraps play on the welfare angle with Hispanics all the while downplaying their anti-Christian angle within the Democraps. Most Hispanics are Catholic and are family-oriented but Democraps work around that with the "free stuff" salespitch because many times minority voters are oblivious to white trash liberals that hate Christians and the family.
Not at all, OKTexas, that won't pass the Senate.

All three components must be passed in the same bill.

If not the reactionaries will renege on the other two, if only a close the border bill is passed first.

The Dems and business are willing to have no bill pass because they will benefit, one at the ballot box and the other in the cash box.

You mean like the commies reneged on border security with Reagan? We can actually learn from history here and not make the same mistakes again. Security will be first with the house all else is dead until that is accomplished.

As long as people in the GOP consider Democrats to be 'Communists,' their party will never get anywhere. It's so totally foolish and ignorant to hold such a point of view. :cuckoo:

Really, who was their dear leader raised by, mentored by, I guess he didn't seek out the company of the most radical elements in college like he said in his book. You can't defeat an opponent if you refuse to admit who they are.
Jakey the dems lost all credibility on security when your dear leader refused to complete the fence that the law said, the secretary WILL build, not optional and the dem congress let him get away with it. Yes both houses were controlled by dems at that time. The republicans won't make that mistake again. I've told my congressman that criminal penalties should be incorporated in any new law for any administration official that fails to follow the law. It's way past time to hold these politicians and bureaucrats accountable, maybe the threat of jail will get their attention.

(1) The public trusts neither party since dear leader Reagan.

(2) The Pubs made the mistake when they controlled all branches of the governments by not doing so

(3) The demographics are changing so that the growing Hispanic vote is more numerous and important than that of the far right anti-immigrant vote in America.

No bill will pass if all three components are not part of it.

The public will punish our GOP severely if that does not happen.

It's plain to see you have bought the vernacular of the left, hook, line and sinker. Being against illegal immigration is NOT being anti-immigrant and if you think only the far right holds those views you are fucking nuts.

Hispanics are not stupid, they correctly infer the bellicose rhetoric from the right concerning ‘secure borders’ and ‘anti-illegal immigration’ as hostility toward Hispanic immigration, and Hispanic Americans in general.
(1) The public trusts neither party since dear leader Reagan.

(2) The Pubs made the mistake when they controlled all branches of the governments by not doing so

(3) The demographics are changing so that the growing Hispanic vote is more numerous and important than that of the far right anti-immigrant vote in America.

No bill will pass if all three components are not part of it.

The public will punish our GOP severely if that does not happen.

It's plain to see you have bought the vernacular of the left, hook, line and sinker. Being against illegal immigration is NOT being anti-immigrant and if you think only the far right holds those views you are fucking nuts.

Hispanics are not stupid, they correctly infer the bellicose rhetoric from the right concerning ‘secure borders’ and ‘anti-illegal immigration’ as hostility toward Hispanic immigration, and Hispanic Americans in general.

You couldn't be more wrong, Clayton. Just sayin.... :eusa_eh:
You mean like the commies reneged on border security with Reagan? We can actually learn from history here and not make the same mistakes again. Security will be first with the house all else is dead until that is accomplished.

As long as people in the GOP consider Democrats to be 'Communists,' their party will never get anywhere. It's so totally foolish and ignorant to hold such a point of view. :cuckoo:

Really, who was their dear leader raised by, mentored by, I guess he didn't seek out the company of the most radical elements in college like he said in his book. You can't defeat an opponent if you refuse to admit who they are.

Here we see yet another example of the stupidity, hate, and ignorance common among the right that will also contribute to the continued failure of the GOP.
You mean like the commies reneged on border security with Reagan? We can actually learn from history here and not make the same mistakes again. Security will be first with the house all else is dead until that is accomplished.

As long as people in the GOP consider Democrats to be 'Communists,' their party will never get anywhere. It's so totally foolish and ignorant to hold such a point of view. :cuckoo:

Really, who was their dear leader raised by, mentored by, I guess he didn't seek out the company of the most radical elements in college like he said in his book. You can't defeat an opponent if you refuse to admit who they are.

they know about his past and his radical connection's ..You can't get anymore radical than his reverend of 20 years, the Rev. Wright, when after 9/11 and 3000 citizens killed, he showed his patriotism to our country by spewing, America's chickens have come to roost...Obama thinks just like him, he hates our country and the freedoms we have in it, so he vowed to TRANSFORM it...and we are now our way to be cloned like Europe...the people over there are looked on as, subjects, little worker bees to support their Daddy government so they can take care of them...and of course this Federal guberment will become our mommies and daddies too...take Obambamfailnocare...FASCISM by Obama and we should all hail Obama/Hugo/Hitler

but they pooed pooed people over all that because it's easier to wear blinders or they are as radical as he is and want's Socialism/communism in this country
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Oh look...the piece of shit lets the cat out the bag...the Hispanic vote.

