One Of The Wealthiest Men In America Says Rich Not Paying Their Fair Share

I want half the country that currently pay no share of the income tax, including many of them who benefit from the pot to which they don't pay, to start paying their fair share.

LWNJs support freeloaders and want someone else's to provide them food for free. Social welfare recipients already get something for nothing and the LWNJ answer is to give them more.

LWNJs want to give women a choice of what to do with their bodies, and having children is one of the options, then demand those told to butt out of the choice that produced the situation where the one making it can't afford it to be the ones to pay for it. I don't want children to starve. I want those the LWNJs say should have the sole choice that produced the result to pay for it.

When all forms of taxation and fees, both local and federal are added together the poorest people in the country pay the highest percentage of their disposable income in some kind of tax. LIVE WITH IT ASS HOLE!!

And if the RW nutters get their way, working/poor classes' taxes will go through the roof.

All of the Clown Car Candidates have promised that they will do exactly that. They have also said they will lower the ultra-wealthy's taxes.

RWNJs want to pay higher taxes. They want their kids to have no possibility of an education, of ever owning property or having a decent job.

you are full of batshit. no one has said anything even close to that. Where do you get this crap?

Why don't you read the Clown Car Candidates' web sites. Its plainly stated. They have also said it in debates and campaign speeches.

Ever hear of that pig with lipstick? Look for the pig under the lipstick and try thinking for yourself.

You mean like this:

I think he was talking about cutting tax loop holes for hedge fund owners that allows them to pay zero income tax.

There has never ever been a tax increase on the working class in the last twenty years done by republicans. Just check the income tax rates and you will see that they are either flat or decreasing.

Reagan decreased the income tax rates but he also raised a lot of taxes and fees. Bush Sr. didn't get reelected because he raised taxes.

We did not get to the point of 40% of the GDP simply because of the Democrats. They have been aided and abetted all along by weak minded Republicans.

Democrats promise bad government and always delivers bad government.

The Republicans promise good government but mostly delivers about the same bad government as the Democrats.

The last sensible government reduction plan I saw out of a Republican was Ron Paul's Restore America budget where he proposed a trillion dollar a year cut in Federal spending which was very doable. Show me the Republican nowadays that has the courage to do the same thing and I will for him/her.

The best we have got out of the Republicans have been some slight decreases in the growth of the Federal spending. No significant cutback, just less increase.
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Warren Buffett says the super-rich pay lower tax rates than others

It's not often you see someone stand up and say, "Tax me more!"

Yet that's just what famed investor Warren Buffett has done in an op-ed in the New York Times headlined, "Stop Coddling the Super-Rich." Buffett says that very wealthy people like himself pay lower tax rates than the middle class, thanks to special tax categories for investment income.

The part Buffet didn't mention is that not only payroll taxes the poorest of the poor pay a much higher percentage of their income than others. When every kind of local tax, fee, registration charge, license and other government and normal living required costs are added the rich are getting off and making out like a bandit when observed as a percentage of their total.

For example in Tennessee there is a state sales tax and in the county where I live there's also a local retail tax on everything one purchases. A poor bastard earning $30,000 a year pays the same gasoline tax as a millionaire and if one looks closely there's another form of taxation or fee being charged every time the poor man/woman opens his/her billfold/purse.

Warren Buffett: Baptist and Bootlegger

How America’s favorite billionaire plays politics to make money

In the summer of 2008, when several investment houses and the government-sponsored mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac teetered on the brink of financial collapse, Buffett was “uncharacteristically quiet,” as the London Guardian observed. It was only on September 23 that he became a highly visible player in the drama, investing $5 billion in Goldman Sachs, which was overleveraged and short on cash. Buffett’s play gave the investment bank a much-needed cash infusion, making a heck of a deal for himself in return: Berkshire Hathaway received preferred stock with a 10 percent dividend yield and an attractive option to buy another $5 billion in stock at $115 a share.

Wall Street was on fire, and Buffett was running toward the flames. But he was doing so with the expectation that the fire department (that is, the federal government) was right behind him with buckets of bailout money. As he admitted on CNBC at the time, “If I didn’t think the government was going to act, I wouldn’t be doing anything this week.”
oh brother. that's easy enough to say when you're gawddam rich for crying out loud.

