One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

The GOP will not move on immigration. They will continue to obstruct and it will be to their doom. They are in a huge bind right now and their Leader in the House is more worried about his extra check than he is about his party or the country.

Like Obamacare, the fence is the law..

Build it



They're already here....:eusa_whistle:

Why not build the fence
Fine the shit out of people that hire them
and grant the workers and college students + family amnesty?

Sounds fair....
The GOP will not move on immigration. They will continue to obstruct and it will be to their doom. They are in a huge bind right now and their Leader in the House is more worried about his extra check than he is about his party or the country.

Like Obamacare, the fence is the law..

Build it



They're already here....:eusa_whistle

That's why we're full

Why not build the fence
Fine the shit out of people that hire them

I agree

and grant the workers and college students + family amnesty?

Sounds fair.

Nope- I disagree

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You have hate for lawlessness confused with ethnic hatred, Rightwinger. And your party is using language barriers with immigrants to brainwash them into prejudice against conservatives.

You're also moving the nation into an oligarchy that serves itself first.

Becki, look

You read this board everyday and you can't ignore the hate coming from a certain element of your party. You can keep your head in the sand. Blame Democrats for doing the same thing.......but it is there
Minorities read these boards, they hear what talk radio says about them. You think they don't hold it against Republicans?
Republicans are getting killed in the voting booth. You can blame the liberal media and free stuff
But until Republicans can clean up their act, they will pay a political price

What alternate universe do you live in? The real power for the Republicans is on the state level, and there they are dominating Democrats....Republicans control the governor's mansion in 30 of 50 states, and control both legislative chambers in 26 states. That's punishment? Please, punish the GOP more!! :lol:

Very true

The power of Republicans is at the local level. It is what allowed them to gerrymander the House to victory. They have centered on small pockets of ultraconservatives who can carry districts and not the popular vote
But alienating the minority vote is catching up to you. Republicans can no longer win the Senate and the Presidency is becoming out of reach. Those minority votes that you throw away because they won't vote for you anyway will catch up to you

It is only a matter of time
The GOP will not move on immigration. They will continue to obstruct and it will be to their doom. They are in a huge bind right now and their Leader in the House is more worried about his extra check than he is about his party or the country.

Like Obamacare, the fence is the law..

Build it



They're already here....:eusa_whistle:

Why not build the fence
Fine the shit out of people that hire them
and grant the workers and college students + family amnesty?

Sounds fair....

It goes much deeper than that. The problem is, anything that legitimizes the people that are already here also hurts the GOP. The Repubs just wish this whole immigration thing would just go away. The long term health of the Republican Party is looking rather bleak.
After the republicans got thrashed in the last election they set up a commission to evaluate why they lost and how to avoid losing in the future. The prime finding of the commission was that the demographics of America were changing (no surprise there)

Yes, indeed. The demographics have changed.

They found out that the Parasitic Faction, which votes early and often, is a powerhouse in US domestic politics.

.The Parasitic Faction Battle Hymn is :

[ame=""]FEED ME SEYMOUR[/ame]

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We play fairly, rightwinger, and you know it, too. We recollect days of the Roughriders, the Alamo, and Goliad. The forces behind LaRaza have an anti-American agenda. They area the ones who aren't playing nice. They want our property. You seem to have no problem with that. When are you going to learn to play nice. hm?

Actually, you don't

There is an element of your party that is full of hate. They hate blacks, they hate gays and they hate Hispanics

Don't think for a minute that minorities don't recognize that your party tolerates the haters. They hear it on rightwing media, they hear the TeaTards, They see the legislation coming out of Republicans

Until party leaders start to deal with he haters, you will continue to draw single digits on election day

I'll remember that the next time Democrats run against a black Republican and choose to refer to him as an "Uncle Tom", over a debate on the issues. What makes you think all black individuals happen to be of the Democrat persuasion? What makes you believe all Hispanics affiliate themselves with progressives? Those in glass houses should think twice about throwing stones. You can debate on the issue, but when you begin to refer to your opponent as an "Uncle Tom" based upon their race, then you have just lost your credibility to honestly and intellectually debate the issues.

