One more thing for the AG of NYC to investigate

Ben Thomson

Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2020
Around about the time Trump's campaign started to bleed money back in 2016 he got an infusion of money from Las Vegas. Someone in Las Vegas sent $21 million to a shell company, which in turn sent the money to Trump. His campaign suddenly got about $10 million dollar infusion and was back in the black. was declared a 'business expense' so as to avoid paying taxes on it and it ($10 million) was not declared on his campaign finance report as to where it actually came from. You have to list the sources of all your big campaign donations....Trump got ‘unusual’ payments from Vegas hotel in 2016: NYT
And?? ... :dunno:
AND one more thing to investigate Trump right wingers love investigations don't you..demanded a hell of a lot of them when Obama was in..none of them went anywhere but that didn't stop you guys.

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