Open Hate And Harassment

Seems to be the liberal trick of the day and while many may have written on CNN's attack on Trump one angle has been missed. CNN and Liberals are in fact racist.
This is so easy to prove because its so open. Had ANY white person gone after Obama like they did Trump EVERY liberal democrat that could draw a breath would have said "You attacked him BECAUSE he is black!"

Given the history of CNN I suggest to you folks Donald Trump was attacked SOLELY on the fact he is white. The fact he is Christian and Conservative is only the ribbon and the bow on the package. The fact he is Euro/White is the reason democrats hate him.

Obama was NEVER attacked like that during a press conference NEVER. So it HAS to be because of his color right? We have has that very excuse pounded into us for eight LONG years! Let us now ALL face the fact that CNN and democrats ARE open and virulent RACISTS.

There is simply NO place in a civilized free world country for that crap. Its time we faced the fact that the democrat party has not only been the symbol but the center of every racist group and movement founded, formed or financed in this country for TWO HUNDRED years.

We have a DUTY as American CITIZENS as people who hold to the constitution and support the Bill of Rights to stomp out EVERY last breath of ANY hate mongering and racist group in America. And the core of ALL those groups from the KKK to BLM IS the democrat party.

World history WILL one day record that the greatest mistake we made as a country {America} and the greatest mistake we made as a people {Americans} was to ALLOW the democrat party to even exist post civil war. We have ALLOWED a party to exist that HAS and DOES support the enslavement of humanity.

How foolish have we been?


I don't think Trump is attacked because he's white...but because of things he himself has said. He engineered a campaign that was volatile, angry, and insulting to many people. When criticized his reaction was way out of proportion to the perceived slight with all the hallmarks of a scorched earth mentality. The fact that his campaign attracted fringe groups long marginalized by both the left and the right didn't help matters.

I think I see where you are going with this though :lol: When Obama was attacked was it race? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I think the persistence of the birther movement had some racial connotations to it.

The Democrats of today are not the Democrats of yesterday - the southern conservative Dixiecrats who supported Jim Crowe and fled the party when it turned away from them and promoted civil rights. Who welcomed them with open arms...hmmmm? (hint - the Dems lost that valuable block of southern states).

The democrats moved to and took over the cities and taught racist thinking to ANOTHER color all the while killing them in ever growing numbers.

While the Ds were founded in 1824 as an openly racist party preaching Indian genocide by death march east of the Mississippi, the Republicans were not far behind as with Lincoln's idea of dumping blacks in Liberia, the Long Walk of the Dinneh under his watch too and similar stunts by their Successors. The major difference is Jill Stein proving in Detroit at least that the Ds have never seen a ballot box that they won't stuff. Even more important is their history of self-enrichment at the taxpayer's expense. The Ds are simply a criminal gang masquerading as a political party. That is the reason for the correlation in those maps you use as a sig and that is the most important difference to keep in mind.

Democrats went from stealing the labors of an enslaved man to stealing from the coffers of a free man.
Seems to be the liberal trick of the day and while many may have written on CNN's attack on Trump one angle has been missed. CNN and Liberals are in fact racist.
This is so easy to prove because its so open. Had ANY white person gone after Obama like they did Trump EVERY liberal democrat that could draw a breath would have said "You attacked him BECAUSE he is black!"

Given the history of CNN I suggest to you folks Donald Trump was attacked SOLELY on the fact he is white. The fact he is Christian and Conservative is only the ribbon and the bow on the package. The fact he is Euro/White is the reason democrats hate him.

Obama was NEVER attacked like that during a press conference NEVER. So it HAS to be because of his color right? We have has that very excuse pounded into us for eight LONG years! Let us now ALL face the fact that CNN and democrats ARE open and virulent RACISTS.

There is simply NO place in a civilized free world country for that crap. Its time we faced the fact that the democrat party has not only been the symbol but the center of every racist group and movement founded, formed or financed in this country for TWO HUNDRED years.

We have a DUTY as American CITIZENS as people who hold to the constitution and support the Bill of Rights to stomp out EVERY last breath of ANY hate mongering and racist group in America. And the core of ALL those groups from the KKK to BLM IS the democrat party.

World history WILL one day record that the greatest mistake we made as a country {America} and the greatest mistake we made as a people {Americans} was to ALLOW the democrat party to even exist post civil war. We have ALLOWED a party to exist that HAS and DOES support the enslavement of humanity.

