Only A 'Fake President' Would Call The Press an Enemy

In my eyes Trump's blaming the media for latest aggression of Russian military made him out to be a small man. A very-very small man.
The media needed to be called out, like the Jew! Trump did the right thing.

What was the story with the Jew? Seemed to me all the guy was asking was what is Trump's plan for dealing with anti-Semitism and Trump became all flustered. I didn't like that he was taking so long to ask it, but I didn't see reason for Trump being so defensive. On his Apprentice show Trump always respected the Jews, quite understandable considering him home base of NYC. I recall the first years of the show Trump Organization executive vice president and senior counsel George was one of Trump's two advisors on the program and it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for him to be absent because he was celebrating a Jewish holiday. Plus the season Joan Rivers was on it seemed Trump bent over backwards for her and eventually named her the winner. So what's the story?
No, It Didn't Seem to You

The Hasidic Chickenhawk (the Ultra-Orthodox are exempt from military service in Israel) was, carelessly or sneakily, implying that Trump's alt-right fans are behind the increase in anti-semitic incidents. You know perfectly well that the media's narrative creates suspicion that Trump is a friend of the David Duke Bund. So who are you kidding with your feigned ignorance?
If anything, Trump has shown in just one month that he isn't up to the job. He's a charlatan and a fraud, threatens to invade foreign countries, insults others, causes a defense contractor's stock to drop $550 million in one day while a competitor listens in, insults a retailer because they dropped his daughters clothing line, and insists on the immediate deportation of 11 million people without a plan on how to accomplish that. The man is an idiot and is a shameful representative of America.
He does have a deportation plan following the guidelines of President Eisenhowers deportation program 'Operation Wetback'.

He has no transportation set up, no temporary housing, no medical facilities, no agreement with countries to take their citizens back, what the hell is he going to do when he gets them all staged to go and the country they are supposed to go to says no, we are not accepting back thousands of people that will create a humanitarian crisis for us?
You have a defeatist attitude. The removal of illegal brown people will happen. Eisenhower did it and so can Trump.

You have no idea of the magnitude of something like that we don't even have enough buses to make that happen.
Eisenhower got it done

Actually he didn't. It looks like the most that were deported was something like 250,000.
He does have a deportation plan following the guidelines of President Eisenhowers deportation program 'Operation Wetback'.

He has no transportation set up, no temporary housing, no medical facilities, no agreement with countries to take their citizens back, what the hell is he going to do when he gets them all staged to go and the country they are supposed to go to says no, we are not accepting back thousands of people that will create a humanitarian crisis for us?
You have a defeatist attitude. The removal of illegal brown people will happen. Eisenhower did it and so can Trump.

You have no idea of the magnitude of something like that we don't even have enough buses to make that happen.
Eisenhower got it done

Actually he didn't. It looks like the most that were deported was something like 250,000.
Way more than that!
He has no transportation set up, no temporary housing, no medical facilities, no agreement with countries to take their citizens back, what the hell is he going to do when he gets them all staged to go and the country they are supposed to go to says no, we are not accepting back thousands of people that will create a humanitarian crisis for us?
You have a defeatist attitude. The removal of illegal brown people will happen. Eisenhower did it and so can Trump.

You have no idea of the magnitude of something like that we don't even have enough buses to make that happen.
Eisenhower got it done

Actually he didn't. It looks like the most that were deported was something like 250,000.
Way more than that!

No that's what historians are pegging it at and in all cases there is agreement that the number is far less than the number bragged about.
Joe Scarborough finally grew a pair and was no longer afraid to call out the president on his own terms. I am sure we'll be seeing this more and more as people realize that he can't start a street fight with each and every one. Trumpty Dumpties days as a bully are coming to a close.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Friday blasted President Trump's tweet about the media, calling the the commander-in-chief a "fake president" for attacking the press.

"Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people," Scarborough tweeted.

Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people. Donald J. Trump on Twitter
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) February 17, 2017

Minutes earlier, Trump berated the "fake news media," tweeting that the press "is the enemy of the American People."


Read more: Scarborough: Only a 'fake president' would call press the enemy
So I'll put you down as a supporter of the Press being able to say anything they want, about anyone they want even if it's unsubstantiated . I bet money your one of those who wanted to shut down anyone who dared implied that Obama wasn't born in this country.
Trump called the First Amendment un-American?

No. Pprogressive freaks who are messing their pants about God Emperor calling the fake media and their serial lies to account are squealing about him quashing the 1st amendment.

This would be like saying that stopping the murder spree in Chicago is an affront to the 2nd amendment.
Amazing that a sitting president would call the first amendment unamerican

He didn't and you know it
When you make enemies with the press and try to turn the public against them

It is exactly what you are saying
Trump called the First Amendment un-American?
No. Pprogressive freaks who are messing their pants about God Emperor calling the fake media and their serial lies to account are squealing about him quashing the 1st amendment. This would be like saying that stopping the murder spree in Chicago is an affront to the 2nd amendment.
Okay, good, just checking - I do realize that pretty much nothing here should be taken seriously.

Joe Scarborough finally grew a pair and was no longer afraid to call out the president on his own terms. I am sure we'll be seeing this more and more as people realize that he can't start a street fight with each and every one. Trumpty Dumpties days as a bully are coming to a close.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Friday blasted President Trump's tweet about the media, calling the the commander-in-chief a "fake president" for attacking the press.

"Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people," Scarborough tweeted.

Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people. Donald J. Trump on Twitter
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) February 17, 2017

Minutes earlier, Trump berated the "fake news media," tweeting that the press "is the enemy of the American People."


Read more: Scarborough: Only a 'fake president' would call press the enemy
Joe Scarborough is a progressive piece of shit
The few people who still trust the media - mostly on the Left, no doubt, and in amounts LOWER than Trump - are still clinging to the idea that the press is sacrosanct and above reproach, that anything they say must be taken as gospel, that they are somehow symbiotic to the First Amendment, and that it's somehow wrong to criticize them.

Wrong, of course. Their responsibility is important enough that they must be held to a higher standard, not protected like children.

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