Only 2% of Americans have gotten latest COVID shot. What happened to the PRO VAXXERS?

Well we aren’t in a state of emergency like we were a couple years ago. That’s a pretty big change wouldn’t you say?

That is only because the corrupt politicians have exhausted the scaremongering value. If it was still possible to get as many people as scared of a common cold as it was two or three years ago, you can bet that they would still be doing it, and exploiting it, just as they were, then.

Those of you who are still stupid enough to fall for this bullshit are much fewer in number, now.
Yes dumbass, nowdays anytime an athlete dies it's big news in the nutbag bubble.

"news" however is not a serious medical study make.


That is only because the corrupt politicians have exhausted the scaremongering value. If it was still possible to get as many people as scared of a common cold as it was two or three years ago, you can bet that they would still be doing it, and exploiting it, just as they were, then.

Those of you who are still stupid enough to fall for this bullshit are much fewer in number, now.
It’s a shame that we aren’t all as smart and enlightened as you
Nutbag, stop reading bullshit, here is the actual study:

Key Points

Question What proportion of the change in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) incidence and outcomes between the prepandemic and pandemic periods was associated with patient-specific acute SARS-CoV-2 infection?
The increase in OHCA incidence may be directly attributed to complications of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Study found that Covid-19 pandemic, starting from 2020 increased OHCA, not that vaccines increased them in 2021;

In correlation analysis, we observed a positive correlation between community COVID-19 incidence and EMS-treated OHCA incidence (r = 0.27; P = .01) during 2020 to 2021 (eFigure 4 in Supplement 1). When stratified by year, there was a significant positive correlation during 2020 (r = 0.39; P = .004), but not 2021 (r = −0.16; P = .25).


Here is another study:

No Association Between Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and COVID-19 Vaccination

Our statewide analysis of OHCA in young people did not demonstrate increased rates of overall OHCA, myocarditis causing OHCA, or unascertained OHCA during the COVID-19 pandemic or after the introduction of nationally mandated COVID-19 vaccination. Causes of death in young people experiencing fatal OHCA within 30 days of their COVID-19 vaccination were consistent with prepandemic causative profiles.
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Yeah... except you do know that it totally failed as a vaccine right?
The CDC definition of a vaccine is a substance that causes your immune system to create anti-bodies TO PRODUCE IMMUNITY TO A DISEASE OR VIRUS.
It did not produce immunity.
The shots were DESIGNED to do that, but they didn't.
There is no other vaccine that failed on such a massive scale. A Vaccine for small pox... you won't get small pox. A vaccine for Polio - you will not get polio.
Polio vaccine effectiveness is 100%. You will never get polio if you take that shot.
Small pox vaccine is over 95%.
THE ENTIRE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT - TO THIS DAY is lying through their teeth in saying that the Covid vaccine is 90% effective. That is laughably false and everyone knows that.
I got the first 2 shots, and I got Covid anyway. Twice. And long Covid.
My daughter is an RT - she had all the shots, and boosters as she is required to - and has had Covid 4 times!!
As Vaccine rates are up.
Death rates went down.

The vaccine worked.
I can’t be said unironically

In the messed up world of the utterly defeated modern Leftist, it is now smart to get yourself injected with three, four or more untested vaccines that did nothing to prevent the infection. And in fact, caused more infections than in the unvaccinated

Your losing is now generational. And I am here for every second of it.
In the messed up world of the utterly defeated modern Leftist, it is now smart to get yourself injected with three, four or more untested vaccines that did nothing to prevent the infection. And in fact, caused more infections than in the unvaccinated

Your losing is now generational. And I am here for every second of it.

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