How foolish have we been?


I don't think Trump is attacked because he's white...but because of things he himself has said. He engineered a campaign that was volatile, angry, and insulting to many people. When criticized his reaction was way out of proportion to the perceived slight with all the hallmarks of a scorched earth mentality. The fact that his campaign attracted fringe groups long marginalized by both the left and the right didn't help matters.

I think I see where you are going with this though :lol: When Obama was attacked was it race? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I think the persistence of the birther movement had some racial connotations to it.

The Democrats of today are not the Democrats of yesterday - the southern conservative Dixiecrats who supported Jim Crowe and fled the party when it turned away from them and promoted civil rights. Who welcomed them with open arms...hmmmm? (hint - the Dems lost that valuable block of southern states).

The democrats moved to and took over the cities and taught racist thinking to ANOTHER color all the while killing them in ever growing numbers.

While the Ds were founded in 1824 as an openly racist party preaching Indian genocide by death march east of the Mississippi, the Republicans were not far behind as with Lincoln's idea of dumping blacks in Liberia, the Long Walk of the Dinneh under his watch too and similar stunts by their Successors. The major difference is Jill Stein proving in Detroit at least that the Ds have never seen a ballot box that they won't stuff. Even more important is their history of self-enrichment at the taxpayer's expense. The Ds are simply a criminal gang masquerading as a political party. That is the reason for the correlation in those maps you use as a sig and that is the most important difference to keep in mind.

Democrats went from stealing the labors of an enslaved man to stealing from the coffers of a free man.

Seems to be the liberal trick of the day and while many may have written on CNN's attack on Trump one angle has been missed. CNN and Liberals are in fact racist.
This is so easy to prove because its so open. Had ANY white person gone after Obama like they did Trump EVERY liberal democrat that could draw a breath would have said "You attacked him BECAUSE he is black!"

Given the history of CNN I suggest to you folks Donald Trump was attacked SOLELY on the fact he is white. The fact he is Christian and Conservative is only the ribbon and the bow on the package. The fact he is Euro/White is the reason democrats hate him.

Obama was NEVER attacked like that during a press conference NEVER. So it HAS to be because of his color right? We have has that very excuse pounded into us for eight LONG years! Let us now ALL face the fact that CNN and democrats ARE open and virulent RACISTS.

There is simply NO place in a civilized free world country for that crap. Its time we faced the fact that the democrat party has not only been the symbol but the center of every racist group and movement founded, formed or financed in this country for TWO HUNDRED years.

We have a DUTY as American CITIZENS as people who hold to the constitution and support the Bill of Rights to stomp out EVERY last breath of ANY hate mongering and racist group in America. And the core of ALL those groups from the KKK to BLM IS the democrat party.

World history WILL one day record that the greatest mistake we made as a country {America} and the greatest mistake we made as a people {Americans} was to ALLOW the democrat party to even exist post civil war. We have ALLOWED a party to exist that HAS and DOES support the enslavement of humanity.

How foolish have we been?


I don't think Trump is attacked because he's white...but because of things he himself has said. He engineered a campaign that was volatile, angry, and insulting to many people. When criticized his reaction was way out of proportion to the perceived slight with all the hallmarks of a scorched earth mentality. The fact that his campaign attracted fringe groups long marginalized by both the left and the right didn't help matters.

I think I see where you are going with this though :lol: When Obama was attacked was it race? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I think the persistence of the birther movement had some racial connotations to it.

The Democrats of today are not the Democrats of yesterday - the southern conservative Dixiecrats who supported Jim Crowe and fled the party when it turned away from them and promoted civil rights. Who welcomed them with open arms...hmmmm? (hint - the Dems lost that valuable block of southern states).

The democrats moved to and took over the cities and taught racist thinking to ANOTHER color all the while killing them in ever growing numbers.

While the Ds were founded in 1824 as an openly racist party preaching Indian genocide by death march east of the Mississippi, the Republicans were not far behind as with Lincoln's idea of dumping blacks in Liberia, the Long Walk of the Dinneh under his watch too and similar stunts by their Successors. The major difference is Jill Stein proving in Detroit at least that the Ds have never seen a ballot box that they won't stuff. Even more important is their history of self-enrichment at the taxpayer's expense. The Ds are simply a criminal gang masquerading as a political party. That is the reason for the correlation in those maps you use as a sig and that is the most important difference to keep in mind.

