Oops, seems AG Barr has a problem

Every post of your's I've read has been ludicrous. Do you actually believe the crap you post is credible?

Just curious....do you have a source of light in your 'Safe Space', or is it just a deep black spider hole, like the one the US military found Saddam Hussein hiding in?


You're not curious, so don't try to convince anyone you are. I don't have a "Safe Space", since I have an open mind, I'm curious and I do my research; then I apply a reasoned response here and in the voting booth.

Something you might try, unless the fear of cognitive dissonance prevents you from the safe space of the box in which your brains resides.
Every post of your's I've read has been ludicrous. Do you actually believe the crap you post is credible?
Just curious....do you have a source of light in your 'Safe Space', or is it just a deep black spider hole, like the one the US military found Saddam Hussein hiding in?

You mean the finding of Saddam under the Obama administration ?
You mean the finding of Saddam under the Obama administration ?
Yup - the legally authorized war in which the US military won, unlike Obama's 2 wars in which he pimped out the US military to Al Qaeda - WHO SLAUGHTERED 3,000 AMERICANS - and his committing an International War Crime, according to the US, for invading a sovereign country without permission or request by that nation's leader / govt.
You mean the finding of Saddam under the Obama administration ?
Yup - the legally authorized war in which the US military won, unlike Obama's 2 wars in which he pimped out the US military to Al Qaeda - WHO SLAUGHTERED 3,000 AMERICANS - and his committing an International War Crime, according to the US, for invading a sovereign country without permission or request by that nation's leader / govt.
That you W?
"Deep Staters"? They're not deep, as in hidden. They were the Three Amgios, AG Barr, Rep Jordan and his band of the ill-named Freedom Caucus, Moscow Mitch, Sens. Graham and Grassley, all exposed by their divisiveness and abuse of the Constitution.
That's not the problem at all. The problem is politicians like the Democrats who are not loyal to America.

Being loyal to America is to oppose the likes of Trump – to oppose Trump’s contempt for the rule of law, his contempt for the Constitution and its case law, and his contempt for our democratic institutions.

Being loyal to America is to oppose Trump’s racism, bigotry, and incessant lying – to oppose his reckless, irresponsible spreading of conspiracy theories, and to oppose his attacks on a free and independent press.

And being loyal to America is to seek to remove from office a president such as Trump who has abused his power, violated his oath of office, and who has clearly demonstrated that he is unfit to be president.

The problem is Trump and his blind partisan cult members who refuse to acknowledge that fact.
Being loyal to America is overthrowing the legally elected government put in place according to the constitution?

You sound exactly like every treasonous bastard that ever came down the poopshute.
Loyal Americans hold politicians liable for criminal acts

Really? Show us where you called for Bill Clinton to be jailed for perjury and obstructing justice. Show us where you you condemned Obama for violating our immigration laws. Heck, show us your posts vilifying Adam Schiff for lying to the American people about having proof of Russian collusion.
You mean the finding of Saddam under the Obama administration ?
Yup - the legally authorized war in which the US military won, unlike Obama's 2 wars in which he pimped out the US military to Al Qaeda - WHO SLAUGHTERED 3,000 AMERICANS - and his committing an International War Crime, according to the US, for invading a sovereign country without permission or request by that nation's leader / govt.
That you W?
"Deep Staters"? They're not deep, as in hidden. They were the Three Amgios, AG Barr, Rep Jordan and his band of the ill-named Freedom Caucus, Moscow Mitch, Sens. Graham and Grassley, all exposed by their divisiveness and abuse of the Constitution.
That's not the problem at all. The problem is politicians like the Democrats who are not loyal to America.

Being loyal to America is to oppose the likes of Trump – to oppose Trump’s contempt for the rule of law, his contempt for the Constitution and its case law, and his contempt for our democratic institutions.

Being loyal to America is to oppose Trump’s racism, bigotry, and incessant lying – to oppose his reckless, irresponsible spreading of conspiracy theories, and to oppose his attacks on a free and independent press.

And being loyal to America is to seek to remove from office a president such as Trump who has abused his power, violated his oath of office, and who has clearly demonstrated that he is unfit to be president.

