Only on fox

So you believe it is the (communist) government's responsibility to act as everyone's mother and father, to take control of Ameticans' lives for their own good....

Like imposing edicts that violate both Constitutionsl and Civil rights, like those from tyrannical Democrat Governors and even from Biden that courts / judges have already been overruling?

Like the flip-glopping mandates that are based on zero science, such as forcing 2yo kids to wear masks...

Like forcing children that have almost no chance of catching a virus that has a science-proven mortality rate of 0.08% to wear masks for prolonged periods of time which is actually harmful physically and mentally for kids?

'Never let a crisis go to waste'...that is what this is all about for the elitist, proven hypocritical, power-hungry Drmocrat leaderddhip.

Funny how the Democrats who want to control our lives and who threw a tantrum after not getting their way in Tx just caused a super-spreader event in DC affecting the Capitol & WH....

They probably have Joe in the WH bunker trying to protect him from the Tx Dem-based outbreak

As a history buff, nothing is more distressing than to see people proclaim the founders would have been against the Covid vaccination. As someone who has studied the Constitution, it's creation, and it's evolvement through court decisions, I find it comical that ill informed, historically ignorant, individuals would attempt to claim the Covid vaccine, and requiring citizens to attain it, is unconstitutional.

The embracement of inoculation against dreaded diseases goes all the way back to Cotton Mather. Now I am quite sure none of you from the right, and few of you from the left, even know who Cotton Mather was, but he was one of those that planted the seeds for the American Republic in the late 17th century. One of the biggest advocates of inoculation was Benjamin Franklin. John Adams had his smallpox inoculation in 1764, twelve years later, as the disease raged in Boston, he had his wife and children vaccinated.

The reality is, were the founders of the mindset that you Trumpbots believe, we would be singing God Save the Queen before every baseball game. Smallpox was killing more Continental soldiers than any British muskets, and the British, well their soldiers were vaccinated. It was George Washington himself, after encouragement from Franklin, that REQUIRED the Continental soldiers to be vaccinated. It is no small projection to claim had he not, the Battle of Trenton would have been lost, and so would the war.

But the biggest example, Lewis and Clark. Sure, everyone thinks the whole purpose of the expedition was to explore the newly purchased Louisiana territory, and yes, that was one purpose. But Congress appropriated the money, and the expedition used precious space, to carry smallpox vaccines that were be given to the Native American tribes they encountered.
maybe you need to check your sources. The Supreme court has ruled the police are not legally obligated to protect you.

Not quite the same so no

It's EXACTLY the same. Governments at all levels work with contractors and suppliers. All the time. One of my neighbours, who is a software designer, worked with the Ontario Government to create a new software program for real property registration, for the Land Registry System.

The State of Texas worked with textbook suppliers to create a history book which called slavery a "form of immigration". THAT is the very definition of fascism. A government working with a company in an effort to lie to the people.
You make a point. You fail to explain why a vaccinated person should be worried about an unvaccinated person, or even an unmasked person.

The failure of those suggesting they "follow the science" can't square the circle when they also say "you must become vaccinated, still wear your masks, social distance and be afraid of those who DON"T have the vaccine".

Many people who have the common cold or flu can kill another. I know I haven't been vaccinated since I was a kid. I can count on one hand the number of times I've had the flu, two of them over the last ten years as I grow older.

I didn't get past your first paragraph.

I have posted the reason why people worried about unvaccinated people many times. Other people have also.

That reason is mutations and new variants.

The unvaccinated are causing new variants of the virus. Every mutation will be more contagious and deadly than the last.

Unvaccinated people are causing that virus to get stronger and more deadly and will cause a strain that can't be fought with vaccines.


We aren't selfish self centered assholes. Unlike you and people like you, we actually care about other people. We don't want people to suffer and die.

I know you can't understand that so just pay attention to what I posted about the mutations.
As a history buff, nothing is more distressing than to see people proclaim the founders would have been against the Covid vaccination. As someone who has studied the Constitution, it's creation, and it's evolvement through court decisions, I find it comical that ill informed, historically ignorant, individuals would attempt to claim the Covid vaccine, and requiring citizens to attain it, is unconstitutional.

