Only A 'Fake President' Would Call The Press an Enemy

First, trump never said anything about the first amendment.

Second, Thomas Jefferson was not a fake president. He very much detested the media as well. Why wouldn't he? They claimed if he was elected American women would be raped. It was fake then and still is fake.
"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." --George Orwell, 1984

A better description of the media, democrats, and an alarming number of republicans cannot be found.


Says the party that looked the other way when he appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist, looked the other way when he entertained three Indian businessmen about privately enriching himself the first week of his presidency, looked the other way when he appointed someone with no educational experience to be Secretary of Education but was a major campaign contributor, looked the other way when he poked a stick in China's eye by talking to the Taiwanese president, looked the other way when he lied about saving American jobs going to Mexico when it was a tax break that assured all the jobs would be lost anyway, looked the other way when he publicly condemned a company that dropped his daughter's clothing line, looked the other way when he criticized a defense contractor causing a $550 million stock drop, looked the other way when he said he knew more than the general's about ISIS then screwed up an operation that took the life of a Navy SEAL.

There's dozens of these crazy things that Trump has done that the right doesn't consider. It is time for you to open your eyes and ears and consider the facts.
The reason we have President Trump now is because of the party that colluded with corporate media to fuck Bernie Sanders. The people who voted for Hilary in the primaries only have themselves to blame for the current situation.
First, trump never said anything about the first amendment.
No he didn't. It's the bedwetting pinko moonbats who are howling about the 1st amendment, as though the 2nd amemdment is a suitable excuse for what Dylann Roof did.

They're really quite insane.
Joe Scarborough finally grew a pair and was no longer afraid to call out the president on his own terms. I am sure we'll be seeing this more and more as people realize that he can't start a street fight with each and every one. Trumpty Dumpties days as a bully are coming to a close.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Friday blasted President Trump's tweet about the media, calling the the commander-in-chief a "fake president" for attacking the press.

"Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people," Scarborough tweeted.

Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people. Donald J. Trump on Twitter
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) February 17, 2017

Minutes earlier, Trump berated the "fake news media," tweeting that the press "is the enemy of the American People."


Read more: Scarborough: Only a 'fake president' would call press the enemy

You and your post shows once again why Trump won. The people are sick of the MSM dictating reality. The left wing MSM has proven to post any false news that supports their ideology. Why do you think that the first thing a left winger does is to attack the source. Why? Because they know their sources are liars thus they believe everyone must be liars.

We the depolorables were and are sick of the status quo that the left wing seems to love. The MSM needs to become independent and stop being the propaganda arm of the DNC.
"Implying" being the key word, based on your personal perception, warped and distorted as it is by hardcore partisan ideology.

Please find a right winger and play with them. Your binary thought processes are beyond tedious.
"Implying" being the key word, based on your personal perception, warped and distorted as it is by hardcore partisan ideology.

Please find a right winger and play with them. Your binary thought processes are beyond tedious.

You're running away from what you said:

"The media continues to ignore the fact that they're even lower than Trump in approvals.

The national press stopped being reporters and have become thinly-veiled advocates, and it happened before Trump got here.

He's just pointing at it."

That is obviously a shot at the media and a defense of Trump.

Of course it was shot at the media, and that was the point. Good!

Trump was merely the tool, as it were, used to make the point.

Now that we have that figured out, there's no reason to continue.

The media has no obligation to be objective towards Trump. This country was founded in the midst of biased media. Most media is OPINION anyway. Opinion is what freedom of the press is all about.

btw, both Trump and the media's trustworthiness are in the 30's in the polls. That's hardly a case for Trump claiming any high ground, or you claiming it for him.

So, if the media is completely biased, and will NOT report honestly, that is something we need to keep in mind ever time they say anything.

And deserve nothing but derision if they ask to be trusted on anything.

The media is composed of two components, news and opinion.

It's not the job of the opinion component of the media to PRETEND it agrees with Trump.


There is NOTHING in my post that that is a reply to.

Your confirmation bias is STRONG.

"and will NOT report honestly,"

Can you see those words? What do you think they mean?
I myself have caught the press lying and or misleading many times. Anyone who can't see that is either an idiot or does not want to see it so they can continue to lie about Trump

If the press really wanted to get trump on his lying they would work on their credibility and start being honest first.