Democrats went from stealing the labors of an enslaved man to stealing from the coffers of a free man.

Seems to be the liberal trick of the day and while many may have written on CNN's attack on Trump one angle has been missed. CNN and Liberals are in fact racist.
This is so easy to prove because its so open. Had ANY white person gone after Obama like they did Trump EVERY liberal democrat that could draw a breath would have said "You attacked him BECAUSE he is black!"

Given the history of CNN I suggest to you folks Donald Trump was attacked SOLELY on the fact he is white. The fact he is Christian and Conservative is only the ribbon and the bow on the package. The fact he is Euro/White is the reason democrats hate him.

Obama was NEVER attacked like that during a press conference NEVER. So it HAS to be because of his color right? We have has that very excuse pounded into us for eight LONG years! Let us now ALL face the fact that CNN and democrats ARE open and virulent RACISTS.

There is simply NO place in a civilized free world country for that crap. Its time we faced the fact that the democrat party has not only been the symbol but the center of every racist group and movement founded, formed or financed in this country for TWO HUNDRED years.

We have a DUTY as American CITIZENS as people who hold to the constitution and support the Bill of Rights to stomp out EVERY last breath of ANY hate mongering and racist group in America. And the core of ALL those groups from the KKK to BLM IS the democrat party.

World history WILL one day record that the greatest mistake we made as a country {America} and the greatest mistake we made as a people {Americans} was to ALLOW the democrat party to even exist post civil war. We have ALLOWED a party to exist that HAS and DOES support the enslavement of humanity.

How foolish have we been?


I don't think Trump is attacked because he's white...but because of things he himself has said. He engineered a campaign that was volatile, angry, and insulting to many people. When criticized his reaction was way out of proportion to the perceived slight with all the hallmarks of a scorched earth mentality. The fact that his campaign attracted fringe groups long marginalized by both the left and the right didn't help matters.

I think I see where you are going with this though :lol: When Obama was attacked was it race? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I think the persistence of the birther movement had some racial connotations to it.

The Democrats of today are not the Democrats of yesterday - the southern conservative Dixiecrats who supported Jim Crowe and fled the party when it turned away from them and promoted civil rights. Who welcomed them with open arms...hmmmm? (hint - the Dems lost that valuable block of southern states).

The democrats moved to and took over the cities and taught racist thinking to ANOTHER color all the while killing them in ever growing numbers.

While the Ds were founded in 1824 as an openly racist party preaching Indian genocide by death march east of the Mississippi, the Republicans were not far behind as with Lincoln's idea of dumping blacks in Liberia, the Long Walk of the Dinneh under his watch too and similar stunts by their Successors. The major difference is Jill Stein proving in Detroit at least that the Ds have never seen a ballot box that they won't stuff. Even more important is their history of self-enrichment at the taxpayer's expense. The Ds are simply a criminal gang masquerading as a political party. That is the reason for the correlation in those maps you use as a sig and that is the most important difference to keep in mind.

Democrats went from stealing the labors of an enslaved man to stealing from the coffers of a free man.

No they have been stealing everything not nailed down and some things that are from their foundation: free, slave is irrelevant.
Seems to be the liberal trick of the day and while many may have written on CNN's attack on Trump one angle has been missed. CNN and Liberals are in fact racist.
This is so easy to prove because its so open. Had ANY white person gone after Obama like they did Trump EVERY liberal democrat that could draw a breath would have said "You attacked him BECAUSE he is black!"

Given the history of CNN I suggest to you folks Donald Trump was attacked SOLELY on the fact he is white. The fact he is Christian and Conservative is only the ribbon and the bow on the package. The fact he is Euro/White is the reason democrats hate him.

Obama was NEVER attacked like that during a press conference NEVER. So it HAS to be because of his color right? We have has that very excuse pounded into us for eight LONG years! Let us now ALL face the fact that CNN and democrats ARE open and virulent RACISTS.

There is simply NO place in a civilized free world country for that crap. Its time we faced the fact that the democrat party has not only been the symbol but the center of every racist group and movement founded, formed or financed in this country for TWO HUNDRED years.

