One Of The Wealthiest Men In America Says Rich Not Paying Their Fair Share

want half the country that currently pay no share of the income tax,

Who controls Congress? Oh yea Republicans do.

Where is that legislation to eliminate the EITC?

Who is willing to write an executive order to do just about anything else? Your BOY Obama. Where is his executive order to do anything like that? Don't blame things on the Republicans when doofus has shown he'll do whatever he wants with a pen despite no action by Congress.
When the Liberal idiots say corporations don't pay taxes, in a sense, they are correct. Whether the corporate rate was actually zero and it isn't or the corporate rate was 50%, the corporation wouldn't pay. Those taxes are passed on to the consume.

Libtards understand as well as we do that corporations don't really pay corporate taxes. For the most part it is just a cost of doing business and that cost is passed on the consumer.

However, that economic fact doesn't stop the silly ass Libtards from bitching about corporations. They hate capitalism and will bitch about it any time they can. That is one of the reasons we ridicule then so much. they are always confused about things like that.
Wow ...this again....
This was a story over a year ago....
Anyone who feels they are not paying enough feel free to write a check to the IRS ...
Believe me they will cash it.
Well, this year there are many folks who want to turn the country over to a billionaire who has already indicated he is interested in giving more tax breaks to those in his billionaire tax bracket, such as doing away with the estate tax.

Doing away with the estate tax is a great idea.
oh brother. that's easy enough to say when you're gawddam rich for crying out loud.

Nothing is stopping him from donating all his monies to the Fed. Guberment

He's telling the truth. Why the hell should a normal everyday American pay at the same percentage as a millionaire? This country was built on everybody paying their fair share.....not a flat tax rate! We had a middle class until Reagan slashed tax rates to 50 year lows:




Nearly half of Americans pay no income tax at all. And in this country, nobody pays their fair share. That's why the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected income taxes.
Income tax is not the only tax people pay.

And your point is what?
The amount of taxes paid can be viewed as a percentage of income or as a set figure. One side prefers looking at the percentage and the other side prefers looking at the set amount. Unless the sides get on the same page the debate just goes around in circles.

I've heard the argument that those not paying income taxes still pay other taxes. Those of us paying income taxes also pay those others. We aren't exempt form the others because we pay income taxes yet plenty will argue that people paying others is a reason to exempt them from income taxes.

Taxes, as Liberals often say, are part of being in society. However, the usual next statement involves something exempting people from doing what Liberals say is part of living in society.
Who is willing to write an executive order to do just about anything else?

I know you are stupid, but still. Congress controls the tax and spend bills stupid.
Republicans control the congress. Where is that Bill to eliminate the EITC?

And you dumb fuck. Why would Obama want to eliminate it?

Damn you are stupid.
Corporations don't really pay the corporate tax.

When the Liberal idiots say corporations don't pay taxes

Flash conman says you are a hated liberal. Is that correct?

When you use only portions of wha someone says, you lose credibility with your argument. Try posting is ALL and addressing it ALL instead of twisting it to push your failed agenda. At least be honest you lying sack of Obama monkey shit.

When all forms of taxation and fees, both local and federal are added together the poorest people in the country pay the highest percentage of their disposable income in some kind of tax. LIVE WITH IT ASS HOLE!!

Percentages don't mean jackshit when your tax burden is low. Like zero for half of America that pays noting towards that trillion a year in income tax.

If a person only makes $10K a year and if had to pay $1K in taxes in a 10% rate than all he paid in was $1K.

If a person made a million dollars and paid in $100K he paid $99K more than the person that only paid in $1K.

That is damn fair any way you look at it!
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Who is willing to write an executive order to do just about anything else?

I know you are stupid, but still. Congress controls the tax and spend bills stupid.
Republicans control the congress. Where is that Bill to eliminate the EITC?

And you dumb fuck. Why would Obama want to eliminate it?

Damn you are stupid.

That money wouldn't want to eliminate it. Enough of his own benefit from white people funding it.
I've heard the argument that those not paying income taxes still pay other taxes.

Yea you hear voices in your head. So what.

You may be stupid enough to not take advantage of the tax benefits offered by congress.

But why would poor people not take advantage of it?

They are poor. Not stupid.