The problem is Trump and his blind partisan cult members who refuse to acknowledge that fact.
Being loyal to America is overthrowing the legally elected government put in place according to the constitution?

You sound exactly like every treasonous bastard that ever came down the poopshute.
Loyal Americans hold politicians liable for criminal acts

Really? Show us where you called for Bill Clinton to be jailed for perjury and obstructing justice. Show us where you you condemned Obama for violating our immigration laws. Heck, show us your posts vilifying Adam Schiff for lying to the American people about having proof of Russian collusion.
Are you bonkers EVERY American agency said Russia was the guilty party You republicans are just AH's for believing the crap Nunes and trump vomit up
Yes, AG Barr has a problem.....who goes down first!


Please, not another 30 plus years of this nonsense. Let's just lock Barr up and end it.

Here in America, we real Americans follow the constitution.

Just because trump and barr don't doesn't mean that we real Americans don't.

Here in America we don't just "lock up" people. We have laws and a constitution that requires a person to be innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

While I do believe that both men have committed crimes, we have a process here in America that most of us believe in and follow.

I am getting very tired of reading and hearing people state "lock him up" or "lock her up." It's ridiculous.

This is America. Not russia.
Are you bonkers EVERY American agency said Russia was the guilty party

That would be every American Agency run / controlled by / working for Barak Obama, HIS DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI, the Deep State proven to have participated in the failed coup attempt....

Obama's own administration officials said they and Barry KNEW back in 2014 the Russians were attempting to hack the computer grid, using social media to dupe snowflakes into organizing and marching for them, paying Antifa . BLM / the Black Fist to spread racial division and violence, attempt to hack senior govt officials, and affect our elections...and admitted Barry did nothing. As posted in a former link, they said they 'choked'....failed to do anything significant to stop Putin / Russia.

No shit.....it was just Barry keeping that promise to Putin he passed through Medvedev in 2012.
Barr's Legal Views Come Under Fire From Conservative-Leaning Lawyers

A group of conservative-leaning lawyers criticized Attorney General William Barr for the expansive view of presidential power he espoused in a recent speech and for his conclusion this spring that President Donald Trump had not obstructed justice in the Russia investigation.

“In recent months, we have become concerned by the conduct of Attorney General William Barr,” the group, Checks & Balances, said in a statement that was shared Friday with The New York Times.

Members of the group have sharply denounced what they described as abuses of power by Trump, who is facing a fast-moving impeachment inquiry. The speech by Barr last week, in which he argued that the president had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed them that they felt compelled to push back publicly.

The Justice Department declined to comment.

It seems the AG has overstepped his defense of the President, so much so that The Donald may lose his lap puppy; he'll need to keep Sen. Graham and Rep. Jordan close - if he loses these two lap puppy's he might order our troops to invade Canada.

Wow. Another sock puppet pops up again.


I think we know who your real aim is at putting in the White House! All you need to do now is discredit the other 43 people ahead of her!

Yes, AG Barr has a problem.....who goes down first!


Please, not another 30 plus years of this nonsense. Let's just lock Barr up and end it.

Here in America, we real Americans follow the constitution.

Just because trump and barr don't doesn't mean that we real Americans don't.

Here in America we don't just "lock up" people. We have laws and a constitution that requires a person to be innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

While I do believe that both men have committed crimes, we have a process here in America that most of us believe in and follow.

I am getting very tired of reading and hearing people state "lock him up" or "lock her up." It's ridiculous.

This is America. Not russia.

The ones in power right now tried for over 30 years to "Lock Her UP" on Federal Charges. She even spent 11 hours straight answering Congresses Charges in front of Congress. Nothing came from it. And, in case you haven't noticed, Rump and Barr are at it again along with others including an Ex President. He's setting a very dangerous Precedent that he will live to regret.

