One Year Anniversary Of The Passing Of Rush Limbaugh

Yes, of course he loved himself, you hate yourself, that says volumes about you
Trump, yes they were good friends. Rush was good and kind to all he met, even democrats. That he loved Trump is more than apparent.
Ratings, the best on radio and better than all the liberal Television and Radio shows, including the sales of The New York Times.
Rush, was rich and successful, he became that way by being genuine and honest. "made believe", hardly.
You understand? Zuckenburg loves Rush? CNN loves Rush? those are businesses. New York Times? They love Trump?
If Rush has that special place, in hell, then we all do, and you will find yourself in the place you wish others to be.
I would never preach for open borders, business visas or off-shoring to enable cheap, slave labor like Rush did.
I would never preach for open borders, business visas or off-shoring to enable cheap, slave labor like Rush did.
sure you would, and you have, you can lie now, but we have all seen your comments throughout these threads
I too would like to celebrate Limbaugh by saying, with feeling GOOD RIDDANCE!!! Bigly!!!
I feel the same way about every Democrat in Washington. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Stupidity is holding a self-professed Entertainer who profited off of dividing the American people in such high esteem.
rush limbaugh divided you from other americans? how so?
I bet you got plenty of hate to go around to many groups of people
I guess you skipped the 2015 debates.
Trump astutely pointed out that neo-Cons, along with the Democrats, destroyed America's middle class.

If you are a neo-Con, you can go fuck yourself.
I guess you skipped the 2015 debates.
Trump astutely pointed out that neo-Cons, along with the Democrats, destroyed America's middle class.

If you are a neo-Con, you can go fuck yourself.
I can? You give permission? Is it something you like to watch? I could really dont care what you blather about. It is kind of sad though, to see how your tiny brain operates and how stupid you can present yourself.
I guess you skipped the 2015 debates.
Trump astutely pointed out that neo-Cons, along with the Democrats, destroyed America's middle class.

If you are a neo-Con, you can go fuck yourself.
Sorry, I didn't see listen to the opinions of losers who couldn't be re-elected.
I can? You give permission? Is it something you like to watch? I could really dont care what you blather about. It is kind of sad though, to see how your tiny brain operates and how stupid you can present yourself.
I can say the same about your post regarding my neo-Con position.

It's nice to know you're a self-centered piece of shit.

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