We have a DUTY as American CITIZENS as people who hold to the constitution and support the Bill of Rights to stomp out EVERY last breath of ANY hate mongering and racist group in America. And the core of ALL those groups from the KKK to BLM IS the democrat party.

World history WILL one day record that the greatest mistake we made as a country {America} and the greatest mistake we made as a people {Americans} was to ALLOW the democrat party to even exist post civil war. We have ALLOWED a party to exist that HAS and DOES support the enslavement of humanity.

How foolish have we been?


I don't think Trump is attacked because he's white...but because of things he himself has said. He engineered a campaign that was volatile, angry, and insulting to many people. When criticized his reaction was way out of proportion to the perceived slight with all the hallmarks of a scorched earth mentality. The fact that his campaign attracted fringe groups long marginalized by both the left and the right didn't help matters.

I think I see where you are going with this though :lol: When Obama was attacked was it race? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I think the persistence of the birther movement had some racial connotations to it.

The Democrats of today are not the Democrats of yesterday - the southern conservative Dixiecrats who supported Jim Crowe and fled the party when it turned away from them and promoted civil rights. Who welcomed them with open arms...hmmmm? (hint - the Dems lost that valuable block of southern states).

The democrats moved to and took over the cities and taught racist thinking to ANOTHER color all the while killing them in ever growing numbers.

While the Ds were founded in 1824 as an openly racist party preaching Indian genocide by death march east of the Mississippi, the Republicans were not far behind as with Lincoln's idea of dumping blacks in Liberia, the Long Walk of the Dinneh under his watch too and similar stunts by their Successors. The major difference is Jill Stein proving in Detroit at least that the Ds have never seen a ballot box that they won't stuff. Even more important is their history of self-enrichment at the taxpayer's expense. The Ds are simply a criminal gang masquerading as a political party. That is the reason for the correlation in those maps you use as a sig and that is the most important difference to keep in mind.

Democrats went from stealing the labors of an enslaved man to stealing from the coffers of a free man.

Seems to be the liberal trick of the day and while many may have written on CNN's attack on Trump one angle has been missed. CNN and Liberals are in fact racist.
This is so easy to prove because its so open. Had ANY white person gone after Obama like they did Trump EVERY liberal democrat that could draw a breath would have said "You attacked him BECAUSE he is black!"

Given the history of CNN I suggest to you folks Donald Trump was attacked SOLELY on the fact he is white. The fact he is Christian and Conservative is only the ribbon and the bow on the package. The fact he is Euro/White is the reason democrats hate him.

Obama was NEVER attacked like that during a press conference NEVER. So it HAS to be because of his color right? We have has that very excuse pounded into us for eight LONG years! Let us now ALL face the fact that CNN and democrats ARE open and virulent RACISTS.

There is simply NO place in a civilized free world country for that crap. Its time we faced the fact that the democrat party has not only been the symbol but the center of every racist group and movement founded, formed or financed in this country for TWO HUNDRED years.

We have a DUTY as American CITIZENS as people who hold to the constitution and support the Bill of Rights to stomp out EVERY last breath of ANY hate mongering and racist group in America. And the core of ALL those groups from the KKK to BLM IS the democrat party.

World history WILL one day record that the greatest mistake we made as a country {America} and the greatest mistake we made as a people {Americans} was to ALLOW the democrat party to even exist post civil war. We have ALLOWED a party to exist that HAS and DOES support the enslavement of humanity.

How foolish have we been?


I don't think Trump is attacked because he's white...but because of things he himself has said. He engineered a campaign that was volatile, angry, and insulting to many people. When criticized his reaction was way out of proportion to the perceived slight with all the hallmarks of a scorched earth mentality. The fact that his campaign attracted fringe groups long marginalized by both the left and the right didn't help matters.

I think I see where you are going with this though :lol: When Obama was attacked was it race? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I think the persistence of the birther movement had some racial connotations to it.

The Democrats of today are not the Democrats of yesterday - the southern conservative Dixiecrats who supported Jim Crowe and fled the party when it turned away from them and promoted civil rights. Who welcomed them with open arms...hmmmm? (hint - the Dems lost that valuable block of southern states).

The democrats moved to and took over the cities and taught racist thinking to ANOTHER color all the while killing them in ever growing numbers.

