Oops, seems AG Barr has a problem

'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia \ Obstruction ReBoot' Complete.......

When people who are drowning start going under they grasp for anything and everything they can to save themselves, even things they know won't save them...like blowing the dust off of their failed 1st coup attempt and trying to bring it back to life although already debunked / shredded.

Perhaps they are running out of coup ideas.
LIAR ^^^. The Middle Class, working poor and the chronic poor have not benefited one iota from trump's form of leadership.

Watching a complete emotional breakdown is always hard...but when it is a snowflake having one it is funny as hell, too.

Strongest Economy In Decades
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Democrats and Snowflakes be like....

"We hear northing, we see Nothing, we refuse to acknowledge Trump's success!'

And Trump with a deep hate for Obama eliminated all the EO's put in place by Obama

Trump is pathologically vindictive; Obama embarrassed "The Donald" at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2011. Since then trump has done everything he can to harm not only President Obama and his policies, but many other people in doing so, including the DACA children.

Obama embarrassed "The Donald" at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2011.

I bet he wished he'd kept his mouth shut, eh?

Probably. But hindsight is always 20-20. Who would have thought anyone would have voted for trump, let alone allow him to represent the Republican Party as their Standard Bearer.

And who would have thought how much better the middle class Americans are doing under his leadership than the previous two presidents combined.

And elevated the stature of the US from pathetic apologists to world leadership again.

Must suck to be you

LIAR ^^^. The Middle Class, working poor and the chronic poor have not benefited one iota from trump's form of leadership. In fact trump is not a leader, not even close.

That makes you a liar, dumbass
Under Bush the middle class income rose 400 bucks. Under obummer it went up 1000, under Trump it has gone up 5000.

You're a public leech so you are clueless, but to those who are forced to support your worthless ass, that 5 grand makes a big difference!
LIAR ^^^. The Middle Class, working poor and the chronic poor have not benefited one iota from trump's form of leadership.

Watching a complete emotional breakdown is always hard...but when it is a snowflake having one it is funny as hell, too.

Strongest Economy In Decades
Lowest Unemployment Rate in Decades
Lowest Latino Unemployment Rate in Decades
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Most American Citizens Working At One Time In US History
Strongest / Highest Stock Market Numbers in History
More Jobs
Higher Wages
More Opportunity to Move Up
Millions of Americans Off of Welfare, Unemployment, Food Stamps
Millions of Americans No Longer Dependent of Govt / Democrat Handouts

Democrats and Snowflakes be like....

"We hear northing, we see Nothing, we refuse to acknowledge Trump's success!'


Turn of Fox News, stop reading Bogs on the Internet, and go to a library and read some real news, and real history. In about 4 years you might make sense and not be such a biddable fool.
Trump is pathologically vindictive; Obama embarrassed "The Donald" at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2011. Since then trump has done everything he can to harm not only President Obama and his policies, but many other people in doing so, including the DACA children.

Obama embarrassed "The Donald" at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2011.

I bet he wished he'd kept his mouth shut, eh?

Probably. But hindsight is always 20-20. Who would have thought anyone would have voted for trump, let alone allow him to represent the Republican Party as their Standard Bearer.

And who would have thought how much better the middle class Americans are doing under his leadership than the previous two presidents combined.

And elevated the stature of the US from pathetic apologists to world leadership again.

Must suck to be you

LIAR ^^^. The Middle Class, working poor and the chronic poor have not benefited one iota from trump's form of leadership. In fact trump is not a leader, not even close.

That makes you a liar, dumbass
Under Bush the middle class income rose 400 bucks. Under obummer it went up 1000, under Trump it has gone up 5000.

You're a public leech so you are clueless, but to those who are forced to support your worthless ass, that 5 grand makes a big difference!

Your opinion is not supported by evidence, while I'm not surprised you would make such a claim, I doubt you will provide any credible evidence.
Trump is pathologically vindictive; Obama embarrassed "The Donald" at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2011. Since then trump has done everything he can to harm not only President Obama and his policies, but many other people in doing so, including the DACA children.

Obama embarrassed "The Donald" at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2011.

I bet he wished he'd kept his mouth shut, eh?

Probably. But hindsight is always 20-20. Who would have thought anyone would have voted for trump, let alone allow him to represent the Republican Party as their Standard Bearer.

And who would have thought how much better the middle class Americans are doing under his leadership than the previous two presidents combined.

And elevated the stature of the US from pathetic apologists to world leadership again.

Must suck to be you

LIAR ^^^. The Middle Class, working poor and the chronic poor have not benefited one iota from trump's form of leadership. In fact trump is not a leader, not even close.

