Only 4,200 people for Trump rally in Pheonix

There were 19,000 inside
Liar. Capacity is 4,200.

so what you are saying is that the place was filled to the brim and no more could get inside

instead no one showed up

you make yourself look foolish
No, I'm saying that once 4200 people have been admitted they shut the doors.

Because that's the law. Sorry loser.

fuck you liar

here are your words

Only 4,200 people

obviously many more then 4200 showed up
? No. But where/when did Trump say 19,000 were there? I saw the rally, and I heard him comment on the crowd, but I don't remember him saying any specific numbers. Was it in a tweet afterward?
Your retarded lol. I said OUTSIDE of the building. 5 miles they were lined up!!

then they're dumber than..................never mind
Yep......"maximum attendance".....LOL


Here's another view of "standing room only" capacity at Trump rally.......

I posted that picture earlier (in my thread that was closed - on Ingraham's wildly inaccurate /fake "5 miles lined up" claim...)

And someone said, yabbut that was before the place had filled up.

The video doesn't lie though. It looked like that *while* Donny was speaking.


It looked like that *while* Donny was speaking.

Looked like what?

A "filled up" room and "a room filled up with 15,000 people" are two very different things.

I have no idea what point you are trying to make in relation to my post.

My first guess was there might be a bong involved.

Frankly, I probably shouldn't have responded to that post, for I have no idea what "yabbut" means. I entered it into the dictionary website and was informed that "the word you've entered isn't in the thesaurus." That alone should have told me to just move on, but I thought, at the time, that I wanted to understand what you were saying.

In the post in question, I wasn't trying to make a point. I was asking a question so I could be certain of what be your meaning.

You wrote:

And someone said, yabbut that was before the place had filled up.

The video doesn't lie though. It looked like that *while* Donny was speaking.

What is the "it" that "looked like" what "that" while "Donny" was speaking?

I saw the video of the attendees at the speech and what it did not look like was some 15,000 people in a room that has a maximum capacity of 4200 people, but the room seems to be filled, which is why I wrote:
A "filled up" room and "a room filled up with 15,000 people" are two very different things.

"Yabbut" is spelling for colloquial pronuncation of "yeah, but"
Just in case you really didn't know that and aren't just being coy.
Trump claimed:

"This was the scene of my first rally speech. Right? The crowds were so big, almost as big as tonight."

Trump is known to exaggerate his crowds, and he exaggerated the size of that crowd that first came to see him back in July 2015 at the Phoenix Convention Center.

Then-candidate Trump described an audience of 10,000 to 15,000 to 20,000 people coming to see him for his July 11, 2015, speech.

But the city fire department said capacity for the ballroom where Trump spoke in 2015 was 4,200 people. The doors were closed at 4,169 attendees, said Phoenix Fire Department spokeswoman Shelly Jamison.

For the record, the 2015 Phoenix rally was his second campaign event. Trump held a campaign rally June 17, 2015, in New Hampshire.

Donald Trump's Phoenix speech, fact-checked
the VIOLENT non-white liberal protestors scared Trump's voters into hiding at home
I don't know how to post links

That's because you're a Trump supporter. In other words, you're a fucking moron. You don't know how to spell either. Are you retarded by any chance?

Haha. Love how you bash freedom of speech but then you turn around and say rude shit because your snowflake feeling are hurt. Liberals are so Hippocraitical.

Ever had a typo dickhead? Ever read anything but CNN dickhead? I'm a moron? Because I don't take an indoctrination up the ass like the little faget you are? I base my life off facts. You go off whatever fake news media tells you. There is people of an opposing view get over it. The democrats had 8 years in office and how great did they do? What did they do to benefit this country? You ain't hearing nothing about the great things the president is doing because the fake news won't report it! Just like a liberal, jumps straight to criticism and being racist to the conservative people.
When you get a red squiggly line under a word you are typing, that means its either spelled wrong, needs a capital letter or is otherwise an error. The latter two might be too much for you, but it's easy enough to open Google and type the word. It will spell it for you. Making mistakes in your writing just makes people suspect there's a lot you don't know. Why tempt them?
Your retarded lol. I said OUTSIDE of the building. 5 miles they were lined up!!

then they're dumber than..................never mind
Yep......"maximum attendance".....LOL


Here's another view of "standing room only" capacity at Trump rally.......