Nothing is stopping him from donating all his monies to the Fed. Guberment
That's an empty argument you keep on making.

Him paying more won't do it. They all have to. Not every rich person is greedy.

There has never ever been a tax increase on the working class in the last twenty years done by republicans. Just check the income tax rates and you will see that they are either flat or decreasing.

Reagan decreased the income tax rates but he also raised a lot of taxes and fees. Bush Sr. didn't get reelected because he raised taxes.

We did not get to the point of 40% of the GDP simply because of the Democrats. They have been aided and abetted all along by weak minded Republicans.

Democrats promise bad government and always delivers bad government.

The Republicans promise good government but mostly delivers about the same bad government as the Democrats.

The last sensible government reduction plan I saw out of a Republican was Ron Paul's Restore America budget where he proposed a trillion dollar a year cut in Federal spending which was very doable. Show me the Republican nowadays that has the courage to do the same thing and I will for him/her.

The best we have got out of the Republicans have been some slight decrease in the growth of the Federal spending. No significant cutback just less increase.
For once I'd like to see the GOP cut government waste that doesn't hurt poor people. Lots of fraud and waste in the military. Lots of bad Republican pork. If they really wanted to make a dent they'd cut those programs first. Then we wouldn't complain when you also cut welfare.

And the GOP doesn't have a plan to pay off the debt. No sane person would suggest a Republican president won't double the debt too. They will you know. Right?

For once I'd like to see the GOP cut government waste that doesn't hurt poor people. Lots of fraud and waste in the military. Lots of bad Republican pork. If they really wanted to make a dent they'd cut those programs first. Then we wouldn't complain when you also cut welfare.

And the GOP doesn't have a plan to pay off the debt. No sane person would suggest a Republican president won't double the debt too. They will you know. Right?

You are confused.

The Republicans support the filthy ass welfare state almost as much as the Democrats.

The difference is minimal.

The government should never be in the business of taking money away from the people that earn it and giving it to somebody else.

Neither the Republicans or Democrats understand that.

By the way, your Boy Obama has been at war everyday of his administration so if you don't like interventionism and war spending go take it up with him. I suspect that if The Bitch makes it to the general election next year you Moon Bats that complain about things like that will still vote for her even though she voted for the invasion of Iraq so don't me your hippy peacenick bullshit.
Warren Buffett says the super-rich pay lower tax rates than others

It's not often you see someone stand up and say, "Tax me more!"

Yet that's just what famed investor Warren Buffett has done in an op-ed in the New York Times headlined, "Stop Coddling the Super-Rich." Buffett says that very wealthy people like himself pay lower tax rates than the middle class, thanks to special tax categories for investment income.

The part Buffet didn't mention is that not only payroll taxes the poorest of the poor pay a much higher percentage of their income than others. When every kind of local tax, fee, registration charge, license and other government and normal living required costs are added the rich are getting off and making out like a bandit when observed as a percentage of their total.

For example in Tennessee there is a state sales tax and in the county where I live there's also a local retail tax on everything one purchases. A poor bastard earning $30,000 a year pays the same gasoline tax as a millionaire and if one looks closely there's another form of taxation or fee being charged every time the poor man/woman opens his/her billfold/purse.

Warren Buffett: Baptist and Bootlegger

How America’s favorite billionaire plays politics to make money

In the summer of 2008, when several investment houses and the government-sponsored mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac teetered on the brink of financial collapse, Buffett was “uncharacteristically quiet,” as the London Guardian observed. It was only on September 23 that he became a highly visible player in the drama, investing $5 billion in Goldman Sachs, which was overleveraged and short on cash. Buffett’s play gave the investment bank a much-needed cash infusion, making a heck of a deal for himself in return: Berkshire Hathaway received preferred stock with a 10 percent dividend yield and an attractive option to buy another $5 billion in stock at $115 a share.

Wall Street was on fire, and Buffett was running toward the flames. But he was doing so with the expectation that the fire department (that is, the federal government) was right behind him with buckets of bailout money. As he admitted on CNBC at the time, “If I didn’t think the government was going to act, I wouldn’t be doing anything this week.”

Libtards complain about Wall Street but Wall Street funds the the Democrats more than the Republicans. Wall Street is just as much a welfare queen as the Ghetto Monkeys.

