One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

Republicans don't need the Hispanic vote, this is a myth. If they focused on supporting policies in the interests of their white middle/working class base(ie. immigration reduction/moratorium, ending free trade, opposing bailouts, non-interventionist foreign policy, real tax cuts etc) they could win multiple elections going into the future. Even if demographics shift towards a larger non-white population with amnesty granted, Republicans can win with just 65% of the White vote, no increase in non-white vote needed through 2024. It would take far more of a shift in the Hispanic vote to guarantee republican victory than shift in the white vote for Republican Victory. Of course Republicans are interested in winning elections or representing their constituents, so they will continue to lose.

I can't post a link yet, but look up the survey done by Nate Silver the New York Times forecasting demographic trends and corresponding electoral results to confirm my information.

Getting 65% of the White Vote is a statistical impossibility.

Bush got 54% of the White vote in 2000
Bush got 58% of the White vote in 2004
McCain got 55% of the white vote in 2008
Romney got 59% of the White vote in 2012.

The reason why Bush won in 2004. (He didn't in 2000, sorry. that was stolen) was because he was smart enough to do outreach. He got 11% of the black vote and 44% of the Latino vote.

Keep in mind, next time, the Democrats are likely to nominate a white person. That means that anti-Obama racism that animated Romney's campaign like a zombie won't be there next time.

If the GOP wants to win, it has to stop with the racial bullshit and reach out to minorities.


For the next presidential election of 2016, Republicans would have to lock up 74% of the Latino vote to win the election. It is far more realistic they win 5 more percent of the white vote considering the disenfranchisement of the white working class by Democrats.

I am not a Republican, but if they want to win elections, they should focus on supporting right wing populist policies to increase their share of the white vote, and doing whatever they can to preserve the white majority(aka their constituents). This would be the smart move. However, the money that controls the Republican party and most of the politicians in the party wants cheap labor. The Democrats want to votes, so together, the powers that be of both parties want mass third world immigration to continue into the US.
Obama changed the definition of deportation to include all turned back at the border.

Prior a deportation was counted when one who had made it through or across the border illegally and was inside the US and captured.
Many of the middle class destroyed themselves believing that in a modern day world economy they can still make 65K a year with a 12K benefit package with a high school education and little to no skills other than what someone else taught them and told them to do.

The sad part is that you used to be able to get yourself a nice union job with benefits that you could supprt your family on

That is long gone

Called competition and the free market a and automation.
Did you also feel bad for horse buggy manufacturers who all lost their jobs when the automobile was invented?
You are the one that is at fault for union members losing their jobs and benefits.
YOUR demand for a cheaper product. Look at the shoes on your feet.
Why pay a union worker for a job someone with medium skills 65K a year when someone else can do the same job for $30 and half the benefits as in this country over demand on the health care system has run the prices through the roof.
I am glad those days are long gone. It created a stagnant mentality on advancing skills to the information age.
"GOP has to stop the racial bullshit"
The Republicans leading candidate was a black man and the only race baiting going on would be all Democrats.
Their latest BS is their claim that a black kid in Lowndes county was somehow murdered.
Their problem is there is no honkey to blame it on but they are feverishly looking for a white person to blame it on.
ron4342 ron4342 is offline
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It is interesting to note that President Obama has deported more people to Mexico than any other president.

Yes, there has been a huge increase in the number of deportations of Mexicans during the past 12 years. I would like to point out how your blind credit really does belong to Oduma and Holden.

First, answer this question, why did the deportations increase? Could it be from the 10 fold increase of those Mexicans fleeing their drug war ravaged country to get to somewhere a bit more safe? A drug war exacerbated by the Oduma administrations ILLEGAL fast and furious arms deals that put deadlier weapons in the hands of those killing thousands in Mexico?

Yes, it is Odumas fault, EVERY bit of it.

Border crossings were impacted by Fast and Furious?

Someone is full of himself....or full of something else

All that sewer work really impacted your ability to see past the blatantly obvious, huh?
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Called competition and the free market a and automation.
Did you also feel bad for horse buggy manufacturers who all lost their jobs when the automobile was invented?
You are the one that is at fault for union members losing their jobs and benefits.
YOUR demand for a cheaper product. Look at the shoes on your feet.
Why pay a union worker for a job someone with medium skills 65K a year when someone else can do the same job for $30 and half the benefits as in this country over demand on the health care system has run the prices through the roof.
I am glad those days are long gone. It created a stagnant mentality on advancing skills to the information age.

