Open Carry will lead to wild west shoot outs

Um, the idea is to avoid it before it happens.
Do you carry a spare tire in your car? Why carry one if you've never had a flat?

I think most people have had a flat tire. I have.

The rabbi thinks the chances of you being attacked by an armed thug in America are equal to the chances that you will get a flat tire. Good thing he's always so fucking wrong.

Link to where I said that?

You're such a fucking loser. You could screw up a wet dream.
The so called wild west is a myth

The Culture of Violence in the American West: Myth versus Reality: The Independent Review: The Independent Institute

In contrast, an alternative literature based on actual history concludes that the civil society of the American West in the nineteenth century was not very violent. Eugene Hollon writes that the western frontier “was a far more civilized, more peaceful and safer place than American society today” (1974, x). Terry Anderson and P. J. Hill affirm that although “[t]he West . . . is perceived as a place of great chaos, with little respect for property or life,” their research “indicates that this was not the case; property rights were protected and civil order prevailed. Private agencies provided the necessary basis for an orderly society in which property was protected and conflicts were resolved” (1979, 10).

If only we all carried a big gun, life would be so good. Just like the wild wild west. At least in Ohio you can carry your gun into a bar. Could you do that in the wild west days?
The so called wild west is a myth

The Culture of Violence in the American West: Myth versus Reality: The Independent Review: The Independent Institute

In contrast, an alternative literature based on actual history concludes that the civil society of the American West in the nineteenth century was not very violent. Eugene Hollon writes that the western frontier “was a far more civilized, more peaceful and safer place than American society today” (1974, x). Terry Anderson and P. J. Hill affirm that although “[t]he West . . . is perceived as a place of great chaos, with little respect for property or life,” their research “indicates that this was not the case; property rights were protected and civil order prevailed. Private agencies provided the necessary basis for an orderly society in which property was protected and conflicts were resolved” (1979, 10).

Probably because they had to check their guns when they came into town.
The so called wild west is a myth

The Culture of Violence in the American West: Myth versus Reality: The Independent Review: The Independent Institute

In contrast, an alternative literature based on actual history concludes that the civil society of the American West in the nineteenth century was not very violent. Eugene Hollon writes that the western frontier “was a far more civilized, more peaceful and safer place than American society today” (1974, x). Terry Anderson and P. J. Hill affirm that although “[t]he West . . . is perceived as a place of great chaos, with little respect for property or life,” their research “indicates that this was not the case; property rights were protected and civil order prevailed. Private agencies provided the necessary basis for an orderly society in which property was protected and conflicts were resolved” (1979, 10).

If only we all carried a big gun, life would be so good. Just like the wild wild west. At least in Ohio you can carry your gun into a bar. Could you do that in the wild west days?

Once again you completely missed the point.

You just don't give a shit if your assumptions are based on myth do you?

The fact is that the so called wild west wasn't very wild at all except in the movies and dime novels that is.

If only we all carried a big gun, life would be so good. Just like the wild wild west. At least in Ohio you can carry your gun into a bar. Could you do that in the wild west days?

Once again you completely missed the point.

You just don't give a shit if your assumptions are based on myth do you?

The fact is that the so called wild west wasn't very wild at all except in the movies and dime novels that is.

Liberals' reality is shaped by fiction and cartoons. How else to believe that a guy who never held a responsible job in his life with a couple of years as junior senator would make a great president.
The so called wild west is a myth

The Culture of Violence in the American West: Myth versus Reality: The Independent Review: The Independent Institute

In contrast, an alternative literature based on actual history concludes that the civil society of the American West in the nineteenth century was not very violent. Eugene Hollon writes that the western frontier “was a far more civilized, more peaceful and safer place than American society today” (1974, x). Terry Anderson and P. J. Hill affirm that although “[t]he West . . . is perceived as a place of great chaos, with little respect for property or life,” their research “indicates that this was not the case; property rights were protected and civil order prevailed. Private agencies provided the necessary basis for an orderly society in which property was protected and conflicts were resolved” (1979, 10).

Probably because they had to check their guns when they came into town.

Care to offer proof that all town required people to check their guns?
Compared to the killings that go on today, whether by gun, knife, baseball bat, whatever, the Wild West was as tame as a sewing circle. It's a fact that an armed society is a polite society.

Care to offer proof that all town required people to check their guns?

He saw it in a movie. Wyatt Earp, actually I think was the name of it.
Liberals get their "facts" from movies, cartoons and TV shows.
Compared to the killings that go on today, whether by gun, knife, baseball bat, whatever, the Wild West was as tame as a sewing circle. It's a fact that an armed society is a polite society.

