One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

Well, you would freak if you had to give up your government assistance.

Not really Jake, it just means you have to get off your ass and try harder instead of looking to depend on that unemployment extension. As for Social Security, I can use that money that comes out of my check to build and set aside a better retirement.

Admit that it is you who is on assistance, son, not me. I have worked every day of my life from fifteen at something until the day I retired last December.

I made my way.

You should try it.
In case you've recently developed Alzheimer's at your age Jake, I wasn't the one found trying to DEFEND government assistance, I'd rather earn my own way than sit and have to depend on the government to support me.
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The bottom line is that the GOP just doesn't seem to have a clue: women, minorities, immigration, social welfare programs, the environment, national health care, education, the economy, gun control, taxes--you name it: everything that is important to the average American, today's average American, the GOP is not in sync with, does not have a clue how the average American sees things. LOL Too bad for them. :D

You are right, the GOP is not in sync with taking hard earned cash from those that earned it and giving it to those that did not.
And you are also correct that now the average American believes that other taxpayers should pay a portion of their health insurance.
Too bad for the average producer who is getting fucked by the growing moocher class.
Not really Jake, it just means you have to get off your ass and try harder instead of looking to depend on that unemployment extension. As for Social Security, I can use that money that comes out of my check to build and set aside a better retirement.

Admit that it is you who is on assistance, son, not me. I have worked every day of my life from fifteen at something until the day I retired last December.

I made my way.

You should try it.
In case you've recently developed Alzheimer's at your age Jake, I wasn't the one found trying to DEFEND government assistance, I'd rather earn my own way than sit and have to depend on the government to support me.

Then get off assistance and get to work. Sheesh.
Gadawag, your post above is why you are out of touch with American votes: your post is not true and they know it, and they won't be demonized by someone like you.
One of the core strengths of the gop was defense. There's a few threads posted tonight showing that they want weakness.

You need to understand that there's a good reason that LIBERTRIANS are only 10% of the voters in this country. They can't win shit and Ron paul only winning -5% each time proves that to be so fucking true.

Republicans are jumping the shark!
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Gadawag, your post above is why you are out of touch with American votes: your post is not true and they know it, and they won't be demonized by someone like you.

I am not a candidate for anything and could care less what the voters think of me.
Everything I stated is true and you know it.
GOP has it stuck on stupid on the gay boogeyman issue, abortion, immigration and some other social issues but they have it 100% right on fiscal conservatism.
Anyone that has a brain knows that we spend way too much money and have grown a large dependent moocher class. If any of you do not know someone on social security disability that has nothing wrong with them then you do not get out much. SNAP was supposed to be SUPPLEMENTAL program and we now have families totally dependent on it. Bastard kids are now born into some communities at 75% and these poor kids are destined to a life of poverty and you folks blame Republicans for that?
Heads in the sand. The war on poverty and the great society are a massive government social engineering failure. Poor families are worse off now than before it started 50 years ago. A clear cycle of government dependence and a growing parasitic moocher class.
Speaking of troll like behavior
How is the former Republican theme
working out for you?

You know the 'concern troll' thing is so 90's

I could post back to you
but you might go off in a huff, again.

Are you really a male poster, because that
behavior is so effeminate

Oh, not having to stand up for the mean-spirited shit that is being said by the GOP these days ("Poor people deserve crappy health care because....ummm... "Freedom"!") is working out for me just fine, thanks.

But apparently, you still can't read a graph, where the point where poverty started going up again is when your boy Reagan destroyed the middle class.
GOP has it stuck on stupid on the gay boogeyman issue, abortion, immigration and some other social issues but they have it 100% right on fiscal conservatism.
Anyone that has a brain knows that we spend way too much money and have grown a large dependent moocher class. If any of you do not know someone on social security disability that has nothing wrong with them then you do not get out much. SNAP was supposed to be SUPPLEMENTAL program and we now have families totally dependent on it. Bastard kids are now born into some communities at 75% and these poor kids are destined to a life of poverty and you folks blame Republicans for that?
Heads in the sand. The war on poverty and the great society are a massive government social engineering failure. Poor families are worse off now than before it started 50 years ago. A clear cycle of government dependence and a growing parasitic moocher class.

But here's what you don't get.

The reason why we have all these "moochers' is because through a combination of offshoring, union-busting, right to work, at-will employment, and so on, the middle class jobs that used to make the working class self-reliant have largely disappeared.

You guys did this to yourselves, and now you are whining about it.

The only thing that kept you from total socialism is that you've been able to get some of the "moochers" upset about abortion and gay rights and other bullshit that doesn't really matter.
GOP has it stuck on stupid on the gay boogeyman issue, abortion, immigration and some other social issues but they have it 100% right on fiscal conservatism.
Anyone that has a brain knows that we spend way too much money and have grown a large dependent moocher class. If any of you do not know someone on social security disability that has nothing wrong with them then you do not get out much. SNAP was supposed to be SUPPLEMENTAL program and we now have families totally dependent on it. Bastard kids are now born into some communities at 75% and these poor kids are destined to a life of poverty and you folks blame Republicans for that?
Heads in the sand. The war on poverty and the great society are a massive government social engineering failure. Poor families are worse off now than before it started 50 years ago. A clear cycle of government dependence and a growing parasitic moocher class.

Very true. And those hard nosed fiscal conservatives do great until the first time they are asked about abortion, gays or guns

Can't lay off that third rail
Speaking of troll like behavior
How is the former Republican theme
working out for you?

You know the 'concern troll' thing is so 90's

I could post back to you
but you might go off in a huff, again.

Are you really a male poster, because that
behavior is so effeminate

Oh, not having to stand up for the mean-spirited shit that is being said by the GOP these days ("Poor people deserve crappy health care because....ummm... "Freedom"!") is working out for me just fine, thanks.

