Only women with a C cup size or smaller should be allowed to breast feed in public?

well yes sir, i was a C cup until i got pregnant...and THEN! whoa!

just teh facts ma'am, stay still now, i'm still measuring...
please, we MUST hide the notion of mother's milk from the children!! o_O
What a stupid law. It should be only women with size C or larger should be allowed to breast feed in public.
Funny, people thinking a woman doing something so private as pulling her tits out and her child sucking her bodily juices is ok but dudes looking is the end of times lol.. I don't get it..
I have never seen someone do something so intimate in public, but if I did, I would imagine it is comparable to staring at a car wreck.
Rep. Debbie Riddle Aims To “Ban Women Larger Than A C-Cup To Breastfeed In Public” - Newslo

"Asked to elaborate, Riddle stated that “everybody knows what happens when a woman with a D-cup size breasts starts breastfeeding her child in the park or on the street. Everybody immediately stops and starts staring. And that situation is not good for the mother, as it makes her the object of lustful gazes, nor is it good for other people who happen to be present at that time. Men are generally the ones who ‘profit’ from such situations the most, at least until their wives or girlfriends notice that they’re staring. It’s just distracting.”"

WTH? Blame the mother because people are rude?

Boob discrimination
Cup size is a terrible way to decide. It doesn't take perkiness into consideration. If the nipple of an unsupported breast hangs within three inches of the belly button they are too LONG to be displayed in public, but shorter is OK. Extra points could be allowed for puffiness too.
Rep. Debbie Riddle Aims To “Ban Women Larger Than A C-Cup To Breastfeed In Public” - Newslo

"Asked to elaborate, Riddle stated that “everybody knows what happens when a woman with a D-cup size breasts starts breastfeeding her child in the park or on the street. Everybody immediately stops and starts staring. And that situation is not good for the mother, as it makes her the object of lustful gazes, nor is it good for other people who happen to be present at that time. Men are generally the ones who ‘profit’ from such situations the most, at least until their wives or girlfriends notice that they’re staring. It’s just distracting.”"

WTH? Blame the mother because people are rude?
Please tell me she's a Republican.
She's a state representative.

I guess the left needs somebody to demogogue....and they have to reach deep into the bottom of the barrel to find one they can use as a poster child of intolerance.

Btw, I think only women who sport a set of Hindenbergs should be allowed to breast-feed in public.
Funny, people thinking a woman doing something so private as pulling her tits out and her child sucking her bodily juices is ok but dudes looking is the end of times lol.. I don't get it..
I have never seen someone do something so intimate in public, but if I did, I would imagine it is comparable to staring at a car wreck.

Well, gee, why don't we just have burqas so no one has to see nice curves? :eusa_eh:
Funny, people thinking a woman doing something so private as pulling her tits out and her child sucking her bodily juices is ok but dudes looking is the end of times lol.. I don't get it..
I have never seen someone do something so intimate in public, but if I did, I would imagine it is comparable to staring at a car wreck.

Well, gee, why don't we just have burqas so no one has to see nice curves?
You are comparing private parts to someones face. Lets be real here.

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