The embracement of inoculation against dreaded diseases goes all the way back to Cotton Mather. Now I am quite sure none of you from the right, and few of you from the left, even know who Cotton Mather was, but he was one of those that planted the seeds for the American Republic in the late 17th century. One of the biggest advocates of inoculation was Benjamin Franklin. John Adams had his smallpox inoculation in 1764, twelve years later, as the disease raged in Boston, he had his wife and children vaccinated.

The reality is, were the founders of the mindset that you Trumpbots believe, we would be singing God Save the Queen before every baseball game. Smallpox was killing more Continental soldiers than any British muskets, and the British, well their soldiers were vaccinated. It was George Washington himself, after encouragement from Franklin, that REQUIRED the Continental soldiers to be vaccinated. It is no small projection to claim had he not, the Battle of Trenton would have been lost, and so would the war.

But the biggest example, Lewis and Clark. Sure, everyone thinks the whole purpose of the expedition was to explore the newly purchased Louisiana territory, and yes, that was one purpose. But Congress appropriated the money, and the expedition used precious space, to carry smallpox vaccines that were be given to the Native American tribes they encountered.
The Founding Fathers would not have been against the vaccinations Trump helped deliver. They would have been against the Constitutional and Civil rights-vioiating edicts the hypocritical oppressive Democrats imposed, as seen through judges over-turning so many of them.
It's EXACTLY the same. Governments at all levels work with contractors and suppliers. All the time. One of my neighbours, who is a software designer, worked with the Ontario Government to create a new software program for real property registration, for the Land Registry System.

The State of Texas worked with textbook suppliers to create a history book which called slavery a "form of immigration". THAT is the very definition of fascism. A government working with a company in an effort to lie to the people.
I suppose you have a legitimate source?
Let's see if the Trumpsters begin to soften on this.

It will take Tucker, probably. They need enough people from the alternate universe telling them what to think.
Saying you did is not the same as actually doing it

Mae no mistake boi, I'll happily shove this up your ass everyday forever.

Trump could not have been elected without Russia's assistance

The Real 'Collusion'

1. Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political." Any who fail to find the political motives behind everything that happens in society, and every...
Denial is all you have We have ample proof of Russian interference in our election, hacking the DNC server, hiring bots to flood the internet with misinformation, attempts to gain access to voting machines, Russians are master of propaganda and they used their skills to help Trumpget elected...

If not for Putin....Trumpwould be begging for his job back at The Apprentice

Republicans be honest: if Trump were president during the Cuban Missile Crisis, how do you think...

If Trump were President during the Cuban Missile Crisis He would have called Kruschev.......Rocket Man


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I didn't get past your first paragraph.

I have posted the reason why people worried about unvaccinated people many times. Other people have also.

That reason is mutations and new variants.

The unvaccinated are causing new variants of the virus. Every mutation will be more contagious and deadly than the last.

Unvaccinated people are causing that virus to get stronger and more deadly and will cause a strain that can't be fought with vaccines.


We aren't selfish self centered assholes. Unlike you and people like you, we actually care about other people. We don't want people to suffer and die.

I know you can't understand that so just pay attention to what I posted about the mutations.

It's not that simple and I am not interested enough in this subject to continue this argument. Rest assured, I have read that having people vaccinated could contribute to the mutations, especially due to the lengthy delay between the first and second shot.

Also, since the vaccination is not a 100% bulletproof "cure", it can also lead to mutations. Hence the reason these vaccine usually take years to be produced. Obviously the world doesn't have this luxury right now. I've also read that the different vaccines is a positive scenario as if one vaccine doesn't stop a mutation someone with the other one will.

As far as I am concerned, I am personally going to allow my body to fight against viruses until there is more evidence about the vaccine and long term consequences. My position could change tomorrow, but that's where I am today. My wife will be vaccinated long before I am due to her weaker immune system.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
Permitted Uses and Disclosures. A covered entity is permitted, but not required, to use and disclose protected health information, without an individual’s authorization, for the following purposes or situations: (1) To the Individual (unless required for access or accounting of disclosures); (2) Treatment, Payment, and Health Care Operations; (3) Opportunity to Agree or Object; (4) Incident to an otherwise permitted use and disclosure; (5) Public Interest and Benefit Activities;


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