One of MANY stark differences between Obama's anti-business and Trump...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Ignorant people continue to discount Trump's positive steps on improving the economy keep bringing up that while the economy wasn't as robust... it was coming off a very steep decline in the economy during Obama's first years(partially due to Obama's legal work in 1995 for Acorn). That is true. But there were incentives that Obama
had nothing to do with and DISINCENTIVES that Obama directly had something to do with.

Here is one chart that shows ONE direct affect on the economy that a President can have and that is increasing the amount of oil and gas America could produce. Specifically on Federal lands where oil/gas exploration can have a direct affect on the price of energy.

In addition to showing how Obama WORKED against signing oil/gas leases that is this chart.

Following the chart are statements and policies that Obama had that President Trump would NEVER make or institute. ON the contrary Trump has dismantled In a recent update, accounting for information contained in the Office of Management and Budget’s spring agenda, Crews updated the list to a total of 149 deregulatory actions to 29 regulatory actions, for a ratio of nearly 5 to 1.
Analysis | Has the Trump administration repealed 22 regulations for each new one?


Opening up ANWR should count as more than one lease signing!!
No question and the interesting point from an "environmentalists" point of view is Trump reversing the anti-environmental action of Obama regarding Keystone pipeline also.
See NO one seem to care that without the pipeline Canada would be shipping via 1 million barrel oil tankers through a very volatile weather area of the Northwest. These
environmentalists along with Obama seemed to ignore the FACT that over 185,000 miles of pipeline already existed and a pipeline ON land with ONLY 700 barrels of oil traveling
one mile is a lot less environmentally damaging the 1 million barrel tanker traveling 1 mile in waters known for "winter hurricanes" .

But that is just one small example of the biased MSM ignoring facts.
You're not getting any dem opposition to your OP. That says a lot. Even with all of the energy development under Trump there is a chance for $100 oil in the coming year. Imagine what that cost would be under Obama with much less energy development.
What always amuses me liberals keep on insisting a anti bussiness president grows jobs and helps the economy more then a pro bussiness president.

Have to love their assnine logic.


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