One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

It strikes me that if someone has already done something and worked all teh bugs out, you go with what they did.

Germany has had universal coverage- a form of private and public insurance that covers everyone - since the time of Otto von Bismarck.

looks like if it worked for you, you would move your ass their. Don't let the door hit your ass when you leave.

ONce again, we are going to fix this country, and you will thank us for it.

Heaven help us all.
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ONce again, we are going to fix this country, and you will thank us for it.

THIS country did not need to be fixed, now it does. You don't like it, and think we should be more like those other countries? MOVE YOUR GOD DAMN ASS TO ONE OF THEM.

Lowest life expectency in the INdustrialized World
Highest Infant mortality rate in the industrialized world
Highest spend per capita in the Industrialized world
62% of bankruptcies linked to medical crisis.
46 million uninsured.
25 million underinsured.

Yes, it needed to be fixed, and if you guys weren't so busy sucking Koch, you'd realize it needed to be fixed.

Gee no wonder, we slaughter hundreds of thousands of them in the womb every year. Heh. That's pathetic Joe.
Joe, you might as well give it up. These guys have had AM radio turned up so loud for so long that that have become immune to logic. The fact that Medicare works just fine, escapes them. The fact that every industrialized nation in the world has some sort of universal health care escapes them. The fact that not one single country has ever even considered adopting our employer based health insurance system escapes them. The fact that employers having to contribute at least 50% of the single premium out of their own pocket, thus making them uncompetitive in the world market, and motivating employers to ship jobs overseas, escapes them.

You are wasting your time when you tell the Right that runnung around in circles, screaming, in order to put the fire in their hair out, is not going to do them any good.
Keep telling yourself htat, but no country wants the awful mess we have in this one.

Here's the thing. Medicare runs just fine. The VA runs just fine

Private Insurance, not so much.

Yo retard, are you aware that Aetna, Cigna, etc can not print their own money like the federal government does?

That they have to attract investment revenue by providing a return to their investors, ie, they can not send armed IRS agents to loot and plunder.

Go back and delete that stupid post,


NO, Cigna just goes ahead and denies people liver transplants or tells employers to fire employees that get sick.

Hey, guy, the idea of health care is NOT to make investors rich.

It's to provide care to patients.

Are you some kind of retard?

For someone who "claims" to do a lot of research, you are rather ill informed about what is going on regarding national health care. You honestly believe that a government controlled health care system won't deny treatment, that they are somehow BETTER than the private sector?

NHS doctor denied life-extending cancer drugs in latest 'postcode lottery' case

NHS doctor denied life-extending cancer drugs in latest 'postcode lottery' case - Telegraph

A doctor has been refused cancer therapy that could prolong her life by 20 years, in the latest example of the "postcode lottery" in NHS treatment.

Becky Smith, 30, was told that her local NHS Trust would not meet the £23,000 cost of the pioneering treatment, despite it being available for patients in other areas of the country.

NHS denies 'effective' cancer drugs due to cost

NHS denies 'effective' cancer drugs due to cost - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

Campaigners expressed outrage yesterday at a decision to deny four drug treatments to NHS patients with advanced kidney cancer.
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) issued draft guidance rejecting the drugs Sutent (sunitinib), Avastin (bevacizumab), Nexavar (sorafenib) and Torisel (temsirolimus). This leaves patients with only one treatment option – interferon.

Professor John Wagstaff, from the South Wales Cancer Institute, said there was "no point" in him accepting referrals for people with advanced kidney cancer as 75 per cent of them "do not gain any real benefit" from interferon.

NHS cuts: Blood Clot Patients Being Denied Vital Drugs

NHS cuts: Blood clot patients being denied vital drugs putting lives at risk - Mirror Online

More than 80,000 people a year suffer blood clots and the annual cost to the NHS is £640million.

Campaigners insist NOAC drugs save the health service cash by keeping people out of hospital.

A survey by charity Lifeblood found 64% of GPs had been prevented from giving patients NOAC *medicines by their own practice managers.

Of those, 98% said it was because of the NHS budget cuts brought in by Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt.

One patient, Joga Khera, told how his consultant had *recommended he be given NOAC after developing a blood clot in his leg last year. But his GP would not prescribe them.

The 45-year-old purchasing manager, of Iver, Bucks, said: “They just refused.
Govt running HC??

The Govt that has never run anything cheaply or well running HC for 300 million Americans?? Good Gawd. Talk about a red tape, paperwork filled horror show.

