Only 24% of GOP Approve of Rep Greene Brand--Trial of Private Citizen (Like Nuremberg) To Get Under Way!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Unlike the right-wing GOP, Even General Eisenhower--at the time and as president--would go to his grave believing that the Nazis lost WWII. The Trumped-Up brand--in just a few weeks--instead has lost a favorite soap opera news brand, Dobbs. The Trumped-Up brand--in just a few weeks--gained a loser / martyr, GOP Rep. Greene from Georgia. Only 24% of Republicans offer approval ratings. Only 15% of U.S. Nationals offer approval ratings of Rep Greene, now widely known!

Fortunately, like the Nuremberg Trials: The U. S, Constitution provides that the Senate shall try ALL impeachments. The private citizens charged in the Nuremberg Trials would often take the route of self-inflicted execution--a possible contrition and admission of guilt. The Republicans are on record, even, as going the way of Rep. Greene--allowing that the Democrats still have to deal with a person like her(?). Following Nuremberg: Instead the planet adopted International Law and Covenants. The U. S, Constitution provides that the convicted private citizen--impeached while in office--can be disqualified from further federal office. The Nazis, comparing, had themselves been in office, conducting war.

The public is already taking its stand: RE, the Trumped-Up GOP!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The likely alliance arithmetic of Pharaoh--actually not a deity (Deut 23: 19-20): Has recently come up against the US Democratic Party Stimulus measures, about to be repeated again(?)!)
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The dems have set the bar very low for impeachment. Let's see what happens if the republican's take the house and senate in 2022.
The dems have set the bar very low for impeachment. Let's see what happens if the republican's take the house and senate in 2022.
They'll act like they did all through the Clinton presidency the way you like them to act....Until a Republican gets treated the same then it's a cry of "foul" towards the referee...
Nuremburg was a criminal trial, the impeachment is not a criminal trial..
The International Embarrassment will more likely look at "High Crimes" V. "High Crimes," and wonder if the U. S. National Stature has gone completely South, back to the future, 1933. There was no escape for millions, which more millions all let pass as kook stuff.

U.S. Democrats have a lawful way to prevent a recurrence. Republicans can learn to re-appreciate Eisenhower, instead.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The likely alliance arithmetic of Pharaoh--actually not a deity (Deut 23: 19-20): Has recently come up against the US Democratic Party Stimulus measures, about to be repeated again(?)!)
Unlike the right-wing GOP, Even General Eisenhower--at the time and as president--would go to his grave believing that the Nazis lost WWII. The Trumped-Up brand--in just a few weeks--instead has lost a favorite soap opera news brand, Dobbs. The Trumped-Up brand--in just a few weeks--gained a loser / martyr, GOP Rep. Greene from Georgia. Only 24% of Republicans offer approval ratings. Only 15% of U.S. Nationals offer approval ratings of Rep Greene, now widely known!

Fortunately, like the Nuremberg Trials: The U. S, Constitution provides that the Senate shall try ALL impeachments. The private citizens charged in the Nuremberg Trials would often take the route of self-inflicted execution--a possible contrition and admission of guilt. The Republicans are on record, even, as going the way of Rep. Greene--allowing that the Democrats still have to deal with a person like her(?). Following Nuremberg: Instead the planet adopted International Law and Covenants. The U. S, Constitution provides that the convicted private citizen--impeached while in office--can be disqualified from further federal office. The Nazis, comparing, had themselves been in office, conducting war.

The public is already taking its stand: RE, the Trumped-Up GOP!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The likely alliance arithmetic of Pharaoh--actually not a deity (Deut 23: 19-20): Has recently come up against the US Democratic Party Stimulus measures, about to be repeated again(?)!)
LOL, get bent.

MTG’s press conference proves why she is exactly what the GOP needs to fight against the batshit crazy communists in the Democratic Party.
Will you ever see Xiden give a real press conference like this?

MTG destroys CNN “journalist”:
She announced at the referenced presser that like the German Third Republic: The Democrats now have her to contend with. Anyone can gloat that the comparison with the Nazi brand may be more stature than is applicable. Anyone can see the sniveling brand that is worshipped as deity at GOP!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The likely alliance arithmetic of Pharaoh--actually not a deity (Deut 23: 19-20): Has recently come up against the US Democratic Party Stimulus measures, about to be repeated again(?)!)
Actually, Representative Greene is one of my current favs for GOP personalities.

Personally, if I was a Dem or a lefty (am neither)....but if I was, I'd want MT Greene to hang around the GOP campfire for a a couple of years.
She's a gift to Dems.
And a 'brand' to ride for the fringie right of the GOP.

I so wish some journo in one of her parking lot pressers would ask her if ---- Jewish Space Lasers are protected under the 2nd.

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