Onward marches the Great Pause Global temperature update


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Warmist claims that global temperatures are soaring is a big fat lie. Satellite data show global temperatures are the same or lower than they were 20 years ago.


Since October 1996 there has been no global warming at all (Fig. 1). This month’s RSS temperature plot pushes up the period without any global warming from 18 years 1 month to 18 years 2 months (indeed, very nearly 18 years 3 months). Will this devastating chart be displayed anywhere at the Lima conference? Don’t bet on it.

RSS data is upper atmosphere. It is NOT the global temperature. The global temperature has done this:


Same data that scientists from many different countries all over the world are presenting. Get yourself fitted for a little tin cap, Pattycake. For you are sounding like a regular fruitloop.
Same data that scientists from many different countries all over the world are presenting. Get yourself fitted for a little tin cap, Pattycake. For you are sounding like a regular fruitloop.
True, it's the same fake "homogenized" data that AGW con artists all over the world are presenting. How does that alter the fact that it's fake and "homogenized?"
So, you are claiming that the Russian, Chinese, Korean, EU, and all the scientists from the other nations are in on a grand conspiracy just to fool poor little you. LOL Don't run out of tinfoil for you little hats.
So, you are claiming that the Russian, Chinese, Korean, EU, and all the scientists from the other nations are in on a grand conspiracy just to fool poor little you. LOL Don't run out of tinfoil for you little hats.

It's not a "conspiracy." It's just a bunch of toadies all doing what is in their self interest, and promoting the global warming con is definitely in their self interest. They all derive income and power from promoting the scam.

Of course, the Climategate emails showed there was a conspiracy involving all the major academic figures involved in promoting this con. It provided hard evidence that they conspired to prevent any skeptical papers from getting published in scientific journals.
LOL Well Pattycake you are a sucker for the hard right propaganda. And, obviously, fail to understand basic science even at a third grade level.

Yes, that is why Dr. Spencer is considered a sceptic.
RSS data is upper atmosphere. It is NOT the global temperature. The global temperature has done this:


RSS data is 0-150 feet above ground and depending on what channel you use upwards of 60,000 feet. The OP clearly used ground level data.

Funny you would use the highly adjusted data sets... and ignore the data near ground... not surprising however....
LOL Well Pattycake you are a sucker for the hard right propaganda. And, obviously, fail to understand basic science even at a third grade level.

Yes, that is why Dr. Spencer is considered a sceptic.

In other words, you have no facts or logic to dispute my argument. You have devolved, in typical fashion, to pure ad hominems.
RSS data is upper atmosphere. It is NOT the global temperature. The global temperature has done this:


RSS data is 0-150 feet above ground and depending on what channel you use upwards of 60,000 feet. The OP clearly used ground level data.

Funny you would use the highly adjusted data sets... and ignore the data near ground... not surprising however....

From Wikipedia on RSS

Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) is a private research company founded in 1974 by Frank Wentz. It processes microwave data from a variety of NASA satellites. Most of their research is supported by the Earth Science Enterprise program. The company is based in Santa Rosa, California.

They are a widely cited source of data, on the satellite temperature record. Their data is one source of evidence for global warming. Research by Carl Mears, Matthias Schabel, and Wentz, all of RSS, highlighted errors in the early satellite temperature records complied by John Christy and Roy Spencer at UAH. The UAH data had previously showed no significant temperature trend, bringing the derived satellite data into closer agreement with surface temperature trends, radiosonde data and computer models.[1] The UAH data is now closer to the RSS data but differences remain, for example the Lower Troposphere global average trend since 1979, RSS currently have +0.133K/decade while UAH have 0.140K/decade, while the mid troposphere difference is even more marked at 0.079K/decade and 0.052K/decade respectively.[2][3] However, in a recent online YouTube video, Dr. Carl Mears, a senior scientist with the team behind the satellite data, explained how he believes his data set needed correction.[4]

I would have to say that the surface data seems that it’s more accurate, because a number of groups analyze the surface data, including some who set out to prove the other ones wrong, and they all get more or less the same answer.

  1. Andrew Revkin (November 18, 2003). "New View of Data Supports Human Link to Global Warming". New York Times. Retrieved November 6, 2009.
  2. "RSS / MSU and AMSU Data / Description". Retrieved 26 February 2011.
  3. "MONTHLY MEANS OF LOWER TROPOSPHERE LT5.4". UAH. Retrieved 26 February 2011.
  4. Ronson, J. Ted Cruz Gets His Comeuppance for Cherry-Picked Climate Change Data:A better understanding of the scientific method might have saved him the embarrassment. Inverse. March 3, 2016. Accessed March 4, 2016
Effects of orbital decay on satellite-derived lower-tropospheric temperature trends : Abstract : Nature Wentz, Frank J., and Matthias C. Schabel. "Effects of orbital decay on satellite-derived lower-tropospheric temperature trends." Nature 394.6694 (1998): 661-664. Precise climate monitoring using complementary satellite data sets : Abstract : Nature Wentz, Frank J., and Matthias C. Schabel. "Precise climate monitoring using complementary satellite data sets." Nature 403.6768 (2000): 414-416.
1) Show us where it is stated that the data you presented come from the surface.
2) Explain why the people producing those data say they have a positive trend.
So the "Excess Heat" both stays in the atmosphere AND heats the Antarctic Ocean at a depth of 800m.

This new learning amazes me
When you have actually demonstrated some learning, feel free to show us.
RSS data is upper atmosphere. It is NOT the global temperature. The global temperature has done this:



Bottom chart shows no warming for 2 decades

Cherry picking is not allowed Frank. Hell, the upper chart show temperatures dropping for almost 30 years.

The data on the lower graph show almost a half a Centigrade degree increase over 44 years.

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