I posted that picture earlier (in my thread that was closed - on Ingraham's wildly inaccurate /fake "5 miles lined up" claim...)

And someone said, yabbut that was before the place had filled up.

The video doesn't lie though. It looked like that *while* Donny was speaking.


It looked like that *while* Donny was speaking.

Looked like what?

A "filled up" room and "a room filled up with 15,000 people" are two very different things.

I have no idea what point you are trying to make in relation to my post.

My first guess was there might be a bong involved.

Frankly, I probably shouldn't have responded to that post, for I have no idea what "yabbut" means. I entered it into the dictionary website and was informed that "the word you've entered isn't in the thesaurus." That alone should have told me to just move on, but I thought, at the time, that I wanted to understand what you were saying.

In the post in question, I wasn't trying to make a point. I was asking a question so I could be certain of what be your meaning.

You wrote:

And someone said, yabbut that was before the place had filled up.

The video doesn't lie though. It looked like that *while* Donny was speaking.

What is the "it" that "looked like" what "that" while "Donny" was speaking?

I saw the video of the attendees at the speech and what it did not look like was some 15,000 people in a room that has a maximum capacity of 4200 people, but the room seems to be filled, which is why I wrote:
A "filled up" room and "a room filled up with 15,000 people" are two very different things.

"Frankly, I probably shouldn't have responded to that post, for I have no idea what "yabbut" means. I entered it into the dictionary website and was informed that "the word you've entered isn't in the thesaurus." That alone should have told me to just move on, but I thought, at the time, that I wanted to understand what you were saying."

LOLOLOL -- I am for real laughing my butt off at this.

"I entered into the dictionary" :lol: It''s slang. Say the word outloud.

Yeah, but...



"What is the "it" that "looked like" what "that" while "Donny" was speaking?

I saw the video of the attendees at the speech and what it did not look like was some 15,000 people in a room that has a maximum capacity of 4200 people, but the room seems to be filled, which is why I wrote:"

The "it" is the picture I was referring to and quoting. Look dood, (do you need to look that up, too?) I never claimed it was 15K, and I posted a video of the event (which you even referred to earlier) -- and it was indeed filled with a lot of empty space -- and was, as stated, about 4K people.

I have not had any interaction with you before, but I really get the sense you're stoned. Of course I could be wrong.

Protip: work on your lucidity.

(plug that one into Webster)
There were 19,000 inside
Liar. Capacity is 4,200.

so what you are saying is that the place was filled to the brim and no more could get inside

instead no one showed up

you make yourself look foolish
No, I'm saying that once 4200 people have been admitted they shut the doors.

Because that's the law. Sorry loser.

fuck you liar

here are your words

Only 4,200 people

obviously many more then 4200 showed up
? No. But where/when did Trump say 19,000 were there? I saw the rally, and I heard him comment on the crowd, but I don't remember him saying any specific numbers. Was it in a tweet afterward?
He tweeted there were 15K there.
The Phoenix Fire Department later said capacity for the event space was 4,200 people and that 4,169 people attended.

Many more showed up but could not get in. Alot left that couldnt get in because of the heat.
Ok false but say your correct. If that many people showed up on the outside doesn't that count as a crowd? I mean there obviously there to see him
You're they're
The Phoenix Fire Department later said capacity for the event space was 4,200 people and that 4,169 people attended.

