Open Carry will lead to wild west shoot outs

You need a link to shootings in restaurants, movie theaters, schools and shopping malls?

You must be conservative

I think he was asking for you to prove that open carry makes it easier----got a link for that?

Who needs a link?

You want to shoot up a movie theater in Aurora Colorado? Just march right in with your AR-15 and 50 round magazine....nobody can say a word

You want to massacre school children in Newton Mass? Just walk into the school carrying your AR-15 and backpack full of ammunition. It is your second amendment right

That is not easier?

The point that you libs refuse to comprehend is if there were armed people in those places lives could have been saved. Those assholes might have killed one or two, but they would not have been able to commit mass murder if someone had been able to take them out as soon as they started shooting.

If a would-be shooter knows that he will be shot as soon as he pulls his gun,
he will think twice about it. people with guns keep them holstered unless their lives are threatened. I have carried for years and never had to pull it out, hope I never have to, but I know how to use it if it ever becomes necessary.

Another one of those bad muttafooker gun nutters that surprise doesn't work on. He is so fast that if someone has a gun pointed at his head, he will pull his weapon and shoot that dude before the criminal even knows that he has pulled his gun. Now that's fast.

well, he might get off one shot, but he would be taken down before he killed several people---------thats the point, asshole.

When your brains are spread all over a wall, you don't think the shock will allow the shooter to continue on shooting eh?

You live in a fantasy dude. You think you're Rambo don't cha?
Another one of those bad muttafooker gun nutters that surprise doesn't work on. He is so fast that if someone has a gun pointed at his head, he will pull his weapon and shoot that dude before the criminal even knows that he has pulled his gun. Now that's fast.

well, he might get off one shot, but he would be taken down before he killed several people---------thats the point, asshole.

When your brains are spread all over a wall, you don't think the shock will allow the shooter to continue on shooting eh?

You live in a fantasy dude. You think you're Rambo don't cha?

Nope, Rambo is fantasy. I am just an american male who has experienced a lot of life--both good and bad.

If you are the first target, you probably won't survive, but someone else could take the shooter down and save lives.

but in liberal world you just let him empty the magazine then feel sorry for him because he didn't get picked for the 3rd grade softball team and Betty Sue turned him down for the prom.
I think he was asking for you to prove that open carry makes it easier----got a link for that?

Who needs a link?

You want to shoot up a movie theater in Aurora Colorado? Just march right in with your AR-15 and 50 round magazine....nobody can say a word

You want to massacre school children in Newton Mass? Just walk into the school carrying your AR-15 and backpack full of ammunition. It is your second amendment right

That is not easier?

The point that you libs refuse to comprehend is if there were armed people in those places lives could have been saved. Those assholes might have killed one or two, but they would not have been able to commit mass murder if someone had been able to take them out as soon as they started shooting.

You want armed people everywhere?
What motivates people to want to carry a gun to pick up a pizza? Is their community that dangerous? Are they paranoid? Do they covet killing a 'bad' guy in their dreams? What is it with this fascination over guns?

Yeah, the Second Amendment states your right to arms cannot be infringed, but when is the responsibility to carry a gun ever discussed? No one carries a gun to buy a pizza or groceries or to have the oil changed in their car. In fact the only reason to carry a gun is to protect themselves or others in the event of .... what? Walking into a bank being robbed? Stopping a teenager from breaking into you car? The Viet Cong landing on your local beach?

Speaking of you freedom to carry, does anyone consider the restrictions? Where do you put it when you go to the beach? There are no gun lockers as there are for LE when entering a jail.
Haveyou ever seen a police officer working a desk who didnt have his gun either on him or immediately in reach? You'd think a police station would be about the safest place around. Why do they need guns?
I mean except the men's room when you're lurking there.

Many agencies require a police officer to have his service weapon on his person at all times, on and off duty (s/he is technically on duty at all times). I understand this has changed in the first agency where I worked; going out to a bar in my 20's with a gun seemed as stupid to me then as it does today.

My grandfather lost three fingers and his typewriter in the police station when a shotgun discharged accidently. Times change and agencies adapt. Fools do not.

My son is required to carry whenever he is within the boundaries of the city he works for. For that reason, he says he will never live in that city. He wants to go to the store and coach youth basketball and play beach volleyball while unarmed. Weird kid, huh?
Who needs a link?

