One thing about the Trump election

Enjoy your excitement while it lasts. A man who blows off the president's daily intelligence briefing is going to fuck up badly, you can bet on it.
who blew off the daily intelligence briefing? and more important, should the words intelligence and president have been used in the same sentence for the last 8 years?
You remember 9/11? The daily briefing is an important thing if only because Bush did not take his seriously and we got attacked by hostiles our intelligence community felt should be dealt with. Trump has only seen two while letting Pence take care of them. Looks like they are rebuilding the Bush White house. You should be worried at least a little bit.
well, it is a bit of a concern but it does show one thing that had me curious, in business its common for the CEO to get his daily updates from someone else, I expect that Trump is looking at the position of president more like the CEO of a large corporation than a position of the leader of a country. To be honest, I think Pence can handle the task, and hopefully Trump will see the difference between Trump industries and the president of the U.S.
But yes to answer your question. It is something that needs to be watched closely.
Enjoy your excitement while it lasts. A man who blows off the president's daily intelligence briefing is going to fuck up badly, you can bet on it.
who blew off the daily intelligence briefing? and more important, should the words intelligence and president have been used in the same sentence for the last 8 years?
You remember 9/11? The daily briefing is an important thing if only because Bush did not take his seriously and we got attacked by hostiles our intelligence community felt should be dealt with. Trump has only seen two while letting Pence take care of them. Looks like they are rebuilding the Bush White house. You should be worried at least a little bit.

Bush, one man you expected to be the only person who gets those briefs and is the only man who could have stopped the attack. Really? You really think one man has that power? You don't think that the head of the FBI or CIA could have given a call and told Bush of the impending attack? Yet four die at Benghazi and the one man in charge had nothing to do with it? Really?
All this stuff is so similar to how the Bush administration was put together it's crazy that none of you are concerned. Have fun trying to defend the massive expansion of federal power that is about to occur.
I hope he recinds the EO that formed the EPA....
You remember 9/11? The daily briefing is an important thing if only because Bush did not take his seriously and we got attacked by hostiles our intelligence community felt should be dealt with. Trump has only seen two while letting Pence take care of them. Looks like they are rebuilding the Bush White house. You should be worried at least a little bit.

What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11
I would say I am more worried then excited. Especially when I see some of his cabinet choices.
Amen to that. Seems every one of them is poised to launch an attack on the working people who supposedly elected him.
I simply can't wait until we attack them with lower taxes and will be a bloodbath.....for you liberal fascists.....:lol:
We somehow need to put an end to this game of football with taxes......takes up way too much of Congress time......attn needs to be put on the spending side. You continue to collect record revenue with nothing to show for it except a disappearing military.

I just worry they will take care of it by cutting SS and Medicare. Both already fully funded by taxes they alone add nothing to the debt. But welfare, medicaid, not so much. Everyone talks about how those receiving SS can't get a decent COLA because of funding, but never is that asked of welfare.
They are funded by IOU's which are funded by IOU's which are funded by taxes.....

those IOUs are written against the taxes collected to fund SS. Federal notes are the only investment that SS can use. So yeah, SS income does increase the debt because the government spends the money owed and the interest that is earned. Kinda like you blaming the bank for loaning our the money you put into savings. They do that I hope you know.

Why do you think GWB, and others, suggested private accounts that could be invested in things like the stock market? it would free the government up from the huge interest they need to pay the SS fund. Of course the flaw in private accounts is that would make people responsible for their own retirement, which we know a whole lot of people just wouldn't do.
Enjoy your excitement while it lasts. A man who blows off the president's daily intelligence briefing is going to fuck up badly, you can bet on it.
who blew off the daily intelligence briefing? and more important, should the words intelligence and president have been used in the same sentence for the last 8 years?
You remember 9/11? The daily briefing is an important thing if only because Bush did not take his seriously and we got attacked by hostiles our intelligence community felt should be dealt with. Trump has only seen two while letting Pence take care of them. Looks like they are rebuilding the Bush White house. You should be worried at least a little bit.

Bush, one man you expected to be the only person who gets those briefs and is the only man who could have stopped the attack. Really? You really think one man has that power? You don't think that the head of the FBI or CIA could have given a call and told Bush of the impending attack? Yet four die at Benghazi and the one man in charge had nothing to do with it? Really?
All this stuff is so similar to how the Bush administration was put together it's crazy that none of you are concerned. Have fun trying to defend the massive expansion of federal power that is about to occur.
I hope he recinds the EO that formed the EPA....