For once I'd like to see the GOP cut government waste that doesn't hurt poor people. Lots of fraud and waste in the military. Lots of bad Republican pork. If they really wanted to make a dent they'd cut those programs first. Then we wouldn't complain when you also cut welfare.

And the GOP doesn't have a plan to pay off the debt. No sane person would suggest a Republican president won't double the debt too. They will you know. Right?

You are confused.

The Republicans support the filthy ass welfare state almost as much as the Democrats.

The difference is minimal.

The government should never be in the business of taking money away from the people that earn it and giving it to somebody else.

Neither the Republicans or Democrats understand that.

By the way, your Boy Obama has been at war everyday of his administration so if you don't like interventionism and war spending go take it up with him. I suspect that if The Bitch makes it to the general election next year you Moon Bats that complain about things like that will still vote for her even though she voted for the invasion of Iraq so don't me your hippy peacenick bullshit.
Yea, a war bush got us into. Maybe he shoulda won before he left office. He had 5 years.

We have always had a progressive tax system.
Why do the nutters keep trolling this thread out.

Buffet made his, so screw anyone else that tries to get to his level of influence and power. Yet, with his own wealth he'd rather give to charities than the government. How do we know? Because that is what he is doing now. When he dies, will he will it to the government? Nope, to charities.

He doesn't believe his own words. Pretty simple to see.
Warren Buffett says the super-rich pay lower tax rates than others

It's not often you see someone stand up and say, "Tax me more!"

Yet that's just what famed investor Warren Buffett has done in an op-ed in the New York Times headlined, "Stop Coddling the Super-Rich." Buffett says that very wealthy people like himself pay lower tax rates than the middle class, thanks to special tax categories for investment income.

The part Buffet didn't mention is that not only payroll taxes the poorest of the poor pay a much higher percentage of their income than others. When every kind of local tax, fee, registration charge, license and other government and normal living required costs are added the rich are getting off and making out like a bandit when observed as a percentage of their total.

For example in Tennessee there is a state sales tax and in the county where I live there's also a local retail tax on everything one purchases. A poor bastard earning $30,000 a year pays the same gasoline tax as a millionaire and if one looks closely there's another form of taxation or fee being charged every time the poor man/woman opens his/her billfold/purse.

Warren buffet is free to write a big fat fucking check to the US Treasury if he thinks he should pay more taxes
You might want to ask why his company has been fighting with the IRS for years over back taxes

Report: Buffett's Berkshire Owes $1 Billion In Back Taxes
So you prefer a five-year-old partisan speculative source rather than a more recent objective professional accounting source detailing the resolution of the dispute. How convenient for your agenda spin.

It's well known that Buffet has been fighting the IRS over taxes for years

If he thinks he should pay more then why not just fucking pay it instead of wasting taxpayer money fighting it?

He is a fucking hypocrite.

How is he a hypocrite . He can pay more , but that doesn't change the tax code for everyone else.

He can write a check today to the federal government for any amount he wants so the government can use it to do what he supports being done. Has he voluntarily written that check? No. The hypocritical part is he says the government needs more, he can do it because he has plenty of money, yet his answer is for someone else to be forced to do it.

and he still only takes a small salary so he can scam the tax code any other person in his shoes would be paid 20 or 30 times what he pays himself
Warren buffet is free to write a big fat fucking check to the US Treasury if he thinks he should pay more taxes
You might want to ask why his company has been fighting with the IRS for years over back taxes

Report: Buffett's Berkshire Owes $1 Billion In Back Taxes
So you prefer a five-year-old partisan speculative source rather than a more recent objective professional accounting source detailing the resolution of the dispute. How convenient for your agenda spin.

It's well known that Buffet has been fighting the IRS over taxes for years

If he thinks he should pay more then why not just fucking pay it instead of wasting taxpayer money fighting it?

He is a fucking hypocrite.

How is he a hypocrite . He can pay more , but that doesn't change the tax code for everyone else.

He can write a check today to the federal government for any amount he wants so the government can use it to do what he supports being done. Has he voluntarily written that check? No. The hypocritical part is he says the government needs more, he can do it because he has plenty of money, yet his answer is for someone else to be forced to do it.

and he still only takes a small salary so he can scam the tax code any other person in his shoes would be paid 20 or 30 times what he pays himself

He sounds like USMB member Sealybobo. Sealy said people should pay higher income taxes and it should be forced. However, Sealy admitted to cheating on his taxes trying to justify it as only being on around $5000 from a side income.