That makes you a liar, dumbass
Under Bush the middle class income rose 400 bucks. Under obummer it went up 1000, under Trump it has gone up 5000.

You're a public leech so you are clueless, but to those who are forced to support your worthless ass, that 5 grand makes a big difference!

More: U.S. Economy Holds Up With 1.9% Growth on Consumer Strength

The economy’s overall performance hasn’t changed much since Trump took office, with GDP growth averaging 2.6% versus 2.4% during Obama’s second term. That’s far below Trump’s own forecasts. On Wednesday, the Commerce Department reported the economy expanded 1.9% at an annualized rate in the third quarter, a level that when Obama was president Trump derided as a sign the “economy is in deep trouble.”

While the jobless rate continued to fall during during Trump’s first two years, median household income, adjusted for inflation, grew at an average annual rate of 1.3%. That’s down from a 4.1% annual rate the previous two years and a 1.8% annual rate during Obama’s entire second term, according to U.S. Census data released last month.

Asked about the income and wage data, White House spokesman Judd Deere said Trump’s “policies of lower taxes, deregulation, and fair and reciprocal trade have supported the longest economic recovery in U.S. history with record low unemployment and rising wages.”

Heritage Foundation fellow Stephen Moore, a former Trump campaign adviser, has used estimates from Sentier Research to make a claim -- repeatedly echoed by the president -- of “gigantic” income gains for families of $5,003. But Moore set up a comparison that burdened the Obama administration with the aftermath of the recession, using as his starting point the recession’s official June 2009 end. Household incomes continued to drop for another two years amid high unemployment.

The Sentier estimates, which incorporate data through August, still show better income growth under Trump -- an average annual rate of 3% -- but they use a different data source than the government’s usual household income measurement.

Multiple other measures of workers’ wages show tepid growth under Trump despite a roaring stock market, surging corporate profits and a $1.5 trillion deficit-financed tax cut Trump promoted as a way to rev up pay gains.

That is especially so in Red America. In counties Trump won over Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016, growth in real average weekly earnings slowed to a 1.2% annual rate under his presidency, down from 1.5% the prior two years, according to a Brookings Institution analysis for Bloomberg News of county-level wage data through the first quarter of this year.

Red America's Weakening Pay Raises
Real average weekly wage gains lag in counties Trump won, even more so in three key battleground states

Source: Brookings analysis of Labor Department data

Note: Compounded annual growth rates

In the presidential battlegrounds of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania -- three closely fought states crucial to Trump’s election -- the drop-off has been sharper, with weekly earnings in counties he carried up 0.8% annually versus 1.8% the previous two years. The manufacturing recession threatens to further weaken pay growth in those states, where 1 in 6 workers in Trump-voting counties hold factory jobs.

Trump often claims that wage gains have picked up since he took office. But once inflation is factored in, overall progress on wages doesn’t look much different. Real average hourly earnings under Trump have grown at an average annual rate of 1.1% through September versus 1% during Obama’s second term.

Workers in the middle fared worse. The median weekly paychecks for full-time workers, adjusted for inflation, have grown at an average annual rate of 1% through September versus 1.5% during Obama’s second term.

A measure created to minimize potential distortions from more low-wage workers entering the workforce also shows slower pay growth under Trump.

The Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank’s national wage growth tracker is based on surveying the same workers 12 months apart on their pay and calculating their median raise. Adjusted for inflation, the index increased at an average annual rate of 1.3% during the past two years versus 1.7% during Obama’s second term.

Long-Term Changes
Many economists blame long-term changes in the job market for the slower wage growth. Some researchers point to increasing corporate concentration in industries and the rise of “Superstar Firms” reducing the bargaining power of workers. Displacement of workers through automation and competition from overseas workers in a globalized economy can depress wages. The job market also shifted away from some traditional middle-class occupations, such as manufacturing, which now employs fewer workers. And the atrophying of unions has eroded workers’ leverage to negotiate higher pay.

Democrats also blame Republican policies, including blocking an increase in the federal minimum wage and the Trump administration scaling back an Obama initiative to require overtime pay for more workers. And the trade war has contributed to the slowdown in manufacturing.

Read More: Trump’s Unfulfilled Rust Belt Renaissance Poses Risks for 2020

High-school-educated men still haven’t caught up to their pay in 2000. Their $45,459 median earnings in 2018 was $2,128 lower than their counterparts at the turn of the century. High-school-educated women are further behind, with 2018 median earnings of $32,412, down $2,356.