You want to shoot up a movie theater in Aurora Colorado? Just march right in with your AR-15 and 50 round magazine....nobody can say a word

You want to massacre school children in Newton Mass? Just walk into the school carrying your AR-15 and backpack full of ammunition. It is your second amendment right

That is not easier?

The point that you libs refuse to comprehend is if there were armed people in those places lives could have been saved. Those assholes might have killed one or two, but they would not have been able to commit mass murder if someone had been able to take them out as soon as they started shooting.

You want armed people everywhere?

they already are--------criminals and police, and a few law abiding citizens.
well, he might get off one shot, but he would be taken down before he killed several people---------thats the point, asshole.

When your brains are spread all over a wall, you don't think the shock will allow the shooter to continue on shooting eh?

You live in a fantasy dude. You think you're Rambo don't cha?

Nope, Rambo is fantasy. I am just an american male who has experienced a lot of life--both good and bad.

If you are the first target, you probably won't survive, but someone else could take the shooter down and save lives.

but in liberal world you just let him empty the magazine then feel sorry for him because he didn't get picked for the 3rd grade softball team and Betty Sue turned him down for the prom.

In fantasy world, you are correct. Of course someone else shooting could hit the two people standing next to the shooter just as easy. But in fantasy land, no one who aims their gun ever misses.

In the real world, misses are a common occurrence and should be expected when your heart rate goes to 200 bpm and you are scared you are gonna die.

But that's just the real world and you don't live there.
When your brains are spread all over a wall, you don't think the shock will allow the shooter to continue on shooting eh?

You live in a fantasy dude. You think you're Rambo don't cha?

Nope, Rambo is fantasy. I am just an american male who has experienced a lot of life--both good and bad.

If you are the first target, you probably won't survive, but someone else could take the shooter down and save lives.

but in liberal world you just let him empty the magazine then feel sorry for him because he didn't get picked for the 3rd grade softball team and Betty Sue turned him down for the prom.

In fantasy world, you are correct. Of course someone else shooting could hit the two people standing next to the shooter just as easy. But in fantasy land, no one who aims their gun ever misses.

In the real world, misses are a common occurrence and should be expected when your heart rate goes to 200 bpm and you are scared you are gonna die.

But that's just the real world and you don't live there.

you are correct, but thats a risk that is worth taking. Its also why training is required before you can get a concealed carry permit.

which is worse----------10 dead innocents and a live shooter or 2 dead innocents and a dead shooter? Thats what we are talking about here.

How many lives could have been saved at Ft Hood if someone had taken Hassan down after he shot the first person? How much money could the govt have saved if the asshole had been killed on the spot rather than put through a lengthy and expensive trial?
Nope, Rambo is fantasy. I am just an american male who has experienced a lot of life--both good and bad.

If you are the first target, you probably won't survive, but someone else could take the shooter down and save lives.

but in liberal world you just let him empty the magazine then feel sorry for him because he didn't get picked for the 3rd grade softball team and Betty Sue turned him down for the prom.

In fantasy world, you are correct. Of course someone else shooting could hit the two people standing next to the shooter just as easy. But in fantasy land, no one who aims their gun ever misses.

In the real world, misses are a common occurrence and should be expected when your heart rate goes to 200 bpm and you are scared you are gonna die.

But that's just the real world and you don't live there.

you are correct, but thats a risk that is worth taking. Its also why training is required before you can get a concealed carry permit.

which is worse----------10 dead innocents and a live shooter or 2 dead innocents and a dead shooter? Thats what we are talking about here.

How many lives could have been saved at Ft Hood if someone had taken Hassan down after he shot the first person? How much money could the govt have saved if the asshole had been killed on the spot rather than put through a lengthy and expensive trial?

Fantasy. How accurate are fully trained law enforcement officers when it comes to firing handguns in real world situations?
Care to offer proof that all town required people to check their guns?

He watches too many movies.

And you need to learn how to use Google. I just did, typed in gun control wild west.
You would be surprised what comes up. But it doesn't fit with your fantasy. So maybe don't Google.

Yet you ignore the fact that the so called wild west wasn't really wild at all even though everyone was armed
The point that you libs refuse to comprehend is if there were armed people in those places lives could have been saved. Those assholes might have killed one or two, but they would not have been able to commit mass murder if someone had been able to take them out as soon as they started shooting.