I hope he gets rid of 90% of the bureaucracies.

The two biggest threats to our liberty are lifelong appointed judges and bureaucrats. That's because neither are held accountable.
Amen to that. Seems every one of them is poised to launch an attack on the working people who supposedly elected him.
I simply can't wait until we attack them with lower taxes and will be a bloodbath.....for you liberal fascists.....:lol:
We somehow need to put an end to this game of football with taxes......takes up way too much of Congress time......attn needs to be put on the spending side. You continue to collect record revenue with nothing to show for it except a disappearing military.

I just worry they will take care of it by cutting SS and Medicare. Both already fully funded by taxes they alone add nothing to the debt. But welfare, medicaid, not so much. Everyone talks about how those receiving SS can't get a decent COLA because of funding, but never is that asked of welfare.
They are funded by IOU's which are funded by IOU's which are funded by taxes.....

those IOUs are written against the taxes collected to fund SS. Federal notes are the only investment that SS can use. So yeah, SS income does increase the debt because the government spends the money owed and the interest that is earned. Kinda like you blaming the bank for loaning our the money you put into savings. They do that I hope you know.

Why do you think GWB, and others, suggested private accounts that could be invested in things like the stock market? it would free the government up from the huge interest they need to pay the SS fund. Of course the flaw in private accounts is that would make people responsible for their own retirement, which we know a whole lot of people just wouldn't do.
Wow....that is one pile of dumb.....good luck with that....
Enjoy your excitement while it lasts. A man who blows off the president's daily intelligence briefing is going to fuck up badly, you can bet on it.

Obama has 'blown off' daily briefings a number of times. Trump does not need daily briefings until he takes office in January. He has ZERO power to do anything about a terrorists threat as President-elect.
Guy needs to get up to speed as he has shown a shocking lack of geo-political knowledge. It also speaks to his rather dangerous opinion that he knows better than anyone what's going on and how to deal with it. Trump is now in an environment that he is unfamiliar with, it would be nice if he would take it seriously.

That is why all presidents have advisers. I would think that since all the predictions about Trump were found to be wrong people would get out of the business of making predictions, especially predictions about the future.
It's never hard to predict the outcome of stupidity in action, your man needs to take his job more seriously than simply farming out his duties to other people who may or may not be qualified.

How much more serious can he take the job? He flew into Mexico just to discuss our situations, and he wasn't even elected yet. He's been working on getting his cabinet together faster than any other president elect. He's inviting friends and enemies to his tower to see if he can get the best people. What more do you want?
Did you vote for Trump against the GOP establishment? He's filling his administration with them and his supporters are silent. Trump is entering office under very similar circumstances to 2000 with many of the same characters, you should be worried.
Enjoy your excitement while it lasts. A man who blows off the president's daily intelligence briefing is going to fuck up badly, you can bet on it.

Trumps biggest problem has been he acts impulsively....not a good trait

He also seems uninterested in the day to day responsibilities of being President

How in the hell can you know that when he isn't even president yet?

You need to really get out of the prediction business.

You side predicted he wouldn't win the nomination, the office and he didn't have the organization to build his cabinet. Wrong on all counts, but keep trying someday you get one right.

Still hasn't learned that Presidents don't Twitter
Enjoy your excitement while it lasts. A man who blows off the president's daily intelligence briefing is going to fuck up badly, you can bet on it.
who blew off the daily intelligence briefing? and more important, should the words intelligence and president have been used in the same sentence for the last 8 years?
You remember 9/11? The daily briefing is an important thing if only because Bush did not take his seriously and we got attacked by hostiles our intelligence community felt should be dealt with. Trump has only seen two while letting Pence take care of them. Looks like they are rebuilding the Bush White house. You should be worried at least a little bit.

Bush, one man you expected to be the only person who gets those briefs and is the only man who could have stopped the attack. Really? You really think one man has that power? You don't think that the head of the FBI or CIA could have given a call and told Bush of the impending attack? Yet four die at Benghazi and the one man in charge had nothing to do with it? Really?
All this stuff is so similar to how the Bush administration was put together it's crazy that none of you are concerned. Have fun trying to defend the massive expansion of federal power that is about to occur.
I hope he recinds the EO that formed the EPA....

In my opinion the country needs an EPA. If you need proof look no further than Love Canal. The EPA was in reality a reorganization of different government agencies into one.

My opinion is we need an EPA that protects the environment in ways that support progress, not the other way around.
It has apparently invigorated America. There are those who never voted before who voted for Trump. My wife who seldom even pays attention supported Trump the whole cycle even when I said "boy that Trump can be an ass."

