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One Party in Total Control?

Isn't California being run by Democrats?
I hear it's going pretty well.
If I am not mistaken Massachusetts is pretty much run by the Democrats and they are doing quite well also. The last I hear 95+% of the people were on ACA and they were quite happy with it. The average income is above normal and the state has one of the highest literacy rates in the nation.

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

Michigan and New Jersey have been run by demcrats for years, so has california--------they are all broke, although Christie has started NJ on the path to fiscal sanity.
Folks, with all the talk from the lunatic Left about the demise of the GOP, a serious question arises. What would America be like with the Democrats in perpetual one party control? I shudder to think that because there are absolutely zero Conservatives in that party and their love of totalitarianism would bring about America's version of the gulags for political opponents.

I started a thread on this topic earlier. http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/318932-one-party-control.html

the libs are all for it unless the GOP is the party in power. they may be very sad come 2014 and 2016 when the people tire of the liberal failures and lies.
Yes! Yes! Yes! We heard all about how romney was going to whip Obama and how the republicans were going to take the presidency and both houses. It didn't quite work out for you did it? Maybe it had something to do with the clown car of candidates your party offered up. WOW! Here is a group of real winners: cain, palin bachmann, gingrich, santorum, paul, romney.
Now you have cruz! If this is the best you can come up with expect to have your asses handed to you. Parties that are polling in the low teens have a poor probability of winning anything.
Folks, with all the talk from the lunatic Left about the demise of the GOP, a serious question arises. What would America be like with the Democrats in perpetual one party control? I shudder to think that because there are absolutely zero Conservatives in that party and their love of totalitarianism would bring about America's version of the gulags for political opponents.

I started a thread on this topic earlier. http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/318932-one-party-control.html

the libs are all for it unless the GOP is the party in power. they may be very sad come 2014 and 2016 when the people tire of the liberal failures and lies.
Yes! Yes! Yes! We heard all about how romney was going to whip Obama and how the republicans were going to take the presidency and both houses. It didn't quite work out for you did it? Maybe it had something to do with the clown car of candidates your party offered up. WOW! Here is a group of real winners: cain, palin bachmann, gingrich, santorum, paul, romney.
Now you have cruz! If this is the best you can come up with expect to have your asses handed to you. Parties that are polling in the low teens have a poor probability of winning anything.

2010----------you fools said the same thing then.

obama is destroying the democrat party. speaking of candidates, who do you have?

hillary billary? schumer? plugs biden, weiner? reid? pelosi? wasserman dingleberry? talk about a cast of losers and clowns
Folks, with all the talk from the lunatic Left about the demise of the GOP, a serious question arises. What would America be like with the Democrats in perpetual one party control? I shudder to think that because there are absolutely zero Conservatives in that party and their love of totalitarianism would bring about America's version of the gulags for political opponents.

I started a thread on this topic earlier. http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/318932-one-party-control.html

the libs are all for it unless the GOP is the party in power. they may be very sad come 2014 and 2016 when the people tire of the liberal failures and lies.
I would be bothered to see one party rule in this country. America worked best when there were two parties working for the good of this country. In recent years the republican party has forgotten they are supposed to work for all Americans and have chosen to just work for the wealthy at the expense of the poor and middle class. Until the republican party changes its focus and starts to work for all Americans they will continue to lose elections and support. When a ship sinks the rats leave first. As the republican party sinks it is the republicans with brains who are leaving (or being given the boot) and it is the rats who have remained behind.
I started a thread on this topic earlier. http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/318932-one-party-control.html

the libs are all for it unless the GOP is the party in power. they may be very sad come 2014 and 2016 when the people tire of the liberal failures and lies.
Yes! Yes! Yes! We heard all about how romney was going to whip Obama and how the republicans were going to take the presidency and both houses. It didn't quite work out for you did it? Maybe it had something to do with the clown car of candidates your party offered up. WOW! Here is a group of real winners: cain, palin bachmann, gingrich, santorum, paul, romney.
Now you have cruz! If this is the best you can come up with expect to have your asses handed to you. Parties that are polling in the low teens have a poor probability of winning anything.

2010----------you fools said the same thing then.

obama is destroying the democrat party. speaking of candidates, who do you have?

hillary billary? schumer? plugs biden, weiner? reid? pelosi? wasserman dingleberry? talk about a cast of losers and clowns
Throw weiner and dingleberry out. I will gladly put the list of candidates the Democrats have against the clowns the republicans can field. The problem with you fools is that if anyone shows any intelligence or common sense you immediately brand them a RINO and kick them out of the party. One of your best presidential candidates in 2012 was also pretty much the first one you kicked out of race (Huntsman). He had experience and intelligence and he was a centrist who would have drawn the independent vote. But alas, he wasn't nutty enough for you clowns. He wouldn't jump through your stupid hoops. By the time you settled on romney he had taken so many stupid positions he was a lost cause even before the real campaigning started.
Folks, with all the talk from the lunatic Left about the demise of the GOP, a serious question arises. What would America be like with the Democrats in perpetual one party control? I shudder to think that because there are absolutely zero Conservatives in that party and their love of totalitarianism would bring about America's version of the gulags for political opponents.

Historically, the Democratic and Republican parties have never been hard ideological parties. They've each changed dramatically with the political climate. Since the late 19th century, the Republicans have been pro-business, while the Democrats have been pro-worker. Both parties had liberals and conservatives.

It's only very recently that the Republican party has become the 'Conservative' party and the Democrats have become the 'liberal' Party.

