One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

The problem with low information lefties is that when they do read they tend to read the single syllable junk they like to hear from unreliable sources like Huffington and Media Matters.
As opposed to the intelligent and unbiased reports from Hannity, limbaugh, and fox news. I must confess, it takes a LOT of gall to accuse others of being "low information" when those are the primary news sources of the right. Consider the headline below and tell me again about the "low information" party.
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

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If the print gets any bigger
people will begin to think you have
a "compensating issue"
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I think the GOP needs to be the "economic" party- promoting fiscally responsible, efficient government, and maximum FREEDOM. The social agenda is toxic.
The "economic" party you are calling for almost put this country into the biggest depression since the 30's. Both reagan and george w. added huge amounts to the national debt. george w. cut taxes and borrowed money to pay for two wars. george w. also gave us Medicare part D but he did not provide a means for funding the program. During the last months of the george w. administration we were losing 750,000 jobs a month. Now, explain to me how that qualifies the republicans to be in charge of the economy.

It doesn’t.

For decades republicans have made empty promises of ‘fiscal responsibility’ and have failed to follow through.

Funny how its ALWAYS the Rs who are the biggest spenders.

make your points- fine
but cut back on bold print
I would love to, however my moniter gives me an extremely small font for this board. It is difficult for me to read. I generally use a 14 font which appears on my screen as about 1/8". I have absolutely no idea how large my posts appear on your screen. Make a suggestion and I will give it a try.
The problem with low information lefties is that when they do read they tend to read the single syllable junk they like to hear from unreliable sources like Huffington and Media Matters.
As opposed to the intelligent and unbiased reports from Hannity, limbaugh, and fox news. I must confess, it takes a LOT of gall to accuse others of being "low information" when those are the primary news sources of the right. Consider the headline below and tell me again about the "low information" party.
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

Read more:

If the print gets any bigger
people will begin to think you have
a "compensating issue"
I would love to, however my moniter gives me an extremely small font for this board. It is difficult for me to read. I generally use a 14 font which appears on my screen as about 1/8". I have absolutely no idea how large my posts appear on your screen. Make a suggestion and I will give it a try.
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make your points- fine
but cut back on bold print
I would love to, however my moniter gives me an extremely small font for this board. It is difficult for me to read. I generally use a 14 font which appears on my screen as about 1/8". I have absolutely no idea how large my posts appear on your screen. Make a suggestion and I will give it a try.

Well if it is a medical/sight issue - as they say in NY- "forget about it"
If you have computer issue- cool , so be it

Don't worry about it
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make your points- fine
but cut back on bold print
I would love to, however my moniter gives me an extremely small font for this board. It is difficult for me to read. I generally use a 14 font which appears on my screen as about 1/8". I have absolutely no idea how large my posts appear on your screen. Make a suggestion and I will give it a try.

Well if it is a medical/sight issue - as they say in NY- "forget about it"
If you have computer issue- cool , so be it

Don't worry about it

the editor says
if that helps
Funnier how it's always idiots who put up a 'graph' without a link.

Funnier is how this particular graph comes from "Office of the Democratic Leader" dated 5-3-11. *Source: Treasury Dept. :lmao:

Funniest is this awesome graph runs through 4-2011 and we are currently in

Funny how its ALWAYS the Rs who are the biggest spenders.

I think the GOP needs to be the "economic" party- promoting fiscally responsible, efficient government, and maximum FREEDOM. The social agenda is toxic.
The "economic" party you are calling for almost put this country into the biggest depression since the 30's. Both reagan and george w. added huge amounts to the national debt. george w. cut taxes and borrowed money to pay for two wars. george w. also gave us Medicare part D but he did not provide a means for funding the program. During the last months of the george w. administration we were losing 750,000 jobs a month. Now, explain to me how that qualifies the republicans to be in charge of the economy.

We've never had an "economic" party.
"Hummmmm...... You wish to compare illegal Hispanics to "weeds." It is exactly this attitude that is expressed by the racist element of the gop that drives Hispanics to vote Democrat. And it is exactly this attitude that I wrote about in the OP."

This type of irrational attitude by the far right of the GOP toward Hispanics, other minorities, and women guarantee the blueing of the country.

The millennial generation registers 20% Hispanic right now. All women voted 55% and single women 65% and Hispanics 81% and so forth for the Dems last time. By 2050, 1/3d of the country will be Latino.

A once solid red state, VA, is going to elect a terrible Dem for governor because the TeaP GOP candidate is even worse. The state is going purple with no indications of any reversal. Texas by 2020 will be purple and solidly blue by 2024 along with NM and AZ.

