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Open Borders

In other words, you lied, got caught lying, and now want to blame me.

Yes, immigration policy is racist. Today it is harder for a person from Europe to get here than someone from an Hispanic country. That's why the majority of our legal immigrants are hispanic. Teddy Kennedy changed the immigration laws in the 60's to encourage immigration from 3rd world nations and almost completely ban immigration from 1st world nations.

I lied about being an illegal immigrant. I thought it was funny that a poster accused me of not being a citizen so I teased him.
So what? They'll do that either way. But their kids won't. Because they'll be second generation and totally American. And they don't ship it all out, just a small portion.

Hate to break it to you but all those kids we're giving American citizenship to just for being born here are also citizens of their own country and that's where the alliegence lies. Didn't you see the mayday demonstrations? the Mexican flags? The kids at the highschool that pulled down the American flag and put up the Mexican flag?

Do you know anything at all about "Aztlan"? Have you heard of La Mecha?

I have a hard time believing that an amendment to our constitutions which specifically denies citizenship to children born here to legal diplomats was ever intended to grant citizenship to children born here to illegal aliens. I think it's past time this went to the supreme court. Unfortunately, I think it's already too late.
Hate to break it to you but all those kids we're giving American citizenship to just for being born here are also citizens of their own country and that's where the alliegence lies. Didn't you see the mayday demonstrations? the Mexican flags? The kids at the highschool that pulled down the American flag and put up the Mexican flag?

Do you know anything at all about "Aztlan"? Have you heard of La Mecha?

I have a hard time believing that an amendment to our constitutions which specifically denies citizenship to children born here to legal diplomats was ever intended to grant citizenship to children born here to illegal aliens. I think it's past time this went to the supreme court. Unfortunately, I think it's already too late.
Yep, a handful of trouble makers. Most people that come here actually do come here for a better life. And the majority of the second and third generation and beyond are loyal Americans. It has worked that way since the country started and unless you think Mexicans aren't real people, it will work that way with them.
Like it or not, I vote. Do illegal immigrants or foreign nationals have voting rights in the US?

Good for you. so do I. And, I guess your question is answered according to how authentic the fake social security looks to the election official.
Here is an outstanding article:
The Future of Immigration and the US National Interest The final chapter lays out three scenarios for the future of US immigration policy. In the absence of a coherent new consensus, policymakers will muddle through with more of the same policies pursued during the 1990s and first years of this century: a combination of border enforcement, episodic workplace raids, and continued growth in informal and temporary labor- and family-based flows. Visa rules already fail to meet demand, and global economics and US demographics guarantee continued growth in future visa demand. The result, increasingly, will be a multi-tiered society in which undocumented immigrants and temporary workers occupy distinctly lower positions in the economic system, with significant ripple effects for US workers in related industries, and likely worsening social and cultural cleavages. Avoiding this worst-case scenario will require Americans to have an honest and far-reaching conversation about immigration, globalization, and America’s future. Ultimately, either immigration policy must be situated within a broader economic, security, and cultural context emphasizing regional and global integration, or broader US foreign and domestic economic policies must be adjusted to match unilateralism in managing migration. These are both viable options—globalization is no more inevitable today than it was during the great wave of immigration preceding World War One—and I lay out justifications and concrete policy proposals for each alternative. The chapter concludes with an argument in favor of a layered, regional approach to managing migration, and identifies the most important opportunities and obstacles to implementing these reforms.
America's Great Debate and the History of U.S. Immigration Policy

Warning--not for those who prefer sound bites. This is a research paper and is 37 pages long.
Good for you. so do I. And, I guess your question is answered according to how authentic the fake social security looks to the election official.

Thank you. That cracked me up this morning. Touche'
Good for you. so do I. And, I guess your question is answered according to how authentic the fake social security looks to the election official.

All they have to provide is a driver's license and illegal aliens are given driver's licenses in our state. On Cnn they interviewed and illegal alien that said "We vote too." Anyone who thinks none of them are voting is naive.
It was a joke. You can't tell someone's immigration status by looking at them.
Sure you can. Sheila thinks they all have brown skin and spanish accents. Don't you know? Only white people are legal.
Sure you can. Sheila thinks they all have brown skin and spanish accents.

Nice try, but, no.

Illegals come in all races and ethnicities, just like Americans.

There are a large number of Illegal Irish here too, not nearly as many as hispanics, but still a big number. I'm of Irish decent and I want the illegals from Ireland gone every bit as much as I want the illegals from Mexico gone.

