Only 51% of Americans see Muslims the same way they see others

So, slightly more than half the population are morons, huh? I would have bet money it was higher.
People often divide into two teams.

Yeah, those who see a few bad people and vilify the whole community, oh, unless it's the KKK doing the bad things, and those who don't.

You've described one particularly prolific dialectical situation.

It's not always about the pc and the un pc. In Australia we had two car brands. Some men are really serious about being a ford guy or a holden guy.

Sure they are. But then they're not exactly the brightest, are they? Voting for the same rubbish time in and time out without thinking about it.

I knew a 'Nam veteran, he was a Pepsi man. He could get Coca Cola free from the tap as he worked in a Supermarket. But he bought Coca Cola instead. He was on food stamps, had two kids to bring up.

He also wasn't very smart.
Well I certainly see your point. Being unconditionally loyal to a political party is kind of the only option in Australia, but in America, there are democrats and there ae's a bit more independent there.
Can Americans separate terrorism from Muslims? Yes, says poll

Only 51% of Americans see Muslims the same as others, meaning 49%, or basically half, see Muslims as bad.

It's only taken 14 years of the right pounding the message home so they can put the fear of god and violence into American's bones for this to happen.

It's a sad situation.

to be fair, you're correct about the drumbeat. but current circumstances make even people of good will fearful and uncomfortable.

Current circumstances, made by the right, which make people of good will fearful and willing to accept, er... the right's rather nationalistic approach more palatable to people who are fearful.

So the right cause a situation which causes fear, and the right benefit from this fear because they claim to be the only ones who will fix the situation they caused. And people vote for this shit?

you know, the right certainly created the fertile environment to speed things up. but this was always going to happen. in the 80's i remember my mid east politics professor saying "the biggest problem of the 21st century is going to be jihadis". he was right and the reasons he gave for it were correct. so it's not like the seeds weren't there. we were already using bin laden to fight our proxy war... there were already issues in iran, etc. etc. while i think baby bush and the neoconwackjobs did everything wrong and left a vacuum the twas easily filled by terrorists, i'm not willing to let the terrorists off the hook for their actions.

No, I disagree it was always going to happen.

Maybe you professor was just saying stuff. Maybe your professor saw what the US was doing in Muslim countries. Did your professor take into account the impact of the internet too?

It's easy to say something, and it's easy to remember stuff that came true. That doesn't mean it was always going to happen because your professor predicted something.

No, I didn't say to let terrorists off the hook for their actions. Perhaps let the NON-TERRORISTS off the hook, perhaps not let the bastards like Bush who caused the problem off the hook either.

er.. no. and i know that people say that you shouldn't do appeals to authority when engaging in discussion. but the reality is he was (and i believe is) one of the foremost experts in mid east politics in this country. he said what he said because of his expertise in this area. he was right then and is right now. as i pointed out, the seeds already existed after the revolution in iraq. the mideast, as put together by the british imperialists after WWII left a region divided along lines that bore no rational relationship to the nature of the populations those regions. shi'a majorities were placed under sunni despots and sheiks and imams were given places of enormous wealth which never benefitted their populations. saudi arabia, one of the richest of countries, educated (and educates) its impoverished people in madrassas where they aren't taught to read but only to memorize koranic verse. THAT is what sowed the seeds of jihad. baby bush's ineptitude just lit the match sooner.
You would be a fool not to view Muslims with suspicion, after what they have done. That means many on the left are fools, including the fool in the WH.

Leftism gets a lot of people killed.

Muslims in the ME would be fools not to view the US with suspicion. Our meddling is the root cause of all of this.
Agreed. So let's not bring them here if our political class, including your dear leader, continue meddling in the ME.

that's always funny to hear from imbeciles. :cuckoo:
As with most things, unfortunately, this survey reflects the hardening division in this country. Too many of us are taking "sides" against each other.

The only way we're going to get past this, if we do, is for each "side" to quit simplistically pointing the finger at the other and clean their OWN house.

That principle applies to many issues.

And that will require some brave leadership on both "sides". None to be found right now, sadly. And those of us who don't care to pick a "side" can only watch.
Can Americans separate terrorism from Muslims? Yes, says poll

Only 51% of Americans see Muslims the same as others, meaning 49%, or basically half, see Muslims as bad.

It's only taken 14 years of the right pounding the message home so they can put the fear of god and violence into American's bones for this to happen.

It's a sad situation.

to be fair, you're correct about the drumbeat. but current circumstances make even people of good will fearful and uncomfortable.

Current circumstances, made by the right, which make people of good will fearful and willing to accept, er... the right's rather nationalistic approach more palatable to people who are fearful.

