One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

The moocher class can not even feed themselves and Joe claims they are coming to get our shit.

LOL, you know that I don't do surveillance work.
I do major litigation fighting the insurance companies and corporations that you hate so much.
I am the guy that fights for the poor and helps them.
You tell them to go fuck themselves and wait in a government line.
You hate me but always call me when you are crying about big bad corporations or insurance companies.
Thanks for the cash, I need more.

I think you fail to understand the difference between a soldier and a mercernary... and why the latter is generally despised.
After the republicans got thrashed in the last election they set up a commission to evaluate why they lost and how to avoid losing in the future. The prime finding of the commission was that the demographics of America were changing (no surprise there) and that if the republicans wanted to remain relevant they needed to change also. The recommendation was that the republican party needs to actively work toward bringing Hispanics into the party.
They have a perfect chance to do that now but I fully expect that the republican party will once again shoot themselves in the foot. What the republicans need to do is to come out with a broad immigration plan that offers a way for Hispanics to become American citizens. But THAT is exactly what President Obama is preparing to do. This places the republicans in a bind. Should they strongly support a sweeping immigration plan (similar to what Obama is offering) OR should they dig in their heels and refuse to accept any plan Obama offers just as they have done throughout the last five years.
I am betting that the republicans will dig in their heels and refuse to offer a plan similar to Obama's. In other words, they will once again play the obstruction card and in the process slap the people who could help them win elections in the face. And then, after losing the Hispanic vote by a wide margin in 2014, they will once again scratch their heads and ask "Why did we lose? I don't understand."

The only reason Democrats will lose big in 2014:

The moocher class can not even feed themselves and Joe claims they are coming to get our shit.

I'm curious who you think this "moocher class" is, exactly?

People who think there's such a thing as 'free and affordable healthcare.'

You mean...


Oh, snap. All of those countries have some form of Universal Health Care. Not only do they live longer, have lower infant mortality rates, and generally rate higher than us in most international surveys...

But they also spend a LOWER amount of their GDP on Health care.

Here's a helpful chart for you..

I'm curious who you think this "moocher class" is, exactly?

People who think there's such a thing as 'free and affordable healthcare.'

You mean...


Oh, snap. All of those countries have some form of Universal Health Care. Not only do they live longer, have lower infant mortality rates, and generally rate higher than us in most international surveys...

But they also spend a LOWER amount of their GDP on Health care.

Here's a helpful chart for you..


Hmm, then tell me why it isn't working here? If we were to spend less of our GDP on healthcare, why are premiums expected to go up by 41%? Normally when people have a plan they already like they don't need to be ushered into another more expensive plan.

Here's a helpful hint, we aren't Europe nor Asia, we're America, where we don't earn what we have off the backs of others. Nor do we reap benefits off the backs hard working people.

At any rate, I fail to see how 'free healthcare' is being provided to Americans via the ACA when your premiums are way higher than what you previously had before. I fail to see how a $1.2 trillion healthcare law is 'lowering GDP expenditures on healthcare' in America.

Provide me with definitive proof that this law is working as it should be. Do it. I dare you.
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I'm curious who you think this "moocher class" is, exactly?

People who think there's such a thing as 'free and affordable healthcare.'

Everyone else in the developed world has "free and affordable healthcare"

Well, it’s not ‘free,’ and it’s ‘affordable’ in that everyone has access to healthcare.

But it is proof that conservatives are once again wrong, where the countries that have universal health care are thriving free market capitalist nations, some have had UHC for over a century and are among the most successful and powerful free market economies.
People who think there's such a thing as 'free and affordable healthcare.'

Everyone else in the developed world has "free and affordable healthcare"

Well, it’s not ‘free,’ and it’s ‘affordable’ in that everyone has access to healthcare.

But it is proof that conservatives are once again wrong, where the countries that have universal health care are thriving free market capitalist nations, some have had UHC for over a century and are among the most successful and powerful free market economies.

Just because one 'has access' does not mean that such access does not come with a hefty price. How can conservatives be wrong, when millions of people are being kicked off of their existing healthcare plans or being made to pay way more for this 'access' you speak of. They already had access, now no thanks to increasing premiums due to Obamacare, they don't. Who can afford it? Who can access it when it is so damned expensive?

Another thing, we have been one of the most successful capitalist economies in the free world without having the need for Universal Healthcare. So what makes you think having it will distinguish us from the rest of the world?
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shakles continues to post unrelated matrial and continues to demonstrate he is a low information generally unaware voter.

The GOP can win big next IF it ignore the libertarian wing altogether and IF it follows through on today's policy of not financing candidates who are tied solidly to the TPM.
Social market democracy flourishes in Europe and, at times, here.

Libertarianism is a poor philosophy, because it relies on an unrealistic evaluation of human nature.

That is the same failure that undermined communism.

Hmm, then tell me why it isn't working here? If we were to spend less of our GDP on healthcare, why are premiums expected to go up by 41%? Normally when people have a plan they already like they don't need to be ushered into another more expensive plan.

Here's a helpful hint, we aren't Europe nor Asia, we're America, where we don't earn what we have off the backs of others. Nor do we reap benefits off the backs hard working people.

At any rate, I fail to see how 'free healthcare' is being provided to Americans via the ACA when your premiums are way higher than what you previously had before. I fail to see how a $1.2 trillion healthcare law is 'lowering GDP expenditures on healthcare' in America.

Provide me with definitive proof that this law is working as it should be. Do it. I dare you.

A law that has been in place for less than a month, is not even being fully implemented?

It doesn't matter if you "Like" your plan. I loved my last job, until they fucked me over. You like your parachute until you have to jump out of a plane with it and it doesn't open.

Incidently, my premiums are exactly what they were last year under the ACA. so are most people.

Yeah, and? We aren't 'everyone else', are we? You can shove that eurocentrism of yours up your backside.

It strikes me that if someone has already done something and worked all teh bugs out, you go with what they did.

Germany has had universal coverage- a form of private and public insurance that covers everyone - since the time of Otto von Bismarck.

Yeah, and? We aren't 'everyone else', are we? You can shove that eurocentrism of yours up your backside.

It strikes me that if someone has already done something and worked all teh bugs out, you go with what they did.

Germany has had universal coverage- a form of private and public insurance that covers everyone - since the time of Otto von Bismarck.

looks like if it worked for you, you would move your ass their. Don't let the door hit your ass when you leave.
Actually that's a mirror you are talking to, bigrebnc, so take your own advice.

LOL, you know that I don't do surveillance work.
I do major litigation fighting the insurance companies and corporations that you hate so much.
I am the guy that fights for the poor and helps them.
You tell them to go fuck themselves and wait in a government line.
You hate me but always call me when you are crying about big bad corporations or insurance companies.
Thanks for the cash, I need more.

I think you fail to understand the difference between a soldier and a mercernary... and why the latter is generally despised.

This country was founded with the assistance of 30,000+ of mercenaries.
Called History 101 taught in 3rd grade.
I am sure you despised the revolution against the crown monarchy of England as you strike me as the Torrie type.
You also need an elementary vocabulary lesson. Mercenaries are in armed conflict such as shooting wars.

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