Sorry, guy, I don't think I am getting better service when I am shuffled through sixteen recordings before I get to talk to Pradip in India who doesn't understand what I am saying.

You might consider this progress, I don't.

On a similar note, why pay a CEO $83,000,000 to run a company when there is an equally talented guy who could run it for $400,000, which is what companies in the rest of the industrialized world do.

Called competition and the free market a and automation.
Did you also feel bad for horse buggy manufacturers who all lost their jobs when the automobile was invented?
You are the one that is at fault for union members losing their jobs and benefits.
YOUR demand for a cheaper product. Look at the shoes on your feet.
Why pay a union worker for a job someone with medium skills 65K a year when someone else can do the same job for $30 and half the benefits as in this country over demand on the health care system has run the prices through the roof.
I am glad those days are long gone. It created a stagnant mentality on advancing skills to the information age.

Sorry, guy, I don't think I am getting better service when I am shuffled through sixteen recordings before I get to talk to Pradip in India who doesn't understand what I am saying.

You might consider this progress, I don't.

On a similar note, why pay a CEO $83,000,000 to run a company when there is an equally talented guy who could run it for $400,000, which is what companies in the rest of the industrialized world do.

But, but, don't you realize that someday some of that $83 million will trickle down to me?.....:)

Called competition and the free market a and automation.
Did you also feel bad for horse buggy manufacturers who all lost their jobs when the automobile was invented?
You are the one that is at fault for union members losing their jobs and benefits.
YOUR demand for a cheaper product. Look at the shoes on your feet.
Why pay a union worker for a job someone with medium skills 65K a year when someone else can do the same job for $30 and half the benefits as in this country over demand on the health care system has run the prices through the roof.
I am glad those days are long gone. It created a stagnant mentality on advancing skills to the information age.

Sorry, guy, I don't think I am getting better service when I am shuffled through sixteen recordings before I get to talk to Pradip in India who doesn't understand what I am saying.

You might consider this progress, I don't.

On a similar note, why pay a CEO $83,000,000 to run a company when there is an equally talented guy who could run it for $400,000, which is what companies in the rest of the industrialized world do.

Exactly. If I have to explain to someone in customer service that I want to speak to a person who can speak and comprehend English as clearly and concisely as I can, then somebody done dropped the ball in the name of their bottom line.
Keep in mind, next time, the Democrats are likely to nominate a white person. That means that anti-Obama racism that animated Romney's campaign like a zombie won't be there next time.

If the GOP wants to win, it has to stop with the racial bullshit and reach out to minorities.


Show me any racists tactics, statements, inferences or anything Romney did that was racially motivated in the election.
Where is it or was that just another comment in a long line of them you took out of your ass.

You got to understand the liberal mindset. Anything that doesn't support their view of more big government involvement and dependency, they will equate to racism. Rather it's deemed more acceptable to rely on government than to boast the success of individual achievement, personal decisions, accountability, and determination to persevere through your own obstacles in life. We have raised a generation of excuses to replace individual achievement, entertained through the coaxing rhetoric that the government can supply all your needs. When was the last time the Democrats actually promoted individuals with attaining the American dream, instead of the constant rhetoric of punishing them as the problem for reaching it?
Actually whenever I drive through the city, I can find plenty of our young in impoverished neighborhoods wandering the streets refusing the free public education that has been given to them. Some are from single parent families from broken homes due to our changing society, others seem to seek the quick rewards and addictions of substance abuse as it's quite apparent quite a few do it I themselves through their OWN decisions and choices they make. Looking to find blame through actions that don't favor liberal democrats, such as unions busting and right-to-work, is merely an excuse of convenience.

The Left will take absolutely NO responsibility for their actions that led to that situation, either. They blame "offshoring" as if their supporters in unions had nothing to do with making labor so expensive here that it was cheaper to pay shipping from across the oceans than manufacture here. They completely reject the fact that their war on marriage CAUSED the breakdown of the nuclear family in poor neighborhoods. And, they blame those who flee their high taxes for not being willing to stay in their jurisdictions to be bled dry.

Many on the Left are truly intellectually bankrupt and silly..

