Open Fraud


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
When one thinks of corruption, the USSR and Mexico spring to mind as glaring examples. A few decades back, Americans looked with disdain at these cesspools of bribes, kickbacks, and theft. But the criminal enterprises of Kruscheve and the PRI are amateur hour compared to the United States today and the Obama administration.

So I'm going to try and maintain a thread of current corruption. I don't have the space, and USMB doesn't have the disk capacity to house anywhere near all of the corruption in our government, so only the more egregious and outrageous will be listed.

So let's start with Seedco. Seedco is an ACORN like criminal enterprise. It is the "Structured Employment Economic Development Corporation" and a darling of the Obama administration. Seedco is known for defrauding the City of New York in a job placement scam. According to the New York Post; { less than a year ago, Seedco agreed to settle a civil fraud lawsuit "for faking at least 1,400 of 6,500 job placements under a $22.2 million federally funded contract with the city." }

Hmm, well, there are crooks in all walks of life - BUT....

{U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius controls a $54 million slush fund to hire thousands of "navigators," "in-person assisters" and counselors, who are now propagandizing and recruiting Obamacare recipients into the government-run exchanges. }

Well, that's to be expected from the Obama administration, so what about the crooks of Seedco?

{the seedy nonprofit Seedco. This community-organizing group snagged lucrative multimillion-dollar navigator contracts in Georgia, Maryland, Tennessee and New York. }

Well damn, crime DOES pay - at least if you have connection to the corrupt Obama administration.

{The Nonprofit Quarterly noted that Seedco's fraud was "kind of breathtaking" in its "creativity and illegal audacity," including:

--"Taking credit for a job candidate's prior employment as job placements;

--Reporting job placements when the job candidates remained unemployed;

--Falsifying dates of job placements;

--Using other Seedco programs to collect information on clients in order to falsely report job placements; and

--Reporting job placements for people who were not Seedco clients and had not been placed in their jobs by Seedco."

The feds detailed how Seedco managers would instruct clerical workers to troll and for resumes and then "report the employment of individuals sourced from those downloaded resumes as job placements." Other employees exploited their relationships with businesses to "gather information from the businesses' current employees. Seedco then used that information to falsely report that employment as a job placement obtained for the candidate by Seedco, although the individuals had no prior relationship with Seedco and had not been recruited into the job by Seedco." }


Fraud firm gets OK to sign people up for ObamaCare | New York Post

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Settles Civil Fraud Lawsuit Against SEEDCO For $1.725 Million

Seedco: Obamacare's Fraud-Stained Navigators - Michelle Malkin - Page full
Both of the American political parties are corrupt.

There is no question that the elected officials from both parties follow a hierarchy where emphasis is place in the following order;

  1. Their personal fortunes
  2. Good of the party
  3. Special Interests
  4. Nepotism
  5. Building governmental power
  6. Building a legacy
  7. Serving the press and media
  8. Good of the nation
  9. Needs of their constituents

But the American democrats are a special kind of corrupt, open and blatant. The party revels in rubbing the nose of the public in the corruption of the party, partially to demonstrate the contempt the party has for the people.

So it is little surprise that the democrats in California will today openly move to defraud elections by bribing illegal aliens with drivers licenses to vote for the shameful criminals of the democratic party.

Criminal governor Jerry Brown is set to sign into law a measure granting licenses to illegals. Brown follows the corruption guidelines by placing the will of special interests above the will of the ruled masses.

Gov. Jerry Brown to sign law allowing driver's licenses for illegal immigrants |

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