As for locking Rump up on Federal Charges, that would not be to the best interest for the United States. Something Rump is ignoring right now with Obama. Something that even Bush, Jr made sure would not happen. Something Ford made sure would not happen. You can't have a President "Locked Up" or even an Ex President on Federal Charges without doing extreme harm to not only the United States of America but it would cause a Precedents that cannot be tolerated. Even if Rump were to resign in disgrace, it would be beneficial for the next President AND the 2020 President to cut some serious deals with the States to keep Rump from going to Prison even if it meant completely wiping out his fortune. But you can't go around locking up Presidents and Ex Presidents.
Here in America, we real Americans follow the constitution. .


During his Presidency Barry was ruled to have violated the Constitution by the USSC at least 3 times. His administration lost more USSC Court cases than any modern administration.

Obama set a new record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

He personally was held in Contempt of Court at least tice for violating Federal Judges' court orders, and he personally admitted to violating the Constitution by admitting he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect existing Immigration Law....then went ahead and issued his own Un-Constitutional DACA EDICT...

Obama and his criminal administration was caught illegally spying on American citizens, reporters, the media US SENATORS, USSC Justices, political opponents, and even on newly elected Presidents...


Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

'THIS' was NOT 'America' - THIS was Obama's perverted version of Communist China, Russia, or hos own Obama Kingdom under his rule...the most criminal administration in US History.

His own US AG was proven to have committed Felony Perjury and Obstruction of Justice, protected by Obama and Holder's own hand-picked DOJ; yet, a bipartisan Congress still Censured Holder for his crimes, specifically the consequences from which Obama protected him. This made Obama's US AG the 1st Presidential Administration Cabinet Member / US AG in US History to be Censured.

During his administration his US AG, NSA Director, CIA Director, IRS Director, and others were found to have committed Felony Perjury, some numerous times - Both NSA Director Clapper and CIA Director Brennan were found to not only have committed Perjury but had committed massive, gross violations of the Constitution and existing law by illegally spying on American citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and even USSC Justices. Barry proved, however, that owning the DOJ, NSA, CIA,FBI, & Deep State Intel Community means never having to worry about being indicted or your administration criminals being indicted.

Spying on the US Senate, though, specifically on Diane Feinstein, caused even Democrats to come after Brennan. To escape indictment, a deal was cut where Brennan was forced to appear before Congress to admit he had committed perjury about the spying and had illegally spied on the US Senate, and promise never to do it again.
-- Little did we know that Feinstein was pissed and panicked because she thought Obama/Brennan were on to her, as she was later exposed for harboring a Chinese spy and facilitating Chinese espionage over a period of decades (...for which she has never been investigated or punished).

Not only the violations of the Constitution, and violations of the Law but their perversion by Obama and his administration makes you comment 'This is America' a despicable, cruel joke when applied to how Democrats see and have acted in regards to the Constitution and Rule of law.

'This is America'?!

Barak appeared on the scene and immediately declared American need to be FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED...a sentiment I am sure he got from his anti-Colonialist America-hating father...and did his damnedest to affect.

For the last 4 years the Democrats have been pursuing non-stop coup attempts, exposing Democrat crimes - which they ignore, and making a mockery of the Constitution, like by how they have had secret closed door inquisitions, violated citizens' Constitutional Rights, held Russian/Chinese-like investigations where JUSTICE is what they claim it to be and is run as they see fit.

Again,thanks for the easily emotionally-manipulated, Leftist extremist progressive Socialist Democrat parroted indoctrination points, Trump-hating snowflake butt-hurt filtered hate-driven OPINIONS and TRANSLATIONS, but the rest of the American people are not as stupid as Jonathon Gruber pointed out snowflakes truly are.
Here in America, we real Americans follow the constitution. .


During his Presidency Barry was ruled to have violated the Constitution by the USSC at least 3 times. His administration lost more USSC Court cases than any modern administration.

Obama set a new record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

He personally was held in Contempt of Court at least tice for violating Federal Judges' court orders, and he personally admitted to violating the Constitution by admitting he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect existing Immigration Law....then went ahead and issued his own Un-Constitutional DACA EDICT...

Obama and his criminal administration was caught illegally spying on American citizens, reporters, the media US SENATORS, USSC Justices, political opponents, and even on newly elected Presidents...


Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

'THIS' was NOT 'America' - THIS was Obama's perverted version of Communist China, Russia, or hos own Obama Kingdom under his rule...the most criminal administration in US History.

His own US AG was proven to have committed Felony Perjury and Obstruction of Justice, protected by Obama and Holder's own hand-picked DOJ; yet, a bipartisan Congress still Censured Holder for his crimes, specifically the consequences from which Obama protected him. This made Obama's US AG the 1st Presidential Administration Cabinet Member / US AG in US History to be Censured.

During his administration his US AG, NSA Director, CIA Director, IRS Director, and others were found to have committed Felony Perjury, some numerous times - Both NSA Director Clapper and CIA Director Brennan were found to not only have committed Perjury but had committed massive, gross violations of the Constitution and existing law by illegally spying on American citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and even USSC Justices. Barry proved, however, that owning the DOJ, NSA, CIA,FBI, & Deep State Intel Community means never having to worry about being indicted or your administration criminals being indicted.

Spying on the US Senate, though, specifically on Diane Feinstein, caused even Democrats to come after Brennan. To escape indictment, a deal was cut where Brennan was forced to appear before Congress to admit he had committed perjury about the spying and had illegally spied on the US Senate, and promise never to do it again.
-- Little did we know that Feinstein was pissed and panicked because she thought Obama/Brennan were on to her, as she was later exposed for harboring a Chinese spy and facilitating Chinese espionage over a period of decades (...for which she has never been investigated or punished).

Not only the violations of the Constitution, and violations of the Law but their perversion by Obama and his administration makes you comment 'This is America' a despicable, cruel joke when applied to how Democrats see and have acted in regards to the Constitution and Rule of law.

'This is America'?!

Barak appeared on the scene and immediately declared American need to be FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED...a sentiment I am sure he got from his anti-Colonialist America-hating father...and did his damnedest to affect.

For the last 4 years the Democrats have been pursuing non-stop coup attempts, exposing Democrat crimes - which they ignore, and making a mockery of the Constitution, like by how they have had secret closed door inquisitions, violated citizens' Constitutional Rights, held Russian/Chinese-like investigations where JUSTICE is what they claim it to be and is run as they see fit.

Again,thanks for the easily emotionally-manipulated, Leftist extremist progressive Socialist Democrat parroted indoctrination points, Trump-hating snowflake butt-hurt filtered hate-driven OPINIONS and TRANSLATIONS, but the rest of the American people are not as stupid as Jonathon Gruber pointed out snowflakes truly are.

And we are not as stupid as you are. Committing crimes to investigate crimes can't be tolerated. Not in America.
Here in America, we real Americans follow the constitution. .


During his Presidency Barry was ruled to have violated the Constitution by the USSC at least 3 times. His administration lost more USSC Court cases than any modern administration.

Obama set a new record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

He personally was held in Contempt of Court at least tice for violating Federal Judges' court orders, and he personally admitted to violating the Constitution by admitting he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect existing Immigration Law....then went ahead and issued his own Un-Constitutional DACA EDICT...

Obama and his criminal administration was caught illegally spying on American citizens, reporters, the media US SENATORS, USSC Justices, political opponents, and even on newly elected Presidents...


Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

'THIS' was NOT 'America' - THIS was Obama's perverted version of Communist China, Russia, or hos own Obama Kingdom under his rule...the most criminal administration in US History.

His own US AG was proven to have committed Felony Perjury and Obstruction of Justice, protected by Obama and Holder's own hand-picked DOJ; yet, a bipartisan Congress still Censured Holder for his crimes, specifically the consequences from which Obama protected him. This made Obama's US AG the 1st Presidential Administration Cabinet Member / US AG in US History to be Censured.

During his administration his US AG, NSA Director, CIA Director, IRS Director, and others were found to have committed Felony Perjury, some numerous times - Both NSA Director Clapper and CIA Director Brennan were found to not only have committed Perjury but had committed massive, gross violations of the Constitution and existing law by illegally spying on American citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and even USSC Justices. Barry proved, however, that owning the DOJ, NSA, CIA,FBI, & Deep State Intel Community means never having to worry about being indicted or your administration criminals being indicted.

