Open Hate And Harassment

"Racist" is the "Wolf!" cry of the Democrats...and just like the boy in the fable, they got eaten alive.

I agree, accusations of "racism" are way diminishes real racism when it does occur.

The big racial problems for the Ds is that they have doubled down on eliminating black jobs and using illegals as the means of doing so. When that blows up they will become more of a regional party than they are now and if they have some secret plan to walk back this dumber than dumb strategy then they have better security than any intelligence force on the planet.
When did the GOP ever get rid of illegals when in power? The worst episode for me was during Boosh, the use of illegals was done by no specific party,unless it was the party of greed.......The people with the means of financing construction used them over a preference of citizens to fill their pockets...
Seems to be the liberal trick of the day and while many may have written on CNN's attack on Trump one angle has been missed. CNN and Liberals are in fact racist.
This is so easy to prove because its so open. Had ANY white person gone after Obama like they did Trump EVERY liberal democrat that could draw a breath would have said "You attacked him BECAUSE he is black!"

Given the history of CNN I suggest to you folks Donald Trump was attacked SOLELY on the fact he is white. The fact he is Christian and Conservative is only the ribbon and the bow on the package. The fact he is Euro/White is the reason democrats hate him.

Obama was NEVER attacked like that during a press conference NEVER. So it HAS to be because of his color right? We have has that very excuse pounded into us for eight LONG years! Let us now ALL face the fact that CNN and democrats ARE open and virulent RACISTS.

There is simply NO place in a civilized free world country for that crap. Its time we faced the fact that the democrat party has not only been the symbol but the center of every racist group and movement founded, formed or financed in this country for TWO HUNDRED years.

We have a DUTY as American CITIZENS as people who hold to the constitution and support the Bill of Rights to stomp out EVERY last breath of ANY hate mongering and racist group in America. And the core of ALL those groups from the KKK to BLM IS the democrat party.

World history WILL one day record that the greatest mistake we made as a country {America} and the greatest mistake we made as a people {Americans} was to ALLOW the democrat party to even exist post civil war. We have ALLOWED a party to exist that HAS and DOES support the enslavement of humanity.

How foolish have we been?


I don't think Trump is attacked because he's white...but because of things he himself has said. He engineered a campaign that was volatile, angry, and insulting to many people. When criticized his reaction was way out of proportion to the perceived slight with all the hallmarks of a scorched earth mentality. The fact that his campaign attracted fringe groups long marginalized by both the left and the right didn't help matters.

I think I see where you are going with this though :lol: When Obama was attacked was it race? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I think the persistence of the birther movement had some racial connotations to it.

The Democrats of today are not the Democrats of yesterday - the southern conservative Dixiecrats who supported Jim Crowe and fled the party when it turned away from them and promoted civil rights. Who welcomed them with open arms...hmmmm? (hint - the Dems lost that valuable block of southern states).

Please list those Democrats that fled to the GOP. There was one that I can name that switched for religious reasons but none for racial reasons. The KKK is still overwhelmingly Democratic. Dixiecrats, like Mary Landrieu, still abound. Racists still exist in both parties.

Why did the KKK protest Trump's nomination hearings if they are pro-Trump? They were right there with BLM.

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