You say you are a landlord. You take advantage of sch E to avoid paying taxes on rental real estate?

fucking moocher.
I've heard the argument that those not paying income taxes still pay other taxes.

Yea you hear voices in your head. So what.

You may be stupid enough to not take advantage of the tax benefits offered by congress.

But why would poor people not take advantage of it?

They are poor. Not stupid.

You say you are a landlord. You take advantage of sch E to avoid paying taxes on rental real estate?

fucking moocher.

Still only posting portions you dishonest bastard.

I pay taxes. When those poor and often stupid freeloaders start paying SOME, they can ask me to pay more.

I'll solve the problem of higher taxes. I'll go up on rent. When they can't afford it, I'll rent to someone else. My problem is solved and theirs will still exist. Great idea. When you play politics, those of us smarter than you can play them better.
He's telling the truth. Why the hell should a normal everyday American pay at the same percentage as a millionaire? This country was built on everybody paying their fair share.....not a flat tax rate! We had a middle class until Reagan slashed tax rates to 50 year lows:




Nearly half of Americans pay no income tax at all. And in this country, nobody pays their fair share. That's why the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected income taxes.
Income tax is not the only tax people pay.

And your point is what?
The amount of taxes paid can be viewed as a percentage of income or as a set figure. One side prefers looking at the percentage and the other side prefers looking at the set amount. Unless the sides get on the same page the debate just goes around in circles.

I've heard the argument that those not paying income taxes still pay other taxes. Those of us paying income taxes also pay those others. We aren't exempt form the others because we pay income taxes yet plenty will argue that people paying others is a reason to exempt them from income taxes.

Taxes, as Liberals often say, are part of being in society. However, the usual next statement involves something exempting people from doing what Liberals say is part of living in society.
At some point, the upper-income citizens must concede they pay a lower percentage of income than lower income citizens, and the lower income citizens must concede that the upper-income citizens pay a disproportionate bottom line figure for the same government services. Until that happens the debate will be never ending.
Nearly half of Americans pay no income tax at all. And in this country, nobody pays their fair share. That's why the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected income taxes.
Income tax is not the only tax people pay.

And your point is what?
The amount of taxes paid can be viewed as a percentage of income or as a set figure. One side prefers looking at the percentage and the other side prefers looking at the set amount. Unless the sides get on the same page the debate just goes around in circles.

I've heard the argument that those not paying income taxes still pay other taxes. Those of us paying income taxes also pay those others. We aren't exempt form the others because we pay income taxes yet plenty will argue that people paying others is a reason to exempt them from income taxes.

Taxes, as Liberals often say, are part of being in society. However, the usual next statement involves something exempting people from doing what Liberals say is part of living in society.
At some point, the upper-income citizens must concede they pay a lower percentage of income than lower income citizens, and the lower income citizens must concede that the upper-income citizens pay a disproportionate bottom line figure for the same government services. Until that happens the debate will be never ending.

To say lower incomes pay a higher percentage of their pay in taxes doesn't tell the whole story. How much of the overall taxes that they pay are consumption taxes. Those involve a choice and should not be counted. It skews reality.
Still only posting portions you dishonest bastard.

I pay taxes.

That wasn't the question now was it?

Do you take advantage of sch.E? Do you know what a sch E is?
Actually, my accountant does for me. Difference is it doesn't give me back more than I paid in like the EITC. I wouldn't expect someone like you getting the EITC to realize it's more than you contributed. You think it's owed to you.

I noticed you didn't answer the question about kissing Obama's ass. No need. It's obvious you try to get to the front of the line daily.
I thought you were smarter than the rest of us.

I am much smarter than you. And that's all that matters in this little exchange.

But I don't want to brag on being much smarter than you. Cause that ain't saying much.

But thanks for setting yourself up like you did.

Now go report me to a mod for picking on you.LMAO.
To say lower incomes pay a higher percentage of their pay in taxes doesn't tell the whole story. How much of the overall taxes that they pay are consumption taxes. Those involve a choice and should not be counted. It skews reality.

Hey got your entire thought in this quote. It didn't make you sound any smarter.

I have picked boogers from my nose smarter than you.

How dare them poor people consume gas. Heat their homes. Register a car. Etc etc.

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