You cannot keep others honest if you wont be honest yourself.
The press is the enemy of the people. Long ago what they are doing was called yellow journalism. It wasn't tolerated then. It should not be tolerated now.
Yes the Press fucking HATES Red State Amerika and its stupid conservatives in those red states!!! There is nothing wrong with that!!!!!
The press is the enemy of the people. Long ago what they are doing was called yellow journalism. It wasn't tolerated then. It should not be tolerated now.
Yes the Press fucking HATES Red State Amerika and its stupid conservatives in those red states!!! There is nothing wrong with that!!!!!

What do you think of the lefties that deny there is a media bias, or even funnier, believe that the bias is PRO-republican?
The press is the enemy of the people. Long ago what they are doing was called yellow journalism. It wasn't tolerated then. It should not be tolerated now.
Yes the Press fucking HATES Red State Amerika and its stupid conservatives in those red states!!! There is nothing wrong with that!!!!!

There is if they want our money and to find them credible
"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." --George Orwell, 1984

A better description of the media, democrats, and an alarming number of republicans cannot be found.


Says the party that looked the other way when he appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist, looked the other way when he entertained three Indian businessmen about privately enriching himself the first week of his presidency, looked the other way when he appointed someone with no educational experience to be Secretary of Education but was a major campaign contributor, looked the other way when he poked a stick in China's eye by talking to the Taiwanese president, looked the other way when he lied about saving American jobs going to Mexico when it was a tax break that assured all the jobs would be lost anyway, looked the other way when he publicly condemned a company that dropped his daughter's clothing line, looked the other way when he criticized a defense contractor causing a $550 million stock drop, looked the other way when he said he knew more than the general's about ISIS then screwed up an operation that took the life of a Navy SEAL.

There's dozens of these crazy things that Trump has done that the right doesn't consider. It is time for you to open your eyes and ears and consider the facts.

I myself have caught the press lying and or misleading many times. Anyone who can't see that is either an idiot or does not want to see it so they can continue to lie about Trump
You have obviously eaten to many bowls of:
The press is the enemy of the people. Long ago what they are doing was called yellow journalism. It wasn't tolerated then. It should not be tolerated now.
Yes the Press fucking HATES Red State Amerika and its stupid conservatives in those red states!!! There is nothing wrong with that!!!!!

There is if they want our money and to find them credible
Red State conservatives do not have money!!!
The press is the enemy of the people. Long ago what they are doing was called yellow journalism. It wasn't tolerated then. It should not be tolerated now.
Yes the Press fucking HATES Red State Amerika and its stupid conservatives in those red states!!! There is nothing wrong with that!!!!!

There is if they want our money and to find them credible
Red State conservatives do not have money!!!

Then why do you guys keep accusing us of being the richest 1% when we argue for the government taking less of our money?
I'm all for getting down to the shooting war with these bastards.
You're running away from what you said:

"The media continues to ignore the fact that they're even lower than Trump in approvals.

The national press stopped being reporters and have become thinly-veiled advocates, and it happened before Trump got here.

He's just pointing at it."

That is obviously a shot at the media and a defense of Trump.

Of course it was shot at the media, and that was the point. Good!

Trump was merely the tool, as it were, used to make the point.

Now that we have that figured out, there's no reason to continue.

The media has no obligation to be objective towards Trump. This country was founded in the midst of biased media. Most media is OPINION anyway. Opinion is what freedom of the press is all about.

btw, both Trump and the media's trustworthiness are in the 30's in the polls. That's hardly a case for Trump claiming any high ground, or you claiming it for him.

So, if the media is completely biased, and will NOT report honestly, that is something we need to keep in mind ever time they say anything.

And deserve nothing but derision if they ask to be trusted on anything.

The media is composed of two components, news and opinion.

It's not the job of the opinion component of the media to PRETEND it agrees with Trump.


There is NOTHING in my post that that is a reply to.

Your confirmation bias is STRONG.

"and will NOT report honestly,"

Can you see those words? What do you think they mean?

I have no idea what you're trying to say.

There is nothing in the media that is true?

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