You want armed people everywhere?

they already are--------criminals and police, and a few law abiding citizens.

That is not the country I want to live in. I left the United States almost 20 years ago, and the gun culture was part of the reason, and it was not near as bad as it is now. Open carrying is just insane.

If a would-be shooter knows that he will be shot as soon as he pulls his gun,
he will think twice about it. people with guns keep them holstered unless their lives are threatened. I have carried for years and never had to pull it out, hope I never have to, but I know how to use it if it ever becomes necessary.

Another one of those bad muttafooker gun nutters that surprise doesn't work on. He is so fast that if someone has a gun pointed at his head, he will pull his weapon and shoot that dude before the criminal even knows that he has pulled his gun. Now that's fast.

well, he might get off one shot, but he would be taken down before he killed several people---------thats the point, asshole.

It's not hard to imagine a situation where a large number of citizens - few if any as well trained as law enforcement officers - are in a mall armed with handguns, and a suicidal maniac with a firearm and a large capacity magazine begins to kill others. Soon every Tom, Dick and Henrietta will pull their gun and in a panic many will begin to fire indiscriminately at others holding a gun.

Untrained and panicked armed citizens will one day prove how stupid is the fantasy of those who believe an armed amateur will protect them from a well armed and suicidal maniac. The unintended consequences suggest a greater number of body bags will be needed; death by friendly fire happens even with well trained and seasoned troops.
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I think he was asking for you to prove that open carry makes it easier----got a link for that?

Who needs a link?

You want to shoot up a movie theater in Aurora Colorado? Just march right in with your AR-15 and 50 round magazine....nobody can say a word

You want to massacre school children in Newton Mass? Just walk into the school carrying your AR-15 and backpack full of ammunition. It is your second amendment right

That is not easier?

The point that you libs refuse to comprehend is if there were armed people in those places lives could have been saved. Those assholes might have killed one or two, but they would not have been able to commit mass murder if someone had been able to take them out as soon as they started shooting.

Nope, Rambo is fantasy. I am just an american male who has experienced a lot of life--both good and bad.

If you are the first target, you probably won't survive, but someone else could take the shooter down and save lives.

but in liberal world you just let him empty the magazine then feel sorry for him because he didn't get picked for the 3rd grade softball team and Betty Sue turned him down for the prom.

In fantasy world, you are correct. Of course someone else shooting could hit the two people standing next to the shooter just as easy. But in fantasy land, no one who aims their gun ever misses.

In the real world, misses are a common occurrence and should be expected when your heart rate goes to 200 bpm and you are scared you are gonna die.

But that's just the real world and you don't live there.

you are correct, but thats a risk that is worth taking. Its also why training is required before you can get a concealed carry permit.

which is worse----------10 dead innocents and a live shooter or 2 dead innocents and a dead shooter? Thats what we are talking about here.

How many lives could have been saved at Ft Hood if someone had taken Hassan down after he shot the first person? How much money could the govt have saved if the asshole had been killed on the spot rather than put through a lengthy and expensive trial?
You forget though...Obama and his crew labeled that "Workplace violence...":eusa_whistle:
You libs can argue bull shit tangents all you want to, fact is that concealed carry, and open carry laws have NOT led to "wild west shoot outs" and all the idiot partisan talking points won't make that fact go away.
Another one of those bad muttafooker gun nutters that surprise doesn't work on. He is so fast that if someone has a gun pointed at his head, he will pull his weapon and shoot that dude before the criminal even knows that he has pulled his gun. Now that's fast.

well, he might get off one shot, but he would be taken down before he killed several people---------thats the point, asshole.

It's not hard to imagine a situation where a large number of citizens - few if any as well trained as law enforcement officers - are in a mall armed with handguns, and a suicidal maniac with a firearm and a large capacity magazine begins to kill others. Soon every Tom, Dick and Henrietta will pull their gun and in a panic many will begin to fire indiscriminately at others holding a gun.

Untrained and panicked armed citizens will one day prove how stupid is the fantasy of those who believe an armed amateur will protect them from a well armed and suicidal maniac. The unintended consequences suggest a greater number of body bags will be needed; death by friendly fire happens even with well trained and seasoned troops.

