One Of The Wealthiest Men In America Says Rich Not Paying Their Fair Share

oh brother. that's easy enough to say when you're gawddam rich for crying out loud.

Nothing is stopping him from donating all his monies to the Fed. Guberment
He has donated billions to charity and most of his wealth will be donated upon his death. Even his billions would not make a dent in the public debt. If all the billionaires donated the way Buffet does, however, lots of problems could be solved.

Have you ever wondered why Buffett donates billions to charity instead of just adding those billion to his tax return every year to the Federal government?
To say lower incomes pay a higher percentage of their pay in taxes doesn't tell the whole story. How much of the overall taxes that they pay are consumption taxes. Those involve a choice and should not be counted. It skews reality.

Hey got your entire thought in this quote. It didn't make you sound any smarter.

I have picked boogers from my nose smarter than you.

How dare them poor people consume gas. Heat their homes. Register a car. Etc etc.

I've taken shits that have more value than you.

It's a choice.
oh brother. that's easy enough to say when you're gawddam rich for crying out loud.

Nothing is stopping him from donating all his monies to the Fed. Guberment
He has donated billions to charity and most of his wealth will be donated upon his death. Even his billions would not make a dent in the public debt. If all the billionaires donated the way Buffet does, however, lots of problems could be solved.

Have you ever wondered why Buffett donates billions to charity instead of just adding those billion to his tax return every year to the Federal government?

He gets a tax deduction that LOWERS his taxes.
To say lower incomes pay a higher percentage of their pay in taxes doesn't tell the whole story. How much of the overall taxes that they pay are consumption taxes. Those involve a choice and should not be counted. It skews reality.

Hey got your entire thought in this quote. It didn't make you sound any smarter.

I have picked boogers from my nose smarter than you.

How dare them poor people consume gas. Heat their homes. Register a car. Etc etc.

Buying a car is a choice which means the gas they put into it is as a result of that choice.

I've seen newborns smarter than you.

A nose picker? I'd say a butt picker is more like it.
oh brother. that's easy enough to say when you're gawddam rich for crying out loud.

Nothing is stopping him from donating all his monies to the Fed. Guberment
He has donated billions to charity and most of his wealth will be donated upon his death. Even his billions would not make a dent in the public debt. If all the billionaires donated the way Buffet does, however, lots of problems could be solved.

Have you ever wondered why Buffett donates billions to charity instead of just adding those billion to his tax return every year to the Federal government?

He gets a tax deduction that LOWERS his taxes.

Then why is he bitching about the rich not paying their fair share if they take the tax deductions to lower the rate they pay?
oh brother. that's easy enough to say when you're gawddam rich for crying out loud.

Nothing is stopping him from donating all his monies to the Fed. Guberment
He has donated billions to charity and most of his wealth will be donated upon his death. Even his billions would not make a dent in the public debt. If all the billionaires donated the way Buffet does, however, lots of problems could be solved.

Have you ever wondered why Buffett donates billions to charity instead of just adding those billion to his tax return every year to the Federal government?

He gets a tax deduction that LOWERS his taxes.

Then why is he bitching about the rich not paying their fair share if they take the tax deductions to lower the rate they pay?

So he can think he looks good in the eyes of stupid Liberals that don't know better.
oh brother. that's easy enough to say when you're gawddam rich for crying out loud.

Nothing is stopping him from donating all his monies to the Fed. Guberment
He has donated billions to charity and most of his wealth will be donated upon his death. Even his billions would not make a dent in the public debt. If all the billionaires donated the way Buffet does, however, lots of problems could be solved.

Have you ever wondered why Buffett donates billions to charity instead of just adding those billion to his tax return every year to the Federal government?
No, not really. I just figure donating the money gives him a level of control about where the funds go. I think they are in the form of stocks from his Berkshire holdings, giving the recipient the option of cashing them in or holding them for dividends and investment. The method also prevents the funds from being "income" during the transfer.

That's what the federal government does, spends foolishly.
That tax money is not the federal government's to begin with, bed wetter.

That is the problem with these Libtards.

They think all the money that is made in the US should be the property of the collective state and used to even out the playing field. You know, for social justice reason and all that bullshit.

It is called thievery.

Thievery is when someone travels the highways, vacations in Hawaii, flies internationally, takes law enforcement for granted, sends their kids to a private school and thinks they are entitled to do it. That's the best example of thievery in the world. The fact that the party they support starts wars but let somebody else's kids fight it is a no brainer. Fuck all of you dedicated right wingers!!
Except it's none of the government's business who makes what, bed wetter
Now report me to the mods pussy.