Called competition and the free market a and automation.
Did you also feel bad for horse buggy manufacturers who all lost their jobs when the automobile was invented?
You are the one that is at fault for union members losing their jobs and benefits.
YOUR demand for a cheaper product. Look at the shoes on your feet.
Why pay a union worker for a job someone with medium skills 65K a year when someone else can do the same job for $30 and half the benefits as in this country over demand on the health care system has run the prices through the roof.
I am glad those days are long gone. It created a stagnant mentality on advancing skills to the information age.

Sorry, guy, I don't think I am getting better service when I am shuffled through sixteen recordings before I get to talk to Pradip in India who doesn't understand what I am saying.

You might consider this progress, I don't.

On a similar note, why pay a CEO $83,000,000 to run a company when there is an equally talented guy who could run it for $400,000, which is what companies in the rest of the industrialized world do.

Walk with your feet or do as I do. Had a 2 tire blowout 2 weeks ago in I-75 north at Lake City rest area on a Sunday. Called AARP road service and got an Indian dude. I asked where he was and he said India. Hung up and called back, same thing. Third call I got a girl in Texas I could understand.
Called using your brain and a little smarts which I do understand is not part of the union mentality.
You are not paying anyone 83 million a year and have nothing to do with that whatsoever unless you own stock in that company. Do not like it sell your stock.
Try and see how that works in the country that allegedly pays their CEO "$400,000" a year. Add in the stock options, real estate, perks and deferred compensation these people get, especially in Japan where an exclusive golf condo and membership can be ten million as real estate is scarce there.
Companies in the rest of the industrialized world do not pay their CEOs 400K a year. Great liberal talking points but average total compensation for German CEOs is 8 million a year plus stock options averaging 5-10 million, MORE than the cash payments to American CEOs as most of their pay is stock options.
Now do you understand that in most all stock option contracts if the stock does not go up then the CEO would not exercise his option because HE MAKES NO MONEY?
Called incentives, something Democrats only understand when they are offering them in the form of food stamps and other handouts for votes.
Amazing that in most instances I WANT an Indian handling my customer service as they have far more technical sense than the Americans.
Americans are 38th in the industrialized world in tech smarts.
Give me that hard working guy in India any day of the week over the American guy on the phone who is bitching about his hours, how many coffee breaks he gets a day, what his benefit package is and how he hates management because they make $1 more a hour than he does and they only have to work 10 hours more a week than him.

Walk with your feet or do as I do. Had a 2 tire blowout 2 weeks ago in I-75 north at Lake City rest area on a Sunday. Called AARP road service and got an Indian dude. I asked where he was and he said India. Hung up and called back, same thing. Third call I got a girl in Texas I could understand.
Called using your brain and a little smarts which I do understand is not part of the union mentality.

No, the minute I hear Pradip on the other end, I cancel my service with that company.

You are not paying anyone 83 million a year and have nothing to do with that whatsoever unless you own stock in that company. Do not like it sell your stock.

Or pass common sense laws that control executive compensation and make the rich pay their fair share.

Try and see how that works in the country that allegedly pays their CEO "$400,000" a year. Add in the stock options, real estate, perks and deferred compensation these people get, especially in Japan where an exclusive golf condo and membership can be ten million as real estate is scarce there.

CEO of my company (British owned) makes only 600K a year. Only in AMerica do we have this insanity.

Companies in the rest of the industrialized world do not pay their CEOs 400K a year. Great liberal talking points but average total compensation for German CEOs is 8 million a year plus stock options averaging 5-10 million, MORE than the cash payments to American CEOs as most of their pay is stock options.

Bullshit. This is a uniquely American stupidity.

Now do you understand that in most all stock option contracts if the stock does not go up then the CEO would not exercise his option because HE MAKES NO MONEY?
Called incentives, something Democrats only understand when they are offering them in the form of food stamps and other handouts for votes.

Man, you spend a lot of time defending Greed. I guess 2008 didn't happen in your world.
Amazing that in most instances I WANT an Indian handling my customer service as they have far more technical sense than the Americans.
Americans are 38th in the industrialized world in tech smarts.
Give me that hard working guy in India any day of the week over the American guy on the phone who is bitching about his hours, how many coffee breaks he gets a day, what his benefit package is and how he hates management because they make $1 more a hour than he does and they only have to work 10 hours more a week than him.