Many more showed up but could not get in. Alot left that couldnt get in because of the heat.
Ok false but say your correct. If that many people showed up on the outside doesn't that count as a crowd? I mean there obviously there to see him
You're they're
Okay, Jim. Count the crowd outside if it makes you happy. Trump did the same thing throughout the campaign at his rallies. It doesn't surprise me he's still at it, because crowd size is extremely important to his monstrous ego.
I'd rather be arguing over something a tad more important, but if counting everyone on the sidewalk who could not get in to see him floats your boat, just make sure someone official counts them all next time.
Okay, Jim. Count the crowd outside if it makes you happy. Trump did the same thing throughout the campaign at his rallies. It doesn't surprise me he's still at it, because crowd size is extremely important to his monstrous ego.
I'd rather be arguing over something a tad more important, but if counting everyone on the sidewalk who could not get in to see him floats your boat, just make sure someone official counts them all next time.

At it's base, this is what it all about:

There were 19,000 inside
Liar. Capacity is 4,200.

so what you are saying is that the place was filled to the brim and no more could get inside

instead no one showed up

you make yourself look foolish
No, I'm saying that once 4200 people have been admitted they shut the doors.

Because that's the law. Sorry loser.

fuck you liar

here are your words

Only 4,200 people

obviously many more then 4200 showed up
? No. But where/when did Trump say 19,000 were there? I saw the rally, and I heard him comment on the crowd, but I don't remember him saying any specific numbers. Was it in a tweet afterward?

i never heard him say that either

i do know that one youtube alone had over 130 thousand views
Trump claimed:

"This was the scene of my first rally speech. Right? The crowds were so big, almost as big as tonight."

Trump is known to exaggerate his crowds, and he exaggerated the size of that crowd that first came to see him back in July 2015 at the Phoenix Convention Center.

Then-candidate Trump described an audience of 10,000 to 15,000 to 20,000 people coming to see him for his July 11, 2015, speech.

But the city fire department said capacity for the ballroom where Trump spoke in 2015 was 4,200 people. The doors were closed at 4,169 attendees, said Phoenix Fire Department spokeswoman Shelly Jamison.

For the record, the 2015 Phoenix rally was his second campaign event. Trump held a campaign rally June 17, 2015, in New Hampshire.

Donald Trump's Phoenix speech, fact-checked
You mean 15000? How many did crooked Hilary get? How about be crazy Bernie?

How many Hillary got is irrelevant. What is here relevant is that Trump claims he got one quantity of attendees and he did not have anything even close to that number of people in attendance. Quite frankly, there is no good, no honest, and no defensible reason for him to have done so, and yet he made a point of misrepresenting the crowd size.

Maybe it's not a crowd size thing, but rather just a size thing and Marco Rubio's "small hands" remark really got to him. LOL After all, it's all but certain that Trump's got a "dicky do." You know what that is, right? It's when your gut sticks out farther than your "dicky" do. LOL
Interesting....and where did you find this information?
What information?
On the crowd size. Couldn't have been a liberal source right?
Liberals do what they always do. Take their photos of people just arriving before everyone is seated.
You mean 15000? How many did crooked Hilary get? How about be crazy Bernie?

How many Hillary got is irrelevant. What is here relevant is that Trump claims he got one quantity of attendees and he did not have anything even close to that number of people in attendance. Quite frankly, there is no good, no honest, and no defensible reason for him to have done so, and yet he made a point of misrepresenting the crowd size.

Maybe it's not a crowd size thing, but rather just a size thing and Marco Rubio's "small hands" remark really got to him. LOL After all, it's all but certain that Trump's got a "dicky do." You know what that is, right? It's when your gut sticks out farther than your "dicky" do. LOL
Interesting....and where did you find this information?
What information?
On the crowd size. Couldn't have been a liberal source right?
Liberals do what they always do. Take their photos of people just arriving before everyone is seated.

nothing new

same old stale lying trickery
You mean 15000? How many did crooked Hilary get? How about be crazy Bernie?

How many Hillary got is irrelevant. What is here relevant is that Trump claims he got one quantity of attendees and he did not have anything even close to that number of people in attendance. Quite frankly, there is no good, no honest, and no defensible reason for him to have done so, and yet he made a point of misrepresenting the crowd size.