Got you covered there dude.
You a little bi-tch when you get your ass kicked like I've been doing eh?

You claimed to be smarter. I indicated you were a pussy. You predicted that I would run to the mods for what you said and you were wrong. I predicted you'd run to the mods and I was correct.

So much for your claim of being smarter and kicking ass. You're retarded and lick ass is more like it.
Now report me to the mods pussy.

Got you covered there dude.
You a little bi-tch when you get your ass kicked like I've been doing eh?

I'm sure you ran to them just like I predicted pussy.

You couldn't kick your own ass. You can't please your own wife.
Why do mod's tolerate this POS fake internet tough guy? He is insulting a fellow posters wife with impunity. Seems like the ultra conservatives get away with insulting family members here at USMB.
while they go vote for another Millionaire from the Democrat party

Hillary and Billy worth_60 million or something like that

While they go vote for another billionaire from ... well, this week, Duh Donuld says he's a Republican.

The most amazing part of this is that RWNJs want to pay more than their share and they want billionaires to pay less than their share.

Drumpf has said he will raise the taxes on the working class, add more people to those who pay no taxes and slash taxes for his 1% cronies.

RWNJs have also said they support domestic terrorist groups and want certain people to be given land for free. Welfare ranchers already get a 93% cut in their grazing fees but want it for free and RWNJs are in favor of that.

And of course, while RWNJs want children to starve, they want corporations to get a free ride in the form of tax breaks.
It's not the government's money to began with...
oh brother. that's easy enough to say when you're gawddam rich for crying out loud.

Nothing is stopping him from donating all his monies to the Fed. Guberment
He has donated billions to charity and most of his wealth will be donated upon his death. Even his billions would not make a dent in the public debt. If all the billionaires donated the way Buffet does, however, lots of problems could be solved.

Have you ever wondered why Buffett donates billions to charity instead of just adding those billion to his tax return every year to the Federal government?
No, not really. I just figure donating the money gives him a level of control about where the funds go. I think they are in the form of stocks from his Berkshire holdings, giving the recipient the option of cashing them in or holding them for dividends and investment. The method also prevents the funds from being "income" during the transfer.

In other words, he does things that reduce the over tax rate at which he pays proportional to what he makes?
That is the problem with these Libtards.

They think all the money that is made in the US should be the property of the collective state and used to even out the playing field. You know, for social justice reason and all that bullshit.

It is called thievery.

Thievery is when someone travels the highways, vacations in Hawaii, flies internationally, takes law enforcement for granted, sends their kids to a private school and thinks they are entitled to do it. That's the best example of thievery in the world. The fact that the party they support starts wars but let somebody else's kids fight it is a no brainer. Fuck all of you dedicated right wingers!!

No lib loon. Theft is the action of taking the property of somebody against their will leaving them with no reasonable alternative. For instance: you are walking down the street one night, and somebody approaches you with a gun asking for all your money. You have two choices: give the thief your money and walk away alive, or get shot and he takes your money anyway.

He is a thief because he took your money against your will and gave you no reasonable alternative.

Example: you are my neighbor and have much more money than I. When you are not home one day, I break into your home and take some of your money that I feel I need. Did I break the law? Of course I did, and I will end up in jail because of it.

When liberal politicians do the exact same thing, not only are they not arrested and charged, they are applauded by their liberal constituents.

Why is one against the law and not the other?

Just curious.......why is it that your party of elite assholes start wars 10,000 miles from home and expect the sons and daughters of others to do the fighting? When was the last time a right wing, rich ass hole volunteered to travel and fight?

As we all know, Palin's son was in the military, and so is Bill Bennett's son serving right now.

Why do they expect the sons and daughters to fight wars? Because that's what the sons and daughters joined the military for. If your son became a cop, do you blame your society if he goes after a criminal who robbed a bank? Of course not. That's what police officers do, they go after criminals.

The record shows that Palin's son is some kind of mixed up young man who can't get his shit together. He's still worried about Russia being next door.

So is he in the military or not?

All this talk about sending kids to fight wars, and which party do our military men and women generally associate with? Which party do they support when they get to vote?
Now report me to the mods pussy.

Got you covered there dude.
You a little bi-tch when you get your ass kicked like I've been doing eh?