The problem with the GOP is that they have been partially taken over by political ideologues (i.e. The Tea Party). This is preventing the GOP from adapting to the current political climate, which may in turn destroy the GOP.

The weirdest thing about it is that the traditional Republicans are being labeled as "RINOs" and run out of their own party, while the Tea Partiers, who hold views that were never really espoused by the Republican party, deem themselves 'True Republicans'.

IMHO, the Tea Party does not belong in the Republican party. They should either form their own party or all join the libertarian party.

If things continue as is, it's very likely the the Republican party will become obsolete. However that's not so bad. Traditional Republicans will join the democratic party and form a conservative/pro-business wing of the Democratic party.

Most likely the Democratic party will then divide and we'll have a two party system again - just like we had before the Tea Party.

America kind of went thru this in the early 1800s. The Whig party became obsolete and it seemed like there was going to be one party rule. However, the old Whig party reinvented itself as the Republican party.
Folks, with all the talk from the lunatic Left about the demise of the GOP, a serious question arises. What would America be like with the Democrats in perpetual one party control? I shudder to think that because there are absolutely zero Conservatives in that party and their love of totalitarianism would bring about America's version of the gulags for political opponents.

One more thing:

I thought that you hated being called "Boris the Animal". I thought you just wanted to be called "Boris".
Democrats are not "one party". They are a coalition party.

Republicans are "one party" being 90% white.
If you want a truly realistic look at what the country would look under one party Democrat control look no farther than Greece what they have is what the majority of the left seems to believe in.
Isn't California being run by Democrats?
I hear it's going pretty well.

If you're an illegal immigrant. For everyone else, it sucks.

No, actually it doesn't.

New Rules with Bill Maher, California Exceptionalism, Sept 27 2013 | Kick! Making Politics Fun

I love it, a progressive state that's big enough to matter. They were on the leading edge for years and now that theyve exorcized the evil republican spirits, they aim to be again. Of course they could turn it into utopia and the tea party Luddites still wouldnt follow. They seem to like their backwards style of misery.
Isn't California being run by Democrats?
I hear it's going pretty well.
If I am not mistaken Massachusetts is pretty much run by the Democrats and they are doing quite well also. The last I hear 95+% of the people were on ACA and they were quite happy with it. The average income is above normal and the state has one of the highest literacy rates in the nation.

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

Michigan and New Jersey have been run by demcrats for years, so has california--------they are all broke, although Christie has started NJ on the path to fiscal sanity.

Isn't Christie a RINO these days?
It all moves so fast it's hard to keep up with the memes...
If you want a truly realistic look at what the country would look under one party Democrat control look no farther than Greece what they have is what the majority of the left seems to believe in.

Wow, did the Democrats win Greece as well?
So, do their votes in Greece count towards their Congress seats?
Folks, with all the talk from the lunatic Left about the demise of the GOP, a serious question arises. What would America be like with the Democrats in perpetual one party control? I shudder to think that because there are absolutely zero Conservatives in that party and their love of totalitarianism would bring about America's version of the gulags for political opponents.
Picture Detroit in the old Soviet Union.
If you want a truly realistic look at what the country would look under one party Democrat control look no farther than Greece what they have is what the majority of the left seems to believe in.

Wow, did the Democrats win Greece as well?
So, do their votes in Greece count towards their Congress seats?

Does Greece have a big government big spending entitlement society? Do most Democrats in Congress support that type of government?
Democrats are not "one party". They are a coalition party.

Republicans are "one party" being 90% white.

Republicans can't attract minorities to their party because they believe those minorities have no "integrity" but only want "hand outs" and are controlled by a secret and well hidden group of "Democratic Liberals". They can't see the Democratic Party is a coalition because being 90% white, they don't really understand what that means.

And look at them. Talk about "being led".
If you want a truly realistic look at what the country would look under one party Democrat control look no farther than Greece what they have is what the majority of the left seems to believe in.

Wow, did the Democrats win Greece as well?
So, do their votes in Greece count towards their Congress seats?

Does Greece have a big government big spending entitlement society? Do most Democrats in Congress support that type of government?
God yes! Greece elected Andreas Papandreau in 1980 and the socialists held power for 24 of the 30 years before the economy collapsed. Mitsotakis was the only one who tried to check runaway spending and he only lasted 3 years because Greeks did not have the foresight to see where the country was heading. Imagine what would happen if Obama Democrats held power for that long.
Folks, with all the talk from the lunatic Left about the demise of the GOP, a serious question arises. What would America be like with the Democrats in perpetual one party control? I shudder to think that because there are absolutely zero Conservatives in that party and their love of totalitarianism would bring about America's version of the gulags for political opponents.

every time the dems have been in control of the country we have bailed you republicans out of the messes you made for the people ... in 1992 the dems got control of the house and senate with the passing of one bill that the dems supported strongly and the republicans did their typical fear mongering, we dems still turn the country around from the reagan and Bush mess ... then in 1994 the republicans got control of the congress back by their typical fear mongering ... we still had the clinton tax increase that save us all from losing jobs and retirement money ... as soon as the republican took the white house in 2001, they cut the taxes that clinton passed, and down the tubes we went ... if bush had kept the Clinton tax bill Bush would have look like a hero ... he would have had money for the wars he started... he would have keep the working force in place ... he would have look like a hero ... instead he followed the republican mantra by fucking the people out of their retirement money and give that money to the rich ... republicans the scourge of the earth ...
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