Even the left wing which rails against the system since their candidate didn't win are excited.

This election will be written into history books like no other. It will even exceed that of the first black president. It shows what a person can do against all odds. And you can't say it was done because he is rich, Hillary far out spent him. You can't say he was the establishment's darling, we all know that was Hillary. All that can be said is that America rose and and said, "can you hear me now?" Even if Hillary wins the popular vote that is not how the system works. It would be like saying she won in Bingo with the better poker hand.

Can anyone, anyone believe that if Hillary were to have been elected that anyone would have really, REALLY been excited either way?

Now is the time to come together, I just hope Trump doesn't blow it.

As for the violence, where is Obama and Hillary?

I agree this election will be written into the history books like no other, but exactly HOW it will be written is TBA. It is looking a lot like Trump is shedding his campaign skin and is morphing into the opposite of his campaign image. His most heated promises, the ones that got the loudest responses, are now in the trash bin.

I see what you're saying but for me I am waiting until he is actually in the oval office to decide whether or not he lied on all of his campaign promises that he's thrown in the bin currently. Personally, I'm hoping he is just saying all of this and that to keep the heat off him until he js legitimately inaugurated and potus. But that's just me. If it turns out he lied, like all the other p.o.s. then, well, we will wait and see the outcome of the people. Whatever that may include.

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who blew off the daily intelligence briefing? and more important, should the words intelligence and president have been used in the same sentence for the last 8 years?
You remember 9/11? The daily briefing is an important thing if only because Bush did not take his seriously and we got attacked by hostiles our intelligence community felt should be dealt with. Trump has only seen two while letting Pence take care of them. Looks like they are rebuilding the Bush White house. You should be worried at least a little bit.

Bush, one man you expected to be the only person who gets those briefs and is the only man who could have stopped the attack. Really? You really think one man has that power? You don't think that the head of the FBI or CIA could have given a call and told Bush of the impending attack? Yet four die at Benghazi and the one man in charge had nothing to do with it? Really?
All this stuff is so similar to how the Bush administration was put together it's crazy that none of you are concerned. Have fun trying to defend the massive expansion of federal power that is about to occur.
I hope he recinds the EO that formed the EPA....

I hope he gets rid of 90% of the bureaucracies.

The two biggest threats to our liberty are lifelong appointed judges and bureaucrats. That's because neither are held accountable.
Keep dreaming, all that stuff about smaller government, fighting corruption and deficit reduction is just something to bitch about when republicans do not have the white house.
Obama has 'blown off' daily briefings a number of times. Trump does not need daily briefings until he takes office in January. He has ZERO power to do anything about a terrorists threat as President-elect.
Guy needs to get up to speed as he has shown a shocking lack of geo-political knowledge. It also speaks to his rather dangerous opinion that he knows better than anyone what's going on and how to deal with it. Trump is now in an environment that he is unfamiliar with, it would be nice if he would take it seriously.

That is why all presidents have advisers. I would think that since all the predictions about Trump were found to be wrong people would get out of the business of making predictions, especially predictions about the future.
It's never hard to predict the outcome of stupidity in action, your man needs to take his job more seriously than simply farming out his duties to other people who may or may not be qualified.

How much more serious can he take the job? He flew into Mexico just to discuss our situations, and he wasn't even elected yet. He's been working on getting his cabinet together faster than any other president elect. He's inviting friends and enemies to his tower to see if he can get the best people. What more do you want?
Did you vote for Trump against the GOP establishment? He's filling his administration with them and his supporters are silent. Trump is entering office under very similar circumstances to 2000 with many of the same characters, you should be worried.

So what do you want him to do, hire hotdog vendors?

He's bringing in the best people he feels for the jobs. As you pointed out, Trump is a rookie in the politics business, so you need to bring in experienced people to do the grunt work.
Obama has 'blown off' daily briefings a number of times. Trump does not need daily briefings until he takes office in January. He has ZERO power to do anything about a terrorists threat as President-elect.
Guy needs to get up to speed as he has shown a shocking lack of geo-political knowledge. It also speaks to his rather dangerous opinion that he knows better than anyone what's going on and how to deal with it. Trump is now in an environment that he is unfamiliar with, it would be nice if he would take it seriously.

That is why all presidents have advisers. I would think that since all the predictions about Trump were found to be wrong people would get out of the business of making predictions, especially predictions about the future.
It's never hard to predict the outcome of stupidity in action, your man needs to take his job more seriously than simply farming out his duties to other people who may or may not be qualified.