Spying on the US Senate, though, specifically on Diane Feinstein, caused even Democrats to come after Brennan. To escape indictment, a deal was cut where Brennan was forced to appear before Congress to admit he had committed perjury about the spying and had illegally spied on the US Senate, and promise never to do it again.
-- Little did we know that Feinstein was pissed and panicked because she thought Obama/Brennan were on to her, as she was later exposed for harboring a Chinese spy and facilitating Chinese espionage over a period of decades (...for which she has never been investigated or punished).

Not only the violations of the Constitution, and violations of the Law but their perversion by Obama and his administration makes you comment 'This is America' a despicable, cruel joke when applied to how Democrats see and have acted in regards to the Constitution and Rule of law.

'This is America'?!

Barak appeared on the scene and immediately declared American need to be FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED...a sentiment I am sure he got from his anti-Colonialist America-hating father...and did his damnedest to affect.

For the last 4 years the Democrats have been pursuing non-stop coup attempts, exposing Democrat crimes - which they ignore, and making a mockery of the Constitution, like by how they have had secret closed door inquisitions, violated citizens' Constitutional Rights, held Russian/Chinese-like investigations where JUSTICE is what they claim it to be and is run as they see fit.

Again,thanks for the easily emotionally-manipulated, Leftist extremist progressive Socialist Democrat parroted indoctrination points, Trump-hating snowflake butt-hurt filtered hate-driven OPINIONS and TRANSLATIONS, but the rest of the American people are not as stupid as Jonathon Gruber pointed out snowflakes truly are.

And we are not as stupid as you are. Committing crimes to investigate crimes can't be tolerated. Not in America.

Here in America, we real Americans follow the constitution. .


During his Presidency Barry was ruled to have violated the Constitution by the USSC at least 3 times. His administration lost more USSC Court cases than any modern administration.

Obama set a new record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

He personally was held in Contempt of Court at least tice for violating Federal Judges' court orders, and he personally admitted to violating the Constitution by admitting he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect existing Immigration Law....then went ahead and issued his own Un-Constitutional DACA EDICT...

Obama and his criminal administration was caught illegally spying on American citizens, reporters, the media US SENATORS, USSC Justices, political opponents, and even on newly elected Presidents...


Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

'THIS' was NOT 'America' - THIS was Obama's perverted version of Communist China, Russia, or hos own Obama Kingdom under his rule...the most criminal administration in US History.

His own US AG was proven to have committed Felony Perjury and Obstruction of Justice, protected by Obama and Holder's own hand-picked DOJ; yet, a bipartisan Congress still Censured Holder for his crimes, specifically the consequences from which Obama protected him. This made Obama's US AG the 1st Presidential Administration Cabinet Member / US AG in US History to be Censured.

During his administration his US AG, NSA Director, CIA Director, IRS Director, and others were found to have committed Felony Perjury, some numerous times - Both NSA Director Clapper and CIA Director Brennan were found to not only have committed Perjury but had committed massive, gross violations of the Constitution and existing law by illegally spying on American citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and even USSC Justices. Barry proved, however, that owning the DOJ, NSA, CIA,FBI, & Deep State Intel Community means never having to worry about being indicted or your administration criminals being indicted.

Spying on the US Senate, though, specifically on Diane Feinstein, caused even Democrats to come after Brennan. To escape indictment, a deal was cut where Brennan was forced to appear before Congress to admit he had committed perjury about the spying and had illegally spied on the US Senate, and promise never to do it again.
-- Little did we know that Feinstein was pissed and panicked because she thought Obama/Brennan were on to her, as she was later exposed for harboring a Chinese spy and facilitating Chinese espionage over a period of decades (...for which she has never been investigated or punished).

Not only the violations of the Constitution, and violations of the Law but their perversion by Obama and his administration makes you comment 'This is America' a despicable, cruel joke when applied to how Democrats see and have acted in regards to the Constitution and Rule of law.

'This is America'?!

Barak appeared on the scene and immediately declared American need to be FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED...a sentiment I am sure he got from his anti-Colonialist America-hating father...and did his damnedest to affect.