Of course you do. You just LOOOOOOOOVE people who bend over and take it for the man.

Walk with your feet or do as I do. Had a 2 tire blowout 2 weeks ago in I-75 north at Lake City rest area on a Sunday. Called AARP road service and got an Indian dude. I asked where he was and he said India. Hung up and called back, same thing. Third call I got a girl in Texas I could understand.
Called using your brain and a little smarts which I do understand is not part of the union mentality.

No, the minute I hear Pradip on the other end, I cancel my service with that company.

You are not paying anyone 83 million a year and have nothing to do with that whatsoever unless you own stock in that company. Do not like it sell your stock.

Or pass common sense laws that control executive compensation and make the rich pay their fair share.

CEO of my company (British owned) makes only 600K a year. Only in AMerica do we have this insanity.

Companies in the rest of the industrialized world do not pay their CEOs 400K a year. Great liberal talking points but average total compensation for German CEOs is 8 million a year plus stock options averaging 5-10 million, MORE than the cash payments to American CEOs as most of their pay is stock options.

Bullshit. This is a uniquely American stupidity.

Now do you understand that in most all stock option contracts if the stock does not go up then the CEO would not exercise his option because HE MAKES NO MONEY?
Called incentives, something Democrats only understand when they are offering them in the form of food stamps and other handouts for votes.

Man, you spend a lot of time defending Greed. I guess 2008 didn't happen in your world.

LOL, you want a law to force me to pay my people a certain amount?
You are crazy. This is a free market country.
Now go spend some time educating yourself on stock options and get back to us.
2008 made me a lot of money.
Bought property up the road from where I live from a retiree in Florida who wanted out of it.
He was very happy and I am very happy. He bought that 5 acres in 1979 for 15K. He made over 125K off of selling it to me. He moved to Costa Rica with his wife in 2009
I stand to make close to 200K off of it as I have a contract on it now.
So who is greedy? Both of us?
Greed is good.

LOL, you want a law to force me to pay my people a certain amount?
You are crazy. This is a free market country.
Now go spend some time educating yourself on stock options and get back to us.

No, what's crazy is letting 1% steal 43% of the wealth.

That's just fucking crazy.

I mean this kind of Crazy..


"Hey, don't they know I'm one of the MAKERS!!!!"

LOL, you want a law to force me to pay my people a certain amount?
You are crazy. This is a free market country.
Now go spend some time educating yourself on stock options and get back to us.

No, what's crazy is letting 1% steal 43% of the wealth.

That's just fucking crazy.

I mean this kind of Crazy..


"Hey, don't they know I'm one of the MAKERS!!!!"

And hopefully it will not be long before we have earned more than just 43% of the wealth.
But it will be harder than ever with the growth and support for the increasing numbers of the moocher class.
But do not count me out. I work harder than you do and always will.

And hopefully it will not be long before we have earned more than just 43% of the wealth.
But it will be harder than ever with the growth and support for the increasing numbers of the moocher class.
But do not count me out. I work harder than you do and always will.

Guy, peaking into people's windows and getting into their business is not a worthy pursuit...

Actually, pretty soon, we are going to reach a boiling point where the 1%ers aren't going to get away with it much longer.

Then we go back to pure Keynesian economics, which work pretty well than the supply side waiting for the rich to trickle down on the rest of us.

They're trickling down on us, all right.

Seriously, fuck the rich.

And hopefully it will not be long before we have earned more than just 43% of the wealth.
But it will be harder than ever with the growth and support for the increasing numbers of the moocher class.
But do not count me out. I work harder than you do and always will.

Guy, peaking into people's windows and getting into their business is not a worthy pursuit...

Actually, pretty soon, we are going to reach a boiling point where the 1%ers aren't going to get away with it much longer.

Then we go back to pure Keynesian economics, which work pretty well than the supply side waiting for the rich to trickle down on the rest of us.

They're trickling down on us, all right.

Seriously, fuck the rich.

LOL, you know that I don't do surveillance work.
I do major litigation fighting the insurance companies and corporations that you hate so much.
I am the guy that fights for the poor and helps them.
You tell them to go fuck themselves and wait in a government line.
You hate me but always call me when you are crying about big bad corporations or insurance companies.
Thanks for the cash, I need more.

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