Yea, a war bush got us into. Maybe he shoulda won before he left office. He had 5 years.

We have always had a progressive tax system.

The Democrats have been the party of war for the last 100 years. Democrats have got us into more wars and got more Americans killed than the Republicans.

Democrats are just as guilty of being interventionists like the Republicans as Republicans are guilty of being fiscal irresponsible like the Democrats.

I don't think the fact that Hillary Clinton supported the invasion of Iraq will keep one Moon Bat from voting for her if she is the Moon Bat candidate in November so give me any of this hippy peacenik bullshit.

A progressive tax system is unfair, greedy and oppressive. Nobody should ever be punished for being productive. It is the greedy worthless welfare queens that support the thievery of taking money from other to pay their bills.

The government should never be in the business of taking money from somebody that earned it and giving it to another person that didn't earn it. That concept is state supported thievery and it is despicable.
Warren Buffett says the super-rich pay lower tax rates than others

It's not often you see someone stand up and say, "Tax me more!"

Yet that's just what famed investor Warren Buffett has done in an op-ed in the New York Times headlined, "Stop Coddling the Super-Rich." Buffett says that very wealthy people like himself pay lower tax rates than the middle class, thanks to special tax categories for investment income.

The part Buffet didn't mention is that not only payroll taxes the poorest of the poor pay a much higher percentage of their income than others. When every kind of local tax, fee, registration charge, license and other government and normal living required costs are added the rich are getting off and making out like a bandit when observed as a percentage of their total.

For example in Tennessee there is a state sales tax and in the county where I live there's also a local retail tax on everything one purchases. A poor bastard earning $30,000 a year pays the same gasoline tax as a millionaire and if one looks closely there's another form of taxation or fee being charged every time the poor man/woman opens his/her billfold/purse.

What is stopping Buffet the hypocrite from simply writing a check to the government? You are aware that his corporation owes the government $1 billion in back taxes, aren't you? Why would anyone listen to such a colossal hypocrite?

Yea, a war bush got us into. Maybe he shoulda won before he left office. He had 5 years.

We have always had a progressive tax system.

The Democrats have been the party of war for the last 100 years. Democrats have got us into more wars and got more Americans killed than the Republicans.

Democrats are just as guilty of being interventionists like the Republicans as Republicans are guilty of being fiscal irresponsible like the Democrats.

I don't think the fact that Hillary Clinton supported the invasion of Iraq will keep one Moon Bat from voting for her if she is the Moon Bat candidate in November so give me any of this hippy peacenik bullshit.

A progressive tax system is unfair, greedy and oppressive. Nobody should ever be punished for being productive. It is the greedy worthless welfare queens that support the thievery of taking money from other to pay their bills.

The government should never be in the business of taking money from somebody that earned it and giving it to another person that didn't earn it. That concept is state supported thievery and it is despicable.
But every rich person became rich in a progressive society. Why change the rules now? It benefitted them now they want to change the rules? Fuck what's fair. What works?
oh brother. that's easy enough to say when you're gawddam rich for crying out loud.

Nothing is stopping him from donating all his monies to the Fed. Guberment

He's not saying those who aren't rich should pay more.

He's saying those who are rich and have money they own't miss aren't paying their fair share.

He's right.

If the rich and corporations paid their fair share we wouldn't have to borrow money to pay the nation's bills.

The deficit and debt skyrocketed when reagan cuts taxes on the rich and corporations and then went on a 3 trillion dollar spending spree.

It happened again when the bush boy cut taxes for the rich and corporations and then went on a huge spending spree.

That's the problem with conservative economics. It doesn't properly tax the rich and corporations so the economy goes in the toilet.

Just him paying more isn't going to make a dent in the deficit and debt. It takes all of those who are rich and corporations to pay their fair share for it to make any difference.

Just saying he can pay more is a cop out lie.

Yea, a war bush got us into. Maybe he shoulda won before he left office. He had 5 years.

We have always had a progressive tax system.

The Democrats have been the party of war for the last 100 years. Democrats have got us into more wars and got more Americans killed than the Republicans.

