One Sugar-Sweetened Soda A Day Boosts Diabetes Risk

I grew up eating all the junk food I could eat and when I joined the Service I was 6', 155lbs. It wasn't until after Aspartame was introduced that I started having weight problems.

Two years now without artificial sweeteners and my weight has returned to normal.

Those artificial sweeteners are no good. I also am not a big believer in HFCS. Regular sugar is fine in moderation. The problem too many people have is that they just eat too many sugary things and consume too many carbs and drink too many sugary drinks. I limit the amount of junk food I buy because my kids think a snack is a bag of chips, a big bag, or a carton of ice cream.

A couple of years ago, I started gaining weight. I had always been thin, but my weight went from 130 to 154 in about two years. At that time, I also decided to stop smoking, so I was bound to see my weight increase even more. I was becoming my father. He gained 70 pounds in two years when he was in his late 40's. After I quit smoking, I cut out all soda and my flavored coffee creamers. I figured that combined that amounted to 4500 extra calories per week. That was based on drinking a couple of Mountain Dews per day and putting the flavored creamer in my coffee everyday. Besides that, I started working out and running. Within three months I dropped seventeen pounds while my food intake actually increased dramatically due to working out.

If you just consider that cutting out two 20 oz soda's cuts out between 3500 to 4000 calories per week, that is equal to one pound per week.

Well done.

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