Either the GOP adjusts to demographic and cultural reality, or it will go down the drain with the likes of NeoTrotsky et al over the next few election cycles.
make your points- fine
but cut back on bold print
I would love to, however my moniter gives me an extremely small font for this board. It is difficult for me to read. I generally use a 14 font which appears on my screen as about 1/8". I have absolutely no idea how large my posts appear on your screen. Make a suggestion and I will give it a try.

Well if it is a medical/sight issue - as they say in NY- "forget about it"
If you have computer issue- cool , so be it

Don't worry about it
Believe me, I would like to post a smaller font. I have looked all over this website to see if it was possible to change the size of the fonts in the various posts. I have been unable to find a place that allows that. If you or someone knows how to adjust the fonts so I can be consistant with the rest of the board while being able to easily read my own posts I would be glad to give it a try.
I think the GOP needs to be the "economic" party- promoting fiscally responsible, efficient government, and maximum FREEDOM. The social agenda is toxic.
The "economic" party you are calling for almost put this country into the biggest depression since the 30's. Both reagan and george w. added huge amounts to the national debt. george w. cut taxes and borrowed money to pay for two wars. george w. also gave us Medicare part D but he did not provide a means for funding the program. During the last months of the george w. administration we were losing 750,000 jobs a month. Now, explain to me how that qualifies the republicans to be in charge of the economy.

We've never had an "economic" party.
Saying you are the economic party and being the economic party are two completely different things. The recent history of the republic party shows a party that spends like a drunken sailor when they are IN power and screams about the national debt when they are OUT of power. Changing the name of the party while not changing your way of doing business will not cut it.
As long as people in the GOP consider Democrats to be 'Communists,' their party will never get anywhere. It's so totally foolish and ignorant to hold such a point of view. :cuckoo:

You need to do your research, there is a shared anti-corporate "share the wealth" ideology among those who are supportive of communism in the United States ... with those of the liberal Democrat party.

I have written before that the people's movement that is now emerging doesn't yet possess the transformative power of the movement of the 1930s. That movement set in motion an era of broad, deep-going, democratic, anti-corporate restructuring of our political and economic institutions - and also changed the thinking of tens of milliions.

But what today's movement does possess is the potential to develop in that direction. All of which begs the question:

How do we accelerate this transition from a movement with transformative potential to a movement with transformative power and capacity?

.... It should also be an energetic part of the struggle to give the Republican Party a licking in next year's congressional elections. Defeating right-wing extremist candidates is the key link in moving the whole chain of struggle forward. It will take an expansive coalition of voters, including independents, centrists and even some moderate Republicans.

- Sam Webb cpusa

Ingredients for a movement that can transform our country » peoplesworld

Sam Webb » cpusa

And the Demwits could lift a quote from Hitler that "proves" that GOPers are all Nazis. Guilt-by-Association is a game for the brain-dead. Lowering yourself to play it discredits any rational point you might try to make. But why try when you are only preaching to the choir, thrashing your opponents just to get applauded by your cult of the Living Braindead?

I provided facts that there is a communist movement within the United States, and their ideological platform is very similar to that of liberal democrats. Just as the Republicans have a "religious right" fraction within their party, so does the Democrats include those of the cpusa. You can run to your "Hitler" like propaganda if it makes you feel better, however I DID supply a solid LINK stating their position and their chosen party they are willing to stand behind. Not all Democrats are affiliated with those of communists, however to say no such party exists is to remain ignorant of the facts.
It is the open hatred of Hispanics by the right. The scapegoating, calling them freeloaders and mooches that will doom Republicans

When are you guys going to learn to play nice?
We play fairly, rightwinger, and you know it, too. We recollect days of the Roughriders, the Alamo, and Goliad. The forces behind LaRaza have an anti-American agenda. They area the ones who aren't playing nice. They want our property. You seem to have no problem with that. When are you going to learn to play nice. hm?

Actually, you don't

There is an element of your party that is full of hate. They hate blacks, they hate gays and they hate Hispanics

Don't think for a minute that minorities don't recognize that your party tolerates the haters. They hear it on rightwing media, they hear the TeaTards, They see the legislation coming out of Republicans

Until party leaders start to deal with he haters, you will continue to draw single digits on election day

I'll remember that the next time Democrats run against a black Republican and choose to refer to him as an "Uncle Tom", over a debate on the issues. What makes you think all black individuals happen to be of the Democrat persuasion? What makes you believe all Hispanics affiliate themselves with progressives? Those in glass houses should think twice about throwing stones. You can debate on the issue, but when you begin to refer to your opponent as an "Uncle Tom" based upon their race, then you have just lost your credibility to honestly and intellectually debate the issues.
The sad fact is this reactionaryism and fear of change and diversity is not necessarily republican; there are many republicans who, like democrats, embrace diversity and look forward to change.