Weak pay increases contribute to “ambiguous feeling” about the economy even as unemployment remains at historic lows, said Alan Abramowitz, a political science professor at Emory University who studies public opinion and presidential election forecasting.

“What matters politically is the subjective economy, how people feel about the economy,” Abramowitz said. “Real incomes aren’t rising that much, so it’s not obvious that things are that good.”

— With assistance by Alexandre Tanzi
Obama embarrassed "The Donald" at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2011.

I bet he wished he'd kept his mouth shut, eh?

Probably. But hindsight is always 20-20. Who would have thought anyone would have voted for trump, let alone allow him to represent the Republican Party as their Standard Bearer.

And who would have thought how much better the middle class Americans are doing under his leadership than the previous two presidents combined.

And elevated the stature of the US from pathetic apologists to world leadership again.

Must suck to be you

LIAR ^^^. The Middle Class, working poor and the chronic poor have not benefited one iota from trump's form of leadership. In fact trump is not a leader, not even close.

That makes you a liar, dumbass
Under Bush the middle class income rose 400 bucks. Under obummer it went up 1000, under Trump it has gone up 5000.

You're a public leech so you are clueless, but to those who are forced to support your worthless ass, that 5 grand makes a big difference!

Your opinion is not supported by evidence, while I'm not surprised you would make such a claim, I doubt you will provide any credible evidence.

Actually, it is. I suggest you acquaint yourself with the real facts and not your echo chamber nonsense.
LIAR ^^^. The Middle Class, working poor and the chronic poor have not benefited one iota from trump's form of leadership.

Watching a complete emotional breakdown is always hard...but when it is a snowflake having one it is funny as hell, too.

Strongest Economy In Decades
Lowest Unemployment Rate in Decades
Lowest Latino Unemployment Rate in Decades
Lowest Women's Unemployment Rate in Decades
Lowest Minority Unemployment Rate in Recorded History
Most American Citizens Working At One Time In US History
Strongest / Highest Stock Market Numbers in History
More Jobs
Higher Wages
More Opportunity to Move Up
Millions of Americans Off of Welfare, Unemployment, Food Stamps
Millions of Americans No Longer Dependent of Govt / Democrat Handouts

Democrats and Snowflakes be like....

"We hear northing, we see Nothing, we refuse to acknowledge Trump's success!'


Turn of Fox News, stop reading Bogs on the Internet, and go to a library and read some real news, and real history. In about 4 years you might make sense and not be such a biddable fool.
So which monkey are you, lil' snowflake?!

:p. lol
Perhaps they are running out of coup ideas.
Tax returns are next.
Obama and the Democrats were exposed for weaponizing he IRS and using it against Americans legally opposing Obama's re-election....

Democrats have been exposed for illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC JUSTICES, political opponents, & a newly elected President.

After 4 years of failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt, only an Obama appointed Judge would declare he sees no political bias or partisan attempt to injure the President and would rule Trump must hand over his tax returns.

Everything the Democrats have done the last 4 years has been an attempt to overturn the 2016 election.
Barr's Legal Views Come Under Fire From Conservative-Leaning Lawyers

A group of conservative-leaning lawyers criticized Attorney General William Barr for the expansive view of presidential power he espoused in a recent speech and for his conclusion this spring that President Donald Trump had not obstructed justice in the Russia investigation.

“In recent months, we have become concerned by the conduct of Attorney General William Barr,” the group, Checks & Balances, said in a statement that was shared Friday with The New York Times.

Members of the group have sharply denounced what they described as abuses of power by Trump, who is facing a fast-moving impeachment inquiry. The speech by Barr last week, in which he argued that the president had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed them that they felt compelled to push back publicly.

The Justice Department declined to comment.

It seems the AG has overstepped his defense of the President, so much so that The Donald may lose his lap puppy; he'll need to keep Sen. Graham and Rep. Jordan close - if he loses these two lap puppy's he might order our troops to invade Canada.
This is nothing new, of course – the authoritarian right’s advocacy of the imperial presidency dates back to Nixon, consistent with conservatives’ contempt for democracy, consensus, and compromise.

For Republicans, control of the executive branch is paramount – where their failed, wrongheaded policies can be implemented via fiat, absent consensus and compromise; indeed, Republicans are perfectly content with their minority government, illustrating their disdain for the will of the majority of the people.
A fact highlighted by the unpopularity of every major policy position taken by the POT. I can not think of a single issue from climate change to gun control the POT stands for that a majority of Americans support.
A fact highlighted by the unpopularity of every major policy position taken by the POT. I can not think of a single issue from climate change to gun control the POT stands for that a majority of Americans support.
Of course not, because you are a Trump-hating snowflake. America elected Donald Trump President because they did agree / do agree with many of his beliefs and issues.

