One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

The left has never been good with numbers...

Is the reactionary Left still claiming Papa Obama care is going to save the gov't money
and add nothing to national debt?

Obama Lied

American Trust and Heath-care plans died

You seem to overlook that businesses have been exempt until next year....wanna guess how much the numbers rise then? Hmmmmm? :eusa_whistle:
The numbers who are benefiting are those on medicare and medicaid....(not paying in)

You mean businesses that weren't getting the job done, either.

Look, guy, there was a simple enough solution to it. Universal health care with a single payer, get rid of all this bureaucracy of plans and deals and shit.

And you guys insisted up and down that we had to have private sector insurance involved.

The rest of the world has figured this out.

too rich- a UN based chart- how is that global warming errr cooling errr climate change charts working for them

self reported stats from countries that UN bases this chart

Remember where the Soviet Union use to place
when they reported their numbers?

Obama Lied
American Trust and Health-care plans died
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too rich- a UN based chart- how is that global warming errr cooling errr climate change charts working for them

self reported stats from countries that UN bases this chart

Remember where the Soviet Union use to place
when they reported their numbers?

Obama Lied
American Trust and Health-care plans died

These are all industrialized democracies that publish public budgets, guy.

Come on, if you are going to Troll the thread, at least make an effort.
Trolling would be pretending to be a former Republican

sure, whatever
garbage stats for a garbage program

speaking of.....

How many were dying a month again without health insurance?
You know the numbers the left was claiming before ObamaCare was forced on us.

Sad, to think all those people dying at their computers
waiting to get Obamacare

Why should anyone trusts what the lefts says, now

Papa Obama sort of ruined that for the left

Obama Lied
America Trust and Health care plans died

Don't go off in a huff again
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NeoTrollsky, I was a republican, until I realized that they only worked for the rich.

My embarrassment at having to admit my Union THug brother in law was right aside, that's what it was.

I frankly don't know how anyone could still be a Republican after 2008.

You seem to overlook that businesses have been exempt until next year....wanna guess how much the numbers rise then? Hmmmmm? :eusa_whistle:
The numbers who are benefiting are those on medicare and medicaid....(not paying in)

You mean businesses that weren't getting the job done, either.

Look, guy, there was a simple enough solution to it. Universal health care with a single payer, get rid of all this bureaucracy of plans and deals and shit.

And you guys insisted up and down that we had to have private sector insurance involved.

The rest of the world has figured this out.


So let me get this straight, we spend double the rest of the world, and we need to have medicaid/medicare for all?

That makes no sense.
garbage stats

same group that tried to put Iran and Syria on some Human Rights commission

You seem to overlook that businesses have been exempt until next year....wanna guess how much the numbers rise then? Hmmmmm? :eusa_whistle:
The numbers who are benefiting are those on medicare and medicaid....(not paying in)

You mean businesses that weren't getting the job done, either.

Look, guy, there was a simple enough solution to it. Universal health care with a single payer, get rid of all this bureaucracy of plans and deals and shit.

And you guys insisted up and down that we had to have private sector insurance involved.

The rest of the world has figured this out.


So let me get this straight, we spend double the rest of the world, and we need to have medicaid/medicare for all?

That makes no sense.


Try to explain it to you slower.

Get rid of the insurance companies with their 30% overhead, their 83 million dollar severance packages for retiring CEO's, their stock dividends and commercials telling people they aren't fucking them over at all, really. Get rid of the three people in every doctor's office who do nothing but fight with insurance companies and then have to collect from patients when the insurance companies don't pay.
garbage stats

same group that tried to put Iran and Syria on some Human Rights commission

Yup, everyone is lying to make America look bad.

Health statistics.
Crime Statistics.

Don't they know we are "Exceptional"?
lying to make the US look bad
Papa Obama does enough of that for us

Pretty bad when Egypt turns to Russia
and not the US

Of course, can you blame them

We have seen it

Obama Lied
American Trust and Health care plans died
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You mean businesses that weren't getting the job done, either.