But apparently, you still can't read a graph, where the point where poverty started going up again is when your boy Reagan destroyed the middle class.

"Republicans want to see children starve"
"Republicans support and want dirty air and water"
"Republicans hate women and children"
"Republicans are racists" when their leading candidate was a black man for President
"Republicans are Nazis"
None of that is "mean spirited".
Many of the middle class destroyed themselves believing that in a modern day world economy they can still make 65K a year with a 12K benefit package with a high school education and little to no skills other than what someone else taught them and told them to do.
GOP has it stuck on stupid on the gay boogeyman issue, abortion, immigration and some other social issues but they have it 100% right on fiscal conservatism.
Anyone that has a brain knows that we spend way too much money and have grown a large dependent moocher class. If any of you do not know someone on social security disability that has nothing wrong with them then you do not get out much. SNAP was supposed to be SUPPLEMENTAL program and we now have families totally dependent on it. Bastard kids are now born into some communities at 75% and these poor kids are destined to a life of poverty and you folks blame Republicans for that?
Heads in the sand. The war on poverty and the great society are a massive government social engineering failure. Poor families are worse off now than before it started 50 years ago. A clear cycle of government dependence and a growing parasitic moocher class.

Very true. And those hard nosed fiscal conservatives do great until the first time they are asked about abortion, gays or guns

Can't lay off that third rail

This hard nosed fiscal conservative and all the ones I know focus on the money and not other folk's private lives. In fact I know many gay and lesbian fiscal conservatives.
Gadawag, your post above is why you are out of touch with American votes: your post is not true and they know it, and they won't be demonized by someone like you.

I am not a candidate for anything and could care less what the voters think of me.
Everything I stated is true and you know it.

You are in error, period. American voters know that your type of thinking is wrong and won't elect candidates like that.

Tis what tis.
Gadawag, your post above is why you are out of touch with American votes: your post is not true and they know it, and they won't be demonized by someone like you.

I am not a candidate for anything and could care less what the voters think of me.
Everything I stated is true and you know it.

You are in error, period. American voters know that your type of thinking is wrong and won't elect candidates like that.

Tis what tis.

Correct, you can not fix stupid as stupid people are like weeds, they are everywhere.
Do not care for Rush Limbaugh but he is right on one thing. Most voters these days are low information voters and both parties have them. Add that into the voter that votes for who will give them the most money and we have the government we deserve.
Subsidizing health insurance for folks that make 70K a year with tax payer money is outrageous. Go look it up my boy, this is all fact.
Woman with 5 kids on welfare with no father in the house.
How is that the fault of Republicans?

I blame the kids

Let a couple of them die and she will stop having them. Only way she will learn
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Many of the middle class destroyed themselves believing that in a modern day world economy they can still make 65K a year with a 12K benefit package with a high school education and little to no skills other than what someone else taught them and told them to do.

The sad part is that you used to be able to get yourself a nice union job with benefits that you could supprt your family on

That is long gone
The bottom line is that the GOP just doesn't seem to have a clue: women, minorities, immigration, social welfare programs, the environment, national health care, education, the economy, gun control, taxes--you name it: everything that is important to the average American, today's average American, the GOP is not in sync with, does not have a clue how the average American sees things. LOL Too bad for them. :D

You are right, the GOP is not in sync with taking hard earned cash from those that earned it and giving it to those that did not.
And you are also correct that now the average American believes that other taxpayers should pay a portion of their health insurance.
Too bad for the average producer who is getting fucked by the growing moocher class.

Gadawag, your post above is why you are out of touch with American votes: your post is not true and they know it, and they won't be demonized by someone like you.

Only to the uninformed Jake,
.... or those wandering "sheep" who rely on their government to become the provider of substance like any other dependent in need of acquiring another quick "fix".

"I hear politicians talking about values in an election year. I hear a lot about that. Let me tell you about values. Hard work, personal responsibility - those are values. But looking out for one another. That's a value. The idea that we're all in this together. I am my brother's keeper. I am my sister's keeper. That's a value."

"When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

"... the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and the more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society, and to that extent, as radical as, I think, people try to characterize the Warren court, it wasn't that radical; it didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers and the Constitution.... One of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court focused, I think, there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change, and in some ways, we still suffer from that. You can craft theoretical justification for it legally, and any three of us sitting here could come up with a rationale for bringing about economic change through the courts."

- Barrack Obama

Obama: 'Theoretically' OK for Courts to Redistribute Wealth - Capital Commerce (

Articles: Obama Misquotes Bible on Wealth Redistribution

With regard to ACA otherwise known as Obamacare. Those who are among the poor who can't afford insurance, the Federal Government can directly pay for their health care premiums as well as costs associated with those out-of-pocket expenses. [SOURCE: Health Care Reform Questions: 10 Most Asked Questions | Kaiser Permanente ]

Who do you honestly think pays for those costs, so the poor can have their health coverage? It's really not all difficult to figure out Jake for those who look beyond the freebies, to realize there is a cost behind all these government dependent give aways.
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Speaking of troll like behavior
How is the former Republican theme
working out for you?

You know the 'concern troll' thing is so 90's

I could post back to you
but you might go off in a huff, again.

Are you really a male poster, because that
behavior is so effeminate

Oh, not having to stand up for the mean-spirited shit that is being said by the GOP these days ("Poor people deserve crappy health care because....ummm... "Freedom"!") is working out for me just fine, thanks.

But apparently, you still can't read a graph, where the point where poverty started going up again is when your boy Reagan destroyed the middle class.

When has there ever been any progress with the war on poverty with respect to people becoming productive "working" members of society, instead of merely stabilizing the issue towards mere dependency on government as their constant source of provision? What progress towards their own ability to provide for themselves and wean off of these government provisions?

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