While the Ds were founded in 1824 as an openly racist party preaching Indian genocide by death march east of the Mississippi, the Republicans were not far behind as with Lincoln's idea of dumping blacks in Liberia, the Long Walk of the Dinneh under his watch too and similar stunts by their Successors. The major difference is Jill Stein proving in Detroit at least that the Ds have never seen a ballot box that they won't stuff. Even more important is their history of self-enrichment at the taxpayer's expense. The Ds are simply a criminal gang masquerading as a political party. That is the reason for the correlation in those maps you use as a sig and that is the most important difference to keep in mind.

Democrats went from stealing the labors of an enslaved man to stealing from the coffers of a free man.

Seems to be the liberal trick of the day and while many may have written on CNN's attack on Trump one angle has been missed. CNN and Liberals are in fact racist.
This is so easy to prove because its so open. Had ANY white person gone after Obama like they did Trump EVERY liberal democrat that could draw a breath would have said "You attacked him BECAUSE he is black!"

Given the history of CNN I suggest to you folks Donald Trump was attacked SOLELY on the fact he is white. The fact he is Christian and Conservative is only the ribbon and the bow on the package. The fact he is Euro/White is the reason democrats hate him.

Obama was NEVER attacked like that during a press conference NEVER. So it HAS to be because of his color right? We have has that very excuse pounded into us for eight LONG years! Let us now ALL face the fact that CNN and democrats ARE open and virulent RACISTS.

There is simply NO place in a civilized free world country for that crap. Its time we faced the fact that the democrat party has not only been the symbol but the center of every racist group and movement founded, formed or financed in this country for TWO HUNDRED years.

We have a DUTY as American CITIZENS as people who hold to the constitution and support the Bill of Rights to stomp out EVERY last breath of ANY hate mongering and racist group in America. And the core of ALL those groups from the KKK to BLM IS the democrat party.

World history WILL one day record that the greatest mistake we made as a country {America} and the greatest mistake we made as a people {Americans} was to ALLOW the democrat party to even exist post civil war. We have ALLOWED a party to exist that HAS and DOES support the enslavement of humanity.

How foolish have we been?


I don't think Trump is attacked because he's white...but because of things he himself has said. He engineered a campaign that was volatile, angry, and insulting to many people. When criticized his reaction was way out of proportion to the perceived slight with all the hallmarks of a scorched earth mentality. The fact that his campaign attracted fringe groups long marginalized by both the left and the right didn't help matters.

I think I see where you are going with this though :lol: When Obama was attacked was it race? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I think the persistence of the birther movement had some racial connotations to it.

The Democrats of today are not the Democrats of yesterday - the southern conservative Dixiecrats who supported Jim Crowe and fled the party when it turned away from them and promoted civil rights. Who welcomed them with open arms...hmmmm? (hint - the Dems lost that valuable block of southern states).

The democrats moved to and took over the cities and taught racist thinking to ANOTHER color all the while killing them in ever growing numbers.

While the Ds were founded in 1824 as an openly racist party preaching Indian genocide by death march east of the Mississippi, the Republicans were not far behind as with Lincoln's idea of dumping blacks in Liberia, the Long Walk of the Dinneh under his watch too and similar stunts by their Successors. The major difference is Jill Stein proving in Detroit at least that the Ds have never seen a ballot box that they won't stuff. Even more important is their history of self-enrichment at the taxpayer's expense. The Ds are simply a criminal gang masquerading as a political party. That is the reason for the correlation in those maps you use as a sig and that is the most important difference to keep in mind.

Democrats went from stealing the labors of an enslaved man to stealing from the coffers of a free man.

No they have been stealing everything not nailed down and some things that are from their foundation: free, slave is irrelevant.

My point is the only thing they have learned is how to steal more from more.
I don't think Trump is attacked because he's white...but because of things he himself has said. He engineered a campaign that was volatile, angry, and insulting to many people. When criticized his reaction was way out of proportion to the perceived slight with all the hallmarks of a scorched earth mentality. The fact that his campaign attracted fringe groups long marginalized by both the left and the right didn't help matters.

I think I see where you are going with this though :lol: When Obama was attacked was it race? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I think the persistence of the birther movement had some racial connotations to it.

The Democrats of today are not the Democrats of yesterday - the southern conservative Dixiecrats who supported Jim Crowe and fled the party when it turned away from them and promoted civil rights. Who welcomed them with open arms...hmmmm? (hint - the Dems lost that valuable block of southern states).
The democrats moved to and took over the cities and taught racist thinking to ANOTHER color all the while killing them in ever growing numbers.