Maybe it's not a crowd size thing, but rather just a size thing and Marco Rubio's "small hands" remark really got to him. LOL After all, it's all but certain that Trump's got a "dicky do." You know what that is, right? It's when your gut sticks out farther than your "dicky" do. LOL
Interesting....and where did you find this information?
What information?
On the crowd size. Couldn't have been a liberal source right?
Liberals do what they always do. Take their photos of people just arriving before everyone is seated.
See what I mean? lol

Hey tipsy -- there's a video in this thread, posted a few times, that shows the rally going on while Trump is speaking. Whole lottsa empty space.

You really should view it before you and your fellow cultists embarrass yourselves further.
How many Hillary got is irrelevant. What is here relevant is that Trump claims he got one quantity of attendees and he did not have anything even close to that number of people in attendance. Quite frankly, there is no good, no honest, and no defensible reason for him to have done so, and yet he made a point of misrepresenting the crowd size.

Maybe it's not a crowd size thing, but rather just a size thing and Marco Rubio's "small hands" remark really got to him. LOL After all, it's all but certain that Trump's got a "dicky do." You know what that is, right? It's when your gut sticks out farther than your "dicky" do. LOL
Interesting....and where did you find this information?
What information?
On the crowd size. Couldn't have been a liberal source right?
Liberals do what they always do. Take their photos of people just arriving before everyone is seated.
See what I mean? lol

Hey tipsy -- there's a video in this thread, posted a few times, that shows the rally going on while Trump is speaking. Whole lottsa empty space.

You really should view it before you and your fellow cultists embarrass yourselves further.

Yes even the fire Marshal said the venue was full, but the far left will deny, deny, deny..

But they have already proven they deny reality!
then they're dumber than..................never mind
Here's another view of "standing room only" capacity at Trump rally.......

I posted that picture earlier (in my thread that was closed - on Ingraham's wildly inaccurate /fake "5 miles lined up" claim...)

And someone said, yabbut that was before the place had filled up.

The video doesn't lie though. It looked like that *while* Donny was speaking.


It looked like that *while* Donny was speaking.

Looked like what?

A "filled up" room and "a room filled up with 15,000 people" are two very different things.

I have no idea what point you are trying to make in relation to my post.

My first guess was there might be a bong involved.

Frankly, I probably shouldn't have responded to that post, for I have no idea what "yabbut" means. I entered it into the dictionary website and was informed that "the word you've entered isn't in the thesaurus." That alone should have told me to just move on, but I thought, at the time, that I wanted to understand what you were saying.

In the post in question, I wasn't trying to make a point. I was asking a question so I could be certain of what be your meaning.

You wrote:

And someone said, yabbut that was before the place had filled up.

The video doesn't lie though. It looked like that *while* Donny was speaking.

What is the "it" that "looked like" what "that" while "Donny" was speaking?

I saw the video of the attendees at the speech and what it did not look like was some 15,000 people in a room that has a maximum capacity of 4200 people, but the room seems to be filled, which is why I wrote:
A "filled up" room and "a room filled up with 15,000 people" are two very different things.

"Frankly, I probably shouldn't have responded to that post, for I have no idea what "yabbut" means. I entered it into the dictionary website and was informed that "the word you've entered isn't in the thesaurus." That alone should have told me to just move on, but I thought, at the time, that I wanted to understand what you were saying."

LOLOLOL -- I am for real laughing my butt off at this.

"I entered into the dictionary" :lol: It''s slang. Say the word outloud.

Yeah, but...



"What is the "it" that "looked like" what "that" while "Donny" was speaking?

I saw the video of the attendees at the speech and what it did not look like was some 15,000 people in a room that has a maximum capacity of 4200 people, but the room seems to be filled, which is why I wrote:"

The "it" is the picture I was referring to and quoting. Look dood, (do you need to look that up, too?) I never claimed it was 15K, and I posted a video of the event (which you even referred to earlier) -- and it was indeed filled with a lot of empty space -- and was, as stated, about 4K people.

I have not had any interaction with you before, but I really get the sense you're stoned. Of course I could be wrong.

Protip: work on your lucidity.