So the right cause a situation which causes fear, and the right benefit from this fear because they claim to be the only ones who will fix the situation they caused. And people vote for this shit?

you know, the right certainly created the fertile environment to speed things up. but this was always going to happen. in the 80's i remember my mid east politics professor saying "the biggest problem of the 21st century is going to be jihadis". he was right and the reasons he gave for it were correct. so it's not like the seeds weren't there. we were already using bin laden to fight our proxy war... there were already issues in iran, etc. etc. while i think baby bush and the neoconwackjobs did everything wrong and left a vacuum the twas easily filled by terrorists, i'm not willing to let the terrorists off the hook for their actions.
Your commie professor likely over looked the impact Jimmy Carter had on the ME with the pro western Shah, ushering in the militant mulahs. You were brainwashed, not educated.
You would be a fool not to view Muslims with suspicion, after what they have done. That means many on the left are fools, including the fool in the WH.

Leftism gets a lot of people killed.

Muslims in the ME would be fools not to view the US with suspicion. Our meddling is the root cause of all of this.
Agreed. So let's not bring them here if our political class, including your dear leader, continue meddling in the ME.

that's always funny to hear from imbeciles. :cuckoo:
What's funny Jillie?

I thought we were getting along really well.
As with most things, unfortunately, this survey reflects the hardening division in this country. Too many of us are taking "sides" against each other.

The only way we're going to get past this, if we do, is for each "side" to quit simplistically pointing the finger at the other and clean their OWN house.

That principle applies to many issues.

And that will require some brave leadership on both "sides". None to be found right now, sadly. And those of us who don't care to pick a "side" can only watch.
Not going to happen. Dividing Americans is what the political class, MSM, and the elites are all about.

Sadly, too many Americans don't see it.
You can pretty much count on Progressives to support anything and everything that is against American culture: Illegal Aliens, Islamists, No assimilation, and the death of American history and values in our schools

If we were Rome, they'd call Barbarians "Undocumented Romans" so of course they fail to identify Jihad as something that might be unacceptable or even bad
Meanwhile the response to the terrorism around the world that is almost exclusively owned by Muslims is to turn one American against another. THAT is what the OP is doing, THAT is what Obama has done for 7 years. And for what did it get us? The most divided country I have seen in a very long time. Even during Vietnam the people were more united then today. We can't even come together against a common enemy that convinces people to walk into a place that helps people and start killing. We can't even do that much yet the OP wants us to once again to believe the whole problem is not with the left wing appeasment but with those who see the clear and present danger and sound the alarm.

What is equally amazing is the left wing's complete denial of the religious aspect of those who kill in the name of Islam. They ignore completely the obvious goal of Islam to create a caliphate. The left wing has for YEARS made the claim that the right wing wants to establish Christianity as a state religion, yet there has been absolutely no movement in that direction. But that isn't the case with Islam. Sure they don't have the majority in America today but look at the countries where they have establish a large presences.

I am not really sure what it is with the left wing. Are they completely devoid of common sense? Or is their desire to be considered right and to win every time made them choose the side opposite main stream America?

I am not going to read the article because the title is already BS but let me point out the differences as I see them.

In the 1930 Jews were not marching into Germany expecting a handout. They were in German society working and living, being productive. What we see today is an army invading without taking a shot. An army not intent on assimilation, but are intent on domination.

I am not going to read the article because the title is already BS but let me point out the differences as I see them.

In the 1930 Jews were not marching into Germany expecting a handout. They were in German society working and living, being productive. What we see today is an army invading without taking a shot. An army not intent on assimilation, but are intent on domination.

No, you won't read it because it's too uncomfortable.

Be comforted, America always becomes assholes when we're scared...then we have to apologize for our overreaction years later.
Meanwhile the response to the terrorism around the world that is almost exclusively owned by Muslims is to turn one American against another. THAT is what the OP is doing, THAT is what Obama has done for 7 years. And for what did it get us? The most divided country I have seen in a very long time. Even during Vietnam the people were more united then today. We can't even come together against a common enemy that convinces people to walk into a place that helps people and start killing. We can't even do that much yet the OP wants us to once again to believe the whole problem is not with the left wing appeasment but with those who see the clear and present danger and sound the alarm.

What is equally amazing is the left wing's complete denial of the religious aspect of those who kill in the name of Islam. They ignore completely the obvious goal of Islam to create a caliphate. The left wing has for YEARS made the claim that the right wing wants to establish Christianity as a state religion, yet there has been absolutely no movement in that direction. But that isn't the case with Islam. Sure they don't have the majority in America today but look at the countries where they have establish a large presences.