How much more serious can he take the job? He flew into Mexico just to discuss our situations, and he wasn't even elected yet. He's been working on getting his cabinet together faster than any other president elect. He's inviting friends and enemies to his tower to see if he can get the best people. What more do you want?
Did you vote for Trump against the GOP establishment? He's filling his administration with them and his supporters are silent. Trump is entering office under very similar circumstances to 2000 with many of the same characters, you should be worried.

I have already emailed Trump about Romney. I guess is what you are saying is his supporters should be expecting him to fill his cabinet with democrats? Or fill it with people who absolute have no idea of how the government works?

Besides Trump was elected because of one nomination, the SCOTUS. The Republican was saved from Hillary, that is all that matters.
who blew off the daily intelligence briefing? and more important, should the words intelligence and president have been used in the same sentence for the last 8 years?
You remember 9/11? The daily briefing is an important thing if only because Bush did not take his seriously and we got attacked by hostiles our intelligence community felt should be dealt with. Trump has only seen two while letting Pence take care of them. Looks like they are rebuilding the Bush White house. You should be worried at least a little bit.

Bush, one man you expected to be the only person who gets those briefs and is the only man who could have stopped the attack. Really? You really think one man has that power? You don't think that the head of the FBI or CIA could have given a call and told Bush of the impending attack? Yet four die at Benghazi and the one man in charge had nothing to do with it? Really?
All this stuff is so similar to how the Bush administration was put together it's crazy that none of you are concerned. Have fun trying to defend the massive expansion of federal power that is about to occur.
I hope he recinds the EO that formed the EPA....

In my opinion the country needs an EPA. If you need proof look no further than Love Canal. The EPA was in reality a reorganization of different government agencies into one.

My opinion is we need an EPA that protects the environment in ways that support progress, not the other way around.
Love canal was a technological achievement of its time winning many .gov me if I disagree that .gov is a solution to anything....
You remember 9/11? The daily briefing is an important thing if only because Bush did not take his seriously and we got attacked by hostiles our intelligence community felt should be dealt with. Trump has only seen two while letting Pence take care of them. Looks like they are rebuilding the Bush White house. You should be worried at least a little bit.

Bush, one man you expected to be the only person who gets those briefs and is the only man who could have stopped the attack. Really? You really think one man has that power? You don't think that the head of the FBI or CIA could have given a call and told Bush of the impending attack? Yet four die at Benghazi and the one man in charge had nothing to do with it? Really?
All this stuff is so similar to how the Bush administration was put together it's crazy that none of you are concerned. Have fun trying to defend the massive expansion of federal power that is about to occur.
I hope he recinds the EO that formed the EPA....

I hope he gets rid of 90% of the bureaucracies.

The two biggest threats to our liberty are lifelong appointed judges and bureaucrats. That's because neither are held accountable.
Keep dreaming, all that stuff about smaller government, fighting corruption and deficit reduction is just something to bitch about when republicans do not have the white house.

What are you talking about? You people are complaining about him now and he hasn't done anything yet other than put people in place.
You remember 9/11? The daily briefing is an important thing if only because Bush did not take his seriously and we got attacked by hostiles our intelligence community felt should be dealt with. Trump has only seen two while letting Pence take care of them. Looks like they are rebuilding the Bush White house. You should be worried at least a little bit.

Bush, one man you expected to be the only person who gets those briefs and is the only man who could have stopped the attack. Really? You really think one man has that power? You don't think that the head of the FBI or CIA could have given a call and told Bush of the impending attack? Yet four die at Benghazi and the one man in charge had nothing to do with it? Really?
All this stuff is so similar to how the Bush administration was put together it's crazy that none of you are concerned. Have fun trying to defend the massive expansion of federal power that is about to occur.
I hope he recinds the EO that formed the EPA....

I hope he gets rid of 90% of the bureaucracies.

The two biggest threats to our liberty are lifelong appointed judges and bureaucrats. That's because neither are held accountable.
Keep dreaming, all that stuff about smaller government, fighting corruption and deficit reduction is just something to bitch about when republicans do not have the white house.
I love how democrats and the GOP'ers hate Trump....
who blew off the daily intelligence briefing? and more important, should the words intelligence and president have been used in the same sentence for the last 8 years?
You remember 9/11? The daily briefing is an important thing if only because Bush did not take his seriously and we got attacked by hostiles our intelligence community felt should be dealt with. Trump has only seen two while letting Pence take care of them. Looks like they are rebuilding the Bush White house. You should be worried at least a little bit.

