Only 100 people from Congress plus a guest will attend former VP Biden’s teleprompter reading tonight

Here is all you need to know about tonight’s extravaganza. I am sure it will be very compelling.

I wonder how long the speech will be not including applause breaks....30 minutes?
And this is concerning to the former president's sycophants how?

The President delivering an address should be a point of concern for every American, you fucking lunatic.
Here is all you need to know about tonight’s extravaganza. I am sure it will be very compelling.

I wonder how long the speech will be not including applause breaks....30 minutes?
Funny how they PACKED the forum for the impeachment of Trump despite a raging pandemic but now precautions must be taken! Despite the fact THEYRE ALL VACCINATED lol

They're fuckin' total idiots!
Here is all you need to know about tonight’s extravaganza. I am sure it will be very compelling.

I wonder how long the speech will be not including applause breaks....30 minutes?
And this is concerning to the former president's sycophants how?

The President delivering an address should be a point of concern for every American, you fucking lunatic.
So, what does it matter how many people watch in live?
Who in the hell wants to watch that pathetic sonofabitch lie to the American people?
I honestly don't understand press coferences or any attempt to address the nation.

It's just carefully orchestrated propaganda, and as Joe drifts further into dementia, they will simply edit out any undesirable events.
I won't be watching. I figure anything that he screws up on will be all over this board, so I'll wait for the sequel.
Here is all you need to know about tonight’s extravaganza. I am sure it will be very compelling.

I wonder how long the speech will be not including applause breaks....30 minutes?
Pre-rehearsed answers will be given from The CCP-New World Order wooden headed Pinocchio submitted by pre-approved journalists, who will ask pre-selected questions in a pre-determined order which Joe will pick from a pre-formatted picture book complete with numbering and pictures, and Fraud Xiden will never deviate from the preselected order, nor ever be asked an off the cuff and unexpected question.

Think what a disaster Joe would be if someone stole his picture book or tampered with the pre-selected order and pre-written answers to the pre-approved journalists, pre-approved and pre-selected questions.
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Here is all you need to know about tonight’s extravaganza. I am sure it will be very compelling.

I wonder how long the speech will be not including applause breaks....30 minutes?
Pre-rehearsed answers will be given from The CCP-New World Order wooden headed Pinocchio submitted by pre-approved journalists, who will ask pre-selected questions in a pre-determined order which Joe will pick from a pre-formatted picture book complete with numbering and pictures, and Fraud Xiden will never deviate from the preselected order, nor ever be asked an off the cuff and unexpected question.

Think what a disaster Joe would be if someone stole his picture book or tampered with the pre-selected order and pre-written answers to the pre-approved journalists, pre-approved and pre-selected questions.
Just like your predictable and tediously boring tripe...
I am looking forward to the rebuttle by Tim Scott afterwards....a leftists WORST BOOGEYMAN...A BLACK CONSERVATIVE.
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Will someone wake up the libs and tell them the pandemic is over?

This post tops all idiot-grams in a decade. I'm not surprised, given the author is out of touch with reality.
That's a typical response from the hysterical leftwing

Is the wuflu still out there?

Yes and so are a hundred other diseases

but the country is managing it just fine without the need to wear masks even on the golf course or for athletes in competition

its time to stop paying lazy libs not to work

you are destroying the economy
Here is all you need to know about tonight’s extravaganza. I am sure it will be very compelling.

I wonder how long the speech will be not including applause breaks....30 minutes?

I am surprised he is not having a Zoom State of the Union.

Or a drive-in State of the Union.

I think most of the democratic leadership is too old to drive at night.
Here is all you need to know about tonight’s extravaganza. I am sure it will be very compelling.

I wonder how long the speech will be not including applause breaks....30 minutes?

1. Sell spending trillions more in spending that will happen no matter what. This is the Federal government after all. It's all they know how to do.

2. Talk of ending Jim Crow filibuster, the same filibuster he once praised when the Dims were out of power.

3. Soil his pants one or twice during the debate with the media editing out the noises as they happen.

4. Also edit the inevitable drooling that will occur.

5. Then talk about how his wonderful taxes will save the universe that will only hurt the evil rich like himself.
The more that I read the posts of the former president's sycophants I see that they think small, want to do small things. No wonder they worshiped the former president's hands.

And so far you have contributed nothing to the thread. I guess, if you got nothing...
Here is all you need to know about tonight’s extravaganza. I am sure it will be very compelling.

I wonder how long the speech will be not including applause breaks....30 minutes?
Pre-rehearsed answers will be given from The CCP-New World Order wooden headed Pinocchio submitted by pre-approved journalists, who will ask pre-selected questions in a pre-determined order which Joe will pick from a pre-formatted picture book complete with numbering and pictures, and Fraud Xiden will never deviate from the preselected order, nor ever be asked an off the cuff and unexpected question.

Think what a disaster Joe would be if someone stole his picture book or tampered with the pre-selected order and pre-written answers to the pre-approved journalists, pre-approved and pre-selected questions.
Just like your predictable and tediously boring tripe...
Nope. Your the one spewing predictable and tediously boring tripe. All Dim Reich Nazis spew the same talking points over an over again.
Biden is unable to speak unsupervised
Yet he _still_ keeps beating you at everything and laughing about it, along with the rest of us.