I am not really sure what it is with the left wing. Are they completely devoid of common sense? Or is their desire to be considered right and to win every time made them choose the side opposite main stream America?
They deny religion is a factor when Muslims kill....but insist every murder committed by non Muslims is motivated by the Christian religion.
Meanwhile the response to the terrorism around the world that is almost exclusively owned by Muslims is to turn one American against another. THAT is what the OP is doing, THAT is what Obama has done for 7 years. And for what did it get us? The most divided country I have seen in a very long time. Even during Vietnam the people were more united then today. We can't even come together against a common enemy that convinces people to walk into a place that helps people and start killing. We can't even do that much yet the OP wants us to once again to believe the whole problem is not with the left wing appeasment but with those who see the clear and present danger and sound the alarm.

What is equally amazing is the left wing's complete denial of the religious aspect of those who kill in the name of Islam. They ignore completely the obvious goal of Islam to create a caliphate. The left wing has for YEARS made the claim that the right wing wants to establish Christianity as a state religion, yet there has been absolutely no movement in that direction. But that isn't the case with Islam. Sure they don't have the majority in America today but look at the countries where they have establish a large presences.

I am not really sure what it is with the left wing. Are they completely devoid of common sense? Or is their desire to be considered right and to win every time made them choose the side opposite main stream America?
It is difficult trying to understand the left, for intelligent logically thinking people.

It may be as simple as this: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I am not going to read the article because the title is already BS but let me point out the differences as I see them.

In the 1930 Jews were not marching into Germany expecting a handout. They were in German society working and living, being productive. What we see today is an army invading without taking a shot. An army not intent on assimilation, but are intent on domination.

No, you won't read it because it's too uncomfortable.

Be comforted, America always becomes assholes when we're scared...then we have to apologize for our overreaction years later.

I have never read mien kampf either. One sided propaganda doesn't do it for me.
Can Americans separate terrorism from Muslims? Yes, says poll

Only 51% of Americans see Muslims the same as others, meaning 49%, or basically half, see Muslims as bad.

It's only taken 14 years of the right pounding the message home so they can put the fear of god and violence into American's bones for this to happen.

It's a sad situation.
Worldwide riots over a fake Koran flushing and Mo cartoons.

Show me where even a thousand Muslims have gathered to protest the atrocities being conducted in the name of their religion on a daily basis.

Silence is approval.
You would be a fool not to view Muslims with suspicion, after what they have done. That means many on the left are fools, including the fool in the WH.

Leftism gets a lot of people killed.

Oh, and what happened with white people in WW2? Oh, concentration camps, genocide, all of that stuff. Many of them were Christians at that. Damn, wouldn't trust a white Christian.

Oh, and the invasion of Iraq, Christians for the most part, untrustworthy bastards them.

We can make this claim for MOST GROUPS in the world. Men, for example. Who would trust men? Almost all wars are started by fucking power hungry men.
So viewing adherents of a religion that has a long history of killing innocents, means we should imprison them. Leftism...its crazy.

I don't know why two people agreed with you, I can't even make out what you want to say. Could you rephrase this so I can understand?
Can Americans separate terrorism from Muslims? Yes, says poll

Only 51% of Americans see Muslims the same as others, meaning 49%, or basically half, see Muslims as bad.

It's only taken 14 years of the right pounding the message home so they can put the fear of god and violence into American's bones for this to happen.

It's a sad situation.
Worldwide riots over a fake Koran flushing and Mo cartoons.

Show me where even a thousand Muslims have gathered to protest the atrocities being conducted in the name of their religion on a daily basis.

Silence is approval.
Most logical. Many polls taken of Muslims indicate many if not most approve of jihad.

But the left refuses to accept the truth.

They are stuck on attacking rw Christians.
You would be a fool not to view Muslims with suspicion, after what they have done. That means many on the left are fools, including the fool in the WH.

Leftism gets a lot of people killed.

Oh, and what happened with white people in WW2? Oh, concentration camps, genocide, all of that stuff. Many of them were Christians at that. Damn, wouldn't trust a white Christian.

Oh, and the invasion of Iraq, Christians for the most part, untrustworthy bastards them.

We can make this claim for MOST GROUPS in the world. Men, for example. Who would trust men? Almost all wars are started by fucking power hungry men.
So viewing adherents of a religion that has a long history of killing innocents, means we should imprison them. Leftism...its crazy.

I don't know why two people agreed with you, I can't even make out what you want to say. Could you rephrase this so I can understand?
Get an education then we can talk.

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