One Problem With The Steele Dossier: "Some Of It Was Verified. . .Some Of It Was Not!"


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Anyone finds out about a FISA Court that mostly a judge has to see a solid body of lots of stuff to issue a wiretap order. Then the FBI found out enough more to get three more warrant extensions.

Week 14: The Trump Dossier Resurfaces

The link notices that the Republicans paid for the dossier first. Then the Democrats bought it, "like a used car." Apparently the Democrats didn't fund anything too much directly.

FBI likely had strange sources against Al Capone types in years gone by. The Trump campaign volunteer had been under some surveillance for three or four years before any campaigns, and had been warned about further contacts. The bogus dossier was not entirely.

So the Republicans want to expose that agents had been alarmed for years, and that a possible foreign agent: Suddenly turns up a golf swing away from the Presidency(?)

Being discreet, the agents did not bring up that the Democrats seemed to know this too: In the midst of a political campaign.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Now even many White Eyes don't show all the little marks on the papers(?)--just like tearing them up completely(?)! Many know about that, on Lands of Many Nations!)

TinyDancer, Trump Lackey America Denigrator, fails further to note that Steele was a "Go-To" person for intelligence on Russia: Widely respected by intelligence services worldwide.

Like Pro-Trump, America-Hater Nunez--Hispanic Sounding of name--mostly no one has read the original FISA warrant application. Possibly TinyDancer will point out the heritage of the GOP intel chairman. Nunez admits to never having read the FISA application, himself or itself(?), or however they talk(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many will White Eyes will say that Nunez is a fine old African tribal name. . .or something(?)!)
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"Four Score, and Seven Years Ago, Our Fathers. . ." but that was then, clearly not now: Including Anti-Americans like anti-American, tinydancer poster, or any other of the Trump family supportive brand.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Mainly Mark Spitz would show the world that in fact Americans: Know how to swim!)
Is this the dossier that alleges that Trump, a known germaphobe, paid whores to pee on him :dunno:
Hate to break it to you mascale but even the author of the dossier Steele, in court documents in Britain admits his dossier is unverified.

The issue is, the author leaked parts of the dossier to Yahoo news. The FBI then said see its been verified by Yahoo news...oh wait :eusa_think:
"The weight" that drags down on the anti-American, GOP miscalculation: Is that Nunez even admits to not having seen or read the FISA warrant application itself. On the one-hand you have the anti-American(s)--according to Trump family genetic science--GOP oblivious. On the other hand, The FBI has information from an internationally respected source, even known to the Republicans and Democrats alike, worthy of funding.

Anyone goes with the possible information in the matter of launching an investigation.

Anyone sees that the GOP brings crime, they are rapists--and not too able to be impartial(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many think Lands of Many Nations not political of origins, either!)
I'm very unhappy/uncomfortable with the idea that because a spy/informant provided "good intel" in the past that means everything they put forward is some how "legit by proxy"

I get that one wants to save some time, effort, and tax payer money in the over arching idea of "good intel" sources, but, and especially when it comes to infringing on the rights of American citizens and businesses, I think more "due diligence" should be required to verify intel. IF one cannot verify the intel, then all they have is "hearsay" That is a /terrible/ basis upon which to subvert American's rights...

- and in the very specific case of Steele we now know that it was the hearsay of someone who was "desperate" to prevent Trump's election, provided to the FBI by another person who was "desperate" to prevent Trump's election [Hillary Clinton].
First, it was not the Page situation that started the whole investigation. It was Papadopolous telling an Australian diplomat that Russia was supplying the Trump campaign with information on Clinton. It says that on the last page of the memo. And since Page was already known to have had contacts with Russian intel agents, you can bet they were watching him. That is their job. If Trump and his people have nothing to hide, why the constant lying about their contacts with Russia? This pretty much confirms that Trump is a stinking asshole of a traitor. And desperately trying to avoid impeachment,conviction, and then prosecution.
"The weight" that drags down on the anti-American, GOP miscalculation: Is that Nunez even admits to not having seen or read the FISA warrant application itself. On the one-hand you have the anti-American(s)--according to Trump family genetic science--GOP oblivious. On the other hand, The FBI has information from an internationally respected source, even known to the Republicans and Democrats alike, worthy of funding.

Anyone goes with the possible information in the matter of launching an investigation.

Anyone sees that the GOP brings crime, they are rapists--and not too able to be impartial(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many think Lands of Many Nations not political of origins, either!)

DOJ regulations say that one person is to be designated to real the document in a secure room. Congress can't pass them around like there newspapers. Gowdy was the person designated to read the warrant application. Your criticism is just another bogus attack by the fake news media.
"The weight" that drags down on the anti-American, GOP miscalculation: Is that Nunez even admits to not having seen or read the FISA warrant application itself. On the one-hand you have the anti-American(s)--according to Trump family genetic science--GOP oblivious. On the other hand, The FBI has information from an internationally respected source, even known to the Republicans and Democrats alike, worthy of funding.

Anyone goes with the possible information in the matter of launching an investigation.

Anyone sees that the GOP brings crime, they are rapists--and not too able to be impartial(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many think Lands of Many Nations not political of origins, either!)