Bush, one man you expected to be the only person who gets those briefs and is the only man who could have stopped the attack. Really? You really think one man has that power? You don't think that the head of the FBI or CIA could have given a call and told Bush of the impending attack? Yet four die at Benghazi and the one man in charge had nothing to do with it? Really?
All this stuff is so similar to how the Bush administration was put together it's crazy that none of you are concerned. Have fun trying to defend the massive expansion of federal power that is about to occur.
I hope he recinds the EO that formed the EPA....

In my opinion the country needs an EPA. If you need proof look no further than Love Canal. The EPA was in reality a reorganization of different government agencies into one.

My opinion is we need an EPA that protects the environment in ways that support progress, not the other way around.
Thing is, it will always be cheaper to dump pollution rather than do something about it and there are other countries that allow industry to pollute. Blaming the EPA for impeding progress might be a valid argument if we were like China and didn't give a shit about ruining the world with our garbage.
You remember 9/11? The daily briefing is an important thing if only because Bush did not take his seriously and we got attacked by hostiles our intelligence community felt should be dealt with. Trump has only seen two while letting Pence take care of them. Looks like they are rebuilding the Bush White house. You should be worried at least a little bit.

Bush, one man you expected to be the only person who gets those briefs and is the only man who could have stopped the attack. Really? You really think one man has that power? You don't think that the head of the FBI or CIA could have given a call and told Bush of the impending attack? Yet four die at Benghazi and the one man in charge had nothing to do with it? Really?
All this stuff is so similar to how the Bush administration was put together it's crazy that none of you are concerned. Have fun trying to defend the massive expansion of federal power that is about to occur.
I hope he recinds the EO that formed the EPA....

In my opinion the country needs an EPA. If you need proof look no further than Love Canal. The EPA was in reality a reorganization of different government agencies into one.

My opinion is we need an EPA that protects the environment in ways that support progress, not the other way around.
Thing is, it will always be cheaper to dump pollution rather than do something about it and there are other countries that allow industry to pollute. Blaming the EPA for impeding progress might be a valid argument if we were like China and didn't give a shit about ruining the world with our garbage.
The EPA is far more dangerous to America and the environment than is industry....
Guy needs to get up to speed as he has shown a shocking lack of geo-political knowledge. It also speaks to his rather dangerous opinion that he knows better than anyone what's going on and how to deal with it. Trump is now in an environment that he is unfamiliar with, it would be nice if he would take it seriously.

That is why all presidents have advisers. I would think that since all the predictions about Trump were found to be wrong people would get out of the business of making predictions, especially predictions about the future.
It's never hard to predict the outcome of stupidity in action, your man needs to take his job more seriously than simply farming out his duties to other people who may or may not be qualified.

How much more serious can he take the job? He flew into Mexico just to discuss our situations, and he wasn't even elected yet. He's been working on getting his cabinet together faster than any other president elect. He's inviting friends and enemies to his tower to see if he can get the best people. What more do you want?
Did you vote for Trump against the GOP establishment? He's filling his administration with them and his supporters are silent. Trump is entering office under very similar circumstances to 2000 with many of the same characters, you should be worried.

So what do you want him to do, hire hotdog vendors?

He's bringing in the best people he feels for the jobs. As you pointed out, Trump is a rookie in the politics business, so you need to bring in experienced people to do the grunt work.
why do you hate hotdogs?
Bush, one man you expected to be the only person who gets those briefs and is the only man who could have stopped the attack. Really? You really think one man has that power? You don't think that the head of the FBI or CIA could have given a call and told Bush of the impending attack? Yet four die at Benghazi and the one man in charge had nothing to do with it? Really?
All this stuff is so similar to how the Bush administration was put together it's crazy that none of you are concerned. Have fun trying to defend the massive expansion of federal power that is about to occur.
I hope he recinds the EO that formed the EPA....

I hope he gets rid of 90% of the bureaucracies.

The two biggest threats to our liberty are lifelong appointed judges and bureaucrats. That's because neither are held accountable.
Keep dreaming, all that stuff about smaller government, fighting corruption and deficit reduction is just something to bitch about when republicans do not have the white house.

What are you talking about? You people are complaining about him now and he hasn't done anything yet other than put people in place.
Thing is, we all know these people, a bunch of career politicians who are mostly unqualified for their new jobs. He's handing out jobs as political party favors and again, Trump supporters don't seem to care.

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