(plug that one into Webster)

"I entered into the dictionary" :lol: It''s slang. Say the word outloud.

Yeah, but...

  1. When I read, for the most part, I neither subvocalize nor literally say the words aloud. For better or worse, that I don't is something I ages ago learned.
  2. TY for the explanation. Slang is not unknown to me -- I even use slang, lots of it, and some slang I use is from languages other than English -- but the one you used is (was).
Last edited:
I posted that picture earlier (in my thread that was closed - on Ingraham's wildly inaccurate /fake "5 miles lined up" claim...)

And someone said, yabbut that was before the place had filled up.

The video doesn't lie though. It looked like that *while* Donny was speaking.


It looked like that *while* Donny was speaking.

Looked like what?

A "filled up" room and "a room filled up with 15,000 people" are two very different things.

I have no idea what point you are trying to make in relation to my post.

My first guess was there might be a bong involved.

Frankly, I probably shouldn't have responded to that post, for I have no idea what "yabbut" means. I entered it into the dictionary website and was informed that "the word you've entered isn't in the thesaurus." That alone should have told me to just move on, but I thought, at the time, that I wanted to understand what you were saying.

In the post in question, I wasn't trying to make a point. I was asking a question so I could be certain of what be your meaning.

You wrote:

And someone said, yabbut that was before the place had filled up.

The video doesn't lie though. It looked like that *while* Donny was speaking.

What is the "it" that "looked like" what "that" while "Donny" was speaking?

I saw the video of the attendees at the speech and what it did not look like was some 15,000 people in a room that has a maximum capacity of 4200 people, but the room seems to be filled, which is why I wrote:
A "filled up" room and "a room filled up with 15,000 people" are two very different things.

"Frankly, I probably shouldn't have responded to that post, for I have no idea what "yabbut" means. I entered it into the dictionary website and was informed that "the word you've entered isn't in the thesaurus." That alone should have told me to just move on, but I thought, at the time, that I wanted to understand what you were saying."

LOLOLOL -- I am for real laughing my butt off at this.

"I entered into the dictionary" :lol: It''s slang. Say the word outloud.

Yeah, but...



"What is the "it" that "looked like" what "that" while "Donny" was speaking?

I saw the video of the attendees at the speech and what it did not look like was some 15,000 people in a room that has a maximum capacity of 4200 people, but the room seems to be filled, which is why I wrote:"

The "it" is the picture I was referring to and quoting. Look dood, (do you need to look that up, too?) I never claimed it was 15K, and I posted a video of the event (which you even referred to earlier) -- and it was indeed filled with a lot of empty space -- and was, as stated, about 4K people.

I have not had any interaction with you before, but I really get the sense you're stoned. Of course I could be wrong.

Protip: work on your lucidity.

(plug that one into Webster)

"I entered into the dictionary" :lol: It''s slang. Say the word outloud.

Yeah, but...

  1. When I read, for the most part, I neither subvocalize nor literally say the words aloud. For better or worse, that I don't is something I ages ago learned.
  2. TY for the explanation.

You're welcome.

Now let's be friends.
Looked like what?

A "filled up" room and "a room filled up with 15,000 people" are two very different things.
I have no idea what point you are trying to make in relation to my post.

My first guess was there might be a bong involved.
Frankly, I probably shouldn't have responded to that post, for I have no idea what "yabbut" means. I entered it into the dictionary website and was informed that "the word you've entered isn't in the thesaurus." That alone should have told me to just move on, but I thought, at the time, that I wanted to understand what you were saying.

In the post in question, I wasn't trying to make a point. I was asking a question so I could be certain of what be your meaning.

You wrote:

And someone said, yabbut that was before the place had filled up.

The video doesn't lie though. It looked like that *while* Donny was speaking.

What is the "it" that "looked like" what "that" while "Donny" was speaking?

I saw the video of the attendees at the speech and what it did not look like was some 15,000 people in a room that has a maximum capacity of 4200 people, but the room seems to be filled, which is why I wrote:
A "filled up" room and "a room filled up with 15,000 people" are two very different things.