BTW, care to answer the question yet about how having open borders is going to make it easier to "vet" criminals?
All they have to provide is a driver's license and illegal aliens are given driver's licenses in our state. On Cnn they interviewed and illegal alien that said "We vote too." Anyone who thinks none of them are voting is naive.

I'm quite aware of how easy it is to fake a social security card. The ironic piece of this puzzle is that before I can call the gov to verify the authenticity of a SS number I have to actually hire the person, thereby breaking the law, first. I am against drivers licenses for illegals since it's pretty much like letting a pedophile act as a schoolyard monitor and only enables this illegal behaviour. Not to mention that a lot of illegals can't speak engrish letalone read our fucking road signs. And, since they are too busy sending (actual worthwhile) money back to the homeland instead of paying for insurance..

again, illegal aliens do not have a right to be here in the US outside of our American prerogative.
Well kids, why don't your states identify by colored background on the driver's license who is or is not a citizen?

Well kids, why don't your states identify by colored background on the driver's license who is or is not a citizen?


Makes sense to me. However, I see no reason why illegal aliens should be given driver's license in the first place. They are here, illegally. If they are caught driving without a license, DEPORT them.
Nice try, but, no.

Illegals come in all races and ethnicities, just like Americans.

There are a large number of Illegal Irish here too, not nearly as many as hispanics, but still a big number. I'm of Irish decent and I want the illegals from Ireland gone every bit as much as I want the illegals from Mexico gone.

BTW, care to answer the question yet about how having open borders is going to make it easier to "vet" criminals?

Nice try? Go back and read your own posts. You think that current immigration policy is racist toward white europeans.

I read an article, sheila that gave details on how to vet criminals with an open border policy. I haven't found it yet.

It takes considerable time to research these articles. Too bad nobody bothers to read the articles.

So, frankly, your demands on me matter little. When people start reading the articles I do provide I will work a bit harder.
Nice try? Go back and read your own posts. You think that current immigration policy is racist toward white europeans.

I read an article, sheila that gave details on how to vet criminals with an open border policy. I haven't found it yet.

It takes considerable time to research these articles. Too bad nobody bothers to read the articles.

So, frankly, your demands on me matter little. When people start reading the articles I do provide I will work a bit harder.

I said our immigration policy disciminates against people coming from 1st world countries. That started with Ted Kennedy's bill passed in the 60's which made it easier for someone from 3rd world nations to come here while making it almost impossible for someone from Europe to come here.

You are the one that made the claim that allowing free movement across our borders would make it easier to vet criminals. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect you to back up your statement. The truth is it's not logical. Like I said, it's like saying if you don't filter your water, you'll find more contaminents. Forget looking it up. Just think about it and tell me why my analogy doesn't fit, okay?

I'm beginning to think you have no opinion of your own, you're just spouting off what you read without really understanding it.
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I said our immigration policy disciminates against people coming from 1st world countries. That started with Ted Kennedy's bill passed in the 60's which made it easier for someone from 3rd world nations to come here while making it almost impossible for someone from Europe to come here.

Immigration policy continually changes and is historically racist.

I'm trying to remember the series of articles I read about how open borders would help us to vet out the criminal element.

The reasoning went something like this. If all are free to come and go across the border with appropriate ID through check points then there is no need for anyone to be hiding but the criminals.
I said our immigration policy disciminates against people coming from 1st world countries. That started with Ted Kennedy's bill passed in the 60's which made it easier for someone from 3rd world nations to come here while making it almost impossible for someone from Europe to come here.

You are the one that made the claim that allowing free movement across our borders would make it easier to vet criminals. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect you to back up your statement. The truth is it's not logical. Like I said, it's like saying if you don't filter your water, you'll find more contaminents. Forget looking it up. Just think about it and tell me why my analogy doesn't fit, okay?

I'm beginning to think you have no opinion of your own, you're just spouting off what you read without really understanding it.

Actually, that statement of yours that I highlighted is pretty close to the truth. I don't have strong opinions about immigration. I'm interested in the topic, and I am studying it from various points of view. That's why, to me, it is not a problem to discuss the topic of open borders. I'm not trying to win. I'm just interested in examining it from many different points of view.

I am a human rights activist. I always lean toward defending the underdog.

As I go about this process of reading and discussing I encounter people like yourself with strong and inflexible opinions about immigration. So here we are, you and I.

What seems to annoy people who are all worked up about immigration is when they talk about the topic with someone who doesn't have strongly averse feelings about immigration.
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