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Covid is respiratory virus at its core. When you can't breathe, you of course have systemic problems throughout the body. But at its core Covid-19 is a respiratory virus. And if you have pre-existing comorbidities, as has been reported from day one, you're highly at risk. And those areas of your health that were compromised before Covid are at higher risk.

As someone with chronic respiratory illness all of my life, you're full of shit. Covid is a systemic virus at its core. It profoundly affects multiple body systems. There were hundreds of cases of asymptomatic younger patients who later turned up in hospital with blood clots, strokes and kidney failure. Then there's the "covid long haulers", of which there are thousands.

There is no risk of blood clots, kidney failure, or heart damage with chronic respiratory conditions, flu, or pneumonia. Only with covid are these additional risks.
Tell me, were you against the vaccine like Biden and Harris was when Trump was president. I guess you call them spreading misinformation.
Both Biden and Harris supported the vaccine and said they would take the scientists word on it.
They said they would not accept any Trump assurances of a miracle cure.

I wonder why?
So you believe it is the (communist) government's responsibility to act as everyone's mother and father, to take control of Ameticans' lives for their own good....

Like imposing edicts that violate both Constitutionsl and Civil rights, like those from tyrannical Democrat Governors and even from Biden that courts / judges have already been overruling?

Like the flip-glopping mandates that are based on zero science, such as forcing 2yo kids to wear masks...

Like forcing children that have almost no chance of catching a virus that has a science-proven mortality rate of 0.08% to wear masks for prolonged periods of time which is actually harmful physically and mentally for kids?

'Never let a crisis go to waste'...that is what this is all about for the elitist, proven hypocritical, power-hungry Drmocrat leaderddhip.

Funny how the Democrats who want to control our lives and who threw a tantrum after not getting their way in Tx just caused a super-spreader event in DC affecting the Capitol & WH....

They probably have Joe in the WH bunker trying to protect him from the Tx Dem-based outbreak

Tell me, were you against the vaccine like Biden and Harris was when Trump was president. I guess you call them spreading misinformation.
Harris was spreading vaccine hesitancy and misinformation by declaring she would not take the vaccine created under Trump, claiming it could not be trusted....
Because we just finished quarantines, social distancing, shutdowns and masks

Because we have so many selfish idiots refusing to get vaccinated, we are keeping COVID alive and ensuring we will have to go back to strict COVID measures

"WE" aren't going back to anything.
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Unvaccinated people are putting the whole world at risk. They are breeding variants, they are getting ready to put us all back in economic shutdown, and they are killing people with their false information.

We should be locked up and if need be executed.
You make a point. You fail to explain why a vaccinated person should be worried about an unvaccinated person, or even an unmasked person.

The failure of those suggesting they "follow the science" can't square the circle when they also say "you must become vaccinated, still wear your masks, social distance and be afraid of those who DON"T have the vaccine".

Many people who have the common cold or flu can kill another. I know I haven't been vaccinated since I was a kid. I can count on one hand the number of times I've had the flu, two of them over the last ten years as I grow older.
Einstein. Because this year’s virus is not the same virus as last year’s. The variant that will likely dominate the world may less protect the vaccinated the more it infects the unvaccinated.
While your avatar has his finger pressed to his forehead demonstrating how painful it is for you to try to think intelligently...

Seems like we haven't engaged in a while easy. Is everything okay?

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