But.......but.........You do it too

We are talking demographics. Right now, Republicans are chasing away important demographics with their treatment of blacks, minorities, gays and young women. Regardless of what Democrats may or may not do, the poor showing that Republicans have with these demographics is starting to hurt the party

So what are you going to do Republicans? Double down on your hate rhetoric?
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And the Demwits could lift a quote from Hitler that "proves" that GOPers are all Nazis. Guilt-by-Association is a game for the brain-dead. Lowering yourself to play it discredits any rational point you might try to make. But why try when you are only preaching to the choir, thrashing your opponents just to get applauded by your cult of the Living Braindead?

I provided facts that there is a communist movement within the United States, and their ideological platform is very similar to that of liberal democrats. Just as the Republicans have a "religious right" fraction within their party, so does the Democrats include those of the cpusa. You can run to your "Hitler" like propaganda if it makes you feel better, however I DID supply a solid LINK stating their position and their chosen party they are willing to stand behind. Not all Democrats are affiliated with those of communists, however to say no such party exists is to remain ignorant of the facts.
HORSESHIT!!!! I will waste no more time on your outlandish statement about Democrats having a communist agenda. It makes exactly as much sense as claiming the Democrats are out to promote a flat earth agenda for the US. You may claim you see solid proof but I know people who claim there is solid proof for unicorns. That does not prove unicorns exist.

I did not say all Democrats support such extreme positions, as I dont believe and will never state that the party is strictly "communist" in nature. However everyone knows the Republicans carry with them a small fraction of religious extremists that use "politics" to push THEIR agenda, so does the liberal Democrats carry their small group of supporters.

Why don't you go to the cpusa website and tell me what "specific views" they happen to support in your next post. If I am wrong, then prove it, if your so absolutely sure. The ball is in your court, as I'd rather just let supported referenced facts speak for themselves. If you'd rather just simply throw a little tantrum over the issue, I understand but it's not very informative to your side of the argument.
Hopefully, Neo, that will be worked out more fairly in the future.

But an impact on less than 2% of the population will not affect elections much, particularly when several times that amount (think of Texas, in particular) are affected positively by the program.

Once again, our GOP brought this on because it sold out to Big Business when it could have offered a reform at that the state levels.

The Replutocans should only get 1% of the vote and go the way of the Federalists. The Christians, gunowners, nationalists, and other traditionalists should form a party that has no contact with the economic royalist fringe. That can split the 99% to take power away from the New Age Demwits' fantasyland.
Actually, you don't

There is an element of your party that is full of hate. They hate blacks, they hate gays and they hate Hispanics

Don't think for a minute that minorities don't recognize that your party tolerates the haters. They hear it on rightwing media, they hear the TeaTards, They see the legislation coming out of Republicans

Until party leaders start to deal with he haters, you will continue to draw single digits on election day

I'll remember that the next time Democrats run against a black Republican and choose to refer to him as an "Uncle Tom", over a debate on the issues. What makes you think all black individuals happen to be of the Democrat persuasion? What makes you believe all Hispanics affiliate themselves with progressives? Those in glass houses should think twice about throwing stones. You can debate on the issue, but when you begin to refer to your opponent as an "Uncle Tom" based upon their race, then you have just lost your credibility to honestly and intellectually debate the issues.

But.......but.........You do it too

We are talking demographics. Right now, Republicans are chasing away important demographics with their treatment of blacks, minorities, gays and young women. Regardless of what Democrats may or may not do, the poor showing that Republicans have with these demographics is starting to hurt the party

So what are you going to do Republicans? Double down on your hate rhetoric?

Rightwinger, why don't you provide me a link where a Republican Congressman resorted to racial slurs when debating over the path towards amnesty. I have a link below where Michael Steele was called an Uncle Tom rather than choosing to debate on the issues. Show me these racial hatred slurs that were used by Republicans towards blacks in a state or national debate. Can you back up your argument?