I'm sure you ran to them just like I predicted pussy.

You couldn't kick your own ass. You can't please your own wife.
Why do mod's tolerate this POS fake internet tough guy? He is insulting a fellow posters wife with ?impunity. Seems like the ultra conservatives get away with insulting family members here at USMB.

The only way the mods say anything is for pussies like Wilbur to run to them. I've had my share of statements made about family member including my wife. I've shown my wife and she laughs. I don't report them. Maybe the problem is Wilbur knows what I said might be true.

He claimed he was smart and predicted I would run to the mods for what he said. I said he was a pussy and would do the same. He did but I didn't yet he still thinks he's smarter.
oh brother. that's easy enough to say when you're gawddam rich for crying out loud.

Nothing is stopping him from donating all his monies to the Fed. Guberment

He's telling the truth. Why the hell should a normal everyday American pay at the same percentage as a millionaire? This country was built on everybody paying their fair share.....not a flat tax rate! We had a middle class until Reagan slashed tax rates to 50 year lows:




Nearly half of Americans pay no income tax at all. And in this country, nobody pays their fair share. That's why the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected income taxes.
Income tax is not the only tax people pay.

Thank a democrat.
These Libtards are silly.

The government is astronomically debt ridden and a tremendous burden on the economy. That is a fact.

Instead of taking responsibility for that massive problem that has increased poverty, decreased family income, increased welfare rolls, drove industry overseas the Libtards do what they always do and try to shift the blame on the Republicans.

They are correct in that Republicans have been an enabler of the problem. Guilty.

However, the solution is not to elect more Democrats that will do everything they accuse the Republicans of doing but more. That is exactly what theses Libtards do. They elect big government candidates like Obama and then bitch about the consequences and try to blame it on somebody else.

The solution is stop electing anybody that supports big government and start electing people that believe in fiscal responsibility.

We are not going to be a prosperous nation by taxing the American people more. Only an idiot would believe that silliness.

But I'll bet you vote for one of the Repub Clowns who have said they will raise taxes on the working class and slash taxes for their 1% cronies.

Betcha will.
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No lib loon. Theft is the action of taking the property of somebody against their will leaving them with no reasonable alternative. For instance: you are walking down the street one night, and somebody approaches you with a gun asking for all your money. You have two choices: give the thief your money and walk away alive, or get shot and he takes your money anyway.

He is a thief because he took your money against your will and gave you no reasonable alternative.

Example: you are my neighbor and have much more money than I. When you are not home one day, I break into your home and take some of your money that I feel I need. Did I break the law? Of course I did, and I will end up in jail because of it.

When liberal politicians do the exact same thing, not only are they not arrested and charged, they are applauded by their liberal constituents.

Why is one against the law and not the other?

Just curious.......why is it that your party of elite assholes start wars 10,000 miles from home and expect the sons and daughters of others to do the fighting? When was the last time a right wing, rich ass hole volunteered to travel and fight?

As we all know, Palin's son was in the military, and so is Bill Bennett's son serving right now.

Why do they expect the sons and daughters to fight wars? Because that's what the sons and daughters joined the military for. If your son became a cop, do you blame your society if he goes after a criminal who robbed a bank? Of course not. That's what police officers do, they go after criminals.

The record shows that Palin's son is some kind of mixed up young man who can't get his shit together. He's still worried about Russia being next door.

$arah says he's suffering from PTSD but he never saw combat. His job was to drive VIPs. He chose the Army over prison and was a crazy, drunk/drugger long before he got his cushy job in the Army.

Pisses me off that RWNJs shit on the vets who actually fought while coddling the likes of Track.

that's funny coming from an Obama supporter. you know, Obama, the president who cares more about giving free stuff to illegals than helping vets.

Not true. Not even close. Check the R congress voting records against the bills Obama wants that would get jobs and housing for our vets. They vote against it.
oh brother. that's easy enough to say when you're gawddam rich for crying out loud.

Nothing is stopping him from donating all his monies to the Fed. Guberment

He's telling the truth. Why the hell should a normal everyday American pay at the same percentage as a millionaire? This country was built on everybody paying their fair share.....not a flat tax rate! We had a middle class until Reagan slashed tax rates to 50 year lows:




Nearly half of Americans pay no income tax at all. And in this country, nobody pays their fair share. That's why the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected income taxes.
Income tax is not the only tax people pay.

Thank a democrat.


Post proof that its only Dems who believe in other taxes.

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