Ontario Cleans Its Hands Of Coal


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Ontario Cleans Its Hands Of Coal

The Ontario government announced on Friday that it will introduce legislation next week to ban the burning of coal and the building of new coal plants. The Canadian province expects to have completely outgrown coal by 2014, thanks to a combination of efficiency, nuclear, natural gas and an ambitious renewables program – and to save C$4.4 billion per year (US $4.2 billion) in “externalities” like health costs, from having done so.

The province will end this year on a symbolic high-note as well, completing the conversion of its enormous Nanticoke Generation Station to run on biomass. The coal plant was at one point the single-biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada, providing 4 GW of baseline electricity. Half its generating units have been decommissioned in recent years, and the station now operates as a “peaker” plant — idling for most of the day, and only ramping up in times of high electricity demand.

Read more at Ontario Cleans Its Hands Of Coal | CleanTechnica

Maybe they could put up another nuclear plant and a few dozen GW of wind to end natural gas too. ;)
Didya catch this part of the "good news"????

The province will end this year on a symbolic high-note as well, completing the conversion of its enormous Nanticoke Generation Station to run on biomass. The coal plant was at one point the single-biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada, providing 4 GW of baseline electricity. Half its generating units have been decommissioned in recent years, and the station now operates as a “peaker” plant — idling for most of the day, and only ramping up in times of high electricity demand.

Wow.. Biomass --- we're saved.. Instead of burning coal and producing pollution and CO2 -- now we're gonna burn GARBAGE and produce pollution and CO2 and we're so awfully green.. What a crock of shit...

Garbage incinerators burn cleaner than coal? Biomass plants don't stink or produce CO2?
It's like that old joke about MY farts not stinking..
Bring on the garbage incinerators --- I 'spose.. It's Alice in Wonderland all over again..
And how do operate a coal plant as "a peaker plant"??

You don't switch a huge furnace/boiler operation on/off very efficiently or quickly..
To respond to unanticipated peaks --- or even anticipated peaks takes hours to ramp up and hours to ramp down.. Unless you are "idling" at 50 or 80% of capacity and wasting fuel and belching emissions for nothing..

Gonna fire up a coal plant to handle a 2 hour mid-day peak? ((Unless it was converted to nat gas))
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ban coal!!!!

Ontario Premier’s Bill Bans Coal-Fired Power in the Province


TORONTO, Ontario, Canada, November 22, 2013 (ENS) – Ontario is going coal-free. The largest coal-burning power plant in North America, Nanticoke Generating Station on the north shore of Lake Erie, will stop burning coal this year, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne announced on Thursday.

Premier Wynne also announced new legislation – the Ending Coal for Cleaner Air Act – which will permanently ban coal-fired electricity from the province, making Ontario the first jurisdiction in North America to do so.

“Our work on eliminating coal and investing in renewables is the strongest action being taken in North America to fight climate change,” said Wynne, announcing the new measures. “I believe we can work together as stewards of our natural environment and protect our children, our grandchildren and our fellow citizens.”

To dramatize these announcements, Premier Wynne welcomed Al Gore, former vice-president of the United States and chairman of the Climate Reality Project, to the MaRs Discovery Centre in Toronto

My governor seems to be pro dirty air for not doing the same.
Didya catch this part of the "good news"????

The province will end this year on a symbolic high-note as well, completing the conversion of its enormous Nanticoke Generation Station to run on biomass. The coal plant was at one point the single-biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada, providing 4 GW of baseline electricity. Half its generating units have been decommissioned in recent years, and the station now operates as a “peaker” plant — idling for most of the day, and only ramping up in times of high electricity demand.

Wow.. Biomass --- we're saved.. Instead of burning coal and producing pollution and CO2 -- now we're gonna burn GARBAGE and produce pollution and CO2 and we're so awfully green.. What a crock of shit...

Garbage incinerators burn cleaner than coal? Biomass plants don't stink or produce CO2?
It's like that old joke about MY farts not stinking..
Bring on the garbage incinerators --- I 'spose.. It's Alice in Wonderland all over again..

--LOL nice trade off

also they are going nuclear
Didya catch this part of the "good news"????

The province will end this year on a symbolic high-note as well, completing the conversion of its enormous Nanticoke Generation Station to run on biomass. The coal plant was at one point the single-biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada, providing 4 GW of baseline electricity. Half its generating units have been decommissioned in recent years, and the station now operates as a “peaker” plant — idling for most of the day, and only ramping up in times of high electricity demand.

Wow.. Biomass --- we're saved.. Instead of burning coal and producing pollution and CO2 -- now we're gonna burn GARBAGE and produce pollution and CO2 and we're so awfully green.. What a crock of shit...

Garbage incinerators burn cleaner than coal? Biomass plants don't stink or produce CO2?
It's like that old joke about MY farts not stinking..
Bring on the garbage incinerators --- I 'spose.. It's Alice in Wonderland all over again..

--LOL nice trade off

also they are going nuclear

Canada understands the nuclear benefits.. Would be nice if they WENT nuclear BEFORE they tear down their primary grid generators tho....

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