'Party trumps race' for Steele foes - Washington Times
You could be right. Hispanics who came to this country They have roots in the community.

So do weeds.
Hummmmm...... You wish to compare illegal Hispanics to "weeds." It is exactly this attitude that is expressed by the racist element of the gop that drives Hispanics to vote Democrat. .
Oh, and one final thought: Sage is a weed that is used to flavor a lot of dishes that are served in the US. For example, your Thanksgiving dressing for a start. Marijuana is a weed that helps to take away pain from people with chronic illnesses and cancer. It is also used for the fibers it produces. And finally, it will be a source of income for the US government when it is legalized. There are other weeds that make our lives better.

That is typical of your Diploma Dumbo language deficiencies. You dishonestly twist my obvious meaning and re-write my post to make it look silly.

If Mexicans are so beneficial to the US, why is the country they built such a basket case? Also dishonest is your attempt to persuade the GOP to foolishly cater to people who are going to vote against them regardless.
After the republicans got thrashed in the last election they set up a commission to evaluate why they lost and how to avoid losing in the future. The prime finding of the commission was that the demographics of America were changing (no surprise there)

Yes, indeed. The demographics have changed.

They found out that the Parasitic Faction, which votes early and often, is a powerhouse in US domestic politics.

.The Parasitic Faction Battle Hymn is :

[ame=""]FEED ME SEYMOUR[/ame]



A lot of things could influence the 2014 election one way or the other but the two main ones will be Obamacare and the economy if the economy stays soft and sluggish and Obamacare does not deliver as promised advantage Republicans if the economy gets stronger and Obamacare is not a complete disaster advantage Democrats. Of course there could also be unknown foreign policy issues that could pop up and swing the balance as well.

What's Obomber going to do if whoever wins in Iraq annexes Kuwait again? Being a NO LIMIT Saudi prince, he has to protect the liege lord he bows to.
The problem with low information lefties is that when they do read they tend to read the single syllable junk they like to hear from unreliable sources like Huffington and Media Matters.
As opposed to the intelligent and unbiased reports from Hannity, limbaugh, and fox news. I must confess,

If the print gets any bigger
people will begin to think you have
a "compensating issue"

You mean a "phallic fail"?
I'll remember that the next time Democrats run against a black Republican and choose to refer to him as an "Uncle Tom", over a debate on the issues. What makes you think all black individuals happen to be of the Democrat persuasion? What makes you believe all Hispanics affiliate themselves with progressives? Those in glass houses should think twice about throwing stones. You can debate on the issue, but when you begin to refer to your opponent as an "Uncle Tom" based upon their race, then you have just lost your credibility to honestly and intellectually debate the issues.

But.......but.........You do it too

We are talking demographics. Right now, Republicans are chasing away important demographics with their treatment of blacks, minorities, gays and young women. Regardless of what Democrats may or may not do, the poor showing that Republicans have with these demographics is starting to hurt the party

So what are you going to do Republicans? Double down on your hate rhetoric?

Rightwinger, why don't you provide me a link where a Republican Congressman resorted to racial slurs when debating over the path towards amnesty. I have a link below where Michael Steele was called an Uncle Tom rather than choosing to debate on the issues. Show me these racial hatred slurs that were used by Republicans towards blacks in a state or national debate. Can you back up your argument?

'Party trumps race' for Steele foes - Washington Times

You don't have to personally use racial slurs to lose the minority vote. Do you think a Congressman is going to call someone a n*gger or ****?

The problem for Republicans is their out of control propaganda wing. Rush Limbaugh singing "Barack the Magic Negro", Glenn Beck trashing Muslims. Want to lose the Hispanic vote? Pass some English as the official language laws, push for stop and demand ID laws.

Republicans are alienating minorities in larger numbers. Want to deny it? Look at how Republicans do in the voting booth
They will probably just tell them the truth

They could start with this....
Really because blacks have done so well with the Democrats

Worse than apartheid: Black in Obama's American

Black South Africans under apartheid had a median net worth about 6.8% that of white South Africans.