I've shot competitions with cops. They absolutely suck. About one in maybe 50 or 75 is really dedicated to it. Lots of armed citizens are ardent about practicing however and are much better pistol shots.
Here's an example from my hometown.
[ame=]Brentwood Police May 6_2002.avi - YouTube[/ame]
You libs can argue bull shit tangents all you want to, fact is that concealed carry, and open carry laws have NOT led to "wild west shoot outs" and all the idiot partisan talking points won't make that fact go away.

It's not hard to imagine a situation where a large number of citizens - few if any as well trained as law enforcement officers - are in a mall armed with handguns, and a suicidal maniac with a firearm and a large capacity magazine begins to kill others. Soon every Tom, Dick and Henrietta will pull their gun and in a panic many will begin to fire indiscriminately at others holding a gun.

Untrained and panicked armed citizens will one day prove how stupid is the fantasy of those who believe an armed amateur will protect them from a well armed and suicidal maniac. The unintended consequences suggest a greater number of body bags will be needed; death by friendly fire happens even with well trained and seasoned troops.
Another one of those bad muttafooker gun nutters that surprise doesn't work on. He is so fast that if someone has a gun pointed at his head, he will pull his weapon and shoot that dude before the criminal even knows that he has pulled his gun. Now that's fast.

well, he might get off one shot, but he would be taken down before he killed several people---------thats the point, asshole.

It's not hard to imagine a situation where a large number of citizens - few if any as well trained as law enforcement officers - are in a mall armed with handguns, and a suicidal maniac with a firearm and a large capacity magazine begins to kill others. Soon every Tom, Dick and Henrietta will pull their gun and in a panic many will begin to fire indiscriminately at others holding a gun.

Untrained and panicked armed citizens will one day prove how stupid is the fantasy of those who believe an armed amateur will protect them from a well armed and suicidal maniac. The unintended consequences suggest a greater number of body bags will be needed; death by friendly fire happens even with well trained and seasoned troops.
Yeah, let's keep that stuff to the inner cities where it belongs.
You libs can argue bull shit tangents all you want to, fact is that concealed carry, and open carry laws have NOT led to "wild west shoot outs" and all the idiot partisan talking points won't make that fact go away.

It's not hard to imagine a situation where a large number of citizens - few if any as well trained as law enforcement officers - are in a mall armed with handguns, and a suicidal maniac with a firearm and a large capacity magazine begins to kill others. Soon every Tom, Dick and Henrietta will pull their gun and in a panic many will begin to fire indiscriminately at others holding a gun.

Untrained and panicked armed citizens will one day prove how stupid is the fantasy of those who believe an armed amateur will protect them from a well armed and suicidal maniac. The unintended consequences suggest a greater number of body bags will be needed; death by friendly fire happens even with well trained and seasoned troops.

And yet it hasn't happened in over a decade of concealed carry and open carry. You panicky liberals can make up dozens of scenarios in you're "minds" till the cows come home and the fact will remain that it hasn't happened.
You libs can argue bull shit tangents all you want to, fact is that concealed carry, and open carry laws have NOT led to "wild west shoot outs" and all the idiot partisan talking points won't make that fact go away.

It's not hard to imagine a situation where a large number of citizens - few if any as well trained as law enforcement officers - are in a mall armed with handguns, and a suicidal maniac with a firearm and a large capacity magazine begins to kill others. Soon every Tom, Dick and Henrietta will pull their gun and in a panic many will begin to fire indiscriminately at others holding a gun.

Untrained and panicked armed citizens will one day prove how stupid is the fantasy of those who believe an armed amateur will protect them from a well armed and suicidal maniac. The unintended consequences suggest a greater number of body bags will be needed; death by friendly fire happens even with well trained and seasoned troops.

And yet it hasn't happened in over a decade of concealed carry and open carry. You panicky liberals can make up dozens of scenarios in you're "minds" till the cows come home and the fact will remain that it hasn't happened.

LOL, and in your 'scenario' - also made up - an armed and untrained citizen (shooting at targets which don't shoot and having no use of force policy nor practiced scenario's as do SWAT) will be an effective tool in real life situations. Having no command structure, no on going intelligence and no communication among the white hats = chaos.

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