Only in America

British doctor visiting US killed by stray bullet while lying in bed​


Dr Matthew Wilson died from a gunshot wound to the head after a bullet was fired into his apartment from a different building on Sunday, police in Brookhaven said.

Officers said Wilson did not appear to have been targeted deliberately, and that the weapon was discharged “recklessly” by a group of individuals next door.

Wilson was visiting his loved ones in Brookhaven in Atlanta when the shooting took place.

Police said that the shooting looked like an accident after someone from a neighbouring apartment building discharged their gun by mistake.

I think we should have a gun safety test before you can buy a gun, ammo or reloading supplies.

I'm sure many of you have passed a hunter's safety test. It will be similar.

I knew this happened in a blue city before I even looked at the article. Why are the places run by people like you so violent?
Maybe. maybe not. He might have choked on some eel pie or got knifed by a muzzie.

I chuckled when I first read the story.

It's funny, in a gallows humor sort of way. Foreigner comes to America, a place known worldwide for shootings, lays down, is shot. That's like a comedy sketch from SNL.

I'm sure his family doesn't think so.

Very sad that we losa a Doctor when we are short of Doctors. But if you visit these third world countries then you accept the level of risk involved.

Lord forbid the fine people of Chertsey, Surrey have to wait an extra minute waiting to see a doctor given how long it already takes them to get in.
I chuckled when I first read the story.

It's funny, in a gallows humor sort of way. Foreigner comes to America, a place known worldwide for shootings, lays down, is shot. That's like a comedy sketch from SNL.

I'm sure his family doesn't think so.

It was accidental though. Maybe this is more your style?
MIAMI — In a Florida double murder that has consumed the press in England, two British college graduates vacationing in Sarasota were shot dead in the city’s roughest neighborhood Saturday after an evening of drinks at a local bar.

Police officials are investigating how the young men, James Cooper, 25, and James T. Kouzaris, 24, got from the bar in downtown Sarasota to the public housing project, where they died on a narrow, one-way street. The police found the men after receiving a 911 call.

The two British tourists did not have a rental car and were staying with Mr. Cooper’s parents in a condominium on nearby Longboat Key on the Gulf Coast.

Shawn Tyson, a 16-year-old dropout, was charged Sunday with two counts of first-degree murder. The shooting took place one day after Mr. Tyson was released from a juvenile facility after his arrest on charges of aggravated assault with a handgun, police officials said. Mr. Tyson was accused of shooting out a car window and spent eight days in detention.
Atlanta is a majority black. You must be racist.
Democrats pulled the All Star game from Atlanta cuz Georgia passed some voting laws.

However, they will be more than glad to go to the Olympics where there is active genocide for all to see, and a government who hid Covid and murdered those who tried to warn the world about it.

Very telling.
It was accidental though. Maybe this is more your style?
MIAMI — In a Florida double murder that has consumed the press in England, two British college graduates vacationing in Sarasota were shot dead in the city’s roughest neighborhood Saturday after an evening of drinks at a local bar.

Police officials are investigating how the young men, James Cooper, 25, and James T. Kouzaris, 24, got from the bar in downtown Sarasota to the public housing project, where they died on a narrow, one-way street. The police found the men after receiving a 911 call.

The two British tourists did not have a rental car and were staying with Mr. Cooper’s parents in a condominium on nearby Longboat Key on the Gulf Coast.

Shawn Tyson, a 16-year-old dropout, was charged Sunday with two counts of first-degree murder. The shooting took place one day after Mr. Tyson was released from a juvenile facility after his arrest on charges of aggravated assault with a handgun, police officials said. Mr. Tyson was accused of shooting out a car window and spent eight days in detention.
Now that the democrats are in charge, it is every man for himself

It's like I always say, the democrats should have taken our guns before allowing lawlessness to flourish like this. Now Americans know if they want protection, they need to buy a gun.
How do you know white people didn't shoot our doctor? It doesn't say in the story I found.
Why did you feel compelled to insert race into the subject?

Are you a piece of shit anti-white racist scumbag?

I bet you're a Democrat. Most Democrats are racist scumbags.

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