One Year Anniversary Of The Passing Of Rush Limbaugh

So, without Googling it, what's your favorite Rush quote?
Rush died last year on this date.

I wanted to dedicate a thread to celebrate the man.

The only sad part is it wasnt 50 years before.
He should be bern sprayed on the sheets. A proven racist and homophobe.

It proves to me that cancer can't even tell an arsehole when it confronts one because I didn't think it would live in that prick.
I'm pleased I'm wrong.
Denigrate the dead all you want but the fact is Rush got Trump elected and has exposed the Democrat corruption.

Forever his memory will outlive your bitter view
I am sorry you find Rush's own words offensive.
I listened to every word he said...he loved himself.
He hated Trump.
His ratings went into the tank.
He made believe he loved Trump.
I understand that anyone who owned a business loved Rush.
Rush has a special place in hell.
Yes, of course he loved himself, you hate yourself, that says volumes about you
Trump, yes they were good friends. Rush was good and kind to all he met, even democrats. That he loved Trump is more than apparent.
Ratings, the best on radio and better than all the liberal Television and Radio shows, including the sales of The New York Times.
Rush, was rich and successful, he became that way by being genuine and honest. "made believe", hardly.
You understand? Zuckenburg loves Rush? CNN loves Rush? those are businesses. New York Times? They love Trump?
If Rush has that special place, in hell, then we all do, and you will find yourself in the place you wish others to be.

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