While the Ds were founded in 1824 as an openly racist party preaching Indian genocide by death march east of the Mississippi, the Republicans were not far behind as with Lincoln's idea of dumping blacks in Liberia, the Long Walk of the Dinneh under his watch too and similar stunts by their Successors. The major difference is Jill Stein proving in Detroit at least that the Ds have never seen a ballot box that they won't stuff. Even more important is their history of self-enrichment at the taxpayer's expense. The Ds are simply a criminal gang masquerading as a political party. That is the reason for the correlation in those maps you use as a sig and that is the most important difference to keep in mind.
Democrats went from stealing the labors of an enslaved man to stealing from the coffers of a free man.
I don't think Trump is attacked because he's white...but because of things he himself has said. He engineered a campaign that was volatile, angry, and insulting to many people. When criticized his reaction was way out of proportion to the perceived slight with all the hallmarks of a scorched earth mentality. The fact that his campaign attracted fringe groups long marginalized by both the left and the right didn't help matters.

I think I see where you are going with this though :lol: When Obama was attacked was it race? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I think the persistence of the birther movement had some racial connotations to it.

The Democrats of today are not the Democrats of yesterday - the southern conservative Dixiecrats who supported Jim Crowe and fled the party when it turned away from them and promoted civil rights. Who welcomed them with open arms...hmmmm? (hint - the Dems lost that valuable block of southern states).
The democrats moved to and took over the cities and taught racist thinking to ANOTHER color all the while killing them in ever growing numbers.

While the Ds were founded in 1824 as an openly racist party preaching Indian genocide by death march east of the Mississippi, the Republicans were not far behind as with Lincoln's idea of dumping blacks in Liberia, the Long Walk of the Dinneh under his watch too and similar stunts by their Successors. The major difference is Jill Stein proving in Detroit at least that the Ds have never seen a ballot box that they won't stuff. Even more important is their history of self-enrichment at the taxpayer's expense. The Ds are simply a criminal gang masquerading as a political party. That is the reason for the correlation in those maps you use as a sig and that is the most important difference to keep in mind.
Democrats went from stealing the labors of an enslaved man to stealing from the coffers of a free man.
I don't think Trump is attacked because he's white...but because of things he himself has said. He engineered a campaign that was volatile, angry, and insulting to many people. When criticized his reaction was way out of proportion to the perceived slight with all the hallmarks of a scorched earth mentality. The fact that his campaign attracted fringe groups long marginalized by both the left and the right didn't help matters.

I think I see where you are going with this though :lol: When Obama was attacked was it race? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I think the persistence of the birther movement had some racial connotations to it.

The Democrats of today are not the Democrats of yesterday - the southern conservative Dixiecrats who supported Jim Crowe and fled the party when it turned away from them and promoted civil rights. Who welcomed them with open arms...hmmmm? (hint - the Dems lost that valuable block of southern states).
The democrats moved to and took over the cities and taught racist thinking to ANOTHER color all the while killing them in ever growing numbers.

While the Ds were founded in 1824 as an openly racist party preaching Indian genocide by death march east of the Mississippi, the Republicans were not far behind as with Lincoln's idea of dumping blacks in Liberia, the Long Walk of the Dinneh under his watch too and similar stunts by their Successors. The major difference is Jill Stein proving in Detroit at least that the Ds have never seen a ballot box that they won't stuff. Even more important is their history of self-enrichment at the taxpayer's expense. The Ds are simply a criminal gang masquerading as a political party. That is the reason for the correlation in those maps you use as a sig and that is the most important difference to keep in mind.
Democrats went from stealing the labors of an enslaved man to stealing from the coffers of a free man.

No they have been stealing everything not nailed down and some things that are from their foundation: free, slave is irrelevant.
My point is the only thing they have learned is how to steal more from more.
you are a racist against black folks and 2 coward to admit who you are.
Playing the Race Card became really counter-productive due to Obama overplaying it to get more loot for himself and his buddies.
i am prejudiced against orange skinned fascists.

I guess we are all prejudiced against something.

I'm prejudiced against hyperbolic polemicists who are so blinded by their extreme partisanship that all they know how to do is demonize, myself.

i am an indy & have voted for plenty of (real) conservative republicans. lol.... next.
Your a what?

indy...short for independent... not beholden to a political party.... something you are apparently unfamiliar with.