Democrats are just as guilty of being interventionists like the Republicans as Republicans are guilty of being fiscal irresponsible like the Democrats.

I don't think the fact that Hillary Clinton supported the invasion of Iraq will keep one Moon Bat from voting for her if she is the Moon Bat candidate in November so give me any of this hippy peacenik bullshit.

A progressive tax system is unfair, greedy and oppressive. Nobody should ever be punished for being productive. It is the greedy worthless welfare queens that support the thievery of taking money from other to pay their bills.

The government should never be in the business of taking money from somebody that earned it and giving it to another person that didn't earn it. That concept is state supported thievery and it is despicable.
But every rich person became rich in a progressive society. Why change the rules now? It benefitted them now they want to change the rules? Fuck what's fair. What works?

So you believe there were no rich people before the Roosevelt Administration?

Government changes the rules every year. There's nothing "fair" about progressive taxation, and there's no evidence that it "works," whatever that means.

Yea, a war bush got us into. Maybe he shoulda won before he left office. He had 5 years.

We have always had a progressive tax system.

The Democrats have been the party of war for the last 100 years. Democrats have got us into more wars and got more Americans killed than the Republicans.

Democrats are just as guilty of being interventionists like the Republicans as Republicans are guilty of being fiscal irresponsible like the Democrats.

I don't think the fact that Hillary Clinton supported the invasion of Iraq will keep one Moon Bat from voting for her if she is the Moon Bat candidate in November so give me any of this hippy peacenik bullshit.

A progressive tax system is unfair, greedy and oppressive. Nobody should ever be punished for being productive. It is the greedy worthless welfare queens that support the thievery of taking money from other to pay their bills.

The government should never be in the business of taking money from somebody that earned it and giving it to another person that didn't earn it. That concept is state supported thievery and it is despicable.
But every rich person became rich in a progressive society. Why change the rules now? It benefitted them now they want to change the rules? Fuck what's fair. What works?

So you believe there were no rich people before the Roosevelt Administration?

Government changes the rules every year. There's nothing "fair" about progressive taxation, and there's no evidence that it "works," whatever that means.
No evidence a flat tax works. It's an experiment the rich want to try

Yea, a war bush got us into. Maybe he shoulda won before he left office. He had 5 years.

We have always had a progressive tax system.

The Democrats have been the party of war for the last 100 years. Democrats have got us into more wars and got more Americans killed than the Republicans.

Democrats are just as guilty of being interventionists like the Republicans as Republicans are guilty of being fiscal irresponsible like the Democrats.

I don't think the fact that Hillary Clinton supported the invasion of Iraq will keep one Moon Bat from voting for her if she is the Moon Bat candidate in November so give me any of this hippy peacenik bullshit.

A progressive tax system is unfair, greedy and oppressive. Nobody should ever be punished for being productive. It is the greedy worthless welfare queens that support the thievery of taking money from other to pay their bills.

The government should never be in the business of taking money from somebody that earned it and giving it to another person that didn't earn it. That concept is state supported thievery and it is despicable.
But every rich person became rich in a progressive society. Why change the rules now? It benefitted them now they want to change the rules? Fuck what's fair. What works?

So you believe there were no rich people before the Roosevelt Administration?

Government changes the rules every year. There's nothing "fair" about progressive taxation, and there's no evidence that it "works," whatever that means.
No evidence a flat tax works. It's an experiment the rich want to try

Define "works." Libturds have their own definitions for almost ever word.
oh brother. that's easy enough to say when you're gawddam rich for crying out loud.

Nothing is stopping him from donating all his monies to the Fed. Guberment

He's not saying those who aren't rich should pay more.

He's saying those who are rich and have money they own't miss aren't paying their fair share.

He's right.

If the rich and corporations paid their fair share we wouldn't have to borrow money to pay the nation's bills.

The deficit and debt skyrocketed when reagan cuts taxes on the rich and corporations and then went on a 3 trillion dollar spending spree.

It happened again when the bush boy cut taxes for the rich and corporations and then went on a huge spending spree.

That's the problem with conservative economics. It doesn't properly tax the rich and corporations so the economy goes in the toilet.

Just him paying more isn't going to make a dent in the deficit and debt. It takes all of those who are rich and corporations to pay their fair share for it to make any difference.

Just saying he can pay more is a cop out lie.

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.

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