For the last 4 years the Democrats have been pursuing non-stop coup attempts, exposing Democrat crimes - which they ignore, and making a mockery of the Constitution, like by how they have had secret closed door inquisitions, violated citizens' Constitutional Rights, held Russian/Chinese-like investigations where JUSTICE is what they claim it to be and is run as they see fit.

Again,thanks for the easily emotionally-manipulated, Leftist extremist progressive Socialist Democrat parroted indoctrination points, Trump-hating snowflake butt-hurt filtered hate-driven OPINIONS and TRANSLATIONS, but the rest of the American people are not as stupid as Jonathon Gruber pointed out snowflakes truly are.

And we are not as stupid as you are. Committing crimes to investigate crimes can't be tolerated. Not in America.


Talk about bad form. And bad precedence. For what you can possibly get Obama on compared to what Rump has done is like comparing a parking ticket to a murder on 5th avenue. No Sane President would ever set that precedence. But we are talking about Nutzoid Rump who just might.
And we are not as stupid as you are. Committing crimes to investigate crimes can't be tolerated. Not in America.
...but you are too stupid to know / acknowledge that there are multiple laws / requirements for the President of the United State to investigate crimes / issues that threaten the National Security of the United States and to ensure no nation engaged in threats against our National Security receives financial or military aid.

Despite the existence of the Law Enforcement Cooperation and Assistance Treaty between the US and other nations, to include Ukraine, which establishes a mutual agreement to assist each other in investigating corruption, crime, and terrorism.....Despite there being a law regarding the delivery of military aid to another nation requiring the President to make sure the nation the aid is going to is not embroiled in corruption or attempting to interfere in the US / threaten our national security....your own personal hatred for the current President prevents you from acknowledging these.

Your own easily-manipulated emotion and hatred for this President causes you to willfully ignore the proven fact that Democrats reached out to and colluded with foreign spies, Russians, and former corrupt Ukraine officials in an attempt to interfere in US election, to ignore the fact that Democrats in power in the House refuse to acknowledge their own party members' crimes, refuse to investigate these proven crimes while hypocritically declaring they seek to punish politicians who illegally sought unfair advantages in affecting / winning an election.

You are easily duped by being told to completely ignore a VP who bragged during his videotaped confession of extorting a former Ukraine PM, duped into accepting that HIS extortion of the Ukraine PM was 'OK' because 'everyone wanted the prosecutor fire' even though that justification has nothing to do with the fact that what the VP confessed to was EXTORTION, no matter what the reason!

In your partisan hatred you accept the crimes od Democrats as 'necessary', justifiable, and even 'not really crimes' while Democrats have engaged in 4 years of conspiracy, perjury, falsifying documents, conspiracy, sedition, and worse in an attempt to keep a promise to Impeach a President who beat their chosen candidate, a promise that was made before the current President stepped foot into the WH.

Continue to willfully march in lock-step with your eyes closed, repeating the mantra fed to you as you plunge over the cliff, little lemming....
Here in America, we real Americans follow the constitution. .


During his Presidency Barry was ruled to have violated the Constitution by the USSC at least 3 times. His administration lost more USSC Court cases than any modern administration.

Obama set a new record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

He personally was held in Contempt of Court at least tice for violating Federal Judges' court orders, and he personally admitted to violating the Constitution by admitting he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect existing Immigration Law....then went ahead and issued his own Un-Constitutional DACA EDICT...

Obama and his criminal administration was caught illegally spying on American citizens, reporters, the media US SENATORS, USSC Justices, political opponents, and even on newly elected Presidents...


Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

'THIS' was NOT 'America' - THIS was Obama's perverted version of Communist China, Russia, or hos own Obama Kingdom under his rule...the most criminal administration in US History.

His own US AG was proven to have committed Felony Perjury and Obstruction of Justice, protected by Obama and Holder's own hand-picked DOJ; yet, a bipartisan Congress still Censured Holder for his crimes, specifically the consequences from which Obama protected him. This made Obama's US AG the 1st Presidential Administration Cabinet Member / US AG in US History to be Censured.