I'm not buying it for one second.

What you did was tantamount to people calling Obama a communist. It is the degree of hyperbole reflected in the statement that belies any claims to neutrality. Of course, those who do call Obama a commie usually don't try to claim they are something they are not, as I have never noticed any trying to pass themselves off as anything but conservative.

do i care what you think? lol............ i never said i didn't lean left, but i don't put party over country & your dear leader is as fascist as they come. to me, that is what i voted against in this election. try reading what the 14 tenets of fascism is & donny from queens is your guy to get amerika rocking in that direction. putin must be so proud.
I guess we are all prejudiced against something.

I'm prejudiced against hyperbolic polemicists who are so blinded by their extreme partisanship that all they know how to do is demonize, myself.

i am an indy & have voted for plenty of (real) conservative republicans. lol.... next.
Your a what?

indy...short for independent... not beholden to a political party.... something you are apparently unfamiliar with.

I'm not buying it for one second.

What you did was tantamount to people calling Obama a communist. It is the degree of hyperbole reflected in the statement that belies any claims to neutrality. Of course, those who do call Obama a commie usually don't try to claim they are something they are not, as I have never noticed any trying to pass themselves off as anything but conservative.

do i care what you think? lol............ i never said i didn't lean left, but i don't put party over country & your dear leader is as fascist as they come. to me, that is what i voted against in this election. try reading what the 14 tenets of fascism is & donny from queens is your guy to get amerika rocking in that direction. putin must be so proud.
Lean left? You are to the left of fascism my LWNJ friend....:lol:
i am an indy & have voted for plenty of (real) conservative republicans. lol.... next.
Your a what?

indy...short for independent... not beholden to a political party.... something you are apparently unfamiliar with.

I'm not buying it for one second.

What you did was tantamount to people calling Obama a communist. It is the degree of hyperbole reflected in the statement that belies any claims to neutrality. Of course, those who do call Obama a commie usually don't try to claim they are something they are not, as I have never noticed any trying to pass themselves off as anything but conservative.

do i care what you think? lol............ i never said i didn't lean left, but i don't put party over country & your dear leader is as fascist as they come. to me, that is what i voted against in this election. try reading what the 14 tenets of fascism is & donny from queens is your guy to get amerika rocking in that direction. putin must be so proud.
Lean left? You are to the left of fascism my LWNJ friend....:lol:

okey dokey, like many of your cohorts... you are useless in trying to have a comprehensive dialogue just by your obvious willingness to be ignorant- & the rapid speed to reply asap, you have no clue what those 14 tenets are & didn't even bother to rub your 2 braincells together long enough to look it up.

as i predicted. thanx for not disappointing me.
Your a what?

indy...short for independent... not beholden to a political party.... something you are apparently unfamiliar with.

I'm not buying it for one second.

What you did was tantamount to people calling Obama a communist. It is the degree of hyperbole reflected in the statement that belies any claims to neutrality. Of course, those who do call Obama a commie usually don't try to claim they are something they are not, as I have never noticed any trying to pass themselves off as anything but conservative.

do i care what you think? lol............ i never said i didn't lean left, but i don't put party over country & your dear leader is as fascist as they come. to me, that is what i voted against in this election. try reading what the 14 tenets of fascism is & donny from queens is your guy to get amerika rocking in that direction. putin must be so proud.
Lean left? You are to the left of fascism my LWNJ friend....:lol:

okey dokey, like many of your cohorts... you are useless in trying to have a comprehensive dialogue just by your obvious willingness to be ignorant- & the rapid speed to reply asap, you have no clue what those 14 tenets are & didn't even bother to rub your 2 braincells together long enough to look it up.

as i predicted. thanx for not disappointing me.
To the far left of fascism you are...

i am prejudiced against orange skinned fascists.

I guess we are all prejudiced against something.

I'm prejudiced against hyperbolic polemicists who are so blinded by their extreme partisanship that all they know how to do is demonize, myself.

i am an indy & have voted for plenty of (real) conservative republicans. lol.... next.
Your a what?

indy...short for independent... not beholden to a political party.... something you are apparently unfamiliar with.
Independent my ass. You voted Hillary.

yep i certainly did, because there were no real republicans running for prez this time around. & i wasn't gonna vote for the facist mango, nor was i gonna vote for johnson. like i said... i don't vote party over country like

Has obama openly attacked news orgs ?