DOJ regulations say that one person is to be designated to real the document in a secure room. Congress can't pass them around like there newspapers. Gowdy was the person designated to read the warrant application. Your criticism is just another bogus attack by the fake news media.

Yeah...Gowdy read the underlying intelligence...and now he's bailing. Odd....
A sitting president and his DOJ/FBI colluded with Hillary and the DNC, and foreigners to spy on and wire tap their opponent in the election that's some corruption right there.
Often times in investigations, even prosecutors have less than impartial biases intending convictions. Police and other agents are often looking for evidence of wrong-doing. Now there is some GOP contention that all such intent or biases are wrong(?). The fellow, Steele, is alleged to have had an agenda. Even Conservative GOP was willing to fund it.

Then the findings of probable further evidence come to light, and seem to have involved others already suspect. Easily intelligence gathering had to proceed.

New Trump Family science comes into play(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Maybe now Portugal can be placed on terrorist watch-list, specifically any area near the Azores! Trump-era science is like that!)
Oh yeah. The dossier WAS verified - by reports on CNN, MSNBC, and others from leaks provided directly to them by STEELE!
"The weight" that drags down on the anti-American, GOP miscalculation: Is that Nunez even admits to not having seen or read the FISA warrant application itself. On the one-hand you have the anti-American(s)--according to Trump family genetic science--GOP oblivious. On the other hand, The FBI has information from an internationally respected source, even known to the Republicans and Democrats alike, worthy of funding.

Anyone goes with the possible information in the matter of launching an investigation.

Anyone sees that the GOP brings crime, they are rapists--and not too able to be impartial(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many think Lands of Many Nations not political of origins, either!)

DOJ regulations say that one person is to be designated to real the document in a secure room. Congress can't pass them around like there newspapers. Gowdy was the person designated to read the warrant application. Your criticism is just another bogus attack by the fake news media.

Yeah...Gowdy read the underlying intelligence...and now he's bailing. Odd....

Going back to his roots. The judiciary. That's not bailing. Not wanting to be employed for a lifetime on the hill and enriching yourself and your family is a GOOD THING.
Following Trump Family Science, especially now even "Terrorism" is a genetic determination: And apparently Obama-Biden won(?). . .in the strange world of Trump Family Science(?). Front and center now, for US defense, is low-yield nukes(?)! Any further "War on Terrorism" is no longer front and center in US Defense Policy, as of Friday, just last week.

Mainly the phony memo took front and center in the weekend news.

This assessment comes at the same time as the Portuguese-Based memo, with basis in the Azores: Alleging that the fellow with the Greek name actually does not exist(?), never existed, and offered no evidence in support of an FBI investigation. The White House, in fact, claims "Vindication" and even "Vengence:" If the one or another of the stupid kids is to be believed. The basis, apparently, is that Greece itself: Does Not Exist(?)!

The Trump Family Zingers just keep on comin' on down!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great White Yellow Hair In Washington: Maybe now channeling on Little Big Horn(?). . .thinking his side won(?)!)
Anyone finds out about a FISA Court that mostly a judge has to see a solid body of lots of stuff to issue a wiretap order. Then the FBI found out enough more to get three more warrant extensions.

Week 14: The Trump Dossier Resurfaces

The link notices that the Republicans paid for the dossier first. ...
Fake News Lie. The Republicans had nothing to do with Steele and the Dossier.

After Trump won, the Obama administration panicked.

With two months between the election and the inauguration, the panicked emotions led to frenzied actions. National Security Adviser Susan Rice unmasked dozens of redacted names of Americans in intelligence reports dealing with the Trump transition team. While she violated no law, the practice of unmasking Americans incidentally picked up in U.S. government eavesdropping is extraordinarily rare for senior officials, particularly when those Americans are preparing the presidential transition of the party out of power.

The White House instructed the U.S. intelligence community to push raw intelligence to as wide an audience as possible inside the government and Congress, making it much easier to leak, the Fake News New York Times reported on March 1, 2017.

Details about Flynn’s private phone calls with the Russian ambassador to the United States, the kind of information that is almost never made public, were leaked to Fake News Washington Post columnist David Ignatius. Obama’s deputy attorney general, Sally Yates, opened a new investigation against Flynn for violating the Logan Act, a 1799 law that bars private citizens from conducting foreign policy. Flynn was weeks away from becoming national-security adviser, so he was hardly an ordinary private citizen. In any case, the Logan Act has never been successfully prosecuted and is likely unconstitutional.

Obama also instructed the U.S. intelligence community to assemble both a public and classified assessment of the Russian interference in the 2016 election, to be completed before he left office. The assessment proved important for two reasons. First, it’s what prompted Nunes to begin investigating the investigators. As chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, he received a classified briefing around Thanksgiving about Russian interference, according to journalist Lee Smith’s book, The Plot Against the President. Nunes said he was not told of any assessment at the time that Russians had actively wanted Trump to win, only that the goal of the Russia operation had been to sow chaos and undermine faith in democratic institutions.