"Frankly, I probably shouldn't have responded to that post, for I have no idea what "yabbut" means. I entered it into the dictionary website and was informed that "the word you've entered isn't in the thesaurus." That alone should have told me to just move on, but I thought, at the time, that I wanted to understand what you were saying."

LOLOLOL -- I am for real laughing my butt off at this.

"I entered into the dictionary" :lol: It''s slang. Say the word outloud.

Yeah, but...



"What is the "it" that "looked like" what "that" while "Donny" was speaking?

I saw the video of the attendees at the speech and what it did not look like was some 15,000 people in a room that has a maximum capacity of 4200 people, but the room seems to be filled, which is why I wrote:"

The "it" is the picture I was referring to and quoting. Look dood, (do you need to look that up, too?) I never claimed it was 15K, and I posted a video of the event (which you even referred to earlier) -- and it was indeed filled with a lot of empty space -- and was, as stated, about 4K people.

I have not had any interaction with you before, but I really get the sense you're stoned. Of course I could be wrong.

Protip: work on your lucidity.

(plug that one into Webster)

"I entered into the dictionary" :lol: It''s slang. Say the word outloud.

Yeah, but...

  1. When I read, for the most part, I neither subvocalize nor literally say the words aloud. For better or worse, that I don't is something I ages ago learned.
  2. TY for the explanation.
You're welcome.

Now let's be friends.

How's about we just read one another's thoughts and cordially agree or disagree as befits our understandings and findings on the matter then under discussion.

FWIW, being friends and being friendly are not for me the same things. I never consider as friends any people whom I don't know well and have not come to trust implicitly. I'm perfectly fine with being friendly, but being so does not mean I'll agree with or refrain from challenging one's assertions. I don't do that with my friends and I'm certainly not going to do so with strangers in an Internet discussion forum.

You and everyone else will find me friendly provided they don't establish a trend of attacking me rather than the substantive merit of the thoughts I express. To that end, I welcome your offer of friendliness and in kind extend the same to you.
The Phoenix Fire Department later said capacity for the event space was 4,200 people and that 4,169 people attended.

Many more showed up but could not get in. Alot left that couldnt get in because of the heat.
Ok false but say your correct. If that many people showed up on the outside doesn't that count as a crowd? I mean there obviously there to see him
You're they're
Okay, Jim. Count the crowd outside if it makes you happy. Trump did the same thing throughout the campaign at his rallies. It doesn't surprise me he's still at it, because crowd size is extremely important to his monstrous ego.
I'd rather be arguing over something a tad more important, but if counting everyone on the sidewalk who could not get in to see him floats your boat, just make sure someone official counts them all next time.
if counting everyone on the sidewalk who could not get in to see him floats your boat

How the hell does one construe the people who "could not get in to see him" as having attended Trump's event? Doing such a thing is essentially the substance of the point Jim Jones is trying to make and get the rest of us to ascribe.

One either made into the event or one tried to do so and did not. (One could also have not tried to attend the event. I suspect those who did not try to attend the event were "successful." LOL) Trying to accomplish something and accomplishing it simply are not the same things. They never have been; they never will be.
Your retarded lol. I said OUTSIDE of the building. 5 miles they were lined up!!

then they're dumber than..................never mind
Then what's the argument? It doesn't matter what he says the man has freedom of speech. Were you there to count the crowd?

Yep......"maximum attendance".....LOL


Here's another view of "standing room only" capacity at Trump rally.......

I posted that picture earlier (in my thread that was closed - on Ingraham's wildly inaccurate /fake "5 miles lined up" claim...)

And someone said, yabbut that was before the place had filled up.

The video doesn't lie though. It looked like that *while* Donny was speaking.


It looked like that *while* Donny was speaking.

Looked like what?

A "filled up" room and "a room filled up with 15,000 people" are two very different things.

I have no idea what point you are trying to make in relation to my post.

My first guess was there might be a bong involved.

Don't blame his idiocy on marijuana. It was bred into him.

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