We have more guns in the hands of more people than ever before.

You think the society that we live in is a "polite society?" Just curious.
Compared to the killings that go on today, whether by gun, knife, baseball bat, whatever, the Wild West was as tame as a sewing circle. It's a fact that an armed society is a polite society.

We have more guns in the hands of more people than ever before.

You think the society that we live in is a "polite society?" Just curious.

We don't live in an armed society by any stretch of the imagination.
What motivates people to want to carry a gun to pick up a pizza? Is their community that dangerous? Are they paranoid? Do they covet killing a 'bad' guy in their dreams? What is it with this fascination over guns?

Yeah, the Second Amendment states your right to arms cannot be infringed, but when is the responsibility to carry a gun ever discussed? No one carries a gun to buy a pizza or groceries or to have the oil changed in their car. In fact the only reason to carry a gun is to protect themselves or others in the event of .... what? Walking into a bank being robbed? Stopping a teenager from breaking into you car? The Viet Cong landing on your local beach?

Speaking of you freedom to carry, does anyone consider the restrictions? Where do you put it when you go to the beach? There are no gun lockers as there are for LE when entering a jail.
What motivates people to want to carry a gun to pick up a pizza? Is their community that dangerous? Are they paranoid? Do they covet killing a 'bad' guy in their dreams? What is it with this fascination over guns?

Yeah, the Second Amendment states your right to arms cannot be infringed, but when is the responsibility to carry a gun ever discussed? No one carries a gun to buy a pizza or groceries or to have the oil changed in their car. In fact the only reason to carry a gun is to protect themselves or others in the event of .... what? Walking into a bank being robbed? Stopping a teenager from breaking into you car? The Viet Cong landing on your local beach?

Speaking of you freedom to carry, does anyone consider the restrictions? Where do you put it when you go to the beach? There are no gun lockers as there are for LE when entering a jail.
Haveyou ever seen a police officer working a desk who didnt have his gun either on him or immediately in reach? You'd think a police station would be about the safest place around. Why do they need guns?
I mean except the men's room when you're lurking there.
Compared to the killings that go on today, whether by gun, knife, baseball bat, whatever, the Wild West was as tame as a sewing circle. It's a fact that an armed society is a polite society.

We have more guns in the hands of more people than ever before.

You think the society that we live in is a "polite society?" Just curious.

We don't live in an armed society by any stretch of the imagination.

How many millions of weapons are out there? More than ever. Right? More CCW permits than ever. Sounds like an armed society to me. Or at least one that is well on its way to being armed. Are we more polite for having all these weapons than we had been before?

But I guess you want EVERYONE to carry a weapon. Would that be enough arms?

Ain't gonna happen.

We have many incidents of people being shot in restaurants, movie theaters, schools and shopping malls

Open carry just makes it easier
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About 2% of the population in any state with a shall issue permit scheme actually have permits.

As usual, your low information has led you to post nonsense.
What motivates people to want to carry a gun to pick up a pizza? Is their community that dangerous? Are they paranoid? Do they covet killing a 'bad' guy in their dreams? What is it with this fascination over guns?

Yeah, the Second Amendment states your right to arms cannot be infringed, but when is the responsibility to carry a gun ever discussed? No one carries a gun to buy a pizza or groceries or to have the oil changed in their car. In fact the only reason to carry a gun is to protect themselves or others in the event of .... what? Walking into a bank being robbed? Stopping a teenager from breaking into you car? The Viet Cong landing on your local beach?

Speaking of you freedom to carry, does anyone consider the restrictions? Where do you put it when you go to the beach? There are no gun lockers as there are for LE when entering a jail.
Haveyou ever seen a police officer working a desk who didnt have his gun either on him or immediately in reach? You'd think a police station would be about the safest place around. Why do they need guns?
I mean except the men's room when you're lurking there.

Hate to tell you this rabbit. Carrying a gun is part of their uniform. And they have to wear their uniform when on duty. Unless they are detectives. Then they probably are not working the front desk. But the detectives are still armed. Even when in the police station.
It is what police do. Carry a weapon. Is this news to you?

We have many incidents of people being shot it restaurants, movie theaters, schools and shopping malls

Open carry just makes it easier
Probably because they had to check their guns when they came into town.

Care to offer proof that all town required people to check their guns?

He saw it in a movie. Wyatt Earp, actually I think was the name of it.
Liberals get their "facts" from movies, cartoons and TV shows.

It was mentioned earlier in this thread, a thread where you have already shown your weakness in reading comprehension.

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