The intelligence-community assessment also set the stage for the public disclosure of the Steele dossier. It came down to a familiar Washington trope: The Corrupt FBI and the CIA had an argument. At the Corrupt FBI, Comey and McCabe believed Steele and pushed to include the dossier’s findings in the classified assessment. But the CIA’s top analyst balked. Horowitz writes that he considered Steele’s dossier to be “Internet rumor.” The compromise: The Steele allegations were included in a separate appendix.

When the assessment was finally completed in January, the leaders of the intelligence community—Comey, CIA director John Brennan, Crapper, and National Security Agency chief Mike Rogers—briefed Obama and Trump on its findings. When it came to the Steele appendix, Comey briefed Trump alone. Comey recounted his version of that conversation in handwritten notes he took after the meeting—notes he leaked to the Fake News New York Times after Trump fired him a few months later. The article based on Comey’s leak was a key element in the campaign to name Robert Mueller as an independent counsel, which is what it was intended to do.

Comey’s insistence on including the Dossier in an official assessment of Russian interference in the 2016 election was peculiar. The Corrupt FBI had already received a lot of evidence that Steele had gotten it wrong. Page had told an informant in August that he had never met Manafort. Steele himself told Corrupt FBI agents that one of his main sources was prone to embellishment. The Corrupt bureau had been unable to verify it. The Corrupt FBI had learned that Page had informed the CIA about his contacts with Russian intelligence officers before.

Horowitz does not say whether Comey or his deputy, Andrew McCabe, were aware of this exculpatory information when they pushed to include the Steele dossier in the assessment.

McCabe handpicked the three teams of agents that rotated in and out of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. That investigation was not being run out of a field office. It was deliberately run out of Corrupt FBI headquarters. It’s all but impossible that McCabe, who was regularly briefed on the status of the investigation, was unaware that Steele’s information wasn’t checking out.

Comey’s briefing sent Trump into a rage. Trump already had people in his circle such as Flynn and Nunes who were advising him to be wary of Obama’s intelligence-community leaders. After Comey’s dossier briefing, with tales of golden showers and collusion, Trump’s distrust became contempt.

Nonetheless, he asked Comey if the Corrupt FBI could investigate the urination tape in order to clear him. Comey recounts that he counseled Trump against this by saying it was not something the FBI normally did. It wasn’t? At that very moment, his own Corrupt FBI was trying to verify that exact story. And as Horowitz says, agents would interview an important subsource for Steele who said there was no corroboration for the pee-tape story.

Before the Trump briefing, many journalists knew the details but believed that the Steele dossier was just a jumble of unverified allegations. Now journalists came to learn that the U.S. intelligence community believed that the dossier was important enough that both Trump and Obama needed to know about it. The dossier was no longer a bunch of dirt peddled by Democrats. It was now something the U.S. government had included in a briefing for both Trump and Obama. It was news.

Fake News CNN got the scoop about the briefings and ran with it on January 10, 2017. The network reported the story with some caution and didn’t provide many details about what the dossier actually said. After CNN’s story, the cat was out of the bag. The first outlet to publish Steele’s dossier in its entirety was Buzzfeed, a few hours later. At the time, the online news site made sure to say that the claims were unverified and in some cases appeared to get basic names of places and institutions wrong. But Buzzfeed reasoned that if the dossier was important enough for the intelligence community to brief the outgoing and incoming presidents, its readers deserved to read it.

After Buzzfeed published the story, the anti-Trump resistance went wild. Rachel Madcow began devoting much of her Fake New MSNBC program to speculation about whether the Russians could blackmail the incoming president. The Center for American Progress opened a website called the Moscow Project, which featured a photo of Page in the section that reproduced the dossier. Grifters posing as counterintelligence experts launched podcasts and Twitter feeds.

Behind the panic was a glaring irony. In its application for the FISA warrant against Page, the Corrupt FBI used Isikoff’s Yahoo story as verification of Steele’s reporting. Horowitz reports that the first draft of the warrant acknowledged that Isikoff likely obtained his information from Steele. But the final version did not.

The Corrupt FBI has said the Isikoff story was included because it included Page’s denials. That beggars belief. What the Corrupt FBI did, quite simply, was use a piece of reporting on Steele’s findings and falsely claim that it independently confirmed Steele’s findings, when it knew that Isikoff’s story had done no such thing.

Which means that the cloud over Trump’s presidency was the product of Fake News journalists and Corrupt G-men using themselves to confirm a falsehood.

The FBI Scandal - Commentary
Anyone finds out about a FISA Court that mostly a judge has to see a solid body of lots of stuff to issue a wiretap order. Then the FBI found out enough more to get three more warrant extensions...
Gee, then why did they lie, conceal and forge to get the warrants?
... The link notices that the Republicans paid for the dossier first...
Republicans had NOTHING to do with Christopher Steele.
... Democrats didn't fund anything too much directly...
They laundered the payments through a legal firm.
... FBI likely had strange sources against Al Capone types in years gone by. The Trump campaign volunteer had been under some surveillance for three or four years before any campaigns, and had been warned about further contacts. The bogus dossier was not entirely...

Yes it was. Carter Page was a CIA informant, and the FBI was repeatedly notified, and forged a written notice to read "NOT A" CIA source.




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