The average white household iin the US has a net worth of $110,729.
Black Americans’ median net worth is less than 5 percent that of white Americans.

$4,955 to be exact

h/t Kevin D. Williamson

I forgot they could also remind of this policy
the left promotes that has done "wonders' for them
But.......but.........You do it too

We are talking demographics. Right now, Republicans are chasing away important demographics with their treatment of blacks, minorities, gays and young women. Regardless of what Democrats may or may not do, the poor showing that Republicans have with these demographics is starting to hurt the party

So what are you going to do Republicans? Double down on your hate rhetoric?

Rightwinger, why don't you provide me a link where a Republican Congressman resorted to racial slurs when debating over the path towards amnesty. I have a link below where Michael Steele was called an Uncle Tom rather than choosing to debate on the issues. Show me these racial hatred slurs that were used by Republicans towards blacks in a state or national debate. Can you back up your argument?

'Party trumps race' for Steele foes - Washington Times

You don't have to personally use racial slurs to lose the minority vote. Do you think a Congressman is going to call someone a n*gger or ****?

The problem for Republicans is their out of control propaganda wing. Rush Limbaugh singing "Barack the Magic Negro", Glenn Beck trashing Muslims. Want to lose the Hispanic vote? Pass some English as the official language laws, push for stop and demand ID laws.

Republicans are alienating minorities in larger numbers. Want to deny it? Look at how Republicans do in the voting booth

Your argument on passing English as the official language is weak. We have nations overseas where you have to learn their language in order to get around the country. We have all kinds of immigrants from all sorts of backgrounds that have made solid efforts to learn English. How many German, Italian. French, or Russian road signs or phone options do you find? How do you suppose a couple who only speaks Japanese, hopes to survive in this country? Why do you make strides to cite examples that sets privileges towards one particular group of individuals?

What is so wrong with maintaining a level playing field by which ALL immigrants must abide by when desiring to become American citizens. I have found no valid argument towards the special treatment of one group of immigrants over all others. To do so is a giant slap-in-the-face insult to all those Asians, Europeans, Middle Easterns, what have you.... who make great strides, through months or even YEARS of government red tape to bring their loved one into the country. That's not being racist, that's showing a little self respect to those other immigrants who must endure the process, to abide by Federal Immigration Laws that they hold in high regard and importance.

Now with regard to Voter ID, I find it rather hilarious (to say the least) that a group of government regulation hungry liberals, who are all gun ho with a mandate that forces each and every citizen to comply with the purchase of insurance, all of a sudden starts to develop a "conscience" regarding Constitutional Rights with the freedom to vote. I mean you can't be serious, with all the regulations and paperwork that goes into purchasing and registering a firearm, that you are willing to hold a straight face regarding filling out a small form to establish and secure your identity when it comes to voting. You are pathetic in your excuses Rightwinger, to say the least.
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Rightwinger, why don't you provide me a link where a Republican Congressman resorted to racial slurs when debating over the path towards amnesty. I have a link below where Michael Steele was called an Uncle Tom rather than choosing to debate on the issues. Show me these racial hatred slurs that were used by Republicans towards blacks in a state or national debate. Can you back up your argument?

'Party trumps race' for Steele foes - Washington Times

You don't have to personally use racial slurs to lose the minority vote. Do you think a Congressman is going to call someone a n*gger or ****?

The problem for Republicans is their out of control propaganda wing. Rush Limbaugh singing "Barack the Magic Negro", Glenn Beck trashing Muslims. Want to lose the Hispanic vote? Pass some English as the official language laws, push for stop and demand ID laws.

Republicans are alienating minorities in larger numbers. Want to deny it? Look at how Republicans do in the voting booth

Your argument on passing English as the official language is weak. We have nations overseas where you have to learn their language in order to get around the country. We have all kinds of immigrants from all sorts of backgrounds that have made solid efforts to learn English. How many German, Italian. French, or Russian road signs or phone options do you find? How do you suppose a couple who only speaks Japanese, hopes to survive in this country? Why do you make strides to cite examples that sets privileges towards one particular group of individuals.