The problem for the GOP concerns the racist, fearful elements that have hijacked a once viable party and turned it into an institution of ignorance and hate.

Will you ever get off the commiecrat talking points, do you ever have an original thought?


Is that the best you got?

Haven't you guys progressed from the 1950s? Its like a time warp
That's the best many on the Right have.
You need to do your research, there is a shared anti-corporate "share the wealth" ideology among those who are supportive of communism in the United States ... with those of the liberal Democrat party.

And the Demwits could lift a quote from Hitler that "proves" that GOPers are all Nazis. Guilt-by-Association is a game for the brain-dead. Lowering yourself to play it discredits any rational point you might try to make. But why try when you are only preaching to the choir, thrashing your opponents just to get applauded by your cult of the Living Braindead?

I provided facts that there is a communist movement within the United States, and their ideological platform is very similar to that of liberal democrats. Just as the Republicans have a "religious right" fraction within their party, so does the Democrats include those of the cpusa. You can run to your "Hitler" like propaganda if it makes you feel better, however I DID supply a solid LINK stating their position and their chosen party they are willing to stand behind. Not all Democrats are affiliated with those of communists, however to say no such party exists is to remain ignorant of the facts.
HORSESHIT!!!! I will waste no more time on your outlandish statement about Democrats having a communist agenda. It makes exactly as much sense as claiming the Democrats are out to promote a flat earth agenda for the US. You may claim you see solid proof but I know people who claim there is solid proof for unicorns. That does not prove unicorns exist.
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We play fairly, rightwinger, and you know it, too. We recollect days of the Roughriders, the Alamo, and Goliad. The forces behind LaRaza have an anti-American agenda. They area the ones who aren't playing nice. They want our property. You seem to have no problem with that. When are you going to learn to play nice. hm?

Actually, you don't

There is an element of your party that is full of hate. They hate blacks, they hate gays and they hate Hispanics

Don't think for a minute that minorities don't recognize that your party tolerates the haters. They hear it on rightwing media, they hear the TeaTards, They see the legislation coming out of Republicans

Until party leaders start to deal with he haters, you will continue to draw single digits on election day

I'll remember that the next time Democrats run against a black Republican and choose to refer to him as an "Uncle Tom", over a debate on the issues. What makes you think all black individuals happen to be of the Democrat persuasion? What makes you believe all Hispanics affiliate themselves with progressives? Those in glass houses should think twice about throwing stones. You can debate on the issue, but when you begin to refer to your opponent as an "Uncle Tom" based upon their race, then you have just lost your credibility to honestly and intellectually debate the issues.
First of all, I do not believe I have ever seen a Democrat refer to a black republican as an "Uncle Tom." I have seen republicans make that claim about blacks who support the Democratic party. And ever if one did, it would not be the overall opinion of the Democratic party. It would be the misguided opinion of one or two people. And as for Hispanic republicans, I have no doubt that they exist. They have a perfect right to support who they wish to support. That said, I would not consider them the sharpest tool in the shed in supporting a party that does not value them. However, as I noted, IT IS THEIR CHOICE. You, and everyone else, are free to vote for the blockheads of your choice.
The GOP will not move on immigration. They will continue to obstruct and it will be to their doom. They are in a huge bind right now and their Leader in the House is more worried about his extra check than he is about his party or the country.
The GOP will not move on immigration. They will continue to obstruct and it will be to their doom. They are in a huge bind right now and their Leader in the House is more worried about his extra check than he is about his party or the country.

Like Obamacare, the fence is the law..

Build it


I'm for a comprehensive immigration program that involves securing the border first. Of course nothing is going to happen because Obamacare is sucking out all the oxygen from other debates. Perhaps immigration reform will be discussed seriously in a couple of years but not any time soon.

I agree.

Fix the border first. Then work on whatever else needs to be done on immigration.

They should also ammend the article about being born in the US. We are the only country on earth that reconizes someone born in our country as a citizen. Do that and it will get rid of the anchor babies in the US and the US territories.

That ammendment was put in to recognize the children of freed slaves as citizens. They sure didn't think ahead on that one.

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