Yeah, just "legalize the illegals" is your claim to save the GOP and our economy,.

We understand you scumbags will just give them goodies and lies to keep their votes. Afterall, the GOP is full of evil "white" people like Rubio, Cruz, etc.....oh wait.

Hispanics will be voting for the future, not the past of a Cruz or a Rubio.

Hispanics despise the TeaP and they despise anti-immigration nonsense.

And, far more importantly, Hispanics will nearly outnumber your crowd in 2014 and will equal it in 2016.

The day of TeaPs is over.
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It is the open hatred of Hispanics by the right. The scapegoating, calling them freeloaders and mooches that will doom Republicans

When are you guys going to learn to play nice?
Many of the conservatives are trying to do so. But the TeaPs are so anti-immigrant they can't see straight or think clearly.
It is the open hatred of Hispanics by the right. The scapegoating, calling them freeloaders and mooches that will doom Republicans

When are you guys going to learn to play nice?

you're are another hatful liar about the people who are Republicans/Conservatives.

open hatred for Hispanics was brought to light when Obama and you sheep in the Democrat party publically took Martins side over the HISPANIC, wanted to lynch the Hispanic and hang him for being found not guilty of murdering the poor dear child, Martin you all made him out to be...

and then you have the NERVE to post that hateful shit about Republicans...

you should just go to hell now and spare us your sick and warped lies...personally I am sick of them
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It is the open hatred of Hispanics by the right. The scapegoating, calling them freeloaders and mooches that will doom Republicans

When are you guys going to learn to play nice?

you're are another hatful liar about the people who are Republicans/Conservatives.

open hatred for Hispanics was brought to light when Obama and you sheep in the Democrat party publically took Martins side over the HISPANIC, wanted to lynch the Hispanic and hang him for being found not guilty of murdering the poor dear child you all made him out to be...

you should just go to hell now and spare us your sick and warped lies...personally I am sick of them

You think Hispanics will vote Republican because of Zimmerman?

God, are you ever one stupid bitch
It is the open hatred of Hispanics by the right. The scapegoating, calling them freeloaders and mooches that will doom Republicans

When are you guys going to learn to play nice?

you're are another hatful liar about the people who are Republicans/Conservatives.

open hatred for Hispanics was brought to light when Obama and you sheep in the Democrat party publically took Martins side over the HISPANIC, wanted to lynch the Hispanic and hang him for being found not guilty of murdering the poor dear child you all made him out to be...

you should just go to hell now and spare us your sick and warped lies...personally I am sick of them

You think Hispanics will vote Republican because of Zimmerman?

God, are you ever one stupid bitch

unfortunately they will fall for hateful lies that people like you spread around...but I hope the Martin case opened up a few eyes of the Hispanics...and you come and call me a stupid bitch to my'll need an ice pack for those little balls you carry around from being a little again, go to hell you hateful fucking loser pos
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(1) The public trusts neither party since dear leader Reagan.

(2) The Pubs made the mistake when they controlled all branches of the governments by not doing so

(3) The demographics are changing so that the growing Hispanic vote is more numerous and important than that of the far right anti-immigrant vote in America.

No bill will pass if all three components are not part of it.

The public will punish our GOP severely if that does not happen.

It's plain to see you have bought the vernacular of the left, hook, line and sinker. Being against illegal immigration is NOT being anti-immigrant and if you think only the far right holds those views you are fucking nuts.

Hispanics are not stupid, they correctly infer the bellicose rhetoric from the right concerning ‘secure borders’ and ‘anti-illegal immigration’ as hostility toward Hispanic immigration, and Hispanic Americans in general.

Just because you keep repeating the lie doesn't make it true, btw the was the exact bs liberal mantra I was talking about. Just because the pro-illegal crowd is the most vocal doesn't mean they are the majority.
As long as people in the GOP consider Democrats to be 'Communists,' their party will never get anywhere. It's so totally foolish and ignorant to hold such a point of view. :cuckoo:

Really, who was their dear leader raised by, mentored by, I guess he didn't seek out the company of the most radical elements in college like he said in his book. You can't defeat an opponent if you refuse to admit who they are.

Here we see yet another example of the stupidity, hate, and ignorance common among the right that will also contribute to the continued failure of the GOP.

And here you have a typical commiecrat that can't refute my points so he attacks the messanger. Come on prove me wrong, don't just use your Alinski attacks.
Republicans have put themselves in a hole with their Obamacare temper tantrum to shut down government.

Question is: What will they do about it?

My guess is they will dig themselves deeper

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