Zone1 "Only God can fix things" But doesn't God need some help?


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
God does not need help (with anything)

but He seems to require it from us just the same.

Could God have, all by himself overturned Roe? I don't see how He could have done that without HUMANS willing to fight for the right to live of all people (not just the "strong." How "strong" are you when you use might to make right and destroy the innocent? not very).

Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed... I tell God "there is so much work to do..." But He seems to tell me that somehow or other, things will work out... eventually...some day.. whether I fail or not (even if I fail at "everything," which I sometimes feel is the case).

God has His interesting ways of showing us things... but only if we are open to being shown.. We humans can be so hard-headed at times... and hard hearted

Anyhow, God could make all things perfect in a split second if He chose to... (maybe when Jesus returns?)

But that's just not the way things are................... (yet)

God does not need help (with anything)

but He seems to require it from us just the same.

Could God have, all by himself overturned Roe? I don't see how He could have done that without HUMANS willing to fight for the right to live of all people (not just the "strong." How "strong" are you when you use might to make right and destroy the innocent? not very).

Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed... I tell God "there is so much work to do..." But He seems to tell me that somehow or other, things will work out... eventually...some day.. whether I fail or not (even if I fail at "everything," which I sometimes feel is the case).

God has His interesting ways of showing us things... but only if we are open to being shown.. We humans can be so hard-headed at times... and hard hearted

Anyhow, God could make all things perfect in a split second if He chose to... (maybe when Jesus returns?)

But that's just not the way things are................... (yet)


God's plan for us involved us having our free agency, to choose to do good or evil, and to experience the consequences thereof. Only in this way is it possible for us to learn an grow and develop into the beings that he wants us to become.

Lucifer's plan, in opposition to God's, was for us to have no such agency. None of us would be lost, but none of us would ever achieve what God has in mind for us, either.
God does not need help (with anything)

but He seems to require it from us just the same.
Right question .
But 0/10 for equating the premiss , however loosely , to a person ( He) .

Now set your mind to imagining why the beginning and end would introduce anything else .
Solve that ( not that difficult) and you are well on the way to recovering mental balance and good health .
Right question .
But 0/10 for equating the premiss , however loosely , to a person ( He) .

Now set your mind to imagining why the beginning and end would introduce anything else .
Solve that ( not that difficult) and you are well on the way to recovering mental balance and good health .


Sure does seem like he needs help. He has failed miserably at human creation. TWICE.
No, you failed. The choice is yours.
This life is only a test. It's also an opportunity to live like God

A friend used to say, of all the creatures on earth, only humans choose to live like divine gods on earth, or little devils. The Choice is ours
God does not need help (with anything)

but He seems to require it from us just the same.

Could God have, all by himself overturned Roe? I don't see how He could have done that without HUMANS willing to fight for the right to live of all people (not just the "strong." How "strong" are you when you use might to make right and destroy the innocent? not very).

Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed... I tell God "there is so much work to do..." But He seems to tell me that somehow or other, things will work out... eventually...some day.. whether I fail or not (even if I fail at "everything," which I sometimes feel is the case).

God has His interesting ways of showing us things... but only if we are open to being shown.. We humans can be so hard-headed at times... and hard hearted

Anyhow, God could make all things perfect in a split second if He chose to... (maybe when Jesus returns?)

But that's just not the way things are................... (yet)

Real Slow..........."Free Will". God creates and allows the natural laws that govern His creation take effect. The Supernatural events in Scripture are always used by God to prove that His omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence are superior as the creator....i.e, in other words the miraculous is only used to confirm God's revelations as coming from the CREATOR.

God has no respect of person........each person guides/directs their fate via the free will decisions (judgments) they make, as God declared some people choose righteousness.....some have evil thoughts and actions continually. If Free Will did not exist God could not have been "sorry/ repentant" that He created man upon the earth (Genesis 6:5-6), God would have simply brainwashed all of humanity and we could be controlled like non-sentient robots with God always thinking and directing our artificial existence.

God declared that man was His greatest the fact that man was made in the "image of God".........(Genesis 1:27), God is an eternally existing Spirit, not flesh and bone (John 4:24, Ps. 93:2, Isa. 44:6, Luke 24:39). Before Jesus came to earth He was equal to God the Father as part of the Godhead, but as God incarnate.......Jesus gave up His divinity in order to become the sacrifical lamb of God and take the sins of the world upon Himself, when He became sin even though He had never sinned in His life as the Son of Man (Phil. 2:6-7, 2 Cor. 5:21)

What does it then mean to be created in the image of God? It means you are free to choose between good and evil, right and wrong, etc., as only man can reason between the 2, there is no sin possible in the animal kingdom, no animal was made in the image of God with an eternal Spirit/Soul made in the image of God........all animals go back to the soil from which they were made while only man's spirit returns to God who created it, for judgment (Genesis 3:22, Eccl. 3:21) What about the spirits of animals? God has not revealed this...but void of the law and a beings ability to comprehend it....there can be no sin. I would like to think (even though its not addressed in scripture) that all animals are in paradise just like innocent children for they know not what constitutes sin.
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I can't answer the question but I took a picture of him!
DALL·E 2023-04-24 18.50.07 - God flying over new york city.png

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