I don't remember "fuck You Fox News , you are a bunch of liars ". During his pressers .
You don't remember it because you don't know what's going on. He's attacked them repeatedly, along with any conservative voice and did so just recently. You know nothing but are highly opinionated.
I guess we are all prejudiced against something.

I'm prejudiced against hyperbolic polemicists who are so blinded by their extreme partisanship that all they know how to do is demonize, myself.

i am an indy & have voted for plenty of (real) conservative republicans. lol.... next.
Your a what?

indy...short for independent... not beholden to a political party.... something you are apparently unfamiliar with.
Independent my ass. You voted Hillary.

yep i certainly did, because there were no real republicans running for prez this time around. & i wasn't gonna vote for the facist mango, nor was i gonna vote for johnson. like i said... i don't vote party over country like

Hillary needed more loyal idiots like you...:lol:
i am an indy & have voted for plenty of (real) conservative republicans. lol.... next.
Your a what?

indy...short for independent... not beholden to a political party.... something you are apparently unfamiliar with.
Independent my ass. You voted Hillary.

yep i certainly did, because there were no real republicans running for prez this time around. & i wasn't gonna vote for the facist mango, nor was i gonna vote for johnson. like i said... i don't vote party over country like

Hillary needed more loyal idiots like you...:lol:

uh-huh. poor little troll, you are starting to bore me.
Your a what?

indy...short for independent... not beholden to a political party.... something you are apparently unfamiliar with.
Independent my ass. You voted Hillary.

yep i certainly did, because there were no real republicans running for prez this time around. & i wasn't gonna vote for the facist mango, nor was i gonna vote for johnson. like i said... i don't vote party over country like

Hillary needed more loyal idiots like you...:lol:

uh-huh. poor little troll, you are starting to bore me.
Yes, because I beat you like a.....

indy...short for independent... not beholden to a political party.... something you are apparently unfamiliar with.
Independent my ass. You voted Hillary.

yep i certainly did, because there were no real republicans running for prez this time around. & i wasn't gonna vote for the facist mango, nor was i gonna vote for johnson. like i said... i don't vote party over country like

Hillary needed more loyal idiots like you...:lol:

uh-huh. poor little troll, you are starting to bore me.
Yes, because I beat you like a.....

View attachment 106755

of course you did... you do live in trumpland after all................
Lewis played Trump expertly.

A mild rebuke and observation of the Trumpian legitimacy lead to a wild over the top Trump attack picked up and continued by his followers.

Chuck Todd's interview in full with the congress critter will lead into a news spin cycle all week that will now stain Inauguration Day, which will be augmented by however many opponents, particularly the women, who show up at the last moment to yell at Trump.

Trump has been outplayed so far.
Lewis played Trump expertly.

A mild rebuke and observation of the Trumpian legitimacy lead to a wild over the top Trump attack picked up and continued by his followers.

Chuck Todd's interview in full with the congress critter will lead into a news spin cycle all week that will now stain Inauguration Day, which will be augmented by however many opponents, particularly the women, who show up at the last moment to yell at Trump.

Trump has been outplayed so far.
the race card is all you fascist democrats have's embarrassing....
do i care what you think? lol............ i never said i didn't lean left, but i don't put party over country & your dear leader is as fascist as they come. to me, that is what i voted against in this election. try reading what the 14 tenets of fascism is & donny from queens is your guy to get amerika rocking in that direction. putin must be so proud.

Amerika? Oh, that's just precious. You could have saved yourself a lot of effort if you had announced that you are still just a teenager in the "stick it to the man", acting-out stage of your life who is simply flinging shit in a vain attempt to grapple with all your pubescent angst.

My suggestion to you is to pay more attention to your English classes so you can learn to write at an adult level, while worrying a bit less about projecting all your little worries here.
We know for a fact that Obama used the IRS to punish political enemies and then used "executive privilege" to prevent the IRS boss from testifying. We know for a fact that CNN leaked the debate questions to the Hillary campaign and we know for a fact that CNN tried to smear the president elect with fake news. Americans are better informed today despite the mainstream media's conspiracy to elect democrats and smear republicans but the democrat party, which lost over a thousand seats in state and federal elections during the Obama administration, still doesn't seem to get it.

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