How do you reconcile that? You must classify yourselves as sub-betas, if even a supposed weakling like Biden can bitchslap you with impunity.
What has he beaten us at, aside from swindling an election?
Winning by 7.1 million votes ain't swindling.

Swindling was tried on 1/6/2021.

That failed too.

All you said was how big the swindle was. You failed to prove it didn't happen.
Here is all you need to know about tonight’s extravaganza. I am sure it will be very compelling.

I wonder how long the speech will be not including applause breaks....30 minutes?
Are they all Democrats?
Biden is unable to speak unsupervised for more than a minute without saying something crazy.
He has to use a teleprompter, but even with a teleprompter he might go off the rails.
Maybe they should fit him with a shock collar.
Any questions that Biden gets from the Progressive Press will be pre-approved and the answer with be rehearsed.
Biden should be asked to step down for the safety of our country.

You too are a damn liar. It seems every supporter of dumb Donald won't speak the truth. Trump lost because he mislead the nation on Covid, and was unable to get alone with anyone who won't kiss his fat ass. He's vindictive, anti-democratic - which puts him in the same league as Putin and XI - and the only thing stolen is the taxpayers money and he is the thief.
...and you just bought a blow up doll with orange hair right??
Here's what I expect,
"Rhubarb, rhubarb, white supremacy.....rhubarb, neo.nazis.......unity......rhubarb.....troglyanderplus......KKK......rhubarb.......diversity........white privilege....Doctor King said......."
Biden is unable to speak unsupervised
Yet he _still_ keeps beating you at everything and laughing about it, along with the rest of us.

How do you reconcile that? You must classify yourselves as sub-betas, if even a supposed weakling like Biden can bitchslap you with impunity.
What has he beaten us at, aside from swindling an election?
Winning by 7.1 million votes ain't swindling.

Swindling was tried on 1/6/2021.

That failed too.

It is unfortunate that this thread has devolved into another Rubber Room by the right wing, white supremacist's whose character flaws include zero empathy and nothing more but hate and fear. This thread has no business in the Politics Forum, and it's sad that the USMB has devolved, allowing Big Lies and Conspiracy Stories*** to echo them around the world.

***The Conspiracy Stories is my way in making the distinction between a law, theory or hypothesis from fantasy. Once again the Republicans and others who hate and fear change and the equal rights of all American Citizens continue with the Big Lie and Conspiracy "story" that the election last was stolen from them and the trump.
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Biden is unable to speak unsupervised
Yet he _still_ keeps beating you at everything and laughing about it, along with the rest of us.

How do you reconcile that? You must classify yourselves as sub-betas, if even a supposed weakling like Biden can bitchslap you with impunity.
What has he beaten us at, aside from swindling an election?
Winning by 7.1 million votes ain't swindling.

Swindling was tried on 1/6/2021.

That failed too.

It is unfortunate that this thread has devolved into another Rubber Room by the right wing, white supremacist's whose character flaws include zero empathy and nothing more but hate and fear. This thread has no business in the Politics Forum, and it's sad that the USMB has devolved, allowing Big Lies and Conspiracy Stories*** to echo them around the world.

***The Conspiracy Stories is my way in making the distinction between a law, theory or hypothesis from fantasy. Once again the Republicans and others who hate and fear change and the equal rights of all American Citizens continue with the Big Lie and Conspiracy "story" that the election last was stolen from them and the trump.
What we hate is paying for your SNAP bennies, watching criminals run rampant with police as the bad guys, and an open border allowing your dreaded leftyvirus all throughout the country.
Biden is unable to speak unsupervised
Yet he _still_ keeps beating you at everything and laughing about it, along with the rest of us.

How do you reconcile that? You must classify yourselves as sub-betas, if even a supposed weakling like Biden can bitchslap you with impunity.
What has he beaten us at, aside from swindling an election?
Winning by 7.1 million votes ain't swindling.

Swindling was tried on 1/6/2021.

That failed too.

It is unfortunate that this thread has devolved into another Rubber Room by the right wing, white supremacist's whose character flaws include zero empathy and nothing more but hate and fear. This thread has no business in the Politics Forum, and it's sad that the USMB has devolved, allowing Big Lies and Conspiracy Stories*** to echo them around the world.

***The Conspiracy Stories is my way in making the distinction between a law, theory or hypothesis from fantasy. Once again the Republicans and others who hate and fear change and the equal rights of all American Citizens continue with the Big Lie and Conspiracy "story" that the election last was stolen from them and the trump.
What we hate is paying for your SNAP bennies, watching criminals run rampant with police as the bad guys, and an open border allowing your dreaded leftyvirus all throughout the country.

First of all I retired after 32 years as a deputy, a supervisor and a manager in Law Enforcement.

You are either very young, or someone who listened to Limbaugh and other RW Radio broadcasters, watch Fox News and read Internet sources to support the propaganda you've been brainwashed to believe and echoed here.

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