As for MA? I doubt Masscare would be popular if the taxpayers in MA were taxed to pay what the Fed Govt is funnelling into MA to support Masscare. Kinda sorta think they would be screaming like stuck pigs. I know I would.

Loads of private medical concerns in Canada now and they are getting more popular. Think you'll find that other countries will be getting out of the HC business as they keep having to raise taxes to support it.

Keep telling yourself htat, but no country wants the awful mess we have in this one.

Here's the thing. Medicare runs just fine. The VA runs just fine

Private Insurance, not so much.

If you think VA runs just fine then you don't know what you're talking about. The VA has Canadian style wait times. and that's after it taking up to 2 years to get into the system. The VA has a huge provider shortage and they are not keeping up with demand.
You need to do some more research if you honestly believe that a government controlled health care system is a more viable option. National health care is NOT more cost effective, there is no evidence of that (on any level, to even include MASSCARE)


I have done plenty of research. When you crush raw numbers and you aren't a Ayn Rand reading loon, they come out pretty well.

I very seriously doubt you are any better at crunching raw numbers than those government officials in MASSCARE, or NHS who are each tackling health care cost issues as well the need to still provide quality care. Based on your ability to counter the facts I've already provided, it appears you're rather lacking in that "research" department.

Here are the facts.

British people spend less per capita than we do.
They have a lower infant mortality rate
They have a longer life expectency
The World Health Organization ranked the UK as having the 18th best system in the world. meanwhile the US ranked 46 out of 48 countries included in the same study.

Yo retard, are you aware that Aetna, Cigna, etc can not print their own money like the federal government does?

That they have to attract investment revenue by providing a return to their investors, ie, they can not send armed IRS agents to loot and plunder.

Go back and delete that stupid post,


NO, Cigna just goes ahead and denies people liver transplants or tells employers to fire employees that get sick.

Hey, guy, the idea of health care is NOT to make investors rich.

It's to provide care to patients.

Are you some kind of retard?

For someone who "claims" to do a lot of research, you are rather ill informed about what is going on regarding national health care. You honestly believe that a government controlled health care system won't deny treatment, that they are somehow BETTER than the private sector?


Again, you go by anecdote... I can come up with plenty of anecdotes about people screwed over by our system.

I go by raw figures- The Brits live longer, spend less, have less babies dies in infancy, less people go bankrupt when they get sick.
You need to do some more research if you honestly believe that a government controlled health care system is a more viable option. National health care is NOT more cost effective, there is no evidence of that (on any level, to even include MASSCARE)

There are many valid criticisms of nationalized healthcare, but "not lower cost" isn't one of them.

It's not even remotely close.
this thread is just another leftie/liberal/Democrat/commies wet dream

when ofailnocare continues hitting people in this country as it's just begun...

no amount of using blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals, childreeeeen, etc etc will help this Democrat/commie party

vote the bastards out of power over us people
this thread is just another leftie/liberal/Democrat/commies wet dream

when ofailnocare continues hitting people in this country as it's just begun...

no amount of using blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals, childreeeeen, etc etc will help this Democrat/commie party

vote the bastards out of power over us people

Only about four percent of people are being effected adversely by ObamaCare.

Compared to 16% who are benefitting from it.
Really? Because nearly everyone else realized the GOP would make gains because the out of power party almost always does in off election years.

You are a god damn liar.

Please post a quote to any pundit who seriously predicted more Democratic gains in 2010.


you're a dumb ass

Republicans in Distress: Is the Party Over? - TIME

And They Wonder Why the GOP Is Dead « Tammy Bruce

OpEdNews - Article: How Dead is the Republican Party?

You had to go all the way back to early 2009 for those, really?

How about predictions FROM 2010 about 2010.

this thread is just another leftie/liberal/Democrat/commies wet dream

when ofailnocare continues hitting people in this country as it's just begun...

no amount of using blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals, childreeeeen, etc etc will help this Democrat/commie party

vote the bastards out of power over us people

Only about four percent of people are being effected adversely by ObamaCare.

Compared to 16% who are benefitting from it.

You seem to overlook that businesses have been exempt until next year....wanna guess how much the numbers rise then? Hmmmmm? :eusa_whistle:
The numbers who are benefiting are those on medicare and medicaid....(not paying in)
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One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

won't be because of this..... if anything, it helps them

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You had to go all the way back to early 2009 for those, really?

How about predictions FROM 2010 about 2010.

Stupid fuck 2009 lead up to the 2010 election that was the GOP is dead in 2010

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