As your messiah said after he won, 'Elections have consequences.....Want something different? Win some elections!'

Hillary Clinton, lawlessness, Socialism, radical Left-Wing agendas, 'economic slavery' - America rejected those in 2016...and will do so again in 2020.
Barr's Legal Views Come Under Fire From Conservative-Leaning Lawyers

A group of conservative-leaning lawyers criticized Attorney General William Barr for the expansive view of presidential power he espoused in a recent speech and for his conclusion this spring that President Donald Trump had not obstructed justice in the Russia investigation.

“In recent months, we have become concerned by the conduct of Attorney General William Barr,” the group, Checks & Balances, said in a statement that was shared Friday with The New York Times.

Members of the group have sharply denounced what they described as abuses of power by Trump, who is facing a fast-moving impeachment inquiry. The speech by Barr last week, in which he argued that the president had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed them that they felt compelled to push back publicly.

The Justice Department declined to comment.

It seems the AG has overstepped his defense of the President, so much so that The Donald may lose his lap puppy; he'll need to keep Sen. Graham and Rep. Jordan close - if he loses these two lap puppy's he might order our troops to invade Canada.
This is nothing new, of course – the authoritarian right’s advocacy of the imperial presidency dates back to Nixon, consistent with conservatives’ contempt for democracy, consensus, and compromise.

For Republicans, control of the executive branch is paramount – where their failed, wrongheaded policies can be implemented via fiat, absent consensus and compromise; indeed, Republicans are perfectly content with their minority government, illustrating their disdain for the will of the majority of the people.
A fact highlighted by the unpopularity of every major policy position taken by the POT. I can not think of a single issue from climate change to gun control the POT stands for that a majority of Americans support.

I can not think of a single issue from climate change to gun control the POT stands for that a majority of Americans support.

Everybody loved Obama because he fixed those issues. Right?
Probably. But hindsight is always 20-20. Who would have thought anyone would have voted for trump, let alone allow him to represent the Republican Party as their Standard Bearer.

And who would have thought how much better the middle class Americans are doing under his leadership than the previous two presidents combined.

And elevated the stature of the US from pathetic apologists to world leadership again.

Must suck to be you

LIAR ^^^. The Middle Class, working poor and the chronic poor have not benefited one iota from trump's form of leadership. In fact trump is not a leader, not even close.

That makes you a liar, dumbass
Under Bush the middle class income rose 400 bucks. Under obummer it went up 1000, under Trump it has gone up 5000.

You're a public leech so you are clueless, but to those who are forced to support your worthless ass, that 5 grand makes a big difference!

Your opinion is not supported by evidence, while I'm not surprised you would make such a claim, I doubt you will provide any credible evidence.

Actually, it is. I suggest you acquaint yourself with the real facts and not your echo chamber nonsense.

I suggest you provide evidence to support your opinions. That is something any freshman in a high school writing class would have learned.

A gross increase in income is a lie by omission; taxes rise, prices rise, fees rise and the net income has not moved anywhere near your claim.
A fact highlighted by the unpopularity of every major policy position taken by the POT. I can not think of a single issue from climate change to gun control the POT stands for that a majority of Americans support.
Of course not, because you are a Trump-hating snowflake. America elected Donald Trump President because they did agree / do agree with many of his beliefs and issues.

As your messiah said after he won, 'Elections have consequences.....Want something different? Win some elections!'

Hillary Clinton, lawlessness, Socialism, radical Left-Wing agendas, 'economic slavery' - America rejected those in 2016...and will do so again in 2020.

Every post of your's I've read has been ludicrous. Do you actually believe the crap you post is credible?
Every post of your's I've read has been ludicrous. Do you actually believe the crap you post is credible?
Just curious....do you have a source of light in your 'Safe Space', or is it just a deep black spider hole, like the one the US military found Saddam Hussein hiding in?

Lol. Did they express concern when Eric Holder proclaimed that he was Obama's "wingman"? Lol. Thanks for the laugh!
I see that meme quite a lot. Can you name for me anything Holder did that's the equivalent of Billy the Bagman's deceitful characterization of the Mueller report as exonerating Trump when the opposite is true? Or Billy's jaunt around the world in search of information justifying Don's refusal to accept the intel agency's assessment that Russia meddled in the 2016 for Don's benefit?

Wow are you uninformed.

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