Look, guy, there was a simple enough solution to it. Universal health care with a single payer, get rid of all this bureaucracy of plans and deals and shit.

And you guys insisted up and down that we had to have private sector insurance involved.

The rest of the world has figured this out.


So let me get this straight, we spend double the rest of the world, and we need to have medicaid/medicare for all?

That makes no sense.


Try to explain it to you slower.

Get rid of the insurance companies with their 30% overhead, their 83 million dollar severance packages for retiring CEO's, their stock dividends and commercials telling people they aren't fucking them over at all, really. Get rid of the three people in every doctor's office who do nothing but fight with insurance companies and then have to collect from patients when the insurance companies don't pay.

Government is what created the problem in the first place. Prior to Medicare/Medicaid in the 1960s, healthcare expenditures amounted for about 5% of GDP, now it is approaching 20% and average people can no longer pay out of pocket for normal healthcare expenditures, they now need insurance or the government.

I am not a fan of the insurance companies either, that is why I oppose Obamacare, it is collaboration between insurance companies and the state to increase the profits of the insurance companies through government mandates. It is robbery.

Prior to Medicaid and Medicare, medical bills were paid for out of pocket, this is what should be the case. Now getting rid of Medicare and Medicaid over night is impossible. However, we can allow competition across state lines, health savings accounts, enact tort reform, and get rid of federal mandates for insurance companies(allowing individuals to buy "bare bones" plans). This would lower costs and increase competition, making the costs less burdensome on consumers.
lying to make the US look bad
Papa Obama does enough of that for us

Pretty bad when Egypt turns to Russia
and not the US

Of course, can you blame them

We have seen it

Obama Lied
American Trust and Health care plans died

Do you suffer from some kind of OCD?

Because I think that's covered under ObamaCare now.

I'm sorry, I'm not up at night worried the Egyptians don't love us, becaue they never really did.

Let the Russians prop up their sorry economy. That will be amusing.

But stop avoiding the point.

How is it, that we spend TWICE or THREE TIMES what other industrialized democracies do?

Because we aren't getting better results for all that extra money spent. We have a lower life expectency and a higher infant mortality rate than most of them.

This was the question you keep avoiding.

Government is what created the problem in the first place. Prior to Medicare/Medicaid in the 1960s, healthcare expenditures amounted for about 5% of GDP, now it is approaching 20% and average people can no longer pay out of pocket for normal healthcare expenditures, they now need insurance or the government.

I am not a fan of the insurance companies either, that is why I oppose Obamacare, it is collaboration between insurance companies and the state to increase the profits of the insurance companies through government mandates. It is robbery.

Prior to Medicaid and Medicare, medical bills were paid for out of pocket, this is what should be the case. Now getting rid of Medicare and Medicaid over night is impossible. However, we can allow competition across state lines, health savings accounts, enact tort reform, and get rid of federal mandates for insurance companies(allowing individuals to buy "bare bones" plans). This would lower costs and increase competition, making the costs less burdensome on consumers.

Guy, this has to be the stupidest thing you've said yet.

DO you REALLY want to go back to 1960, where the average life expectency was 68 years (compared to 78 years now).

When you got old- YOU DIED!!!!!

This is not what I think I want to go back to, and I'm not sure why you want to.
So let me get this straight, we spend double the rest of the world, and we need to have medicaid/medicare for all?

That makes no sense.


Try to explain it to you slower.

Get rid of the insurance companies with their 30% overhead, their 83 million dollar severance packages for retiring CEO's, their stock dividends and commercials telling people they aren't fucking them over at all, really. Get rid of the three people in every doctor's office who do nothing but fight with insurance companies and then have to collect from patients when the insurance companies don't pay.

Government is what created the problem in the first place. Prior to Medicare/Medicaid in the 1960s, healthcare expenditures amounted for about 5% of GDP, now it is approaching 20% and average people can no longer pay out of pocket for normal healthcare expenditures, they now need insurance or the government.