During his administration his US AG, NSA Director, CIA Director, IRS Director, and others were found to have committed Felony Perjury, some numerous times - Both NSA Director Clapper and CIA Director Brennan were found to not only have committed Perjury but had committed massive, gross violations of the Constitution and existing law by illegally spying on American citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and even USSC Justices. Barry proved, however, that owning the DOJ, NSA, CIA,FBI, & Deep State Intel Community means never having to worry about being indicted or your administration criminals being indicted.

Spying on the US Senate, though, specifically on Diane Feinstein, caused even Democrats to come after Brennan. To escape indictment, a deal was cut where Brennan was forced to appear before Congress to admit he had committed perjury about the spying and had illegally spied on the US Senate, and promise never to do it again.
-- Little did we know that Feinstein was pissed and panicked because she thought Obama/Brennan were on to her, as she was later exposed for harboring a Chinese spy and facilitating Chinese espionage over a period of decades (...for which she has never been investigated or punished).

Not only the violations of the Constitution, and violations of the Law but their perversion by Obama and his administration makes you comment 'This is America' a despicable, cruel joke when applied to how Democrats see and have acted in regards to the Constitution and Rule of law.

'This is America'?!

Barak appeared on the scene and immediately declared American need to be FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED...a sentiment I am sure he got from his anti-Colonialist America-hating father...and did his damnedest to affect.

For the last 4 years the Democrats have been pursuing non-stop coup attempts, exposing Democrat crimes - which they ignore, and making a mockery of the Constitution, like by how they have had secret closed door inquisitions, violated citizens' Constitutional Rights, held Russian/Chinese-like investigations where JUSTICE is what they claim it to be and is run as they see fit.

Again,thanks for the easily emotionally-manipulated, Leftist extremist progressive Socialist Democrat parroted indoctrination points, Trump-hating snowflake butt-hurt filtered hate-driven OPINIONS and TRANSLATIONS, but the rest of the American people are not as stupid as Jonathon Gruber pointed out snowflakes truly are.

And we are not as stupid as you are. Committing crimes to investigate crimes can't be tolerated. Not in America.


Talk about bad form. And bad precedence. For what you can possibly get Obama on compared to what Rump has done is like comparing a parking ticket to a murder on 5th avenue. No Sane President would ever set that precedence. But we are talking about Nutzoid Rump who just might.
For starters
Federal abuses on Obama's watch represent a growing blight on his legacy
Feb 12, 2018 · Federal abuses on Obama's watch represent a growing blight on his .... if Clinton were guilty of committing felonies, so was Obama....

Web results
Sorry, Democrats: Obama Is More Responsible For ISIS Than Trump

Feb 16, 2017 · Claiming Trump is responsible for ISIS recruiting has always been dubious - The recent rhetoric of Washington Democrats,

I have lots more, but YOU, being a low IQ poster and paid DNC hack, wouldn't be interested!
Yes, AG Barr has a problem.....who goes down first!


Please, not another 30 plus years of this nonsense. Let's just lock Barr up and end it.

Here in America, we real Americans follow the constitution.

Just because trump and barr don't doesn't mean that we real Americans don't.

Here in America we don't just "lock up" people. We have laws and a constitution that requires a person to be innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

While I do believe that both men have committed crimes, we have a process here in America that most of us believe in and follow.

I am getting very tired of reading and hearing people state "lock him up" or "lock her up." It's ridiculous.

This is America. Not russia.
You need to remind republicans and Putins friend trump of that
Yes, AG Barr has a problem.....who goes down first!


Please, not another 30 plus years of this nonsense. Let's just lock Barr up and end it.

Here in America, we real Americans follow the constitution.

Just because trump and barr don't doesn't mean that we real Americans don't.

Here in America we don't just "lock up" people. We have laws and a constitution that requires a person to be innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

While I do believe that both men have committed crimes, we have a process here in America that most of us believe in and follow.

I am getting very tired of reading and hearing people state "lock him up" or "lock her up." It's ridiculous.

This is America. Not russia.
You need to remind republicans and Putins friend trump of that
Yup, never mind the man on open mic!!!!


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