What is so wrong with maintaining a level playing field by which ALL immigrants must abide by when desiring to become American citizens. I have found no valid argument towards the special treatment of one group of immigrants over all others. To do so is a giant slap-in-the-face insult to all those Asians, Europeans, Middle Easterns, what have you.... who make great strides, through months or even YEARS of government red tape to bring their loved one into the country. That's not being racist, that's showing a little self respect to those other immigrants who must endure the process, to abide by Federal Immigration Laws that they hold in high regard and importance.

Now with regard to Voter ID, I find it rather hilarious (to say the least) that a group of government regulation hungry liberals, who are all gun ho with a mandate that forces each and every citizen to comply with the purchase of insurance, all of a sudden starts to develop a "conscience" regarding Constitutional Rights with the freedom to vote. I mean you can't be serious, with all the regulations and paperwork that goes into purchasing and registering a firearm, that you are willing to hold a straight face regarding filling out a small form to establish and secure your identity when it comes to voting. You are pathetic in your excuses Rightwinger, to say the least.

I have no problem with voter ID as long as you make sure every citizen is provided with a free Government ID
shakles is justifying the unjustifiable: demanding the growing more important group of women, immigrants, and other minorities adopt the reactionary white TeaP "vision" of what America was.

Not going to happen.
Rightwinger, why don't you provide me a link where a Republican Congressman resorted to racial slurs when debating over the path towards amnesty. I have a link below where Michael Steele was called an Uncle Tom rather than choosing to debate on the issues. Show me these racial hatred slurs that were used by Republicans towards blacks in a state or national debate. Can you back up your argument?

'Party trumps race' for Steele foes - Washington Times

You don't have to personally use racial slurs to lose the minority vote. Do you think a Congressman is going to call someone a n*gger or ****?

The problem for Republicans is their out of control propaganda wing. Rush Limbaugh singing "Barack the Magic Negro", Glenn Beck trashing Muslims. Want to lose the Hispanic vote? Pass some English as the official language laws, push for stop and demand ID laws.

Republicans are alienating minorities in larger numbers. Want to deny it? Look at how Republicans do in the voting booth

Your argument on passing English as the official language is weak. We have nations overseas where you have to learn their language in order to get around the country. We have all kinds of immigrants from all sorts of backgrounds that have made solid efforts to learn English. How many German, Italian. French, or Russian road signs or phone options do you find? How do you suppose a couple who only speaks Japanese, hopes to survive in this country? Why do you make strides to cite examples that sets privileges towards one particular group of individuals?

What is so wrong with maintaining a level playing field by which ALL immigrants must abide by when desiring to become American citizens. I have found no valid argument towards the special treatment of one group of immigrants over all others. To do so is a giant slap-in-the-face insult to all those Asians, Europeans, Middle Easterns, what have you.... who make great strides, through months or even YEARS of government red tape to bring their loved one into the country. That's not being racist, that's showing a little self respect to those other immigrants who must endure the process, to abide by Federal Immigration Laws that they hold in high regard and importance.

Now with regard to Voter ID, I find it rather hilarious (to say the least) that a group of government regulation hungry liberals, who are all gun ho with a mandate that forces each and every citizen to comply with the purchase of insurance, all of a sudden starts to develop a "conscience" regarding Constitutional Rights with the freedom to vote. I mean you can't be serious, with all the regulations and paperwork that goes into purchasing and registering a firearm, that you are willing to hold a straight face regarding filling out a small form to establish and secure your identity when it comes to voting. You are pathetic in your excuses Rightwinger, to say the least.

Majority Of Americans Want Immigrants To Learn English, Poll Says

A recent poll by Gallup asked Americans how important it is that immigrants learn to speak English, a whopping 72 percent said it was “essential."

Once again we see the how far left and to the extreme the Democratic Party has become since they helped to force out most of the Blue Dog democrats.

Only the most extreme leftists and Papa Obama apologists do not support
this issue
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