I am not a fan of the insurance companies either, that is why I oppose Obamacare, it is collaboration between insurance companies and the state to increase the profits of the insurance companies through government mandates. It is robbery.

Prior to Medicaid and Medicare, medical bills were paid for out of pocket, this is what should be the case. Now getting rid of Medicare and Medicaid over night is impossible. However, we can allow competition across state lines, health savings accounts, enact tort reform, and get rid of federal mandates for insurance companies(allowing individuals to buy "bare bones" plans). This would lower costs and increase competition, making the costs less burdensome on consumers.

I remember when they did their ranking of healthcare systems
If one had a non socialized system, it automatically scored lower

Remember that crap stat the reactionary left use to use
47 million not insured
What they forgot to tell us
-20 million were not US citizens
-3.5 million had incomes over $75,000
-10 million had incomes over $50,000
45% uninsured for less than 4 months

Combined with Papa Obama's greatest lies
the trust that people want to have for a President, is gone

Obama lied
American Trust and Healthcare plans died
garbage stats

same group that tried to put Iran and Syria on some Human Rights commission

Yup, everyone is lying to make America look bad.

Health statistics.
Crime Statistics.

Don't they know we are "Exceptional"?

Both crime and health statistics are very true. Both issues need to be addressed as there's a serious problem in this country.
Over 15 trillion spent on Great Society programs in almost 50 years
Some claim it would end poverty in our lifetime
same level of poverty

No doubt, the terrible economic performance of the last few years
does not help

Combined with that debt we have incurred to get such a poor performance,
perhaps, gov't does not have all the answers

Does anyone really think throwing more money at it
is going to help?
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Over 15 trillion spent on Great Society programs in almost 50 years
Some claim it would end poverty in our lifetime
same level of poverty

No doubt, the terrible economic performance of the last few years
does not help

Combined with that debt we have incurred to get such a poor performance,
perhaps, gov't does not have all the answers

Does anyone really think throwing more money at it
is going to help?

This idiot does.....

Over 15 trillion spent on Great Society programs in almost 50 years
Some claim it would end poverty in our lifetime
same level of poverty

No doubt, the terrible economic performance of the last few years
does not help

Combined with that debt we have incurred to get such a poor performance,
perhaps, gov't does not have all the answers

Does anyone really think throwing more money at it
is going to help?

This idiot does.....


I hear you

Reminds me of an old post I did
Couple of years old but it has only gone higher

Move Over Einstein, there is a new kid in town


We know that many on the racist right have tried to play up Papa Obama's deficit spending as having no end in sight. But, through my sources at DNC, I have been given inside knowledge of Papa Obama's theory on deficit spending. Papa Obama has actually found a universal constant to spending.

Apparently, he has based it on another's work but not as smart as Papa Obama to see the big picture

E= MC^2
E= socialist egalitarianism
M= Gross National Product
C= speed of spending- which is a constant
It is so simple and beautiful
Let us approximate on our current deficit spending to show us how this works
(using 365 days) h/t to RealDealPolitics

At 4 trillion dollars a year, what we actually have....
Per actual day $10,958,904,110
Per actual hour $456,621,005
Per actual minute $7,610,350
Per actual second $126,839

Indeed as spending approaches the same number of units per second for the speed of light or 186,282 miles per second, we will reach our Progressive Utopia. In Papa Obama's theory, as we approach this speed of spending constant the National Debt will actually slow down. Of course, once achieving this Utopia, the masses will respond in kind by being the most productive ever in history and at that point the Deficit will just "wither away". Man will truly become free...

Trying to build on Papa Obama's theory, some progressives, like Krugman, are hard at work to see if we can break this constant of spending to see if it would be possible to even reverse the National Debt.

These are most exciting times we live in comrades

Papa Obama IS working, we just need more spending to get there !
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